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7.-Can I come to see you at ten o'clock,John?
-I'm sorry,Jo,but I ______ my uncle then.(  )
A.visitedB.will visit
C.will be visitingD.am visiting

分析 -明天十点钟我能去看你吗?John

解答 答案为C.根据问句"Can I come to see you at ten o'clock,John?"和后句中的"then"可知谓语要用将来进行时表示"那时我将会正在看望我的叔叔"所以答案为C.

点评 考查将来进行时.时态的题语境是关键,只有正确理解前后句之间的语言环境才能选出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America.His workmates gave a nickname(绰号)"Four dollars a bucket (桶)"to him,for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his company"Four dollars a bucket of oil"below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.
As time went by,people forgot his real name.Later,when Rockefeller,the board chairman of the oil company,heard of it,he was very surprised,so he invited Albert to come to his office.
"Some people give you a nickname for‘Four dollars a bucket'.Why aren't you angry?"asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes.
"Oh!Mr.Rockefeller!I like this nickname very much,because‘Four dollars a bucket'is our company's advertisement.As long as someone calls me‘Four dollars a bucket'once,I think it's a free advertisement for our company.I have no reason to get angry.Don't you think so,Mr.Rockefeller?"
"Oh!What a fantastic man!"Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Albert's words."Young man,work harder!You must succeed in the future!I believe in you!"
Five years later,Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller.
Later Albert said in one of his reports,"I don't think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things.We should treat every thing actively because maybe our future success will begin from a small thing!"
51.What was Albert in the oil company at the beginning?D
A.A customer                             
B.An assistant.
C.A manager
D.A worker.
52.Why wasn't Albert angry at his nickname?D
A.He could become famous.
B.He liked to have a nickname.
C.It could make his workmates happy.
D.It could advertise for his company for free.
53.What is the main idea of this passage?A
A.It's very important to do small things well.
B.Rockefeller asked young people to work harder.
C.You can't get angry when someone calls your nickname.
D.You should make more advertisements for your company.
54.What would be the best title for this passage?C
A.A Clever Way to Make Advertisements
B.Albert and Rockefeller.
C.Four Dollars a Bucket
D.The Second Board Chairman.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The most detailed breakdown(分析) of ethnic and gender performance in national curriculum tests for 7,11 and 14-year-olds shows that Chinese pupils do best in every subject at every age.Chinese and Indian pupils outperformed white British children in English tests for 11-year-olds.In all,83% of Chinese students reached the required standard compared with 78% of Indian pupils and 75% of white UK pupils and only 65% of Bangladeshi children reaching level four,the standard that an 11-year-old should achieve.
         While the overall results show the performance of every ethnic group at GCSE(中等教育普通证书) is improving,they do highlight a worrying trend for white British pupils.David Miliband,the minister for School Standards,said the results showed that while standards in secondary schools were rising,there was"a shocking gender gap between boys and girls".He added:"58.2% of girls achieved five A to C grade passes at GCSE in 2003 compared with just 49.9% of boys,and white working-class boys are one of the lowest performing groups at 14."According to researchers,"In the weeks leading up to GCSE unsupervised study leave at home in many areas has become the norm(惯例).They are left to their own devices."Mr.Miliband is supporting a plan to persuade schools to drop study leave before GCSEs and replace it with structured revision in school.
53.What's the best title for this text?B
A.Chinese-British Pupils'Education in Britain
B.British Primary Education
C.British Ethnic Minority Education
D.The GCSE In Britain
54.All UK 11-year-olds'required standard in English tests is that they should reachD.
A.grade A        B.grade B       C.grade C           D.level 4
55.What worries David Miliband according to the text?C
A.Chinese-British and Indian-British pupils surpass British pupils in every subject.
B.White working class boys perform worst in schools
C.Girls perform much better than boys.
D.Before GCSE all students are asked to do revision at school by themselves.
56.According to David Miliband,the study leave before GCSE isA.
A.unacceptable      B.practical          C.admirable         D.understandable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.I have been using the Internet since I was five years old,when my dad first sat me down in front of a computer and connected me to the World Wide Web.
I've always felt like a master of the Internet world.AOL Instant Messaging,MSN,Gmail,Facebook,Myspace-I've got it all under control.I thought there was nothing more to it besides checking my e-mail and wasting my time,until I was introduced to electronic commerce (e-commerce):business on the Internet.
Some online businesses are run from one-room home offices.Others have hundreds of employees spread across five different continents.Have you ever heard of Amazon.com,Yahoo.com?
My friends often said they got cheap textbooks off Amazon.com,or had a good deal on Steve Madden boots that were on sale at SteveMadden.com.Unfortunately for me,I continued my"e-commerce-less"Web-surfing,unaware(未意识到) of all the deals I was missing out on.
That is,of course,until my sister finally sold the idea to me.
"Why are all these packages arriving in the mail for you,Katy?"I asked her one day.Strange envelopes had been put on our doorstep for weeks now,each one always addressed to my sister; and we all know little sisters should never be getting more mail than their older siblings (兄弟姐妹)!
"Oh,it's the   stuff  I ordered online!"she answered.I watched speechlessly as she opened item after item.There was no way our parents were letting her spend that much money----online or off!
"How much did all of this cost?"
"Oh,only about $15in all!"She said excitedly."Everything on eBay is on sale!It's way better than going to the mall."
I felt as if during my entire life,there had been a store right in my backyard that I had never walked into! That week,I ordered a used Spanish textbook for my summer course online for 10percent of the publishing price.A few days later,I bought an iPod protector and a book or two through the wonderful eBay.com.

26.From the first two paragraphs we can conclude that the authorD.
A.had no experience using computer
B.thought surfing the Internet was a waste of time
C.only used the Internet to check e-mail
D.had no idea of what e-commerce is
27.What does the underlined word"stuff"in Paragraph 7mean?A
A.Things bought on line.
B.People working in online shops.
C.Shops on the Internet.
D.People who do online shopping.
28.Why was the author surprised when she saw her sister's items?D
A.Because she had no knowledge of online shopping.
B.Because she did not like the stuff that her sister bought.
C.Because she thought her parents liked her sister more.
D.Because she had not thought her sister should buy so many things.
29.The underlined part of the sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the authorB.
A.wanted to go for a walk in her backyard
B.had never done online shopping before
C.was eager to open up an online shop
D.showed great interest in the Internet
30.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?C
A.To give advice on how to do online shopping.
B.To encourage readers to do online shopping.
C.To share her experiences on how to know e-commerce.
D.To introduce some famous websites to readers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.When I first saw the book Alice in Lace,I thought I was going to like it.And as it turned out,I love it!I love books about life and being a kid.And Alice in Lace is just that kind.It's a humorous book about being thirteen and the problems kids might face.Alice and her friends get a strange assignment from their totally cool teacher,Mr.Everett.It was like playing the game of"Life,"but you had to act it out.
So Pamela is pregnant,Elizabeth buys a car and Alice gets married.Well,of course,Pamela wasn't really pregnant,but she walked around with a pillow under her shirt to get people's reactions.Elizabeth didn't really buy a car,but she went to the car lot and made the sales guy think she was.The whole class got assignments like these!I would love to do something like that for school.
In the book Alice has a lot to think about."Getting married is hard!"Alice says.She has to plan the ceremony,the honeymoon,find a place to live,pay for furniture and two months'rent and food.Maybe she and her"husband"could work it out-if they were getting on fine!
Although this book was funny,it really made me think about how problems like these could really mess up your life.Take teenage pregnancy for example.How could you have a baby and stay in school?You couldn't find a babysitter every day to stay with your kid.A child really consumes your life.I understand what the teacher was trying to do.He was trying to discourage the class from getting into these problems by giving them a glimpse of life.As someone about to become a teenager myself,I can say sometimes a story makes you think about what's up ahead.
Overall,I would say this book is wonderful.My favorite part of the book is discovering that if I like it,there are seven other Alice books I can check out at my local library.I love this book,and I hope you will too.
59.We can infer from the passage that Pamela,Elizabeth and AliceB.
A.turn out to be the author's classmates 
B.are characters in Alice in Lace
C.get along quite well
D.become dismissed from school
60.By saying"getting married is hard"in the paragraph 3,Alice meansA.
A.life isn't easy as expected
B.it is hard to deal with her husband
C.she regrets getting married
D.it's fun to get married
61.Why did Mr.Everett give his students such assignments?B
A.To encourage them to enjoy a meaningful life.
B.To prevent them getting into those troubles at an early age.
C.To make them realize the hardship of life.
D.To teach them how to make a living.
62.The author writes the passage mainly toC.
A.advise us to buy Alice in Lace
B.tell us how wonderful Mr.Everett's idea is
C.share her inspiration from Alice in Lace
D.show off her reading ability.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Getting your teen to think beyond his own immediate needs can be more difficult than cracking a nut with a plastic fork.But don't worry.It's not impossible.There are many ways to encourage your teen to care about those outside his immediate circle of friends.As he begins to have responsibility towards others,he will realize he feels even better about himself.
"Teens are thinking about career,college,and what their future might look like,"explains Michelle Midenberg,a clinical director of Westchester Group Works,a center for group treatment in New York."This is very challenging and just one of the reasons why they are so focused on their own world."Once teens participate h community service,howeer,they begin to look beyond their personal needs.They also learn firsthand about the challenges others face,and they experience a sense of authority as they realize they can make a real difference in others'lives.
Not sure how to convince a teen to get away from the cell phone and into a community project?Teens buy into community service when the project or program is in an area of their interest.
"Finding something in an are of interest for them keeps them motivated and inspired,"Maidenberg says.For instance,if he is interested in culinary (烹饪) school,he could volunteer in a soup kitchen or bake for a project that supports families in need.Volunteer projects in your teen's area of interest will build her knowledge base as well as help others.
Parents can do their part by participating in community service themselves.Teens can learn directly from their parents that personal enjoyment is not,all tha matters.
Let teens know the benefits they will obtain."Give them every reason in the world to volunteer,"Maidenberg advises.She says that working on community service projects builds confidence."By working with others,teens improve managerial,interpersonal and communication skills.Community service helps to approach maturity when they take a step back to see the needs of other people,"she adds.Another reward:service hours look great on a resume!

64.According to Michelle Maidenberg,it's hard to get teens to think beyond their own immediate needs partly becauseD.
A.they care more about their circle of friends
B.they have no interest in doing anything
C.they have to work hard for college
D.they are facing many challenges
65.The underlined phrase"buy into"in Paragraph 3probably meansA.
A.agree to join in    B.spend money on  C.get away from     D.are interested in
66.The writer mntions the benefits in the last paragraph in order toC.
A.make teens feel much better about themselves
B.encourage teens to care about his own needs
C.help parents reason teens into volunteering
D.get parents to do more community service.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Louis Kahn is considered one of the most important American architect of the 20th century,who helped define(定义)modern architecture.
Kahn showed excellence as all artist at an early age.He later went to the University of Pennsylvania and studied architecture full time.
Louis Kahn Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures.He was very interested in the look and feel of the materials he used.He used brick and concrete in new and special ways.Kahn also liked natural light to enter his buildings through interesting kinds of windows and openings.Kahn's work can also be identified by his creative use of geometric shapes.
Many of his buildings use squares,circles and triangles.Louis Kahn's buildings have many influences.Some experts say his trip to Rome in 1951 influenced him the most.He also traveled through other parts of Italy,Greece and Egypt.There,he saw the ancient Greek and Roman ruins that influenced him to develop an architecture that combines both modem and ancient designs. 
Kahn's buildings share a common solidity and heaviness.They are very different from the works of other famous architects of the period,who preferred light and airy buildings.Their weightless-looking structures were mostly made of glass and metal while Kahn used stone and concrete.Many of his structures look more ancient than modern.
Kahn's first important project was the Yale Art Gallery.The outside of the building is very simple.The inside of the gallery shows Kahn's great artistic sense.Its completion represented an important step in Kahn's professional life.
Though being a successful architect,Kahn was not a very good businessman.He would change his designs many times.This would make each project take a great deal of time and cost more money.The majority of the projects he designed were never built.Also,he did.not like to compromise his design ideas to satisfy a buyer's wishes.For this reason and others,Kahn did not make many buildings.In fact,when Kahn died,he was in great debt.This is especially unusual since he was considered one of the most important architects in the world.
56.By writing the text,the writer mainly aims toB.
A.tell us what kind of style of.Kahn's projects
B.give us a brief,introduction of Louis Kahn
C.explain the things that influenced Kahn's buildings most
D.introduce the father of modem architecture to us
57.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?D
A.The definition of Kahn's architecture.   
B.The an of Kahn's architecture.  
C.The special ways of Kahn's architecture.       
D.The style of Kahn's architecture.
58.Which of the following building might be designed by Louis Kahn?B

59.Why were Kahn's buildings looking more ancient than modern?A
A.The ancient Greek and Roman ruins influenced him greatly.
B.The architects of his period preferred ancient buildings.
C.His first important project is of ancient style.
D.He disliked liked modern architecture and seldom changed his designs.
60.Which of the following may explain why Kahn was in debt before death?C
A.His architectures were not famous cnough.
B.The buyers'wishes were hard to meet.
C.Many projects he designed didn't bring him any money.
D.The projects he designed were too complex to build.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

16.One summer in college,I was invited to be an instructor at a high school leadership camp.
I first(16)noticeda boy under the tree on the first day of camp.His obvious(17)discomfort and shyness made him appear weak and lonely.Nearby,200 (18)eagercampers were playing and joking,but the boy seemed to want to be anywhere (19)other than where he was.
I was instructed to care more about campers who might feel(20)left out.So I  (21)approached him and said,"Hi,I'm Kevin.It's nice to meet you.How are you?"(22)In a shaky voice he (23)unwillingly answered,"Okay,I guess."
I calmly asked him to join in the activities and  (24)meet some new people.He quietly replied,"No,this is not really my thing."
I could (26)sense that this whole experience was (26)strangeto him.But I somehow knew it wouldn't be right to (27)push him,either.It was going to take more time and  (28)efforts.
The next day,I was leading camp songs for the campers.They eagerly participated.But the boy was just sitting alone,(29)staring out the window.
That evening at our nightly staff meeting,I made my (30)concern about him known.I asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him (31)when they could.
The days flew by fast.When the"last dance"came,surprisingly,the boy from under the tree was now a shirtless dancing (32)wonder.He owned the dance floor (33)sharing meaningful time with others.I couldn't'believe it was him.
In that instant,I realized how easy it is to give a bit of  (34)yourself every day.You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else.I tell this story as  (35)often as I can,and I advise others to look out for their own"boy under the tree."

19.A.other thanB.just asC.or ratherD.as well as
20.A.left outB.put outC.made outD.let out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.It is important to have a positiveattitude(态度)when we begin to work on every thing.

