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11.One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister.On this occasion,the work was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend.I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children.Later,I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.
I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out.I called home with this happy news.But instead of hearing his cheerful,grateful voice on the other end of the line,all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.
It was,I should point out,after 10 p.m.,when the two younger children should have been in bed,and when the two older children should have been answering the phone."I'll give him a lesson,"I said.I decided they must be outside.Why they might be outside at 10:30 on a winter night I had no idea,but it was the only explanation I could come up with.
Finally,in desperation,I called his girlfriend's house.After what seemed like countless rings,his girlfriend answered."Yes,"she said brightly,"He's right here."
He came on the phone.I was not my usual calm,rational(理智的)self.After all,one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can't trust modern teenagers."Where are the children?"I said.He said they were with him.They had done nothing wrong.My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend's house just for ice cream and cake.This was too good to be believed.Well,it turns out that I shouldn't have believed it.It was only part of the truth.
The following Saturday evening we were at my parents'home,celebrating my birthday.My oldest son gave me the children's gifts.Mounted and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children,dressed in their best clothes,and wearing their most wonderful expressions.They are pictures to treasure a lifetime,all taken by the father of my son's girlfriend.
61.The author went out and left her eldest son in charge of the younger children becauseA.
A.she knew that her eldest son was a good baby-sitter
B.she thought it no hard work to take care of the younger ones
C.she believed he could do well with his girlfriend's help
D.she could not find a baby-sitter on that winter night
62.When the author called home that evening,she found thatD.
A.two younger children had already been in bed
B.the children were preparing a birthday gift for her
C.her son was quarrelling with his girlfriend
D.there was no one answering the telephone
63.What can you learn from the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph?A
A.The author didn't believe what her son had told her.
B.The author had complete confidence in her son.
C.The author believed her son was telling the truth.
D.The author was moved by what her children had done.
64.What might the children do that evening?C
A.They had a birthday party.                 
B.They framed some photographs.
C.They had their pictures taken.                 
D.They made some beautiful clothes.
65.What does the author intend to tell us by the story?D
A.Modern teenagers are not worth trusting.   
B.It is no easy job to look after young children.
C.It's no good to have a girlfriend at an early age.    
D.Her children have a caring and tender heart.

分析 本文写了一位妈妈让大孩子看管了一次小孩子,担心孩子们过得会一团糟,但是在这次经历之后孩子们却为妈妈准备了珍贵的生日礼物的感人故事.

解答 61答案A.细节理解题,根据文章第一段"I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children"我相信大的孩子能够看好小的孩子,所以答案选A.
62.答案是D.细节理解题,根据文中句子"I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with."我发现我做的最不合适的事就是把孩子们留在家里,所以答案选D.
63.答案是A. 根据前一句Well,it turns out that I shouldn't have believed it可知,作者是不相信她的儿子的,故答案为A
64.答案 C 文章最后一段,作者收到的孩子们的礼物是一些照片"all taken by the father of my son's girlfriend"而且这些照片都是儿子女朋友的爸爸拍的,可见吃冰淇淋和蛋糕并不是孩子们做的所有的事情,他们还给妈妈准备了生日礼物,所以答案选C.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Mo Yan,a Chinese writer has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday.The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in its history.Informed of his win today,the author,who was having dinner at home,was"overjoyed and scared".
Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers,Mo Yan--a pen name for Guan Moye,grew up in Gaomi in shandong province in eastern China.At the age of 12,he left school to work,first in agriculture,later in a factory,In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing.
He published his first book in 1981,but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu,which was successfully filmed in the stone year,directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou.In his writing,Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth and his works show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Mo Yan is known as a prolific (多产的)writer.In addition to his novels,he has published many short stories and essays on various topics.Despite his social criticism,be is seen in his homeland as one of the most famous contemporary authors.Dozens of his works have been translated into English,French,Japanese and many other languages.
The awarding ceremony was held on December 10.Mo Yan won a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of about $1 million.
56.How did Mo Yan feel when he was told about the news?D
A.Excited and proud
B.Worried and cautious.
C.Uncertain and shocked              
D.Happy and surprised..
57.Mo Yan developed his ability for writing when he wasC.
A.on a farm                        
B.in a factory
C.in the army                       
D.in a school
58.One of Mo Yan's characteristics of writing is that heC.
A.explains difficult matters in simple words
B.focuses on social problems in the country
C.writes about topics he is familiar with
D.describes his characters in a unique way
59.What's the best title for this passage?A
A.Mo Yan Wins Nobel Prize in Literature 
B.An Introduction to Nobel Prize
C.How Mo Yan Gets Nobel Prize       
D.A World Famous Writer,Mo Yan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.When I first saw the book Alice in Lace,I thought I was going to like it.And as it turned out,I love it!I love books about life and being a kid.And Alice in Lace is just that kind.It's a humorous book about being thirteen and the problems kids might face.Alice and her friends get a strange assignment from their totally cool teacher,Mr.Everett.It was like playing the game of"Life,"but you had to act it out.
So Pamela is pregnant,Elizabeth buys a car and Alice gets married.Well,of course,Pamela wasn't really pregnant,but she walked around with a pillow under her shirt to get people's reactions.Elizabeth didn't really buy a car,but she went to the car lot and made the sales guy think she was.The whole class got assignments like these!I would love to do something like that for school.
In the book Alice has a lot to think about."Getting married is hard!"Alice says.She has to plan the ceremony,the honeymoon,find a place to live,pay for furniture and two months'rent and food.Maybe she and her"husband"could work it out-if they were getting on fine!
Although this book was funny,it really made me think about how problems like these could really mess up your life.Take teenage pregnancy for example.How could you have a baby and stay in school?You couldn't find a babysitter every day to stay with your kid.A child really consumes your life.I understand what the teacher was trying to do.He was trying to discourage the class from getting into these problems by giving them a glimpse of life.As someone about to become a teenager myself,I can say sometimes a story makes you think about what's up ahead.
Overall,I would say this book is wonderful.My favorite part of the book is discovering that if I like it,there are seven other Alice books I can check out at my local library.I love this book,and I hope you will too.
59.We can infer from the passage that Pamela,Elizabeth and AliceB.
A.turn out to be the author's classmates 
B.are characters in Alice in Lace
C.get along quite well
D.become dismissed from school
60.By saying"getting married is hard"in the paragraph 3,Alice meansA.
A.life isn't easy as expected
B.it is hard to deal with her husband
C.she regrets getting married
D.it's fun to get married
61.Why did Mr.Everett give his students such assignments?B
A.To encourage them to enjoy a meaningful life.
B.To prevent them getting into those troubles at an early age.
C.To make them realize the hardship of life.
D.To teach them how to make a living.
62.The author writes the passage mainly toC.
A.advise us to buy Alice in Lace
B.tell us how wonderful Mr.Everett's idea is
C.share her inspiration from Alice in Lace
D.show off her reading ability.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Louis Kahn is considered one of the most important American architect of the 20th century,who helped define(定义)modern architecture.
Kahn showed excellence as all artist at an early age.He later went to the University of Pennsylvania and studied architecture full time.
Louis Kahn Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures.He was very interested in the look and feel of the materials he used.He used brick and concrete in new and special ways.Kahn also liked natural light to enter his buildings through interesting kinds of windows and openings.Kahn's work can also be identified by his creative use of geometric shapes.
Many of his buildings use squares,circles and triangles.Louis Kahn's buildings have many influences.Some experts say his trip to Rome in 1951 influenced him the most.He also traveled through other parts of Italy,Greece and Egypt.There,he saw the ancient Greek and Roman ruins that influenced him to develop an architecture that combines both modem and ancient designs. 
Kahn's buildings share a common solidity and heaviness.They are very different from the works of other famous architects of the period,who preferred light and airy buildings.Their weightless-looking structures were mostly made of glass and metal while Kahn used stone and concrete.Many of his structures look more ancient than modern.
Kahn's first important project was the Yale Art Gallery.The outside of the building is very simple.The inside of the gallery shows Kahn's great artistic sense.Its completion represented an important step in Kahn's professional life.
Though being a successful architect,Kahn was not a very good businessman.He would change his designs many times.This would make each project take a great deal of time and cost more money.The majority of the projects he designed were never built.Also,he did.not like to compromise his design ideas to satisfy a buyer's wishes.For this reason and others,Kahn did not make many buildings.In fact,when Kahn died,he was in great debt.This is especially unusual since he was considered one of the most important architects in the world.
56.By writing the text,the writer mainly aims toB.
A.tell us what kind of style of.Kahn's projects
B.give us a brief,introduction of Louis Kahn
C.explain the things that influenced Kahn's buildings most
D.introduce the father of modem architecture to us
57.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?D
A.The definition of Kahn's architecture.   
B.The an of Kahn's architecture.  
C.The special ways of Kahn's architecture.       
D.The style of Kahn's architecture.
58.Which of the following building might be designed by Louis Kahn?B

59.Why were Kahn's buildings looking more ancient than modern?A
A.The ancient Greek and Roman ruins influenced him greatly.
B.The architects of his period preferred ancient buildings.
C.His first important project is of ancient style.
D.He disliked liked modern architecture and seldom changed his designs.
60.Which of the following may explain why Kahn was in debt before death?C
A.His architectures were not famous cnough.
B.The buyers'wishes were hard to meet.
C.Many projects he designed didn't bring him any money.
D.The projects he designed were too complex to build.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Popeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach to make him strong.People watched him,and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach.Popeye helped sell 33 percent more spinach than before!Spinach became a necessary part of many people's diets.Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.
Many people thought that the iron in spinach made Popeye strong,but this is not true.Spinach does not have any more iron than any other green vegetable.
People only thought spinach had a lot of iron because the people who studied the food made a mistake.In the 1890s,a group of people studied what was inside vegetables.This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than it did.The group wrote the number wrong,and everyone accepted it.
Today,we know that the little iron there is in spinach cannot make a difference in how strong a person is.However,spinach does have something else which the body needs-folic acid.
It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help make a person strong.Maybe it was really the folic acid that made Popeye strong all along.
51.A good title for this reading passage isB.
A.Popeye the Sailor                                              
B.The Truth about Spinach
C.A Mistake with Numbers                                
D.Folic Acid Makes You Strong
52.Why did many people eat spinach after they saw Popeye the Sailor?A
A.They thought spinach made them strong.
B.They thought Popeye was funny.
C.Spinach had a lot of iron.
D.People liked folic acid.
53.A research group told people that spinachD.
A.made Popeye strong
B.was a green vegetable
C.had less iron than other green vegetables
D.had more iron than other green vegetables
54.The reading passage says that perhaps Popeye got his strength fromC.
B.folic acid               
55.Folic acid isA.
A.something in food                                            
B.a vegetable
D.a certain kind of spinach.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

16.One summer in college,I was invited to be an instructor at a high school leadership camp.
I first(16)noticeda boy under the tree on the first day of camp.His obvious(17)discomfort and shyness made him appear weak and lonely.Nearby,200 (18)eagercampers were playing and joking,but the boy seemed to want to be anywhere (19)other than where he was.
I was instructed to care more about campers who might feel(20)left out.So I  (21)approached him and said,"Hi,I'm Kevin.It's nice to meet you.How are you?"(22)In a shaky voice he (23)unwillingly answered,"Okay,I guess."
I calmly asked him to join in the activities and  (24)meet some new people.He quietly replied,"No,this is not really my thing."
I could (26)sense that this whole experience was (26)strangeto him.But I somehow knew it wouldn't be right to (27)push him,either.It was going to take more time and  (28)efforts.
The next day,I was leading camp songs for the campers.They eagerly participated.But the boy was just sitting alone,(29)staring out the window.
That evening at our nightly staff meeting,I made my (30)concern about him known.I asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him (31)when they could.
The days flew by fast.When the"last dance"came,surprisingly,the boy from under the tree was now a shirtless dancing (32)wonder.He owned the dance floor (33)sharing meaningful time with others.I couldn't'believe it was him.
In that instant,I realized how easy it is to give a bit of  (34)yourself every day.You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else.I tell this story as  (35)often as I can,and I advise others to look out for their own"boy under the tree."

19.A.other thanB.just asC.or ratherD.as well as
20.A.left outB.put outC.made outD.let out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-I phoned you at 7yesterday evening but nobody answered.
-Oh,I ________ my dog in the park then.(  )
A.walkedB.was walkingC.had walkedD.would walk


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Look carefully and you'll find musicians at the top of almost any industry.The television broadcaster Paula Zahn( cello) and the NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd (French horn) attended college on music scholarships; Both Microsoft's Mr.Allen and the venture capitalist Rogar McNamee have rock bands.Lorry Page,a co-founder of Google,played saxophone in high school.The former World Bank president James D.Wolfensohn has played cello at Carnegie Hall.
The connection isn't a coincidence.I know because I asked.I put the question to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media,all of whom had serious ( if often little-known) past lives as musicians.Almost all made a connection between their music training and their professional achievements.
Will your school music program turn your kid into a Paul Allen,the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft (guitar)?Or a Woody Allen (clarinet )?Probably not.These are outstanding achievers.But the way these and other visionaries (有远见的人) I spoke to process music is interesting.
But the key question is:why does that connection exist?Paul Allen offers an answer.He says music"establish your confidence in the ability to create."He began playing the violin at age 7and switched to the guitar as a teenager.Even in the early days of Microsoft,he would pick up his guitar at the end of marathon days of programming.The music was the emotional analog (类比) to his day job,both of them show his different creativity.He says,"something is pushing you to look beyond what currently exists and express yourself in a new way."
For many of the high achievers I spoke with,music functions as a"hidden language,"as Mr.Wolfensohn calls it,one that enhances the ability to connect different or even opposite ideas.When he ran the World Band,Mr.Wolfensohn traveled to more than 100countries,often taking in local performances (and occasionally joining in on a borrowed cello),which helped him understand"the culture of people".
Consider the qualities these high achievers say music has sharpened:cooperation,creativity,discipline and the capacity to coordinate (协调) conflicting ideas.All are qualities obviously absent from public life.Music may not make you a genius,or rich,or even a better person.But it helps train you to think differently,to process different points of views---and most important,to take pleasure in listening.

50.The reason why the author quote so many outstanding people as examples in the first paragraph isD.
A.to prove the popularity and the charm of music
B.to prove all winners are musicians before
C.to encourage kids to choose school music program
D.to prove the connection between success and music
51.What question did the author put to top-flight professionals?A
A.Are success related to music or not?
B.Why do you choose music training?
C.What's the benefit of learning music?
D.Why do you give up the career as a musician?
52.Which of the following is true?D
A.Everybody knows those well-known people are musicians before.
B.Musicians exist in all industries.
C.Music can certainly make you become a better person.
D.Music helps Mr.Wolfensohn have a better understanding of the different culture.
53.The main idea of this passage is thatB.
A.many musicians are found at the top of almost any industry
B.music plays an important role in achieving success
C.music can provide a new way to express yourself
D.music is an absolute necessity for everyone
54.The author develops the passage mainlyC.
A.by classification          
B.by comparison         
C.by example                
D.by process.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.The photosremind(ed)(使…想起) him of his parents who died in the ship accident in the   Yangtze River.

