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Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge(剧增) of women in the workforce may mean a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The converse(反面) of this concern is that becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriage. In the past, only the earnings and financial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show that economic downturns tend to put off marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy comes to life, the number of marriages also rises.

The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The impact of a wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its impact on marriage decisions. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible(似是而非的). Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. By raising a family’s standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family’s financial and emotional stability.

Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.

Also, a major part of women’s inequality in marriage has been due to the fact that, in most cases, men have remained the main breadwinners. A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.

1.It is said in the passage that when the economy falls_____

A. men would choose working women as their marriage partners

B. more women would get married to seek financial security

C. even working women would worry about their marriages

D. more people would prefer to remain single for the time being

2.If women find fulfillment through work outside the home,_____.

A. they are more likely to dominate their marriage partners

B. their husbands are expected to do more housework

C. their marriage ties can be strengthened

D. they tend to put their career before marriage

3.One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that_____.

A. they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom

B. they are afraid of being bossed around by their husbands

C. they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectations

D. they tend to suspect their husbands loyalty to their marriage

4.Which of the following statements can best summarize the authors view in the passage?

A. The stability of marriage and the divorce rate may reflect the economic situation of the country

B. Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for real equality in marriage

C. In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent

D. The impact of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case to case.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东枣庄第三中学高三12月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


The phone call came one cool winter day. I was that my father was seriously ill.

It had been long since I’d seen my father. Ever since his from my mom, my father had lived alone in a small trailer(房车) in California, 500 miles away from me. The real between us seemed so much greater. I was in no hurry to that, but somehow I heard myself to the owner of the trailer to be there the next day.

The whole drive down, flashed through my mind. I remembered my father, the proud Marine. He made sure the first song I was the Marine Hymn(《美国海军陆战队队歌》). He tore off the Christmas all the decorations the rest of us had and rehung them so there was the same space between them. But we didn’t need to those military orders, as we were not soldiers. I remembered the battles he had with my mother. I remembered hoping to hear my father say . once, “I love you, Patty,” only to have him at me, “You can’t do anything right!”

And now here I was standing outside his trailer, trying to my courage to face him one more time. I knocked on the door, my hand and my whole body . NO answer. Slowly I opened the door. I took a few inside and stopped, too shocked to believe my eyes.

My father was sitting on his sofa, looking confused and crying. This wasn’t the man I hand known growing up. He seemed broken.

A sense of overtook me, and I knew what I had to do. He would be my father forever. Without , I went back inside and packed up all of my father’s things. I would take him to my home-our home.

1.A. reminded B. convinced C. informed D. warned

2.A. divorce B. difference C. absence D. result

3. A. difficulty B. distance C. challenge D. pain

4. A. destroy B. distance C. increase D. change

5.A. announce B. explain C. promise D. apologize

6.A. memories B. doubts C. signs D. messages

7.A. performed B. learned C. admired D. composed

8.A. box B. gift C. tree D. cake

9.A. taken up B. made up C. rang up D. put up

10.A. uniquely B. exactly C. properly D. specially

11.A. master B. obey C. admit D. recite

12.A. eventually B. suddenly C. clearly D. regularly

13.A. just B. always C. seldom D. ever

14.A. point B. look C. laugh D. improve

15.A. show B. gather C. support D. improve

16.A. softening B. relaxing C. aching D. shaking

17.A. steps B. measures C. turns D. jumps

18.A. selfish B. angry C. mild D. strange

19.A. sorrow B. fear C. pride D. anger

20.A. effort B. pity C. hesitation D. rest


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海第一中学高二12月调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Those Chinese visitors were shown around the church yesterday, ______ roof was rebuilt

after the war.

A. when B. where C. whose D. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西新余一中高二上第三次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

One afternoon many years ago, I sat down on a chair in a park and watched a little boy, around 2 years old, 1.(run) freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance.The boy would fall to the grass, get up, and without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could as if nothing 2.( happen).

When kids fall down, they don't think of the fall as3.failure. Instead, they consider 4.as a learning experience.They try and try again5. they succeed.

I was also touched by the way he ran. With each attempt, he looked so 6.(confidence) and natural.He only wanted to run freely and to do it as well as he could.He was just being a child--- being himself completely at the moment.He never gave up.Each time he fell, he got up again by7., as if he knew that falling down was8.(simple) a part of life.

He was not looking for others' smiles, or worrying 9. whether someone was watching or not. 10. he wanted was to run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely.I learned a lot from the experience.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西九江一中高二上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇主题为“Being a Good Partner”的英文演讲稿。











写作要求: 1.句子结构准确,信息内容完整、连贯。2.词数:100词左右。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3.参考词汇:cooperate  vi.合作 cooperation n. 合作
Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a good partner”.

Thank you for your listening!


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南浏阳第一中学高二上月考3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


After graduation from university, I 1.(able) to secure a permanent(固定的)job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, 2._I might have a better chance to find a good job. 3. (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started working in a local café 4. a waiter. I believe that if I 5.(offer) a good position, I would resign at once.

Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already6. (tire) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found 7.quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that if I want to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps what my mother had told me was 8. ( deep ) rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected.

Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty 9. (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job. To my delight,after nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned did I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me. Here the air is fresher. Besides, the environment is cleaner 10. that in the city.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东汕头金山中学高二上12月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津,得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习。请你根据以下提示,给他写封邮件:







Dear Chris,

I'm Li Jin,monitor of Class One,Grade Eleven. I'm glad to hear that you will come to our school as an exchange student. You're welcome to stay with us.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东汕头金山中学高二上12月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Does the young man standing there ________ the company?

--- No, the company is ________ his father.

A. in possession of; in the possession of

B. have possession of; in the possession of

C. take possession of; in possession of

D. have possession of; in possession of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东寿光现代中学高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



写作要点:1、消息来源;求职心愿 2、自我介绍;自己的优势 3、 获职打算;请求答复。


Dear Sir or Madam,




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

