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—No,thanks.I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want something.?

A.Have you made up your mind what you want?

B.What will you buy?

C.Can I help you?

D.Do you like it?



本题是关于购物的日常会话。“Can I help you?/May I help you?/What can I do for you?”等是售货员的职业用语。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

WASHINGTON—Laura Straub is a very worried woman. Her job is to find families for French teenagers who expect to live with American families in the summer.

It is not easy, even hopeless.

“We have many children left to place—40 out of 75,” said Straub, who works for a Paris-based foreigner-exchange program started 50 years ago. Family life was more than accommodating (提供膳宿). For one thing, more mothers stayed at home. But now, increasing numbers of women work outside the home. Exchange-student programs have struggled in recent years to sign up host (主人) families for the 30 000 teenagers who every year come from abroad to spend a school year in the United States, as well as the thousands more who take part in summer programs.

School systems in many parts of the U.S., unhappy about accepting non-taxpaying students, have also strictly limited the number of exchange students they accepted. At the same time, the idea of hosting foreign students is becoming less exotic.

In search for host families, who usually receive no pay, exchange programs are increasingly broadening their requests to include everyone from young couples to retirees.

 “We are open to many different types of families,” said Vickie Weiner, eastern area director for ASSE, a 25-year-old program that sends about 30 000 teenagers on school-year exchange programs worldwide.

For elderly people, exchange students “keep us young—they really do”, said Jen Foster, who is hosting 16-year-old Nina Post from Denmark.

The underlined word “exotic” means _________.

A. difficult       B. wonderful        C. exciting         D. accommodating

According to the text, why was it easier for Laura Straub to find American families for foreign students?

A. More mothers wasn’t working outside and was able to afford to look after children .

B. American school systems were better than now.

C. Foreign students paid hosting families a lot of money.

D. The government was happy because it could gain tax.

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. All the families can host foreign students.

B. Only young couples can host foreign students.

C. Only those who were retired can host foreign students.

D. Exchange programs are open to many different types of families including everyone from young couples to retirees.

Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. U.S. Struggle to Find host Families

B. Idea of Hosting Students is Different

C. Foreign-exchange Program Is Going on

D. Exchange Students Keep Old People Young


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A beautiful and very successful actress(女演员)was the star for a new musical show. Her home was in the countryside, but she did not want to go back there every night, so she bought an expensive house in the centre of the city, got some beautiful furniture and got a man to paint the rooms in new colours.

It was very difficult to get tickets for her show, because everybody wanted to see it. So she decided to give the painter two of the best seats. She hoped that this would make him work better for her. He took the tickets without saying anything, and she heard no more about them until the end of the month, when she got the painter’s bill(账单). At the bottom(底部) of it were these words: “ Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance : 3 pounds,” with this note: “ After 5 p.m., I get 15 shillings(先令)an hour instead of 10 shillings.”

The actress bought a house in the centre of the city because _______.

   A. she liked to live in the busiest place

   B. she didn’t like to live in the country

   C. her home was far away from where she worked

   D. she didn’t want to go back to her hometown any longer

In order to make the painter work better for her, the actress ___________.

   A. gave him two tickets for her show

   B. sang and danced for him for hours

   C. paid him 3 pounds

   D. decided to pay him 15 shillings an hour

The actress got the painter’s bill ______.

   A. to ask for the money of his painting work

   B. to ask to pay for his watching her show

   C. in which he showed his thanks for the tickets

   D. in which he expressed his dissatisfaction

It can be learned from the text that one pound is___________ shillings.

   A. 10        B. 12         C. 20          D. 15

What kind of man was the painter?

   A. He was a careful man.              B. He was a poor man.

   C. He was not friendly to others.        D. He knew little about music and dances


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省宝鸡中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】 When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is
b          (有益的) to people.
【小题2】 Now I am very outgoing and have learned to          (适应) to my
【小题3】 He had no t        (天赋) for expressing himself on paper.
【小题4】 Mr. Hill has made up his mind to       (离婚) his wife.
【小题5】 The poor child was          (抛弃) by his parents and was found
wandering in the street.
【小题6】 She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her         (每年的)
【小题7】 I       (整理,布置) the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back.
【小题8】 We should do something to protect the water on the earth.         (否则的话)
the last drop will be our tears.
【小题9】 Have you made            (准备) for the coming festival?
【小题10】 Everyone in the class is expected to p        (参与) in the discussion.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届陕西省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is

b          (有益的) to people.

2. Now I am very outgoing and have learned to          (适应) to my


3. He had no t        (天赋) for expressing himself on paper.

4. Mr. Hill has made up his mind to       (离婚) his wife.

5. The poor child was          (抛弃) by his parents and was found

wandering in the street.

6. She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her         (每年的)


7. I       (整理,布置) the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back.

8. We should do something to protect the water on the earth.         (否则的话)

the last drop will be our tears.

9. Have you made            (准备) for the coming festival?

10. Everyone in the class is expected to p        (参与) in the discussion.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many people are upset when their flight is delayed. Not only do they have to change their schedule but, even worse, they have to wait in an airport! There’s no need to be upset, though. Airports are much better places these days than most people thought. Look at the following realities, and you may change your mind..
Belief 1:Airport food is bad--- as bad as airplane food.
Reality: Airports have fine international food and you can buy something to have for later---for example, cheese and seafood in Paris.

Belief 2: Shopping in airports is great, that is, if you need a T-shirt.
Reality: In Amsterdam, you can buy anything. In El Paso, Texas, you can buy old-fashioned knives or special art. The art is so interesting that some people fly to El Paso just to visit the airport gallery(画廊) . And Singapore’s airport is known for some of the best shopping in the world.

Belief 3: Airports make people uncomfortable and tense.
Reality: The airport at Honolulu has peaceful gardens. Pittsburgh has a meditation(沉思)room: When you walk in, you can hear relaxing music and see pictures of clouds painted on the walls. If you prefer exercise ,hotel at the airports in Los Angeletes , Dallas, and many other cities have fitness centers(健身中心) that anyone can use.
  So, the next time you’re waiting in an airport, have some fun!

63. What does the underlined sentence means?

A. You can buy anything in airports.

B. Airport shops sell great T-shirts.

C. Everything for sale in airports is great.

D. There is no T-shirt for sale in airports.

64. According to the passage, in which airport can you buy an interesting painting?

A. El Paso.       B .Amsterdam     C. Singapore        D. Los Angeles

65.What can we know about the airport at HONOLULU?

A .Its food is world-famous.

B. It is known for its art gallery.

C. It has peaceful gardens for passengers for free.

D. Its fitness center is open to all passengers for free.

66.Which of the following opinions does the author agree with?

A. Airplane food is free of charge and delicious.

B. Things in airports are too expensive to buy.

C. It can be comfortable and relaxing in airports.

D .Airports are not so good as most people think.



