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   When the game of fistball (浮士 德球) was invented is not known. What is certain,however,is that its roots lie in southern Europe,perhaps in Italy. The earliest report of the game was written by Roman :Emperor Gordian III in the year 240. Rules for an Italian fistball were recorded by Antonius Scaiono in 1555.

   In the 16th century the game started to be played. However,it was seen less as a game of competitive nature and more as a game for.(贵族成员) to play for fun. In 1786,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mentioned flstball games in his diary Italian Journey.

   It was only in 1870 that fistball was introduced to Germany by Georg Weber. The sport was soon seen as a gymnastic sport. Fistball first appeared in 1885 at the German Gymnastic Festival in Dresden. The play and scoring,however,differed greatly from those of flstball as it is known today.

   During this time the sport spread to the surrounding,mainly German-speaking,neighboring countries and German emigrants (R) also spread the sport to other continents,particularly in South America and West Africa. Fistball was first introduced to the United States in 1911 by high school teacher Christopher Carlton who had experienced it first-hand on a Slimmer vacation to Italy.

   At the 1913 German Gymnastics Festival in Leipzig,the first Gennan men' s championship was held. In 1921,the first women* s  fistball championship was held. Fistball,while still a game affiliated to the Gymnastics Association,began to grow independently. In 1927,almost 12,000 teams played organized fistball in Germany.

   In order to encourage the development of fistball,the International Fistball Association (IFA) was founded m 1960. The first IFA Men* s World Championship was held in Linz,Austria in 1968 with West Germany winning the gold. The first IFA Women,s World Championship was held in Buenos Aires,Argentina in 1994 with Germany winning the gold.

9. Fistball has its origins in.

   A. Austria   B. Germany

    C. South America   D. . southern Europe 

10. In the 16th century,fistball.

   A. was regarded as a gymnastic sport

   B. was first reported by Antonius Scaiono

    C. was played by nobles for enjoyment

   D. began to become popular with Germans

11. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. The spreading of fistball.

   B. The vacation of a school teacher.

    C. The experiences of German emigrants.

   D. The popularity of fistball in West Africa.

12. The underlined part “affiliated to” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. independent of   B. connected with 

    C. separated from   D. different from

9.   D. 细节理解题。由第1段.中的.its roots,lie in the s?uthem Europe可知,浮士德球起源于欧洲南部。

10. C细节理解题。由第二段中的more as a game for nobles to pl?y for fiin 可知,在十六世 纪时,浮士德球是贵族们娱乐的一种活动。

11. A. 段落大意题。第四段主要讲述了浮士德球 是如何传播到世界各地的。

12. B. 词义猜测题。划线词所在句为主从复合 句,由 while stil以及 began to grow independently可知,主从句意思转折,故可推 断,affiliated to意为“隶属于”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第41期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                   D ★★★☆☆

          Climate change video contest 

    The   National   Environmental   Education Foundation and the ?.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working together to bring you this climate change video contest.


    Your video should describe how climate change affects you,your family,friends,and community,now or in the future. Be cool!Be creative!Use storytelling or anything that explains the steps you* re taking,or could take to reduce carbon pollution and prepare for a changing climate.

We need your parent to fill out an application form and hand in a parental agreement form.

Note for teachers:

    If teachers want to upload a video for their students,they must hand in parental agreement forms for all students whose names appear in the video. We promise to protect students,privacy.


    If you want to use music in your video,please avoid using (受版权保护的) music. You can use your own music.

Who can enter?

    The contest is open to ?.S. residents ( Mr between the ages of 11 and 14. Videos must be created and produced by individuals.

When is the (最后期限) ?

   The deadline is March 18 ,2016 at 3:00 pm.

Winners will be announced to the public on. this website ori or around April 22 ,2016. Winners will be informed by email.

How will the videos be judged?

    Videos will be judged according to how well you answered the contest questions,your creativity,video quality,presentation,and the scientific accwrag (准确 *1生) of your contents. .


    The first 100 students who enter will receive a National Geographic Kids magazine.  

1st Place: Solar Charging Backpack and Your Video,featured on EPA’s website for all to see!

2nd Place: Pulse Jump Rope (produces energy to charge your phone)

3rd Place: Socket Soccer Ball (turns energy from play into electrical energy that can be used to power small devices)

13. What do we know about the video contest?

   A. It is held for kids aged 11 to 14 throughout the world.

   B. It advises students not to put music in the video,

    C. Its deadline is April 22 ,2016.

   D. It has strict standards of grading.

14. To send his video online,a student needs to .

   A. fill in an application form

   B. provide his name in the video 

    C. check the contents of the video

   D. hand in his parental agreement form

15. How will winners know the result of the contest?

   A. They will be told by email.

   B. Their teachers will tell them,

    C. The EPA office will call them.

   D. The EP?’ s website will post it.

16. According to the text,the fifth winner will get.

   A. a Solar Charging Backpack

   B. a National Geographic Kids magazine 

    C. a device which can charge phones

   D. a Socket Soccer Ball which can produce power  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In Brooklyn,New York,Chush is a special school. At a Chush fundraising (募捐) dinner,the father of a Chiish child made a speech. He cried, “All men were bom equal. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. I believe,to a child like him,the equality is in the way people react to him. ”

   He then told the following story about his son Shaya: One Sunday afternoon,Shaya and his father came to school just as his classmates were playing G?se^al?. Shaya's father thought most boys would not want Shaya on their team. But the father still approached one of the boys in the field.

   Would the team actually let Shaya bat and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly,Shaya was told to take a bat and try to get a hit. The (投球手) could easily have thrown the ball to the baseman. Shaya would have been out. Instead,the pitcher took- the ball and threw it far beyond the first baseman's reach. Everyone started yelling, “Shaya,run to first!Shaya,run to first!” Never in his life had ; Shaya run to first. As Shaya rounded third,the boys;from both teams ran behind him screaming,a Shay a,run home!Shay a,run home!” Shaya ran home,stepped on (本垒板) and all 18 boys lifted.him on their shoulders and made him a hero,as he had just hit the “gram/s/iww (大满贯) ” and won the game : for his team.

   “That day,” said the father whose tears rolled down his face, “those 18  boys showed that it is not only those who are talented that should be recognized,but also those who are less talented. They too are human beings,they too have feelings and emotions,and they too want to feel important."

5. What can be learned about Shaya?

   A. He is good at sports.

   B. He is a boy with a disability.

    C. He is on the school baseball team.

   D. He has difficulty getting on with others.

6. Shaya won the game mainly because of .

   A. his luck

   B. his determination 

    C. his talent for sports

   D. his classmates’ support

7. What was stressed Shaya’ s father in the last : paragraph?

   A. The importance of hard work.

   B. The meaning of being confident,

    C. The value of'respecting everyone.

   D. The necessity of trying to be perfect.

8. Which of the following words ean best describe the 18 students on the baseball team?

   A. Talented.       B. Polite,

    C. Hard-working.    D. Considerate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Surf and Yoga Retreat,Portugal

   Having kids doesn’ t  mean giving up doing the things you love. Just bring them along so they can get excited too. Surf camps and hotels are getting more and more popular. So are yoga retreats. Places such as Karma Surf Retreat combine the two for parents and kids over six and childcare is also available.

  From ?665pp a week,including twice-daily surf and yoga sessions,but not childcare and flights.

Bushcraft Camp,Wales 

  Many of US desire to get back to nature but lack practical experience. Family Bushcraft Camp is a great place to start. The camp is surrounded by forest and is just 20 minutes,walk from beautiful Oxwich beach. Activities include nature walks,shelter building,fire lighting and tracking. And there's  a special focus on wild cooking with a campfire.

  Mobile home from ?80 a night.

Back to Nature,Slovenia 

  Staying in a glass mobile home is a great way to put yourself in nature. Built from wood and natural,breathable materials,Sava5 s are set in a valley near the shores of Lake Bled. There's hiking from the doorstep and swimming on the lake. A bus goes to the lake of Bohinj and the wilderness of Pokljuka forest.

  Adult £90,child £30,including sleeping in shelters or bring your own tent.

Sea Swimming,Turkey 

  This offers open water coastal swimming. Children must be 11-plus to swim. If not,they can join children's clubs. There's an art to efficient and enjoyable sea swimming,so technique analysis and tips are provided along the way.

  From £l,000pp for 10 swims or £760 for 3,all paid.

13. The Surf and Yoga Retreat is meant for

   A. parents

   B. teenagers

    C. family visitors   

    D. elderly people

14. If you are interested in wild cooking,you can choose .

   A. Back to Nature

   B. Sea Swimming 

    C. Bushcraft Camp

   D. Surf and Yoga Retreat

15. How much should a couple and their two kids pay for visiting Back to Nature?

   A. £180.    B. £240.

   C. £300.   D. £360.

16. What can be learned about Sea Swimming in Turkey?

   A. It offers-swimmers free meals.

   B. Visitors can swim in deep sea.

    C. Visitors can learn swimming skills there.

   D. Children under 11 are not allowed to come.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

“Big Ed” Pulaski

   Fire almost killed me in the summer of 1910. I owe my life to a man whose quick-thinking and bravery while rescuing Jtne and 38 other firefighters made him a legend.

    I had been sent to battle wildfires in northern Idaho. Lightning strikes had started the fires,and high winds made them spread in every direction. Then,one afternoon in late August,a windstorm broke over the mountains,and the winds,exploded into one giant firestorm. We had to give up and get out of there.

    But none of US knew the mountains. Heavy,dark smoke was turning day into night,and we had no idea what to do.

    Then I saw him — Forest Service Ranger Edwjrd “Big Ed” Pulaski. He was on his horse,pushing through the burning, (发出劈啦声的) trees,gathering men together as he rode.

    “Follow me!” he ordered. “There's an abandoned mineshaft (矿道) nearby. Our only hope is to make it there!” Pulaski gave his horse to a man who couldn’t run,and we began a desperate race for the mineshaft. Trees fell down around US. Flames were everywhere.

   Then I noticed that Pulaski had stopped running. I could see him push men into a dark hole on the side of a mountain. Minutes after all of US had scrambled (爬)inside,fire swept over our path.

    We were out after hours. It was early morning. Sometime in the night the^ fire had burned itself out. Five of the crew had died during the night. The rest of us survived!

    All of us were injured or burned. Pulaski was blind,and his hands were burned. He finally regained his sight. Because of his quick thinking and heroism,I am able to tell this story of our amazing survival.Find the words in the text that fit the following descriptions.

1 . n. a very famous person,especially in a particular field,who is admired by other people (in Paragraph 1)

2. adj. giving little hope of success (in Paragraph 4)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the mid-1800s,two chance events occurred in the life of a young “gold rusher” that resulted in the creation of the world's first pair of jeans. Twenty-three-year-old Levi Strauss,a Bavarian immigrant (?? R.) working at his brothers,dry goods store in New York City,didn't join the gold rush. He wanted to sell diy goods to the miners.

   So in January of 1853,Levi Strauss began selling dry goods in San Francisco. Business went well for him and Levi became a wealthy man. Then the first chance event presented itself to Levi. Levi imagined that the gold miners would require denim(牛仔布) with which to build tents. He was wrong. Pleasant California weather persuaded miners to sleep directly under the stars. Levi would have to find another use for his yards and yards of brown denim. The first generation of jeans was bom. They were named “waist overalls”.

   Then the second chance event occurred. Jacob Davis,a Nevada tailor (^ invented a method of strengthening the trousers. He placed metal rivets 4t) at pocket comers. He didn't have the money to apply for a patent i'J) for his idea,so he sent Levi a letter. Perhaps Levi would be interested in paying for the paperwork so that the two men could apply for the patent together. Levi agreed and the second generation of jeans was bom. The term jeans was bom out of the name of an Italian city,Genoa,where denim could be bought.

   Jeans didn't change the life of Levi greatly. He and Jacob Davis did earn good money from their successful riveted denim trousers,but Levi was already a wealthy man. Denim jeans did greatly alter the lives of the rest of US. Today more than a hundred years later,Levi' s  jeans are still popular all over the world.

9. Before inventing jeans,Levi Strauss was .

   A. a rich man   B. a tent builder

    C. a famous tailor   D. a miner in California

10. What do we know about the second generation of jeans?

   A. It was made in Italy.

   B. It was not given a patent.

    C. It was called “waist overalls”.

   D. It was improved by Jacob Davis.

11. The underlined word “alter” in the last paragraph probably means.

   A. guide   B. ruin

    C. change   D. shape

12. What might be the best title for the text?

   A. A clever tailor

   B. The best trousers

    C. The invention of jeans   

    D. The process of making jeans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Cycling,Austrian Tyrol 、

   This self-guided cycling holiday starting in Fiigen is along quiet cycle paths with beautiful mountains all around. It can either be a relaxing introduction to family cycling or faster-paced,depending on the routes chosen each day. Kids will love the Black Hole water slide.

. Seven days from 525pp half-board (半食宿) including route guidance,bike hire £70 a week

zipwiriwg (高空滑索) and (绕绳下降) ,


  It was once the summer home of Beatrix Potter,an English author best known for her children's books featuring animals. Now its 50 acres of gardens and woodland by the Tay River are the setting for family adventures ranging from zipwiring and tree climbing to mountain climbing and abseiling. There,s  also an indoor sports stadium for rainy days,and family and kids,entertainment in the evenings.

 . Seven nights from £409 adult, £349 child,full-board,including activities 

Rock climbing,Spain

  If your kids love climbing walls back home,try it on the real thing on the sunny Costa Blanca,where the sea cliffs (MM.) provide a perfect learning setting. The beaches at Calp,a coastal town,are great for kids to relax on when not climbing. Remember to take enough food with you.

From £699pp a week. Discounts for non-climbing family members and children under 7

Canoeing and damping,Sweden 

  This is a slow travel experience for the family,walking down the Klar?lven river in Sweden just about 2 km per hour. The river is wide and mellow (p 音柔和的) , so this trip is suitable for children of all ages,as long as they love wild camping on the river,s  banks. An adventure yes,but a peaceful one.

 .Seven-day tour for £135 adult, £55 child and food package free 

13. In the summer home of Beatrix Potter,visitors can

   A. go camping by the Tay river

   B. leam to write children's stories 

    C. do various adventurous activities   

    D. learn why Potter loved animals

14. What can be known about Rock climbing in Spain?

   A. It has cycle paths.

   B. It is held in a sunny area.

    C. It offers free food to visitors.

   D. It is intended for children under 7.

15. If a couple and their twin daughters go canoeing and camping,they should pay.

   A. 190   B. 245

    C. 325   D. 380

16. What do the four activities have in common?

   A. They are easy to get to.

   B. They are provided all year round,

    C. They are for family visitors.

   D. They are suitable for lovers of cycling.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Bill didn't finish the work because he had a terrible (head) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



() 21. Maybe I shouldn’t say that — I might get


   A. for   B. into   C. by   D. with  

