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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã:¡°²ÞËù¸ïÃü¡±(¡°toilet revolution¡±)¸ÄÔì(transform)ÅÅ(Ë®)(drain)

Dear Joe,

I¡¯m so glad to hear from you again after so many days.


¡¾´ð°¸¡¿Dear Joe,

I¡¯m so glad to hear from you again after so many days. In your letter, you say you are curious about the ¡°toilet revolution¡± in China, so I¡¯d like to cast some light on it. The so-called ¡°toilet revolution¡± is a term used to refer to some measures carried out in rural areas to transform the toilets. You may not have a clear concept about the structure and design of these toilets. The fact is that most of them are unscientific. With the development in China, our government has begun to attach significance to the environment and the well-being of the people. We realize the toilet is a symbol of civilization and a key factor to the beauty of the rural areas. Consequently, we are making a great change in the design of the toilets. For instance, we focus on how to drain away waste water into some centralized places and then we deal with the water in case it will flow at random. Hopefully my letter may clarify your puzzlement.



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A robot used for housework was going to be tested out in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair, speak in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home, so he hired such a robot to accompany with his wife Claire. Claire didn¡¯t like the idea at the beginning, and she agreed to it at last. At her first sight of Tony, Claire was alarming. When Tony offered to help her dress, Claire felt embarrassed. Gradual Tony began to win Claire¡¯s trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams by making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wears and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore at the party all the guest who were invited were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely transformed. At same time, Tony left a deep impression on all of them. After the test, the company was satisfied with Tony¡¯s report because she had successfully made a woman regain her confident, although he shouldn¡¯t have her fall in love with him.


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¡¾1¡¿I still remember the year that we studied our English in college.

¡¾2¡¿He persuaded others make a voyage of adventure.

¡¾3¡¿He was extreme generous to give away all his money to the poor.

¡¾4¡¿This book is worthy to read because there are many interesting stories in this book.

¡¾5¡¿To our amazing, the little boy should lift such a heavy stone.

¡¾6¡¿With all the books he was interested in buying, Tom left the bookshop with great satisfaction.

¡¾7¡¿I¡¯d appreciate if you could take my application into consideration.

¡¾8¡¿This is an article concerned the problems of overcrowded cities.

¡¾9¡¿He hurried to take the suitcases and occupying himself with packing the car.

¡¾10¡¿Since the outbreak of the NCP, we stayed at home for more than two months.


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¡¾1¡¿Why does the speaker write to the company?

A. To say thanks.

B. To apologize.

C. To have his money back.

¡¾2¡¿What do we know about the speaker?

A. He had been to the city before.

B. He was familiar with the company.

C. He went on the trip alone.

¡¾3¡¿What was the guide¡¯s excuse for a short leave?

A. To find the best sea view. B. To arrange the lunch. C. To do some shopping.

¡¾4¡¿What vehicle did the speaker take?

A. A small car. B. A big bus. C. A small van.


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¡¾1¡¿Only in this way _______________ (Ëû²Å»á¶ÔÏÖÔÚµÄÇé¿ö ÂúÒâ) present condition. (satisfy)

¡¾2¡¿Communication becomes more convenient nowadays . Cellphones _________(ʹµÃ Õâ³ÉΪ¿ÉÄÜ)for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. (make)

¡¾3¡¿Our factory produced ____________(Éú³ÉµÄµçÄÔÊÇÈ¥ÄêµÄÈý ±¶) as it did last year. (time)

¡¾4¡¿Do you mind _____________? (ÎÒ´ò¿ª´°»§) (open)

¡¾5¡¿It is not the student himself but his parents that ___________(½«ÒªÀ´Ñ§Ð£) (be)

¡¾6¡¿I regret ___________(ûÓп´) that good film. (see)

¡¾7¡¿__________ (ÕýÔÚÐÞ½¨µÄÄÇ×ùÇÅ)across the Changjiang River will be the first one for four trains to pass at the same time. (build)

¡¾8¡¿You are late again. I would rather __________ (ÄãÀ´)before 7 O'clock. (come)

¡¾9¡¿_________ (×Üͳ³öϯ»áÒé) the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. (attend)

¡¾10¡¿The dark clouds gather together __________. (Ëƺõ¿ìÏÂÓêÁË) (if)


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2.Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä 10 ´¦£¬¶àÕߣ¨´ÓµÚ 11 ´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö¡£

Last Sunday morning, a parents¡¯ meeting held in our meeting hall, which was a meaningful and forgettable day to everyone. It was at 9 o¡¯clock that the meeting began. First of all, one teacher suggested that we students worked harder. Then another read a few of letters to students writing by parents. They were so moved for us all, teachers included, which we couldn¡¯t hold up our tears. At last, there was a warm and face-to-face conversation between us and our parents.

Through it, we are great motivated and have more confidences in our studies. To live up to our teachers¡¯ and parent¡¯s expectations, we¡¯ll try our best to make our dream come true.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


¡¾1¡¿What makes the woman busy these days?

A.Doing a research.B.Helping her professor.C.Learning a new language.

¡¾2¡¿What do we know about the man?

A.He doesn¡¯t want to help the woman.

B.He knows little about cultural customs.

C.He is good at gathering information online.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿How to keep yourself safe from new virus?

After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central China's Wuhan city three months ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. ¡¾1¡¿:

1. Wear masks outdoors

¡ñWearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected.

¡ñMake sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and pulling the bottom of it over your chin.

¡ñ¡¾2¡¿, a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others.

2. Cover your coughs and sneeze with tissue

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly.

3. ¡¾3¡¿

Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.

¡ñ Before eating and after using the toilet

¡ñ After returning home

¡ñ After touching trash or garbage

¡ñ After contacting with animals or handling animal wastes

4. Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly

¡ñ Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections.

¡ñ Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. ¡¾4¡¿

¡ñ Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection.

¡ñ Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms.

¡ñ¡¾5¡¿. Avoid contact with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.

A.If your hands are not visibly dirty

B.Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs

C.Wash your hands frequently and properly

D.Protect yourself and others from getting sick

E.Wear a mask if transport or movement is necessary

F.If you¡¯re not feeling well or have symptoms of fever

G.To prevent catching the infection, here¡¯s what you can do


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


I am looking at an old friend of mine.

He has been one of my best¡¾1¡¿(friend )for almost 12 years. He has blessed my life with his loyalty, kindness, ¡¾2¡¿(wise) and love since the day when I first met him. ¡¾3¡¿doesn't matter to me that he has four legs instead of two, fur instead of clothes, and barks at me instead of talking to me.

As I watch my friend sleeping¡¾4¡¿the sun, I can't help¡¾5¡¿(think) of all the goodness he has brought into my life. He has been with me every day through good and bad times. He has always been my protector. He has always reminded me that I am loved and showed me how ¡¾6¡¿(love)others at the same time.

My friend has aged far ¡¾7¡¿(quickly)than me and had more and more health problems over the years. I am not sure how long we will be together before he ¡¾8¡¿(pass)away from this world.

This ¡¾9¡¿(wonder)dog has helped me understand that you don't have to be perfect to be loved and¡¾10¡¿poor health and old age might affect the body but they don't have to decrease the spirit.

