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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有l0处 语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Sir,

         I'm writing to complain about the advertisement for road safety presently being showing on television. I think the advertiser should be banned showing it.

         Most people have seen an advertisement and are frightened by it. It really is in very bad taste. Who could ever forget that boy lying on the roads,with blood pour from his head? I simple dont believe the advertisement will discourage people from driving fast.

         I think the government should prevent any advertiser from using images which frightens people. There should be a law against so advertising methods. I hope we can be succeed in persuading advertisers to use less shocked advertisements.


71. ... being showing on ...       showing → shown 

72. ... be banned showing ...      banned 后加 from 

73. …seen an advertisement...     an the 

74. …on the roads …              roads road 

75. …with blood pour …           pour  pouring   

76. 1 simple don t …              simple simply 

77. …which frightens people.      frightens  frighten 

78. …so advertising methods.      so  such 

79. …we can be succeed ...        去掉 be或 succeed successful 

80. …less shocked advertisements. shocked shocking 

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节(.共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Frank: I wonder 61. you could help me with my vacation plan.

Travel agent: Have you chosen your destination,sir?

Frank: I havent decided where to go yet. My wife would like to enjoy a tropical (热带的) climate,and my daughter would like to go diving 62. (see) the sea animals.

Travel agent: Let me see …Well,you can take 63.  three-day vacation to the seaside this weekend. Diving is one of the activities there. I believe your daughter would enjoy it.

Frank: Yes,I think so. But my wife would be 64. (scare) to death at the thought of 65. (attack) by sharks. Do you have any other destinations?

Travel agent: Of course. But we can ensure (保证) there will be no sharks iii the waters 66. . you will be diving. Why don't you look at these brochures? They might help you make 67. your mind. Besides diving in the 68. (deep) of the beautiful sea,we have other vacatjons such as a cruise.

Frank: That would be nice for my wife and me.

Travel agent: Have you thought about how 69. you would like to spend on this vacation?

Frank: About one thousand dollars.

Travel agent: OK.I'11 be 70. (true) happy to help you make a reservation whenever you decide upon a destination.

Frank: Thanks a lot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


             Quicker and faster 3-D printers have allowed not just amazing objects to be created,but have started to affect how doctors treat patients.

             Weve put together a list of some of the most amazing medical breakthroughs made possible with 3-D printing.

             Life-Saving Airway 

             In 2013,doctors created a new airway for Kaiba Gionfriddjo,a boy bom with an airway that kept collapsing(萎陷) .To save his life doctors printed tiny tubes to join together in different shapes and sizes until one finally worked for Kaiba. It was placed in Kaibas bronchus (支气管) so that it no longer collapsed. Even more remarkably,once the plant was placed it could stay there. It's designed to eventualiy be absorbed into the body.

              New “Bionic” Hands 

              One of the most remarkable ways 3-D printing is now being used is as a way to create prosthetics (假肢) . A boy bom without an arm named Alex was able to get a new “bionic” hand thanks to it. Last year a college student spent 8 weeks coming up with a special prosthetic design that only cost a few hundred dollars in materials. He said he wanted to create a prosthetic far cheaper than other choices that can run tens of thousands of dollars.

               A Practice Heart 

               In Seattle,doctors have been able to use 3-D printing technology to “practice” risky operations so that they will face fewer surprises in the operating room. Kami Sutton was bom with her heart “in the wrong place”. For a recent operation her doctor was able to take many scans of Sutton’s heart and print out a model. “Kami's heart is truly one-of-a-kind,Dr. Stephan Seslar,a heart disease specialist said. Operating on her without understanding the structure of her heart better could be very dangerous."

                A New Skull

                A U.K. man was able to have part of his skull rebuilt thanks to a 3-D printer. Stephen Power broke his cheek bones in a crash. To help Power his doctors instead created 3-D bones all carefully printed in the shape of his face. ^This is really the first time we’ve taken it to this stage,where everything has been planned and modeled in advance — and worked sweetly,” said Adrian Sugar,a doctor.

28. What is special about the 3-D printed airway?

   A. It uses high-tech materials.

   B. It varies in shapes and sizes.

   C. It can be absorbed by the body.

   D. It can prevent any disease in the airway.

29. What is the advantage of the new “bionic”hand?

   A. Its price. B. Its effects.

   A. Its materials. D. Its shape design.

30. How can 3-D printing technology help doctors in the operating room?

   A. It helps them get better scans.

   B. It guarantees the success of operations.

   C. It enables them to practice and learn more.

   D. It helps them to deal with patients,anxiety.

31. What does Adrian Sugar think of the new skull printed by 3-D technology?

   A. He has doubts about it.

   B. He thinks highly of it.

   C. It needs to be better planned.

   D. It functions well but needs improving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read Paragraphs 4-9 and fill in the blanks in the chart, trying to understand how Jo felt during her visit to the village.

a remote village,a(n) 1. walking; Tombes 2. and all the villagers

a low bamboo hut with 3. sticking out of the roof,no windows, narrow 4.  , dark inside, newly made 5.  and a fireplace

building a fire,laying 6.  , putting the stones in a drum, covering the 7.  with banana leaves,eating round the fire

8.  over the fire, thrown out of the doorway, heated to 9.  the leftovers

many 10.  and handshakes,11.  muscles,shaking knees,falling into 12. happily


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Don’t worry!You’ 11 quickly (适应学生生活) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

           Most volunteers spend a couple of hours each week in 61. (volunteer) at one of the local community centers. Here is why volunteering is important.

           New experience and insight 

           Volunteering is one way through 62. people including students can develop academic,technical and social skills that otherwise could not 63. (learn) in a classroom environment. Most of us feel that we lack time because of the career or studies

we are pursuing. However,64.  is important to take some time off from our busy schedule and volunteer for something in our community,which will help us gain experience and insight into various issues.

           Helping others 

           There are millions of people in the world whose lives are 65. (hard) than ours. Humans are a social animal and one of 66. best ways for tnankind to advance is by helping those who are 67. (able) to help themselves. We have a responsibility to care for people 68. need,and help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Having some spare cash,time or goods is an opportunity 69.  (help) others out.

           A sense of 70. (satisfy) 

           Volunteering is also one of the things you can do to help you feel good and build up your self-confidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



① 一般式:being done,表示一个正在进行或与谓语所表示的动作同时发生的被动动作(句1-句4) ;

② 完成式: ,表示的被动动作发生在谓语所表示的动作之前(句5) 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。

1. The road was too (狭窄的) for cars to pass.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. My son is now working  a science teacher.

