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18.Body language has always been a hot topic of interesting dinner conversations.It is perhaps one of the most powerful forms of human expression or human communication!
Body language is a very important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating to other persons.If you wish to communicate effectively,besides the words,you can use your body to say what you mean.
Body language can be used to discover all sorts of things such as,knowing  when someone is attracted to you,finding truth or lies,showing confidence,winning respect in any situation,and you can use body language to make people less nervous,make friends quickly,persuade and influence.
So what is body language?Body language is a term used to describe the method of communication using body movements or gestures instead of,or besides,spoken language or other communication.Body language also includes many movements that most people are not aware of,such as winking and slight movements of the eyebrows and other facial expressions.
Body language is one of the easiest ways for you to tell what's really going on in a conversation with another person.The body language that you observe from other people will tell you whether or not those people are telling you the truth,or whether there is something more that's not being said.Watch,look and observe.Sometimes you can tell more by a person's body language than the words he speaks.
56.The underlined word"constitute"in Paragraph 2probably meansA.
A.make up
B.set up
C.turn up
D.put up
57.From the third paragraph,we can learnC.
A.what body language is
B.how to use body language
C.body language is very useful
D.body language is very impressive
58.We are advised to observe the body language of other people toB.
A.to remember everything they say
B.understand the hidden meaning
C.draw their attention to them
D.show respect for them
59.Which of the following is NOT true about body language?D
A.It is a part of communication.
B.It helps us communicate more effectively.
C.It sometimes tells more than spoken language.
D.It's only needed when we have nothing to say.

分析 身体语言是我们生活中必不可少的一部分,本文主要告诉我们什么是身体语言、身体语言 的功能及重要性.

解答 56-59ACBD
56.A  词义猜测题 根据Body language is a very important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating to other persons.可知,constitute此处意思是"组成,构成",故答案为A
57.C 段落大意题  根据Body language can be used to discover all sorts of things 可知,第三段讲的主要是身体语言非常有用,故答案为C
58.B 细节理解题.根据最后一段,作者建议我们观察对方的身体语言,是为了解对方的言外之意和未尽之言,故B项正确.
59.D 细节理解题.根据第四段作者对body language 的定义可知,身体语言有时候是伴随着口头语言的,故D项表述有误.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.A lot of us think that we should visit the dentist every six months.Whether those check-ups are really necessary is,however,a matter of debate.In 2000,three-quarters of dentists surveyed in New York were recommending six-monthly check-ups,despite the absence of evidence.Today,many organizations still recommend six-monthly check-ups.But for several decades some have been arguing that the choice of six months as the ideal space between visits is rather questionable.For example,Aubrey Sheiham,a professor of dental public health,published a paper complaining about the lack of evidence for six-monthly check-ups.Almost 40years,he's still making the same point.
Last year the Cochrane Collaboration performed a review of the research that had been done and they were disappointed with what they found.The quality and quantity of the research was simply too poor to back up the idea of six-monthly check-ups.
There's something else we have to bear in mind.Even when a study finds,for example,that children who go to the dentist frequently have fewer fillings,there may be other factors(因素) at work.Those same children may have other advantages; they may eat more healthily and have better quality dental equipment.
How often should you visit the dentist,then?Bodies like Nice,which provides guidance for the National Health Service in England and Wales,say that the frequency of dental visits all depends on the individual.They recommend that children go at least once a year because their teeth can decay(蛀蚀) faster,while adults without problems can wait as long as two years.They even go as far as to say that longer than two years is OK for people who have shown commitment to caring for their teeth.
Where does this leave the rest of us the next time we receive a card in the mail reminding us our next dental visit is due?We'd all like an excuse to go less often,and the good news is that if you don't have any problems you can probably wait a little longer than six months between visits.But exactly how long you can wait before your appointment with the dentist's chair will depend on the assessment you and your dentist make of your own risk.
63.Who supports six-monthly dental check-ups?B
A.All the dentists.
B.Many organizations.
C.Aubrey Sheiham.
D.The National Health Service.
64.The research may not prove the idea of six-monthly check-ups becauseC.
A.the researchers were not qualified
B.the number of the subjects was big
C.there might be other factors at work
D.there was a lack of quality dental equipment
65.We can learn from the last two paragraphs thatB.
A.people often find excuses to avoid the next dental visit
B.the frequency of dental visits varies for different people
C.people should decide when to go to the dentist by themselves
D.the healthier a person is,the less frequent the dental visits are
66.What is the best title for this passage?D
A.How can we go to the dentist less?
B.Why do we need to visit our dentist?
C.Who should go to the dentist frequently?
D.How often do we need to visit our dentist?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

A.Joint effort in the development of for-profit centers
B.Benefits brought to parents
C.An alternative to the problem of public playgrounds
D.Suitable time arrangement for working parents
E.Parents'worries of the kids safety in the new playground
F.Parents'concern about kids playing time
As public playgrounds grow increasingly worn and shabby,the for-profit centers offer clean,safe,supervised activities as well as a variety of challenging exercises to develop youngsters'physical fitness,usually for a fee of around﹩5 an hour."Playgrounds are dirty,not supervised,"says Dick Guggenheimer,owner of the two-month-old Discovery Zone in Yonkers,N.Y.,part of a Kansas City-based chain."We're indoors; we're padded; parents can feel their child is safe."
Discovery Zone has sold 120 outlets in the past 14 months,boasting sandboxes full of brightly colored plastic balls,mazes,obstacle courses,slides and mountains to climb.Now McDonalds is getting into the act.The burger giant is test-marketing a new playground,Leaps&Bounds,in Naperville,Ill.Phys Kids of Wichita has opened one center and has plans to expand.
American parents are rightly worried about their kids'leisure life.There are 36 million children in the U.S.aged 2 to 11 who watch an average of 24 hours of TV a week and devote less and less energy to active recreation.Nationwide decrease in education budgets are making the problem worse,as gym classes and after-hours sports time get squeezed.Says Discovery Zone president Jack Gunion:"We have raised a couple of pure couch potatoes."
In an attempt to attract more people,the new facilities cater to (迎合) the concerns of two-earner families,staying open in the evenings,10ng after traditional public playground have grown dark and unusable.At Naperville's Leaps&Bounds,families can play together for﹩4.95 per child,parents free.Fresh-faced assistants,dressed in colorful sport pants and shirts,guide youngsters to appropriate play areas for differing age group.
These new playgrounds are not meant to be day-care facilities; parents are expected to stay and play with their kids rather than drop them off.But several also provide high-tech baby-sitting services.At some of the Discovery Zones,parents can register their children in special supervised programs,then leave them and slip away for a couple of hours to enjoy a movie or dinner.The most fun of all,though,is getting to do what parents used to do in the days before two-career families and two-hour commutes:play with their kid.That,at least,is old-fashioned,even at per-hour rates.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Hawaii is an important trading center and about six million tourists visit there every year.With all that traffic in and out,exotic species(外来物种)have plenty of opportunities to reach the islands.According to biologists,exotic species are the number one threat to the state's economy,environment,and way of life.
The question in Hawaii is,can the invaders be stopped?
Quarantines are one way to do this.Quarantine is the process of isolating animals or products.In Hawaii,pet dogs and cats coming into the state remain in a special holding facility for four months to make sure they don't have rabies(狂犬病) Many agricultural products are also quarantined to see if they are carrying insect pests or plant diseases.
Inspection is a second way to stop biological invaders.At airports,borders,and shipping ports,inspectors examine passengers and their baggage to see if they are carrying exotic species.The inspectors also destroy fruits,vegetables,or other goods that might be carrying harmful pests or diseases.Specially trained dogs also smell goods in the ship for exotic species.
What if an exotic species slips by inspectors?Then efforts are made to control the invader.In Hawaii,government agencies control invaders by setting  livetraps around wildlife shelters and other places.At Haleakala National Park employees have built miles of fences to keep out exotic pigs and goats.For years these animals ate and walked over native rain forest plants,hut the fences have helped reverse(逆 转)this damage.Now native plants grow in places that were bare rock only a short time ago.
In some cases biological control helps to solve the exotic species problems.It is the science of controlling one invader with another.In the early 1900s,several exotic predators(肉食动物) were imported to Hawaii to eat a harmful exotic pest called the sugarcane leafhopper.The insect was destroying 70,000 tons of sugar a year,but the predators brought it under control.
The efforts of these scientists and other people are vitally important.In Hawaii alone,10,000 different species of native plants and animals still need to be protected.Many of these are found nowhere else on earth.By stopping the spread of the biological invaders,we not only protect ourselves,but we also protect the many other native species that make our planet such a special place to live.
63.This passage is mainly aboutA.
A.the methods for preventing exotic species
B.the effects of exotic invasion on Hawaii
C.the problems faced by the Hawaiian economy
D.the role of biologists in controlling native species
64.Hawaii is at a great risk of invasion by exotic species,becauseC.
A.many agriculture products grow there
B.regular inspections of animals are useless
C.millions of people go to Hawaii each year
D.biological control efforts have not worked
65.Which of the following statements is true?A
A.Animals and products are put in quarantines before entering Hawaii.
B.Trained dogs are used to examine passengers and their baggage.
C.Livetraps and fences are set to protect exotic pigs and goats.
D.Some exotic predators are imported to destroy invaders'food.
66.What argument does the author make in the last paragraph?B
A.Hawaii has the most unknown species of plants on earth.
B.Humans have a responsibility to control exotic species.
C.Scientists make the difference to the species protection.
D.Species should be allowed to exist without human interruption.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.How to Take a Nap
Whether you think you need daytime rest or not,picking up a nap habit-or continuing to make time for one-is a smart,healthy move.Consider the evidence:The Mayo Clinic says naps promote relaxation,reduce tiredness,better mood and recover alertness (机敏).A 2010British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep or drinking more coffee,a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with the mid-afternoon slump (萎靡).
The Harvard Health Letter says that several studies have shown that people remember new information better when they take a nap shortly after learning it.And,unbelievably,a 2007study of nearly 24,000Greek adults in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who napped regularly had a 37percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease compared to people who didn't nap.
To get the most out of your rest,follow these tips.
How long to sleep:Naps provide different benefits depending on how long they are,says MentaIFloss.com.A 20-minute nap will promote alertness and concentration; a 90-minute nap which includes deeper stages of sleep,can strengthen creativity.The danger zone is when you're somewhere in between,because waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle can lead to sleep inertia(惯性).SO stick to 20or 90minutes for maximum benefits.If you wake up from a nap feeling confused or more tired,it's likely that your timing was just off.
What time to sleep:Prevention.corn says that you experience a natural dip in body temperature (the same kind that makes you feel sleepy at night) between 1p.m.and 3p.m.A power nap at this time can promote alertness for several hours and,for most people,won't affect being able to fall asleep at night.
How to get comfortable:MentalFloss.com says it takes about 50percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down.(That's why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!) Pick a dark,cozy place that's not too warm or too chilly.Prevention.com recommends napping on the couch instead of in bed,so you won't snooze for too long.
Surprisingly,the best place to sleep may be a hammock (吊床) if you have one.A Swiss study published last year found that people fell asleep faster and had deeper sleep when they napped in a hammock than in a bed.That same rocking motion that causes babies to sleep works wonders for grown-ups too.
Consider a"caffeine nap":It sounds strange,but drinking coffee right before a nap may be the perfect aid for maximum alertness.Since caffeine takes 20to 30minutes to take full effect,you'll feel even more alert after your 20-minute nap.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.A winter wonderland on the outskirts of Quebec City has become one of Canada's hottest attractions and most sought out accommodations.Guests stay close for warmth in sleeping bags on beds of ice,hats pulled over their ears to prevent frostbite,while sipping cocktails (鸡尾酒) in glasses also made of ice.
A cool place to host a memorable wedding or for a romantic getaway,the Quebec Ice Hotel has attracted 600,000curious tourists,including 30,000who stayed overnight,since opening seasonally 11years ago.Like Victoria and Jeremy Martin,dozens of couples will exchange vows (誓约) this winter in a temporary church next to the hotel,made entirely from blocks of ice with seats covered in furs.
Average temperatures fall below minus 20degrees C (minus four F) in winter,but inside the hotel's 36rooms it is relatively comfortable.Thick walls of packed snow and ice act as an insulator,trapping body heat inside.Each room is uniquely decorated,using designs created by Quebec architecture students.Two hotel bars also sell special cocktails in ice glasses.
First-time guests of the hotel,however,are recommended to stay only one night as sleeping in sub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing.This year for the first time the ice hotel has teamed up with a brick and concrete Quebec City hotel to offer packages(全套服务) for one-night accommodations at each.Prices for one night only at the ice hotel start at 200US dollars per person.
The 3,000-square-metre (32,300-square-feet) buildings take six weeks starting in December to build,using 15,000tons of snow and 500tons of ice,at a cost of some 750,000US dollars.Eleven weeks after its seasonal grand opening,the hotel will close on March 27and then melt away with the arrival of spring.
63.What is true with the ice hotel?D
A.630,000people have visited it.
B.Its rooms all look alike.
C.It stays open for two months each year.
D.Wedding ceremonies are often held there.
64.The underlined word"insulator"in Paragraph 3possibly refers to something thatA.
A.stops heat passing throughit
B.collects and reflects light and heat
C.makes things become very cold
D.works like an air-conditioner
65.First-time guests are advised to stay there only one night becauseA.
A.they may not be able to stand the cold
B.their other night is with an ordinary hotel
C.new guests have no advantages over old ones
D.they may find the beds made of ice too hard to sleep on.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.If your friend and family get fat,chances are you will,too.Researchers report in a new study that suggests obesity is"socially contagious(传染性的)"and can spread easily from person to person.
The large,federally funded study found that to be true even if your loved ones lived far away.Social ties seemed to play a surprisingly strong role,even more than genes are known to do.
"We were shocked to find that friends who are hundreds of miles away have just as much impact on a person's weight status as friends who are right next door."Said coauthor James Fowler of the University of California,San Diego.
The study found a person's chances of becoming fat went up 57percent if a friend did,40percent if a sibling(兄弟姐妹) did and 37percent if a spouse(配偶) did.
Researchers think it's more than just people with similar eating and exercise habits hanging out together.Instead,it may be that having relatives and friends who become obese changes one's idea of what is an acceptable weight.
Despite their findings,the researchers said people should not stop their friendships."There is a ton of research that suggest that having more friends makes you healthier,"Fowler said."So the last thing that you want to do is get rid of any of your friends."
The study was published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine and funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Obesity is a global public health problem.About 1.5billion adults worldwide are overweight,including more than 400million who are obese.Twothirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.
Much of the recent research focus has been on the intense hunt for obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning.Treatment has been mainly centered on helping individuals curb(抑制) their weight through better diet and fitness.The findings could open a new way for treating this worldwide obesity.The researchers said it might be helpful to treat obese people in groups instead of just the individual.

72.Treating obesity at present is mainly byC.
A.not keeping in touch with your relatives and friends
B.taking some lossweight pills
C.going on proper diets and having right exercise
D.getting rid of obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning
73.According to the new study,obesity is"socially contagious",which seems to be mainly  caused byB.
A.genes   B.social ties   C.living conditions   D.diets
74.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 6mean?A
A.It is unwise for us to get rid of any of our friends because of obesity.
B.The best way of preventing obesity is to get rid of any of our friends.
C.If we want to keep fit,we must get rid of some friends.
D.We must make a good choice between obesity and friends.
75.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.The new study suggests about 1.5billion people worldwide are overweight.
B.Gene is one of the factors that have something to do with obesity.
C.Friendship and obesity are both of great importance.
D.It might be helpful to treat obese people just as the individual instead of in groups.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.As is shown in a recent study,the way people sleep at night actually determines a lot about the type personality they have.Robert Phipps,a body language expert,has identified four sleeping positions that affect personality.
Phipps found that worriers,those who stress the most,tend to sleep in the fetal(胎儿的) position.He found that this is by far the most common bedtime position,sleeping on their side with knees up and head down.The more we curl up(蜷曲),the more comfort we are seeking,according to Phipps.
The second most common position is the log,indicating stubbornness.People sleep with a straight body,with arms at each side,as if they are standing guard at Buckingham Palace,and these people (the 28 percent who sleep this way) often wake up stiffer(更僵硬) than when they went to sleep."The longer you sleep like this,the more rigid your thinking is and you can become inflexible,which means you make things harder for yourself,"according to Phipps.
Yearner(向往型的) sleepers are next on the list.About 25 percent of people sleep in this style----on their backs with arms stretched out in front,looking as if they are either chasing a dream or perhaps being chased themselves.Yearners are typically their own worst critics,always expecting great results,explained Phipps.These people often wake up refreshed and eager to face the challenges of the day ahead.
Perhaps the most special sleep style is the freefaller position.This sleep style makes up 17 percent of the population.They sleep face down with arms stretched out.These people,according to Phipps,feel like they have little control over their life.Not only is this the strangest of sleep styles,it also the least comfortable,and people may wake up feeling tired and have no energy.
In conclusion,Phipps has only one more thing to add:"A good night's sleep sets you up for the following day and our sleeping positions can determine how we feel when we wake."
55.Which of the following pictures is the fetal position?D

56.The underlined word"rigid"the third paragraph is closest in meaning to"C".
A.comfortable        B.flexible         C.stubborn        D.strange
57.Which sleeping position indicates that the sleeper tends to seek perfection?C
A.The fetal position                  
B.The log position
C.The yearner position                     
D.The freefaller position
58.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.Which sleeping position helps you sleep comfortably?
B.A good night's sleep sets you up for the following day.
C.How you sleep at night affects what you do the next day.
D.Your personality depends a lot on how you sleep at night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.You probably hear it all the time-people telling you to"learn English".But does this mean children in English-speaking countries don't need to bother learning a new language?Not at all.In fact,an even larger number of young people will soon be taught foreign languages,thanks to the mental advantages of bilingualism.
Psychologists once thought that growing up bilingual might lead to verbal delays-a late or absent development of talking.But US magazine Scientific American has revealed that this is not true,and reported that children who speak more than one language"show greater mental flexibility,a superior grasp of abstract concepts and a better working memory."As the New York Times put it,"being bilingual,it turns out,makes you smarter."
In Europe,learning foreign languages is increasingly popular.A European report shows that from 2005-2010,the percentage of European students learning a foreign language rose from 67.5percent to 79.2percent.Most European kids start learning another language at age 6.In Belgium,it starts at 3.New reforms being introduced in the UK will mean all children could be taught a foreign language,such as Mandarin or Greek,from the age of 7.The most popular foreign language for European kids was English,followed by German and French.
In comparison,Americans don't  give a fig for learning foreign languages.Compared to 50percent of European adults who are bilingual,only 9percent of adults in the US are fluent in more than one language,according to a 2011report.American students are often not exposed to a second language until high school.
However,recent statistics show demand is growing in the US for people to become more bilingual.According to a USA Today chart released in July,21percent of US children speak another language at home.A number of institutions in the country are also pushing foreign languages in schools.Three school districts in Delaware will launch Chinese and Spanish programs next year.More people are learning Chinese,French and Spanish.

31.Psychologist used to believe that children who grow up bilingualB.
A.are more flexible mentally
B.are slow in the development of talking
C.have a poorer working memory
D.are smarter in understanding abstract concept
32.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.Americans are more interested in learning another language than Europeans
B.British kids began to learn foreign languages at the earliest age
C.21% of US children study a foreign language in the school
D.not all schools in America are teaching foreign languages
33.What does the underlined phrase"give a fig for"in Paragraph 4mean?A
A.attach importance to
B.have talent for
C.invest money in
D.have demand for
34.Which are the most popular foreign languages in the US?C
A.Mandarin and Greek.
B.English,German and French.
C.Chinese,French and Spanish.
D.Chinese,German and Greek.
35.What is the main idea of this passage?C
A.Chinese is becoming more popular in western countries.
B.The benefits and advantages of growing up bilingual.
C.Western worlds are paying more attention to learning foreign languages.
D.The differences between bilingual education in Europe and USA.

