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  Qinghai Red Cross Society Takes Active Part in Disaster Relief(救灾).The natural conditions in Qinghai are harsh(粗糙的),and its medicine and hygiene(健康)are backward.Therefore, the tasks faced by the local Red Cross workers are kind and warmhearted.In 1988, Nima was elected vice president of the Red Cross Qinghai Branch, and has instilled(慢慢的灌输)great vitality(活力)into this organization.

  Nima is Tibetan(西藏人).She loves her hometown very much, and has always sincerely wanted to do something for victims, both in her hometown and elsewhere, of natural calamities(灾难).She is therefore devoted(投入)to her work at the Red Cross, and says that the Red Cross is a lofty(高高的)undertaking to which she will devote her whole life.Nima always takes the lead in donating(捐献)money and goods during disaster relief(慰问)activities.She once told her fellow Red Cross workers, “It does not seem much if you only donate one brick.But if everyone donates a brick, we can put up a wall.The purpose of the Red Cross is to pool the power of the general public to help the relatively few who are suffering.”By working hard herself, she inspires the Red Cross workers around her with her self-sacrificing(自我牺牲)spirit.“Since Nima came, people have began to realize the importance of the organization.She puts a sense of mission into people’s hearts, ”said Li Yuning, the deputy(代表)secretary-general of Qinghai Red Cross Branch.

  Inside tents in remote(遥远的)pastoral areas, Red Cross members work tirelessly, giving treatment to herdsmen who have been hurt in natural disasters.

  Lying in a remote and economically backward(经济落后)area, Qinghai Province itself is badly in need of aid.However, in the knowledge that people in other places hit by natural calamities(大灾难)have a greater need, the people of Qinghai do not hesitate to give their help.In recent years, the local people organized by the Red Cross have made great contributions to the victims(遇难者)of forest fires in the greater Hinggan mountains and earthquake-stricken areas, including Zhangbei and Hualian in.When the Yangtze, Songhuajiang and Nenjiang Rivers were flooded in 1998, the Red Cross Qinghai Branch donated 600 000-yuan-worth of money and materials, the largest donation(捐献)it has ever made.




科目:高中英语 来源:必修二导练英语译林 牛津版 题型:030


  Mary:Jay, I know you and Adrian were two of the first foreigners who went to Lhasa by the famous Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

  Jay:Yeah, we were r  1   lucky, for there was a great d  2   for tickets and many people had missed out.

  Mary:So do tell me something about your trip!

  Jay:O  3   48-hour-long trip from Beijing to Lhasa was unforgettable t  4   it was long and a bit uncomfortable.The beautiful and breathtaking views of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(高原)made u  5   for it.On the train people rushed to the windows to e  6   the scenery of snowy m  7  , blue lakes and fields of yaks(牦牛).We were very excited as the train was running p  8   the railway station on the Tanggula Mountain Pass of 5068 meters above sea level, the h  9   railway station in the world.

  Mary:I think the Qinghai-Tibet Railway b  10   much more opportunities for foreigners to see Tibet.I’d like to go there this summer.


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆乌鲁木齐八中2010-2011学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022


  Another time five mothers ago, I happened to be upstairs   1   when the window was open.I didn’t go   2   until the window had to be shut.The dark, rainy evening, the wind ,the   3   clouds held me   4   in their   5  

  My sister doesn’t   6   details.So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province.She gave me a   7   look-the kind that said she would not   8  .When I told her that our   9   would begin at a(n)  10   of more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2006~2007上学期上杭一中、武平一中、长汀一中、漳平一中高三期末考英语试题 题型:050


  Qinghai-Tibet Railway Qinghai-Tibet Railway was unfolded to the public on Monday.From July 1 the service will cost a minimum of 389 yuan(hard seat)and take about 48 hours from Beijing to Lhasa.A hard sleeper(bottom berth)will cost 813 yuan, and a soft sleeper(bottom berth)1,262 yuan.The fare for an air ticket is about 2,540 yuan.Trains will run to and from Lhasa in three directions:through Beijing, Chengdu/Chongqing and Xiing/Lanzhou.

  Moscow:the world’s costliest city MOSCOW is this year’s most expensive city for big consumers in the world, a study released by British human resources firm Mercer HR suggests.Seoul was in second place, followed by Tokyo-which topped the list in 2005, when the Russian capital was in fourth position-then Hong Kong and London.The findings-were based on prices for 200 goods and services, especially housing, transport, food, clothing and entertainment.In the 144 cities surveyed, Beijing and Shanghai ranked 14th and 20th.

  Cutting wages in monopoly industries(垄断行业)CHINA’S State-owned monopoly industries may be forced to cut their employees’wages as the government looks at reducing the country’s widening income gap, the Economic Observer said on Monday.The report said the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), working with other central government departments, worked out a plan.High salaries in electricity, telecommunications and other monopoly industries have met with strong criticism.


According to the news, a tourist can enter Tibet by taking a train from ________ cities with a sleeper train ticket which costs at least ________.

[  ]


three; 389 yuan


five; 813 yuan


five; 389 yuan


three; 1,262 yuan


Which of the following cities is the most expensive city in 2005?

[  ]










The word “gap” in the third news probably, means ________.

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  Climate change connected with the reduction of wetlands at the source of the country's two longest rivers, the Yangtze and the Yellow, has reduced the volume of water flowing into them, scientists said.

  Scientists studied changes over past 40 years to the wetlands on the cold Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in west China where the two rivers have their sources.

  They found the wetlands on the plateau have shrunk(减少)more than 10 percent over the past four years.The wetlands at the source of the Yangtze have suffered the most, decreasing by 29 percent.

  About 17.5 percent of the small lakes at the source of the Yangtze have dried up, the scientists said.

  “The wetland plays a key role in holding water and changing the water volume of the rivers,” Wang Xugen, a researcher, said.

  “The reduction of the wetland on the plateau is closely connected with global warming,” Wang said, adding that even though rainfall has increased in the area, the reduction of the wetland has reduced the flow of the Yangtze and the Yellow.

  Records by the weather station at the head of the Yangtze showed yearly rainfall at its source increased from 260 mm during 1991-2000 to 323 mm in the period 2001-2006.

  “But the increased rainfall didn't lead to more water's flowing into the rivers because the evaporation(蒸发)was so fast as a result of global warming,” Li Shijie, a researcher, said.

  Another study showed global warming had caused glaciers to get smaller, frozen earth to melt, grasslands to turn yellow and rivers to dry up.

  The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau used to have 36 000 glaciers covering an area of 50 000 sq km.In the past 100 years, their area has been reduced by 30 percent.


According to the passage, the true statement of the following is that ________

[  ]


the wetlands at the source of the Yellow have decreased by 29 percent


there's no more water in about 17.5 percent of the small lakes at the source of the Yangtze


the reduction of the wetland on the plateau has nothing to do with global warming


yearly rainfall has increased from 260 mm to 323 mm in the past 15 years


Which of the following is NOT the result of global warming?

[  ]


Frozen earth melts.


Evaporation becomes faster.


Sea level rises.


Plants grow better in greenhouses.


The area that the glaciers of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau cover is now about ________ sq km.

[  ]








17 000


In the passage, ________ plays a most important part in holding water and changing the volume of the rivers.

[  ]


yearly rainfall


the evaporation


the wetland


climate change


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省苏北四市2012届高三第一次调研测试英语试题 题型:053


“Four Tigers” Ceremony of the Tu Minority

  Heigouding Village, Ledu County in the west of Qinghai province is a place where many people of the Tu minority have lived for centuries.As the little village is comparatively closed to the outside world, a custom called “Four Tigers” was created 200 years ago to protect its inhabitants(栖息地)from sickness and bad luck.

  Every year the ceremony is held on the eve of January 15th according to the Chinese lunar calendar to frighten off ghosts and evil souls, and to pray for peace.

  Normally four local villagers are selected to be the “tigers” in the ceremony.At first, they gathered with village elders at the mountain-god temple to offer sacrifices of wine, food and incense, and to ask the god to help the tigers.Then the tigers were adorned with herbs, candles and two batches of incense to serve as the tiger's ears.Two red ribbons held in their mouths represented the tiger's tongue.The “Tigers” drank wine, knelt and kowtowed to the mountain god before they received Hada, a kind of white silk scarf representing respects and good luck, from the village head with firecrackers crackling.

  As night fell, the candles on the tigers’ bodies were lit and the tigers began their visits to one household after another.Villagers followed, shouting “Tigers are coming!” The elder from each household welcomed the tigers at the gate, while the rest of the family knelt down in the courtyard.Firecrackers were set off, a toast made and candies, meat and wine were presented to the villagers following the tigers.After twirling(快速转动)in three circles in the courtyard while those present kowtowed and prayed, the tigers went through every corner of every room to drive away any hiding ghosts.If there was a sick person in the house, the tigers jumped around him or her, scratched their body and said lucky words to drive away diseases and ghosts.After the ceremony, the family would present wine and food to the tigers.Then, shouting “The tigers are leaving!” the whole family saw them off.

  After visiting all 30 or 40 households, the herbs were removed from the tigers and burned, to indicate that all the ghosts had been conquered.Then the villagers knelt and kowtowed with the sound of firecrackers, marking the end of the ceremony.

  The tiger image exists in other minority groups, also.In ancient times, people entrusted their happiness to gods.The “four tigers” ceremony is vividly held in memory of ancient times and a living fossil for academics studying the lives of ancient people.As it is not popular nowadays, this cultural heritage is on the edge of extinction and needs to be rescued.

