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【题目】As everything________,we know spring has arrived.

A.gets close to life

B.brings back to life

C.comes back to life

D.comes true


【解析】get close to life意为“接近生活”;bring...back to life意为“使……复活”;come back to life意为“复活;复苏”;come true意为“实现”。根据句意应选C项,表示“当万物复苏的时候”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We'd better set off or it will be dark __________ we know it.

A. before B. after C. when D. until


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I remember her face but I cannot __________ where I met her.

A. recall B. remind C. request D. remark


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I found the door __________ when I got home.

A. opened B. close C. unlocking D. open


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The doctor asked him not to leave his wound __________.

A. expose B. exposed C. to expose D. exposing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The workers have made some________the country.

A.contribution for

B.contribution to

C.contributions for

D.contributions to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Before you make a plan, you'd better __________ the advantages and disadvantages of it.

A. take B. weigh C. feel D. judge


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the near future, more advances in the robot technology __________ by scientists.

A. are making

B. are made

C. will make

D. will be made


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


It’s normal to wake briefly during the night. 【1】 But if you’re waking up during the night and having trouble falling back asleep, the following tips may help.

Stay out of your head. The key to getting back to sleep is continuing to prepare your body for sleep, so remain in bed in a relaxed position. Hard as it may be, try not to stress over the fact that you’re awake, because that very stress and anxiety encourage your body to stay awake. 2

3 If you are finding it hard to fall back asleep, try a relaxation technique such as visualization(想象), or deep breathing, which can be done without even getting out of bed. Remind yourself that although they’re not a replacement for sleep, rest and relaxation still help refresh your body.

Do a quiet, non-stimulating activity. If you’ve been awake for more than 15 minutes, try getting out of bed and doing a quiet, non-stimulating activity, such as reading a book. Keep the lights dim so as not to think that it’s time to wake up. 4 A light snack might relax you, but be careful not to eat so much that your body begins to expect a meal at that time of the day.

5 If you wake during the night feeling anxious about something, make a brief note of it on paper and delay worrying about it until the next day when you are fresh and it will be easier to resolve.

A. Make relaxation your goal, not sleep.

B. Put off worries and troubles.

C. Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night.

D. In fact, a good sleeper won’t even remember it.

E. Also avoid screens of any kind-computers, TVs, cell phones, iPads.

F. You’ll be much more productive and creative after a good night’s rest.

G. A good way to stay out of your head is to focus on the feeling in your body.

