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There has been a _______ increase in the temperature on the earth for about 100 years, but few people notice it.

A. loose B. gradual C. spare D. fluent





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁沈阳铁路实验中学高一上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注意:1. 词数100个左右;

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3. 新的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

Dear Tom,

How nice to hear from you!







Best wishes!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南边城高级中学高二上期中英语试卷卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

我们身边有很多让我们感觉幸福的人或物:你的家人、你的朋友、你的进步、你的成功,等等。请以“What’s happiness to you”为话题,写一篇100字左右的作文。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南边城高级中学高二上期中英语试卷卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--How do you find the film?

--Oh, excellent. It’s worth__________ once again.

A. seen B. to see

C. seeing D. of seeing


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北武穴武穴中学高一上10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did, he would not say hello to neighbors or passers-by, but simply glare at them.

The boy knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man.

As he was ready to walk away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man said.

“Uh, sir, I uh am selling these magazines and, uh, I was wondering if you would like to buy one.”

The old man just stared at the boy. The boy could see inside the old man’s house and saw that he had dog figurines (小雕像) on the fireplace. “Do you collect dogs?” the little boy asked.

“Yes, I have many collectibles in my house. They are my family here. They are all I have.”

The boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely soul. “Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.”

The old man was ready to close the door and said: “No, boy, I don’t need any magazines of any kind, now goodbye.”

The little boy was sad for the old man because he was alone in the big house. Then he thought of a little dog figurine that he had got some years earlier from an aunt. The boy headed back down to the old man’s house with it. He knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the door. “Boy, I thought I told you no magazines.”

“No, sir. I know that. I wanted to bring you a gift.” The boy handed him the figurine and the old man’s face lit up.

The old man was surprised and said: “Boy, you have a big heart. Why are you doing this?”

The boy smiled at the man and said: “Because you like dogs.”

From that day on, the old man started coming out of the house and greeting people. He and the boy became friends.

This simple nice act changed both of their lives forever.

1.How did the boy feel when he first knocked on the old man’s door?

A. Excited. B. Sad.

C. Frightened. D. Silly.

2.What can we learn from the article about the old man?

A. He preferred dog figurines to real dogs.

B. He longed for (渴望) friendship with others.

C. He found his neighbors unfriendly.

D. He was sad because he felt alone.

3.When the boy knocked on the door again, ________.

A. the old man was impatient with him

B. the old man refused to open the door

C. he didn’t think the old man would open it

D. he wanted to sell a magazine to the old man

4.With the story, the author tries to show us that _______.

A. smiling is the best way to make others feel comfortable

B. we should help strangers if they are angry

C. being kind to others can have a positive effect on our lives

D. you need to do something special if you want to make friends


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北武穴武穴中学高一上10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Wang Ming, our English teacher, has a good ______ of French; that is because he once studied in Paris.

A. power B. strength

C. vocabulary D. command


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北通城第二高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden change in pronunciation started, with vowels (元音) being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact (接触) with many people from around the world. This meant that lots of new vocabulary entered the language. The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London became the standard. In 1604 the first English dictionary came out.

Early Modern English and Late Modern English are mostly different in the number of words. Late Modern English has many more words, mainly because of the following two reasons: First, the Industrial Revolution (工业革命) led to the need for new words. Second, the British Empire covered one quarter of the earth’s surface, and the English language took in foreign words from many countries.

From around 1600, the English colonization (殖民地化) of North America led to American English. Some English pronunciations and words “froze” when they reached America. In some ways, American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English. Some expressions that are called “American English” are in fact from British expressions. They were kept in the colonies while lost for a time in Britain. Spanish also had an influence (影响) on American English. For example, words like canyon, ranch, stampede and vigilante are from Spanish. They entered English by the people of Spain who settled in the American West. French words and West African words also influenced American English.

Today, American English has a greater influence, because of the USA’s movies, television, popular music, trade and technology.

1.The main difference between Early and Late Modern English lies in _____.

A. vocabulary B. pronunciation

C. spelling D. grammar

2. What helped to increase the vocabulary of Late Modern English?

a. the invention of printing

b. the Industrial Revolution

c. the colonization

d. the contact with other countries

A. a, b, c B. a, c, d

C. a, b, d D. b, c, d

3.From the passage, we can learn the word “canyon” is from _____.

A. American dialect B. African dialect

C. Spanish D. French


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河北高阳中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember a mere acquaintance(相识). I have forgotten the of an old lady who was on my paper route when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in .

One afternoon, a friend and I were rocks onto the roof of the old lady’s house to observe how the rocks to missiles(导弹;发射物) as they rolled to the roof’s edge and shot out into the yard like comets(彗星)falling from the sky. I found myself a perfectly smooth and threw it out. The stone was too smooth, however, it from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small on the old lady’s back porch(门廊). We knew we were in and ran away as fast as we could.

I was too of getting caught that first night. However, a few days later. I was sure that I hadn’t been discovered, I started to feel for her misfortune. She still greeted me with a smile but I was no longer to feel in her presence.

I made up my mind that I would my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelope with a note that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would the cost for repairing it.

I waited until it was dark, then put the envelope through the letter slot in her door.

The next day, I the old lady her paper and was able to the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and said, “Here, I have something for you.” It was a bag of cookies. I thanked her and ate the cookies as I continued my way.

After several cookies, I an envelope and pulled it out. When I opened the envelope, I was very . Inside was the seven dollars and a short note that said, “I’m of you.”

1.A. name B. story C. life D. experience

2.A. friendship B. forgiveness C. courage D. patience

3.A. removing B. lifting C. putting D. throwing

4.A. changed B. flew C. connected D. devoted

5.A. doll B. glass C. stone D. branch

6.A. disappeared B. moved C. slipped D. came

7.A. building B. house C. room D. window

8.A. trouble B. silence C. failure D. freedom

9.A. certain B. scared C. aware D. fond

10.A. grateful B. sensitive C. calm D. guilty(有罪的)

11.A. as usual B. for sure C. on purpose D. at least

12.A. hopeless B. strange C. comfortable D. funny

13.A. spend B. save C. give D. hide

14.A. explaining B. instructing C. persuading D. declaring

15.A. spare B. contain C. charge D. cover

16.A. bought B. awarded C. handed D. owed

17.A. require B. receive C. return D. repeat

18.A. folded B. felt C. replaced D. ignored

19.A. cautious(谨慎的)B. pleased C. surprised D. nervous

20.A. happy B. proud C. confident D. afraid


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建莆田第一中学高二上第一学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My father earns around 500 yuan per month, which can hardly __________ the basic needs of our family.

A. support B. cover

C. present D. arrange

