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【题目】 Sea urchins(海胆) are small creatures , but what’s really remarkable about them is that they eat anything that happens to float by. They have really sharp teeth they use to rid rocks of algae(海藻)which makes them pretty valuable especially in places like Hawaii where algae are threatening the coral reefs. In the summer of 2019, 500,000 of them were used to deal with the algae.

The problem started when non-native algae were introduced to the ecosystem of Kaneohe Bay in the 1970s. Because they had no enemies, they ended up taking over the bay, according to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The algae blocked sunlight from reaching the coral, which in turn affected the local fish because they changed the chemistry of the water.

That’s when the NMFS turned to sea urchins that loved to devour the algae. But they had to grow to the size of a cherry tomato before they could be used. Since 2011, sea urchins have been grown and used to handle the algae problem. Some of the funds are available due to an unfortunate incident. In 2005, a ship was grounded on a shallow reef near Kaneohe Bay. When the ship was removed, 20 acres of reefs have been damaged. When there is environmental damage, the NMFS and other agencies receive funds from the wrongdoers and the funds are used to restore the damage. Some funds were spent on other projects like the sea urchins. The state of Hawaii began to grow the sea urchins. When they are large enough, divers carefully place them on the reef.

Algae isn’t the only thing that threatens the coral reefs. Climate change and the effects of fishing and tourism in the area also endanger the coral reefs. But turning to sea urchins instead of man-made solutions seems like the best way to go.

1Why are sea urchins regarded as outstanding creatures?

A.They are tiny but have teeth.

B.They can keep the ocean clean.

C.They can remove harmful algae.

D.They grow on coral reefs with algae.

2What happened after non-native algae arrived at Kaneohe Bay?

A.They helped the coral reefs to survive.

B.They spread to every corner of the bay.

C.They didn't fit in with the new surroundings.

D.They fought against other species to get food.

3Which word can replace the underlined word “devour” in paragraph 3?



4What does the author suggest doing to save coral reefs?

A.Banning fishing and tourism.B.Relying on humans’ solutions.

C.Employing divers to handle algae.D.Letting nature take care of nature.









细节理解题。根据第一段中They have really sharp teeth they use to rid rocks of algae(海藻)which makes them pretty valuable especially in places like Hawaii where algae are threatening the coral reefs.“它们有锋利的牙齿用来清除岩石上的藻类,这使它们非常珍贵,尤其是在夏威夷这样的地方,那里的藻类正在威胁珊瑚礁。由此可知,海胆之所以被认为是杰出的生物是因为它们可以清除有害藻类。故选C


推理判断题。根据第二段中The problem started when non-native algae were introduced to the ecosystem of Kaneohe Bay in the 1970s. Because they had no enemies, they ended up taking over the bay,“这一问题始于20世纪70年代非本地藻类被引入卡内奥河湾的生态系统。因为它们没有敌人,它们最终占领了海湾,由此可知,非本地藻类到达卡内奥河湾后,它们散布到海湾的每一个角落。故选B


词义猜测题。根据第三段第二句But they had to grow to the size of a cherry tomato before they could be used.“但它们必须长到樱桃番茄的大小才能被使用。可知,sea urchins that loved to devour the algae“海胆喜欢吃海藻。由此推知划线词的意思是。故选A


推理判断题。根据最后一段Algae isn’t the only thing that threatens the coral reefs. Climate change and the effects of fishing and tourism in the area also endanger the coral reefs. But turning to sea urchins instead of man-made solutions seems like the best way to go.“藻类并不是唯一威胁珊瑚礁的东西。气候变化以及该地区渔业和旅游业的影响也威胁着珊瑚礁。但是用海胆代替人工解决方案似乎是最好的选择。由此可知,作者建议让大自然照顾大自然来拯救珊瑚礁。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A team of over 30 Chinese surveyors (勘探员) on Wednesday (Mav6, 2020) left a base camp at Mount Qomolangma for a higher spot on their journey 1 the peak, as they try to accomplish a task to remeasure the2 (high) of the world's highest mountain.

The team, 3 (consist) of professional climbers and surveyors from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), 4 (seize) the current weather window and make an attempt for the summit at the 5 (good) time.

Professional surveyors are better at using the 6 (advance) instruments. 7 , the data they obtain 8 (be) more reliable, 9 (science) and convincing.

Due to the fact 10 the air flow is unstable as well as the windy and low-temperature conditions, surveying-oriented drones (无人机) cannot work at the summit of Mount Qomolangma at present.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Benefits of Being Bilingual

At one time being bilingual was thought to slow down brain development, although it is now known to have many benefits. Aside from professional and social benefits, studies show that the process of learning a second language actually strengthens some areas of the brain.

To start off with, a study done at the University of British Columbia shows that babies exposed to two languages before birth don’t confuse the languages. Moreover, it showed that the effort it takes to keep the languages separate improves perception.

The benefits aren’t only for people who grow up bilingual, however. Anyone who learns a second language during their lifetime will have certain advantages. For one, Swedish scientists found that the brain grows during language learning, particularly the area where memories are created.

Not only does the brain grow, but language learners also improve in many areas. They are good at multitasking while paying detailed attention to each task. Additionally they strengthen their math skills, listening skills, ability to focus, problem-solving skills, reading and vocabulary in their native language, and their memory increases. In the area of math, a study done at the University of Washington shows that bilinguals solve new math problems half a second faster than monolinguals.

Language learning also has huge benefits for old age. Brian Gold of the University of Kentucky did a study comparing the ability of bilingual seniors and monolingual seniors to do an attention-switching task. Usually this skill fails with age. However the bilingual seniors performed better than the monolinguals, and their brains worked less hard and more efficiently.

Neuroscientists (神经系统科学家) think that having more brainpower at an older age helps protect us from Alzheimer’s. Current medication for Alzheimer’s only delays it for 6-12 months, while learning a new language delays it for 4-5 years. Again, this is not only for people who learn a second language from birth. Even if you don’t learn another language until after middle age it helps. Language learning keeps your brain active and “fit”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The colors of ties.B.The designs of ties.C.The numbers of ties.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如春天社区(Spring Community)要招募社区志愿者以应对新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus),请你用英文写一篇书面通知,以便张贴到布告栏上。内容如下:

1. 对志愿者的要求;

2. 志愿者需注意事项;

3. 报名方式及截至日期。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A female Arctic fox traveled nearly 2, 200 miles in 76 days—from Norway to Canada—and surprised Norwegian scientists in the process.

The fox 1 (equip) with a satellite transmitter by scientists at the Norwegian Polar Institute, where scientists wanted 2 (survey) just how far Arctic foxes travel from their birthplace. They found their answer: In less than three months, it went from Spitsbergen, 3 island in northern Norway, to Ellesmere Island in the northeastern part of Canada.

The fox moved 4 a rate of 29 miles a day. At its fastest, it traveled nearly 100 miles in a single day while 5 (cross) Greenland. It set a record for the fastest movement rate ever 6 (document) in an Arctic fox. 'This is among the longest 7 (event) ever recorded for an Arctic fox, covering extensive stretches of sea ice and glaciers, ' wrote Norwegian scientists Eva Fuglei and Arnaud Tarroux in a report.

The journey was among the longest recorded by scientists, 8 it also raises questions of the effects 9 climate changes have on sea ice and animals that navigate the Arctic. The Arctic 10 (current) faces 'its most excellent transition in human history', said Emily Osborne of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Jack was gone.

For six years, Jack had lived four floors directly below him. If it hadn’t been for the fire escape, the two best friends could have seen each other by sticking their heads out of their bedroom windows.

Every summer had been filled with bike rides and baseball, but last summer—the summer of Cyclops—had been the best.

Kyle and Jack had created the pulley contraption (滑轮), which Jack named Cyclops, from old bicycles, a backpack and a long rope. It ran beside the fire escape, and anything that fit into the pack could be slid from Kyle to Jack and back again. Cyclops had exchanged messages, comics and even chocolate cookies between windows.

Three days ago, Jack said good-bye to Kyle, saying his family was moving. Cyclops’ backpack rested on the fire escape outside Jack’s empty bedroom.

Staring at the ceiling over his bed, Kyle felt sad and lonely. Zzzoop! Kyle ran to the window, only to find Cyclops rushing toward him. ‘‘Jack?” he shouted. Kyle opened the backpack and found a note “This is cool. Did you make it?” Disappointed, he threw the note away and closed the window, muttering (咕哝着) to the faceless stranger in Jack’s room, “Forget it.”

Minutes later, Kyle ran his eyes over Cyclops. Having read one page of his favorite comic, he looked at it again. He wrote a note. “Who are you?” Zzzooop! “I’m Max.” “I’m Kyle. How old are you?”

Cyclops whirred (呼呼地响), carrying notes between Kyle and Max. They discovered they would be in Mrs. Parker’ fifth grade class next year. They both loved riding bikes and playing baseball but hated strawberry jam.

Kyle sent three cookies and a note down. Cyclops ran between the windows as Kyle and Max made crucial decisions, like how to go to the zoo, when and where to meet. “Feel like going to the zoo tomorrow? Zzzooop! “OK.”

Para. 1: Early the next morning, Kyle got ready and his mom smilingly held the door open.


Para. 2: It was a girl that was pushing the bike and approaching him.


