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What have you imagined when you thought about being an International student in the U. S. before you actually became one? 1       Whether you are suffering from homesickness or simply want to know how to make life easier,here are a few tried and tested tips from other international students that could help.

1. Surround Yourself with Positive People 2       I bet you don't want to lose sight of why you are studying abroad after spending the time and money to get to the U.S. 3       Their positive attitude will inspire and motivate you when you feel down or lost.

2. Don't Be Afraid to Ask Some cultures don't consider asking questions a positive thing. My Japanese friends tell me that asking questions was somehow a negative thing to do in Japan. 4       It shows your effort to understand and the fact that you are listening to them. So never be afraid to ask questions!It is one of the most important things to be a successful student.

3. Leave Your Comfort Zone 5       Maybe that's a movie marathon,rowing on your town's river or even an underwear run. This is the best way to meet new people and find out what your college life is all about.

   A. But American people love questions!

   B. If you have a chance,attend a sports event with your new friends.

   C. The key to staying on track is to surround yourself with positive people who have good influence on you.

   D. Studying in a foreign country creates all kinds of challenges for international students.

   E. Try doing things you would not normally do.

   F. There are many negative influences in the U.S. that you may not have had in your country.

   G. However,there are a lot of things you can enjoy in the U. S. that you can't do in your country.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.       


1. D本句承上启下。先提出作为一名国际留学生会面临种种困难,后面再提出克服困难的建议,这样显得符合逻辑。

2. F考查顺承关系。后文说,"我打赌你不想在花费金钱和精力后却忘记了来美国学习的目的"。之所以有这种可能性,就在于美国有许许多多的负能量会影响留学生。

3. C考查递进关系。后文中的"their"指的就是那些充满正能量的人们。

4. A考查转折关系。前文说日本人觉得问他人问题不礼貌,后面直接转向说美国人热爱他人提问,形成对比。

5. E考查总分关系。

B和G都是干扰项,B说的是体育运动,后文中的"movie marathon"不能算运动;G选项和小标题逻辑不统一。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练56


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Newspapers and websites are two major new medium in the world today,both of them can provide us with lots of news and information. But they're different in some way.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost somewhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand,websites are quite new and popular,specially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos,they make stories more interested. What's more,they are updated from time to time. So late news is always seen on websites. And it is not quite convenient for people without a computer is connected to the Internet to get information from websites.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In many countries,it has long been a tradition to hold a annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations date back to ancient times. However,Arbor Day,as it is common known today,is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the Great Plains. It was first observed at Nebraska in 1872. The idea was created by J. S. Morton,a member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture,one of the country's forest conservation organization. It was a move to promote replanting,and to plant up treeless areas. The idea has spreaded widely to other lands which it is variously celebrated the "Festival of Trees"―" Greening Week" in Japan, "The New Year's Days of Trees" in Israel, "The Treeloving Week" in Korea, "The Students' Planting Day" in Iceland or "The National Festival of Tree Planting" in India. Arbor Day in their various forms is now celebrated in more than fifty countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sometimes,you'd better use pen and paper than open up your mouth to convey just the right emotion. Margaret Shepherd,author of The Art of Civilized Conversation,shares these proper occasions.

* Condolences (吊唁) At first,everything is a blur (模糊不清) for the bereaved (死者的亲友) so it's comforting to have notes to read later at their own pace. I       For instance, "I know you're going to be busy with family right now,but in a few weeks,Fm going to call you so we can have coffee together."Then do it.

*  2       An apology is easier to put on paper―you're calmer and you can choose better words and take more care with what you say. Apologize very clearly and don't use weasel words (推诿词) like "I'm sorry if you were upset by me." 3      

* Praises If you compliment people to their face,they often feel they should be modest,but a written note can be savored (品味) in private. For example, "I really appreciate your patience as I learn to stop drinking."

氺 4      

A request to work on a campaign,help out a fundraiser―put them all on paper to avoid putting people on the spot.

* Thank You Most of us think we're covered if we've verbally thanked someone or sent an email,but if the person put effort into a gathering or a gift,you should put effort into making a thankyou note. I am strongly agreed that people should hand write a thankyou note for a hand cooked dinner rather than call the next day and talk about how fun it was. They just saw you the night before!5      

   A. And remember to use your pen instead of words always.

   B. Finish with something appreciative,such as "Thanks for putting up with me."

   C. Make an Offer

   D. A Request for Help

   E. Give them something to look forward to.

   F. Apologies

   G. And there isn't a person on earth who doesn't appreciate a thankyou note.

1.         2.       3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Not a day passes that you are not called upon to make many choices. Most of them are of 1       importance. It just depends on 2        you like it or not.

But sometimes you must make significant choices such as those that will affect your future. You are called upon 3         ( select) your courses for the following term or year. You may find 4        strange that you should choose between 5        important activity and a parttime job after school. Such 6          (choice) can be difficult and the final decision may be of 7         (last) significance.

Making a choice always means 8       (give) up one thing for another. You cannot be in two places at the same time. You cannot spend the same money twice. You must decide which of the two things is9       (much) important and make your choice. It pays as many things as you can 10        you act. A hasty decision often leads to regret and the loss of time,money and opportunity.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My parents were not at home,so I asked several friends to have the party. We played so happily that we forgot anything. Unluckily,I dropped a glass on accident. The glass,which was my father's favorite,was in piece and my heart was beating wild. When he came back,I was very fearful that I did not tell the truth. The cat took the blame for me. Although my father said nothing,but I could read his distrust. The next morning,after a sleepless night,I admitted for my father that it was my fault. I saw relief in his eyes when he smiling at me. From then,I never told lies and my honesty won me great trust from others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Nearly every parent loses control and screams at the children now and then. But what if you do it repeatedly?

Researchers suspect parents are yelling more. 1       Three out of four parents yell,scream or shout at their children or teens about once a month,on average,for misbehaving or making them angry,research shows. Increasingly,therapists and parenting experts are homing in on how it hurts a child,as well as how to stop it.

Research shows that many parents lose control because they feel attacked or think the child's actions reflect poorly on them. Teens whose parents use "harsh verbal discipline" such as shouting or insulting are more likely to have behavior problems and depression symptoms,says a recent study.

2       Eight-year-olds whose parents disciplined them by yelling have less satisfying relationships with romantic partners and spouses at age 23,according to a 15-year study led by Stephanie Parade,an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University.

3       Warning signs can include:tightness in the throat or chest,rapid breathing,negative thoughts about oneself or feelings of being overwhelmed.

"Learning to start sentences with ' I,rather than * you' can help parents shift from an angry attack to a teaching moment," Ms. Faber says.

Leigh Fransen felt like yelling when her daughters,Alona and Elisha,forgot to feed the family dog,Balto,on two evenings in the same week. Ms. Fransen said, "I wanted to yell, 'You're not getting any dinner tonight,because you didn't feed the dog. 4       ,―that would lead to nothing but tears and misery."

Instead,she started her response with "I” ,saying, "I don't like seeing the dog not fed. Look at him: He is miserable.5       Ms. Fransen says. Alona and Elisha needed to be reminded of the deadline twice,but soon learned to remember on their own. Ms. Fransen praised them for taking responsibility and encouraged them.

   A. And you're going to know how it feels.

   B. I expect him to be fed before you eat your own dinner.

   C. Parents have been conditioned to avoid spanking,so they vent their anger by shouting instead.

   D. Parents can learn to notice signs that a blowup is brewing and dial down their own tension.

   E. Apologizing can help repair a relationship after an outburst.

   F. Another study suggests yelling at children may have consequences that go beyond those of spanking.

   G. Parents can turn a meltdown into a teaching moment by involving kids in finding solutions.

1.         2.                  3.       4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Australia is the only country that it is also a continent. It is the sixth largest countries in the world and is in the smallest continent―Oceania. It is a main dry country with only a few costal areas that have adequate rainfall to support large population. Approximately 80% of Australians live in the southeastern costal area,which include Australia's two largest cities― Melbourne and Sydney. The centre of a continent,that is mainly desert and dry grassland,has few settlements.

Australia is famous for its huge,open space,bright sunshine,enormous number of sheep and cattle or its unusual wildlife,including kangaroos and koalas. Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who came to experience its unique ecology.

It is made up with six states. Like the states in America,Australian states are autonomous in some areas. However,Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country,such as defence,foreigner policy and taxation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rachel:We will go on an outing next weekend. Would you like to go with us? Michael:I will be free then. 1       are you going?

Rachel:I think we'll go to the Western Hill. You see,it's spring now. There are wild flowers everywhere.

Michael:Good idea. That's a2         (love) place. We can also enjoy fresh air there. There is a beautiful river. And I hear there are a lot of fish in it. It will be a nice place for 3       (fish) , Rachel:So you can go fishing 4        you get there. Michael:Wonderful idea!

Rachel:By the way,5       do you think we should go there?

Michael:I think we'd6       (good) go there by bike so that we can relax better. You know we are7       (stress) all the time. When shall we start off? Rachel:    8         (person) ,I think we should set out at half past seven on Saturday morning if the weather is fine.

Michael:I'll tell 9        whole class about it this afternoon so that more classmates will join 10       .

Rachel:Good idea. I think many more students would love to go. Michael:I think so.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.         

