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A university graduate described as a “respectable and intelligent” woman is seeking professional help after being convicted of (证明有……罪)shoplifting for the second time in six months.

Ana Luz, recently studying for her PhD, has been told she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops.

Luz, who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road, Cambridge, admitted stealing clothes worth £9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Street, London, on March 9.

Phillip Lemoyne, prosecuting(起诉), said Luz selected some clothes from a display and took them to the ladies’ toilet in the store. When she came out again she was wearing one of the skirts she had selected, having taken off the anti-theft security alarms.

She was stopped and caught after leaving the store without paying, Mr. Lemoyne said.

He added that she was upset on her arrest and apologized for her actions.

Luz, 28, was said to have been convicted of shoplifting by Cambridge judges last October, but Morag Duff, defending, said she had never been in trouble with the police before that.

“She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn’t really have any explanation why she did this,” Miss Duff said. “She didn’t intend to steal when she went into the store. She is at a loss to explain it. She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady. She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in particular that caused her to do this.” Judge David Azan fined Luz £50, and warned: “You’ve got a criminal record. If you carry on like this, you will end up in prison, which will ruin your bright future you may have.” Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native Spain, went on to a famous university in Berlin, Germany for her master’s degree and is now studying for a PhD at Cambridge University, UK.

1.What does the underlined sentence “She is at a loss to explain it” mean?

A.In her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things.

B.She doesn’t have any idea why she has the desire to steal from shops.

C.She thinks it is a loss for her to explain why she stole things from shops.

D.Personally she feels ashamed and embarrassed for her shoplifting actions.

2.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “shoplifting” used in the passage?

A.Carrying goods in a lift for a shop.

B.Taking goods to the ladies’ toilet.

C.Selecting some goods from a display.

D.Taking goods from a shop without paying.

3.From the passage we can learn that ________.

A.Ana Luz is already got her PhD at Cambridge University, UK

B.Ana Luz is ashamed and embarrassed and knows why she often did so

C.the university graduate will be put in prison if she steals in shops once more

D.Phillip Lemoyne is the “respectable and intelligent” woman’s defense lawyer

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Shoplifting Shame of a PhD Student

B.Apologizing for the Actions in Shops

C.Seeking Professional Help from Experts

D.Controlling the Desire to Steal from Shops


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北定州中学高三上期周练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice _______ expensive.

A. as B. so C. too D. very


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年湖北武汉外国语校高一上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom hasn’t appeared for 10 days. So I promise his parents: “I'll report back, the moment I ________ him.”

A. locatedB. locateC. was locatingD. will locate


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江哈尔滨市高一12月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


It is five years now since I graduate from No. 6 High School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone to abroad for further study, but they called back or sent greeting card from different places.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届安徽蚌埠二中等四校高三10月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达







Dear Jamie,











Best wishes!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届福建漳州市高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







Private cars play a very important part in people’s life. They bring people convenience, joy or a new lifestyle. However, there are also problems to private cars. Firstly, with the rapidly increase of private cars, parking became a big headache. Another problem is the traffic. We often hear news of traffic jams, which accounts for many serious accidents. The worst thing is how the poisonous gases they give off polluting the air and do great harm to people’s healthy. I think we should use cars only when is necessary. For an example, instead of driving, we can walk, ride bicycles or take the bus to work.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届福建漳州市高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the frozen continent of Antarctica scientists fear an alien invasion — not from outer space, but carried in people’s pockets and bags.

Seeds and plants accidentally brought to Antarctica by tourists and scientists may introduce alien plant species which could threaten the survival of native plants in the finely balanced ecosystem.

“The people that were carrying the most had lots and lots of seeds. They really were real threats,” said Dana Bergstrom, from the Australian Antarctic Division.

“When we take things in through hitchhiking(搭车旅行) then we get species which are competitive. The plants and animals there are not necessarily competitive, so we’d start losing various precious biodiversity(生物多样性) on the (Antarctic) continent”, Bergstrom told Reuters.

Amongst the alien species discovered were the Iceland Poppy, and Annual Winter Grass — all from cold climates and capable of growing in Antarctica.

The Antarctic Peninsula, where most tourists travel, is now considered a “hot spot” on the frozen continent and the warmer the climate, the easier for seeds to grow. “The peninsula(半岛) is warming at some of the greatest rates on the planet,” said Bergstrom.

The study, the first continent-wide assessment of invasive species in Antarctica, surveyed about 1,000 passengers during 2007-2008, the first year of the International Polar Year, an international effort to research the polar areas.

Bergstrom said the one alien seed that had gained a foothold is Annual Winter Grass. It is a strong weed in the sub-Antarctic and is on the Antarctic island of King George. It has also made its way to the tail part of the Antarctic continent.

1.What does the passage focus on?

A. The human influence on the native plants.

B. The development of native plants.

C. The discovery of new plants.

D. The promising future of tourism.

2.What is the effect of alien plant seeds to Antarctica?

A. They contribute to the biodiversity.

B. They lead to the warming up of Antarctica.

C. They make the native plants more competitive.

D. They break the balance of the natural environment of plants.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The International Polar Year started in 2007.

B. Visitors to Antarctica are mainly scientists.

C. Visitors to Antarctica bring seeds on purpose.

D. Tall Fescue Velvet grass grows well in warm places.

4.What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To introduce the native environment of Antarctica.

B. To warn people of the danger of alien plant seeds to Antarctica.

C. To explain the relationship between plants and climate.

D. To give visitors some tips on how to explore Antarctica.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届内蒙古高三上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that ________ my life forever.

One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a ________ on life support with less than two percent ________ of living. It wasn’t until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a ________ blood infection.

Over the ________ of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents ________ me out of the hospital, I ________ that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物) doll and I had to live with ________ legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, ________ streaming down.

But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and ________ the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant ________. And that is when it ________ me that I didn’t have to be five-foot-five anymore, ________ I could be as tall as I wanted. And ________ of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were ________ here.

Four months later, I was back upon a ________. And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, ________ me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.

So, instead of looking at our ________ and our limitations as something ________ or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful ________ that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.

1.A. savedB. riskedC. ruinedD. changed

2.A. hospitalB. clubC. fieldD. studio

3.A. thoughtB. degreeC. chanceD. decision

4.A. mildB. severeC. potentialD. slight

5.A. journeyB. breakC. courseD. schedule

6.A. wheeledB. draggedC. pulledD. delivered

7.A. made sureB. felt likeC. worked outD. put forward

8.A. muscledB. heavyC. shapelyD. false

9.A. bloodB. sweatC. tearsD. water

10.A. hugB. recognizeC. fixD. introduce

11.A. planB. questionC. informationD. favour

12.A. dawned onB. stick toC. knocked intoD. looked into

13.A. althoughB. soC. whileD. but

14.A. firstB. strangestC. bestD. luckiest

15.A. strugglesB. benefitsC. rewardsD. conflicts

16.A. stageB. snowboardC. trackD. playground

17.A. allowingB. givingC. callingD. making

18.A. challengesB. changesC. devotionsD. hesitation

19.A. activeB. amazingC. negativeD. terminal

20.A. abilityB. skillC. toolD. gift


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京一零一中学高二下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To waitB. Have waitedC. Having waitedD. To have waited

