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I felt (luck) to have won a place to go on a cultural tour to sites of lost civilizations. We visited Pompeii in Italy and Loulan in China. Pompei (found) in the 8th century BC, then takenby the Romans in 89 BC. Later, Pompei was destroyed by a volcano. It erupted and covered Pompei with ash. (fortunate), many people were buried alive. The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a stone with writing on it was discovered by a farmer. People started to dig in the area treasure and caused much damage. Thus, in 1860, the area was governed by the government so could be preserved and studied.
Differently, Loulan disappeared under the sand. There were just a few (ruin) left. There was ancient water system (run) through the middle of the city. The desert was once a green with huge trees, but they were cut down,resulted in the city being buried by sand.
They were both important commercial cities about 2,000 years ago. It was a pity that they disappeared for ever.

【答案】lucky;was founded;over;Unfortunately;for;it;ruins;an;running;Which
【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍已经失去的古文明——意大利的Pompeii 和中国的Loulan。
(2)考查语态。此处Pompei和found之间是被动关系,根据句意可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,所以答案是was founded。
(3)考查介词。句意:在89 BC被罗马人接管。take over固定短语,“接管”,可知答案为over。
(4)考查副词。根据“many people were buried alive”很多人被活埋,可知,此事是遗憾地,副词修饰整个句子,所以答案是Unfortunately。 (5)考查介词。句意:人们开始在这个地区挖掘财宝。dig for固定短语,“寻求”,所以答案是for。
(7)考查名词。a few修饰可数名词复数,所以答案是ruins。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】请你以“My Father”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,要点如下:
(参考词汇:解除痛苦:relief/reduce pain 取得巨大成就:achieve great success医学事业:medical career
My father


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


One day after we moved to our farm, I found that two of the neighbors cows and a calf had wandered through the fence along our woods. The neighbor, Lorne Wright showed up with his dog to herd them back into his grassland—and with part of a roll of nine-wire fence.

Theres probably enough to reach from the road to the first brace post if you were of a mind to fix this spot, he said. My face lit right up. I wanted to be a good neighbor, but money was tight.

The next week I was pulling the old fence out of the tall grass when Bill Risk stopped his car. He said,

Fixing fence, are you? Hear a story? A long time ago, two fellows farmed next to each other, so they agreed that each would start building fence on opposite ends of their farms and meet in the middle.

When they finished, one said, Well, it looks good. But the other said, My half looks good, because I started where I should have, but you started your half about 2 feet over on my farm and I want it moved right away!

Well, these two fellows, who could have been good neighbors, began to get angry with each other, and the bitterness went on for years. Finally one man sold his farm, and no sooner had the new owner moved in than his neighbor paid him a visit.

He said, There has always been a problem with our line fence. Your half begins 2 feet over on my farm. It should have been moved a long time ago. The new neighbor thought for a moment, then said, I always intend to be a good neighbor. If you think the fence is on your farm, you move it to wherever you think it should be, and youll never hear a complaint from me.

They became good friends. And the fence was never moved. So keep that fence straight, neighbor, Bill went away, leaving me with a smile on my face as I went back to work.

【题文1】 How did the writer feel after hearing his neighbors words?

A. Excited. B. Embarrassed. C. Puzzled. D. Satisfied.

【题文2】After finishing their fence, the two fellows _________.

A. celebrated for building a solid fence B. have become good neighbors even since

C. started right off with hard feelings D. argued about whose fence was good

【题文3】How did the new owner treat the fence?

A. By moving it to his property. B. By finding where it should be first.

C. By taking it apart immediately. D. By allowing the neighbor to deal with it.

【题文4】What lesson can we learn from the text?

A. Good fences make good neighbors. B. Two neighbors build their fences.

C. Fences have their own stories. D. Keep your fence strong and tall.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A best friend is someone to you can tell everything, even your most (person) feelings and thoughts. Anne Frank treated her diary her best friend. The German Nazis were in search of Anne and her family. The family had to away from the chase. They didn't dare to go out even in the evenings. They had to stay indoors day and night. Not (be) able to go out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of nature so much that she grew about everything to do with it. She stayed up eleven thirty one evening on just to see the moonlight. She said, “This is the first time I (see) the moonlight since I came here.”
(fortunate), the family were discovered at last and taken away from the hiding place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister _______ by asking him what he would like.

A. licked her lips B. ate her words

C. spilt the beans D. pulled his leg


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As the evidence began to accumulate, experts felt to investigate, for the given by people who claimed to the puma were extraordinarily similar.
Our vicar is always raising money for , but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.
is human nature, that a great many people are willing to higher pay the of becoming white-collar workers.
This can to curious situations, as it in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.
Editors of newspapers and magazines often to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.
Not only the poor man , but he had been sent to prison as well.
The was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights and its horn , roared down the arcade.
One of the thieves was by a heavy statue, but he was to busy diamonds to notice any pain.
Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is tall buildings.
The Titanic turned just in time, the immense wall of ice which over 100 feet out of the water beside her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2).报名地点: 学生会(教学楼三楼)
3).报名时间 :本周六下午
4). 联系人:李华 13536789874
Dear Eric,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Grandma celebrated her fifty-third birthday just weeks before grandpa died of cancer in 1965. Although his passing was very difficult for her, I think their shared struggle to make his life longer taught grandma that good health was not to be taken for granted, and she made up her mind to live her rest of her own life as fully and as long as she could. One day, when she announced to attend lessons at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Portland, Oregon, where she lived, we rolled-our eyes in embarrassment and helplessly wished she would just stay home and bake cookies as normal grandmothers did. Many years filled with countless dance lessons passed before we learned to appreciate the wonder of having a dancing grandma.
I suppose grandma’s primary motivation for wanting to learn to dance was social. She had been a shy girl, always very tall and heavy, and had married into grandpa’s quiet lifestyle before developing any elegance or confidence in her personal appearance. Dancing, on the other hand, filled her life with flash lights,wonderful parties, beautiful dresses, handsome young dance instructors, and the challenge of learning. Although the weekly dance lessons did not change her ample, two-hundred-pound figure, grandma surprised everyone with energetic performances on the dance floor, which soon gave her as much elegance and confidence as any Miss American competitor.
Having taken weekly dance lessons for years, my grandma learned various dances easily and was soon participating in dancing matches all over the Northwest. When I was fourteen, grandma proudly invited me to watch her compete in one of these matches to be held in the grand ballroom of the Red Lion Inn. My attitude was still unenthusiastic at that point, but to make her happy, my mother and I attended the match. As if to prove me wrong, grandma made a wonderful showing in every event she entered. I thought she was truly the queen of the ball during the dance, and my thoughts were shared by the judges a short time later when she was awarded a gold cup for her outstanding performance.
(1)What did grandma learn from grandpa’s death?
A.Good health was not there for everyone.
B.She should take dance lessons.
C.She had to struggle to live a better life.
D.She should wear beautiful dresses.
(2)Normal grandmas usually in the author’s point of view.
A.took dance lessons
B.did some exercises at home
C.took care of grandchildren at home
D.did some housework at home
(3)The author felt when he was invited to watch grandma’s match.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It was the first day of kindergarten. I walked in with my mom and was1at all the toys against the walls.2 I ran over to them and started to play. Most of the other3were doing the same. In the corner, though, I saw one girl sitting4She was small and weak, the only one in the class5than me. Her red eyes6she had been crying. None of the other kids seemed to notice her.
I was playing with the toy cars. When I7, I saw her sad and lonely eyes. Suddenly I felt something inside my heart8. I wasn't sure what it was. Being the youngest in my family I had become spoiled. My elder brothers always did9while I was free to play. However, that day it was 10that I should think of someone other than myself. Finally, I 11 two toy cars and went over to her. “Do you want to play?” I asked She smiled at me and 12 her head yes.
What made me remember that first13act was a letter that little girl wrote to me after we both 14 She told me how her illness made other kids 15her and how my act had changed her 16 She cherished(珍惜) the friendship I had17. From then on we continued our friendship through the mail for several years 18the bad health finally took her life.
Today I still think of her and thank her for stirring(搅动,激发) something in my selfish 19that day. I ask myself how a bit of 20can move a heart, touch a soul, and change a life.
(1)A.amazed B.frightened C.puzzled D.embarrassed
(2)A.Slowly B.Unfortunately C.Sadly D.Immediately
(3)A.teachers B.parents C.brothers D.kids
(4)A.on time B.in surprise C.by herself D.in vain
(5)A.cleverer B.shorter C.better D.braver
(6)A.believed B.suggested C.denied D.explained
(7)A.looked up B.went out C.woke up D.looked down
(8)A.floating B.stirring C.dancing D.shooting
(9)A.nothing B.exercise C.shopping D.housework
(10)A.clear B.natural C.strange D.usual
(11)A.threw out B.picked up C.hid away D.tore down
(12)A.pointed B.touched C.tapped D.nodded
(13)A.unfair B.unrespectable C.unselfish D.unfriendly
(14)A.gave up B.turned up C.grew up D.got up
(15)A.help B.fight C.like D.avoid
(16)A.wealth B.family C.illness D.life
(17)A.offered B.abandoned C.promised D.destroyed
(18)A.unless B.though C.before D.after
(19)A.head B.heart C.decision D.act
(20)A.interest B.love C.sorrow D.confidence

