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Rober is good at language, ______ we all know.
A because B for C as D since


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Chinese Ancient Science & Inventions

Chinese Inventions—Can You Name Them?

The Invention of Paper and find out everything about paper-making at The Rober C.Williams American Museum of Papermaking.

The Art of Printing(Matteo Ricci)

The Origin of Chinese Books and Printing

Chinese bookmaking an ancient craft

Paper,a contribution to human progress

The History of Chinese Mathematics

Chinese Ancient Science & Technology

Chinese Ancient Agriculture

The Coins of Ancient China

Chinese Agriculture

The Coins of Ancient China

Chinese Agriculture

Invented in China?

The History of Calculating(abacus)

Return of the Dragon:Hazards of Man-Made Magnetism(a discussion)

  Chinese Ancient & Modern Think-tanks

Kong Fu Zi—Confucius(James A.A.Tucker)

The Philosopher Confucius (551~479 B.C.)

The Analects—Confucius (English text)

The Great Learning—Confucius (English text)

The Doctrine of the Mean—Confucius (English text)

Mencius—Meng Zi and some text (GB)

Mao Zedong—A Great Man in China History

Man of the Year—Teng Hsiao-ping (Times)

The Tao Te Ching—Lao Tzu (Translated by S.Mitchell)

XUN KUANG (Xunzi—25 B C)

Han Fei

Welcome to Taoist Resource Center A Complete Guide to Taoism and its many applications.

ASIAWEEK—MAO NOW—The Great Helmsman led China into some of the most monumental disasters of the modern era.Now,20 years after his death,Mao Zedong’s star is shining asbrightly as ever.How can it be so?

Chairman Mao’s Poems—In Chinese (GIF).

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen—The founding father of Republic of China.

Mao Zedong—An unofficial site which collects quotations of Mao and some articles on Mao.(CHINESE GB) (CHINESE PS)

Mao Zedong—A Great Man in China History—Internet resources on Mao & his era.

Sun Yat-Sen:Fundamentals of National Reconstruction—“This book is Sun Yat-sen’s most important political statement.It enunciates his famous three principles whereby he set China on the road to modernity.”

DENG Xiaoping—Deng Xiaoping leads a far-reaching,audacious but Risky Second Revolution.(Man of the Year 1985,Time Magazine)(in English)

...For more information Click the Underlined.

1.This passage is probably take from _________.

A.magazine    B.a webpage     C.text book     D.TV programme

2.How many webpages offer the information about Confucius?

A.Three.       B.Four.       C.Five.       D.Two.

3.The passage is designed mainly to _________.

A.make us learn the great people and inventions of China

B.give some information about China

C.stress the importance of confuciusm

D.describe the printing in China



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河南郑州第四中学高三第十四次调考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who ever wondered why a dying plant, say, a freshly-cut red rose may appeal to a lady friend, might take some comfort in science, which once again offers us a reasonable answer to one of the world’ s great mysteries.
Beyond a common preference in people for blue, “the long history of color preference studies has been described as ‘confusing and contradictory,” write scientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England’ s Newcastle University, authors of a new study in the journal Current Biology. “This fact is perhaps surprising,” they said, “though the popularity of the concept that little girls differ from boys in preferring pink.”.
But the scientists believe they have an answer to this scientific mystery, discovering women’s preference for red, hidden above the average liking for blue.
In their study, the pair quickly flashed color cards, displaying many different aspects, at 208 volunteers, mostly Britishers but with a number of Han Chinese, who moved to the United Kingdom recently. Tested in three different experiments, the researchers found out a small but significant preference for reddish colors in the female volunteers.
Puzzled, the authors realized that most of the difference between men and women came in the form of a preference for green VS red in the color cards, regardless of the other slight differences such as the slightly blue ones that everyone liked. Why might this be?
Evolution might offer an answer, they reason. Human color perception(感知), the assessment of three separate color types-red-green-blue-in our vision is a relatively recent addition to our line of mammals.
Adding weight to their argument, they found the women who are most typically feminine(女性的)on a psychological survey also had the biggest preference for reddish colors. “My love is like a red, red rose,” wrote the Scottish poet Rober Burns in 1794.
【小题1】The scientists discovered the colour mystery that exists between men and women by _____..

A.giving examplesB.doing experiments.
C.stating causes and effectsD.interviewing volunteers.
【小题2】The word “pair” in Para.4 refers to _____.
A.man and womanB.science and evolution .
C.Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu LingD.red and green
【小题3】According to the study the scientists have carried out in the passage, _____.
A.men like blue most.
B.women have preference for red besides blue.
C.generally speaking boys prefer slight pink to blue.
D.girls also love slight green.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南郑州第四中学高三第十四次调考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who ever wondered why a dying plant, say, a freshly-cut red rose may appeal to a lady friend, might take some comfort in science, which once again offers us a reasonable answer to one of the world’ s great mysteries.

Beyond a common preference in people for blue, “the long history of color preference studies has been described as ‘confusing and contradictory,” write scientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England’ s Newcastle University, authors of a new study in the journal Current Biology. “This fact is perhaps surprising,” they said, “though the popularity of the concept that little girls differ from boys in preferring pink.”.

But the scientists believe they have an answer to this scientific mystery, discovering women’s preference for red, hidden above the average liking for blue.

In their study, the pair quickly flashed color cards, displaying many different aspects, at 208 volunteers, mostly Britishers but with a number of Han Chinese, who moved to the United Kingdom recently. Tested in three different experiments, the researchers found out a small but significant preference for reddish colors in the female volunteers.

Puzzled, the authors realized that most of the difference between men and women came in the form of a preference for green VS red in the color cards, regardless of the other slight differences such as the slightly blue ones that everyone liked. Why might this be?

Evolution might offer an answer, they reason. Human color perception(感知), the assessment of three separate color types-red-green-blue-in our vision is a relatively recent addition to our line of mammals.

Adding weight to their argument, they found the women who are most typically feminine(女性的)on a psychological survey also had the biggest preference for reddish colors. “My love is like a red, red rose,” wrote the Scottish poet Rober Burns in 1794.

1.The scientists discovered the colour mystery that exists between men and women by _____..

A.giving examples                        B.doing experiments.

C.stating causes and effects                 D.interviewing volunteers.

2.The word “pair” in Para.4 refers to _____.

A.man and woman                        B.science and evolution .

C.Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling              D.red and green

3.According to the study the scientists have carried out in the passage, _____.

A.men like blue most.

B.women have preference for red besides blue.

C.generally speaking boys prefer slight pink to blue.

D.girls also love slight green.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西南昌10所重点中学高三第二次模拟突破冲刺(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who ever wondered why a dying plant, say, a freshly-cut red rose may appeal to a lady friend, might take some comfort in science, which once again offers us a reasonable answer to one of the world’ s great mysteries.

Beyond a common preference in people for blue, “the long history of color preference studies has been described as ‘confusing and contradictory(矛盾的)’,” write scientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England’ s Newcastle University, authors of a new study in the journal Current Biology. “This fact is perhaps surprising,” they said, “though the popularity of the concept that little girls differ from boys in preferring pink.”

But the scientists believe they have an answer to this scientific mystery, discovering women’s preference for red, hidden above the average liking for blue.

In their study, the pair quickly flashed color cards, displaying many different aspects, at 208 volunteers, mostly Britishers but with a number of Han Chinese, who moved to the United Kingdom recently. Tested in three different experiments, the researchers found out a small but significant preference for reddish colors in the female volunteers.

Puzzled, the authors realized that most of the difference between men and women came in the form of a preference for green VS red in the color cards, regardless of the other slight differences such as the slightly blue ones that everyone liked. Why might this be?

Evolution might offer an answer, they reason. Human color perception(感知), the assessment of three separate color types — red — green — blue— in our vision (视觉) is a relatively recent addition to our line of mammals(脯乳动物)

Adding weight to their argument, they found the women who are most typically feminine(女性的) on a psychological survey also had the biggest preference for reddish colors. “My love is like a red, red rose,” wrote the Scottish poet Rober Burns in 1794.

1.What does the first paragraph probably tell us ?

A.Scientific research can help people solve the mystery.

B.When we are tired, we can turn to science for help.

C.Science can make our study interesting and contradictory.

D.We should turn to scientific invention for comfortable life.

2.The word “pair” in Para.4 refers to _____.

A.boy and girl                            B.the two authors

C.research and result                      D.pink and blue

3.According to the passage, ______________.

A.boys like blue better than girls

B.girls like pink better than boys

C.men like red better than women

D.men and women both like green

4.How did the scientist do the research?

A.By asking questions                      B.By telephoning the interviewees

C.By adding numbers                      D.By doing experiments

5.What is the purpose of writing this article?

A.To sell products packed in red              B.To introduce the history of color

C.To inform us of a research finding           D.To analyze men’s taste for color


