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17.A ___________ person is the one who always keeps trying until he succeeds once he has made a decision.(  )

分析 一个坚定的人一旦下定决心,总是会一直努力,直到他获得成功.

解答 答案C.考查形容词的词义辨析.stubborn顽固的,固执的.generous慷慨的,大方的.determined坚定的,坚决的.selfish自私的.根据句意:一个坚定的人一旦下定决心,总是会一直努力,直到他获得成功.故选C.

点评 考查词义辨析的题,熟记单词的意思,将选项分别代入题干进行选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Sam Martin,24,from Belfast
    I do all my shopping on Christmas Eve because I prefer to get it done quickly.I certainly don't enjoy shopping.It doesn't matter when I shop---I probably won't buy gifts that people will want anyway.I just look at what's for sale and choose from whatever is there.I am never disappointed because I never have any idea what to buy anyone before I get to the shop,and I don't care about getting it at the best price.
Lucy Collins,34,from Liverpool
I've always finished all my shopping by the middle of August.I buy when things are cheap and when I can afford to.I also enjoy trying to buy as many gifts as possible at less than the full price.This year,I've spent£230 and saved£695 on the prices.
I think Christmas is a magical time so I like looking for gifts throughout the year.I also like knowing I've bought presents that people will enjoy,rather than picking through whatever is left in the shops on Christmas Eve.
Frankie Bircham,31,from Hertfordshire
I've always finished shopping by the end of September.I like the satisfaction of giving people presents they want---I don't like"Oh,that'll do".I prefer to buy online so I can compare prices to make sure I'm getting the best possible deal.It's cheaper than travelling into London to go shopping and I can easily return anything I don't like when it arrives.
Andi Euridge,40,from London
     I start my shopping in January and have always finished it by November.I don't like online shopping because then you have the craziness of parcels not arriving in time.
     I live on a tight budget(预算) and I cannot afford to buy all my gifts with one month's pay.So I prefer picking up a present here and there throughout the year.
24.We can learn from the text that Sam MartinD.
A.is an organized shopper               
B.hates shopping in a hurry      
C.always buys presents at a discount     
D.enjoys doing some last-minute shopping
25.What do Lucy Collins and Frankie Bircham have in common?B
A.They do shopping when the shops are quiet.
B.They care about the receivers'feelings
C.They choose presents everywhere.
D.They like online shopping.
26.Why does Andi Euridge dislike online shopping?D
A.It makes him run over budget.
B.It's not much cheaper than shops.
C.Returning the goods troubles him.
D.It causes anxiety when parcels don't arrive in time.
27.Who gets Christmas presents prepared first?A
A.Lucy Collins.
B.Sam Martin  
C.Andi Euridge.
D.Frankie Bircham.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

8.在中国,餐桌上的浪费(waste on the dining table)一直是人们热议的话题.据报道,每年中国餐桌上浪费的粮食达到惊人的2000亿元(200billion),被倒掉的食物相当于2亿多人一年的口粮.请你以餐桌上的浪费为题,写一篇100字左右的演讲稿.要点如下:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The huge amount of waste on the dining table in China seems an urgent  problem                                        Thank you for listening.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.turn up,theory,starve,dress up,wander,baggage,businessman,permit,ought to,curiosity,settled down,win back,brought up,within,rather than
51.It was Valentine's Day and Hu Jing had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work.But she didn'tturn up.
52.At that time people wouldstarveif food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months.
53.Halloween is now a children's festival,when they candress upand go to their neighbors to ask for sweets.
54.By now his restaurantought tobe full of people.
55.Curiositydro ve Wang Peng inside.
56.Perhaps with a discount and a new sigh he couldwinhis customersback.
57.Mark Twain wasbrought upin Hannibal,Missouri,along the Mississippi River.
58.However,according to a widely acceptedtheory,the universe began with a"Big Bang".
59.That afternoon aboard the train,the cousinssettled downin their seats.
60.He was going to take them and theirbaggageto catch"The True North",the cross-Canada train..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I am sure that the people in the earthquake-stricken area are on their way ______ a better life.(  )
A.of livingB.to liveC.to livingD.living


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.学生网上交友已很普遍,但人们仍持不同意见.请你根据下面文字信息,以"Should Students Make
Friends on Line"为题,用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自
参考词汇:网络朋友  on-line friends;     受骗  be cheated.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear fellow students,I'd like to introduce to you a new website-enjoyedglish.Com.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Sleepless in Seattle?Hardly.West Virginia is where people are really staying awake,according to the first government study to monitor state-by-state differences in sleeplessness.West Virginians'lack of sleep was about double the national rate,perhaps a side effect of health problems such as obesity(肥胖),experts said.
Nearly 1 in 5 West Virginians said they did not get a single good night's sleep in the previous month.The national average was about 1 in 10,according to a federal health survey.Tennessee,Kentucky and Oklahoma also were notably above average with nearly 1 in 7 people reporting in a lack of sleep.In contrast,North Dakota was below average,with only 1 in 13 reporting that degree of sleeplessness.Health officials do not know the exact reasons for the differences.
In the survey,people weren't required to answer the question why they were not able to get enough rest or sleep.But experts noted several possible explanations:West Virginia ranks at or near the bottom of the nation in several important measurements of health,including obesity,smoking,heart disease and the proportion of adults with disabilities.
Studies have increasingly found that sleeping problems often occurred among people with certain health problems,including obesity."You would expect to see poorer sleep within a chronically (慢性地) diseased population,"noted Dr Ronald Chervin,a sleep disorders expert in University of Michigan.
Financial stress and work shifts(倒班)can play roles in sleeplessness,too,Chervin added.He suggested those may be contributing factors in West Virginia,an economically depressed state with tens of thousands of people working in coal mining.
The report was based on results of an annual telephone survey of more than 400,000 Americans,including at least 3,900 in each state.The survey did not include people who use only cellphones.
1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?(No more than 15 words.)West Virginians suffer from lack of sleep the most perhaps due to health problems.
2.What does the underlined word"notably"in Paragraph 2 mean?(No more than 3 words.)Highly.
3.What was the possible reason for the high rate of sleeplessness in West Virginia according to Paragraph 3?(No more than 12 words.)West Virginia had a low level of several important measurements of health.
4.List three factors that contribute to sleeplessness based on the passage.
(No more than 8 words.)
①being too fat②financial stress③work shifts.
5.How was the research carried out?(No more than 10 words.)By interviewing over 400,000 Americans on the telephone..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.I do not think that women shouldsacrifice (牺牲) their independence for their family.

