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I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer from depression.My parents noticed but felt that since I'd always been1good child,this was temporary.

2(fortunate),it was not to be so.I didn't have friends.Hardly could I share my problems.Deep worry began to destroy my3(confident).Finally I refused to attend classes,4(shut) myself in my room for hours.

The examination was approaching,but I simply didn't care.My parents and teachers were surprised5my bad performance.One morning,after I6(lecture) severely by my father,I stood at the school gate,7(depress).Then as the other students marched to their classrooms,our headmaster called me.The next forty-five minutes was one of the most precious moments in my life.She said she8(notice) a big change in me and wondered why.At first she took my hands in9(she) and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries.Then she hugged me as I wept.Months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in her motherly hug.

No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster,10helped me out simply by listening and hugging.














1a child是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠词修饰,表示一个好孩子”。good是辅音音素开头的单词。故填a。


3confidence my是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,作定语,故填confidence。

4shutting shut和句子主语I构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填shutting。

5at/by be surprised at/by为固定搭配,意为……感到惊讶”。故填at/by。

6was lectured句意:在我爸爸特别严厉的说教之后,我沮丧地站在学校门口,此处应用一般过去时态的被动语态。故答案为was lectured。


8had noticed notice的动作发生在said之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。故填had noticed。

9hers介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,且由空格前的“my hands”可知,此处用名词性物主代词hers,表示她的手。故填hers。

10Who who引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词the headmaster。故填who。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Carri Kessler and her husband Will named their daughter Ottilie after a friend from the U. K, who helped them a lot. However, right after their baby girl was born, the couple noticed a big problem. “No one could remember her name and no one could pronounce it. We’re going to keep having to introduce her!” Kessler told Today.com.

The situation then grew worse as Kessler’s grandmother admitted to sticking Post-it notes around the house to help remind her of Ottilie’s name which can be pronounced either Ott-ill-ee or Oh-TEEL-ya. Three months after Ottilie was born, the Kesslers have decided to legally change their daughter’s name. The couple came up with two possible names. They then settled on Margot after talking to a name expert.

The Kesslers’ situation is no exception as an increasing number of parents experience the same as the Kesslers. According to Baby Center Canada, 11% of its users wish they could change their children’s names due to being over popular, mispronounced or simply unfitting. Parents care a lot more and think a lot more about names now than their parents.

To deal with this, a number of name experts now offer services to help parents choose the right name. Couples have also sought help from the Internet to choose their baby’s name. However, parents can change their child’s name in the event that they regret their choice. In Canada, the rules vary in each province. For instance, in Ontario, the child must have lived in the province for the past 12 months, or since birth if under the age of one. Each of the child’s legal guardians (监护人) must also give permission.

1Why did Kessler and her husband name their daughter Ottilie?

A. It was very special and unusual.

B. It was at the request at their mother.

C. It was recommended by a name expert.

D. It could remind them of their British friend.

2What’s the function of the example about the Kesslers?

A. To ask for advice on their situation.

B. To introduce the topic of the text.

C. To show the background of the text.

D. To stress the importance of a suitable name.

3What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. The Kesslers’ experience is not uncommon.

B. Unfitness is the main reason for changing names.

C. 11% of Canadians are unsatisfied with their babies’ names.

D. Parents always pay more attention to children’s names.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A. Rules for name change. B. Ways to name babies.

C. Baby name regret. D. A couple’s anxiety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I was on a tour of Italy with my friends. Our car pulled to a stop at the beach. I got out, carrying my guitar and saw the blue Adriatic Sea. Waves smashed(撞击) against large rocks that formed a jetty(防波堤). People said this beach was known for its fierce undertow(回流). I trembled. Nothing frightened me as much as water.

I’d always loved water and been a good swimmer until last summer, when I'd decided to climb up to the highest diving board at a city pool. I'd jumped into the water. The next thing I knew was my brother was pulling me out of the pool. From then on, I stayed away from the water.

“Kevin, are you coming? " My friend Brad called.

“Yeah,” I said. "Just enjoying the view.” From dry land, I added silently.

Just then I heard shouting. People were running into the sea.

I saw something moving up and down amid the waves. There was a little boy out there! The rescuers were fighting against the tide(潮水). They’d never get to him in time. They might not get to him at all with the undertow.

I looked back at the boy. His head popped up, then a wave crashed over him and he disappeared for a moment. I had to do something.

The jetty! The boy was close to it. From there maybe I could help. I raced down the beach, out onto the jetty, and it hit me: Water! My hands got sweaty and I felt sick to my stomach. I stopped short.

The people in the water weren't making any headway against the waves. I was the only one who saw that going out onto the jetty was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy. Though I was as terrified as he, I tried to remember the life guard training I’d had as a teenager.

Sucking in(吸气) a deep breath, I threw myself into the water. As soon as I went under it, I felt like I was back in that city pool, breathless, struggling. Focus, I shouted in my head. Where is he





Paragraph 1:

Then I saw it---a thin arm waving weakly a few yards away.


Paragraph 2:

Brad jumped into the water



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







参考词汇:the orphan house孤儿院

Dear Mr Brown,

I'm very glad to hear that____________________________________________________________________








Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


My family and I go to the Big Island of Hawaii in the United States every year. Each year, we do the same things-spend time at the beaches, surfing and fishing. On this trip, however, my family got tired of this holiday style and wanted to do something different. We learned from a local that there was a hot spring on the island called the Boiling Pots. Without doing any research, we decided to set off on an adventure to that spot.

We drove to the destination, but were surprised to find that the area was closed off by a fence (栅栏). Reading the sign placed in front of the gate, we found out it was, in fact, a forbidden area that lay at the bottom of the mountain. And we were on the mountaintop. Seemingly out of nowhere, a strange man came up to us. He told us he would go to the Boiling Pots and that he would show us the way down there if we would just jump over the fence and follow him. After some discussion, my family, 8 members, followed the man past the fence.

The 'path' was a slope (斜坡) covered in mud and high grass. Several times, our members fell but nobody gave up and turned back because it seemed an amazing adventure.

After about one hour's walk, we arrived at the bottom finally, but a large river stopped us. The strange man went to borrow a boat from his friend living nearby. We stood on the bank, waiting for him and joking that we could swim across the river.

Just then, I heard the voice of my father screaming at us to move. I looked up to the sky and saw a large tree falling towards us. I ran forward, pushing the people in front of me. I fell to the ground, hearing a loud sound of the tree hitting the ground, along with pieces of branches surrounding us.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

In a second, all went quiet


Paragraph 2:

When we had no idea what to do, the strange man came back.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the talk mainly about?

A.Disease control.

B.Local events.

C.Government service.

2What is prohibited at present in Oxton?

A.Watering gardens.

B.Smoking outdoors.

C.Washing cars.

3What does the speaker say about the fire?

A.It destroyed a building.

B.It caused serious injuries.

C.It was quickly put out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The two super powers refer to the ________ (从前的,以前的) Soviet Union and the US.

2His parents employed a ________ (家教) to teach him mathematics.

3The winning numbers are ________ (随机地,任意地) selected by computer.

4Huluru, known as Ayers Rock, is a world heritage and one of Australia’s main ________ (吸引力,吸引人的事物).

5Four paintings stolen from the gallery have been ________ (寻回,重新获得).

6The new drug has great s________ for the treatment of the disease.

7Just give me a r________ translation; no need to do it in detail.

8The British invaders t________ the looted artifacts from China to Britain in large merchant ships.

9Your return ticket is v________ for three months.

10I have a t________ to talk too much when I’m nervous.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉.




I stayed at the South Lake Hotel, that is in the middle of the city, for a week when I visit Beijing last month. It is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transport. I stayed in a comfortably double-room with a big bath. I checked his email messages with the high-speed Internet connection in the room every day. I also shared for my friends many photos that was taken in Beijing. The food was wonderful with reasonable prices, but I enjoyed several local dish.

It is such great hotel that I will tell this to all my friends who are going to Beijing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their hobbies.B.The man’s sickness.C.A healthy lifestyle.

