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    Paul used to live next to Clara’s family in the No12 Street in Paris (1) he was youngAnd Paul had long (2) to marry ClaraBut at the age of thirty-three when he was working in a small town near Paris, he met (3) married Alice, who was a pretty girl and (4) with him in the same workshopClara was well, perhaps there is (5) so terrible as a woman was made (6) in this way

    Paul was taken (7) a judgeAnd he had to pay Clara 6,000 francs because of the (8) promisePaul had to (9) the money from his bossHe agreed to pay back 50 francs a month to him

    Paul and Alice were (10) but not (11)They had little enough food, certainly, even before the (12) began to arriveThey worked very hard, (13) taking a holidayIn time, there were seven (14) in the familyLife was very (15) for this big familyPaul had to work day and night to (16) the family and pay back the money he had borrowed

    The years of hard work and little food changed the family (17)After 12 years of family life, Paul was alone in the worldAnd 20 years (18) Paul paid back all the money at last and left the factory

    One day it was a holiday, he went to the park near the No12 Street, where he used to play football with his friendsHe sat down on a seatA middle-aged (19) came and sat down near himIt was ClaraShe said:”The 6,000 francs has been in a bank (20) the day it was paid to me, PaulIt is now 60,000 francs, and I have kept it for (21)Will you let me (22) it with you?”

    “NO, ” said Paul, “each thousand is a (23) life in a desert between usIt can (24) bring me any happiness

     With these words, Paul(25) and walked away

1Awhich Bbecause Cwhen Dwhere
2AwishedBpromised Cplanned Dtried
3Abut Bso Cand Dor
4Alived Bdid Ctalked Dworked
5Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything
6Ahappy Bhungry Ctired Dangry
7Abefore Bas Cfrom Dfor
8Abroken Bfirst Cwritten Dlong
9Areceive Breturn Cborrow Dlend
10Arich Byoung Cpoor Dsatisfied
11Ahappy BunhappyClucky Dprotected
12Achildren Bwinter Cdeath Dnight
13Aalways Bnever CbothDoften
14Amen Bwomen Cholidays Dmouths
15Asad Bhard Clost Dvaluable
16Asupply Breturn Cbuild Dsupport
17Aa little BslowlyCso much Dat the most
18Alater Bafter Cended Dago
19Aman Bold friendsCwoman Dpoliceman
20Aon Bsince Cafter Dbefore
21Ame BAliceCyou Dour children
22Akeep Bspend Csave Dshare
23Ahappy Bcoming Clost Dshort
24Ahardly Bnever Cquickly Dseldom
25Astood up BsmiledCcried Dthank her

科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省东阳市南马高中2009-2010学年度高二下学期第一次月考 题型:完型填空

I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pen, and white paper, I decided that the act of ___21___ must be the most ___22___ thing in the world.
Years later, during her final illness, mother ___23__ different things for my sister and brother. “But the ___24___”, she said, “is for Elizabeth”.
I never saw her angry, and never saw her cry. I knew she ___25___ me, she showed it in action. But ___26___ a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks ___27___ mother and daughter. They never happened. And a gulf(深渊) opened between us. I was “too emotional”. ___28___ she lived “on the surface”.
As years passed and I graduated from college, I loved my mother and I wrote to her in ___29__ words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did ___30___ me.
I posted the letter and waited for her answer. ___31___ came. My hope turned to ___32___, then little interest, finally, peace --- it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the ___33___ had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could ___34___ trying to make her into someone she was not.
Now the ___35___ of her desk told me, as she’d ___36___ been able to, that she was ___37___ that writing was my chosen work. I ___38___ the desk carefully and found some papers ___39___---- a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times.
“Give me an answer”, my letter asks, “in any way you chose”. Mother, you always chose the ___40___ that speaks louder than words.
21. A.Speaking         B.writing                   C.looking                  D.listening
22. A.Wonderful       B.tiring                     C.funny                    D. Productive
23. A. bought               B. gave                        C. designed                  D. kept
24. A. pen                    B. paper                       C. chair                       D. desk
25. A. loved                 B. disliked                   C. appreciated              D. sympathized
26. A. like                   B. as                        C. be                        D. unlike
27. A. with                  B. among                     C. beside                     D. between
28. A. So                     B. And                         C. But                     D. Or
29. A. careful               B. active                      C. thankful                  D. serious
30. A. ignore                B. accept                      C. forgive                    D. dislike
31. A. No one              B. None                    C. Something               D. Neither
32. A. surprise           B. joy                       C. disappointment         D. happiness
33. A. ides                   B. information              C. news                       D. letter
34. A. stand                 B. stop                         C. continue                D. practice
35. A. present               B. appearance               C. shape                      D. sight
36. A. always               B. ever                        C. never                      D. often
37. A. sorry                 B. encouraged              C. regretful                  D. pleased
38. A. moved               B. cleaned                 C. fixed                       D. emptied
39. A. inside                B. outside                    C. below                      D. above
40. A. gesture               B. method                    C. action                   D. way


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省孝感高中2009-----2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

For long, a question disturbed a little boy. He couldn’t understand why his next-desk-pal(同桌)could rank lst whenever he wanted to , while he himself 31 to .
At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more 32 than others? I feel I study as hard as him, but why do I 33 lag behind?” Staring at him ,she went 34 ,not knowing how to explain.
She felt an impulse (冲动)to say , “you are too 35 .You are not really as hard-working as others…”but she stopped 36 she knew her son was suffering from the pains of 37 grades and rankings . She thought it 38 to add any additional burden to his son and was trying to find out a(n) 39 answer.
Time went by quickly, the son finished primary school. 40 studying harder and harder, he was still unable to 41 his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she 42 to give out an answer.
Now, the son no longer 43 his rankings, because, with the lst ranking, he was 44 by Harvard University .
Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to 45 the students and parents in high school. In the speech, he mentioned a(n) 46 experience in his childhood:…When my mother and I were lying on the beach, she pointed to the front and said ,“Do you see the seabirds fiying for food over there? When the 47 comes near,  little birds can escape quickly 48 ‘clumsy’ seagulls (笨拙的海鸥)would take more time to complete the 49. However, have you noticed birds that 50 fly across the endless ocean are none other than ‘clumsy’seagulls?”
31.A.refused                        B.decided                    C.failed                        D.afforded
32.A.troublesome                B.stupid                       C.naughty                     D.careless
33.A.always                         B.never                        C.hardly                       D.even
34.A.wrong                         B.worried                     C.crazy                        D.wordless
35.A.young                         B.lazy                  C.clever               D.old
36.A.although             B.before                     C.beacuse              D.unless
37.A.worrying                       B.surprising            C.doubting                   D.unsatisfying
38.A.cruel                B.unnecessary          C.important             D.impossible
39.A.natural            B.harmonious           C.perfect             D.ordinary
40.A.Besides              B.Despite             C.Beyond               D.Without
41.A.get through         B.come across          C.compare with         D.keepup with
42.A.managed            B.hesitated            C.determined        D.remembered
43.A.cares about         B.doubts about         C.wonders about      D.worries about
44.A.invited                        B.accepted                    C.welcomed                  D.dismissed
45.A.visit                              B.contact                  C.address                  D.meet
46.A.private                        B.valuable                    C.interesting                 D.unexpected
47.A.wave                           B.food                         C.wind                         D.time
48.A.and                        B.since                         C.until                         D.while
49.A.game                           B.fun                           C.match                       D.process
50.A.suddenly                 B.immediately                 C.finally                       D.gradually


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省建阳一中2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

I ran into a stranger as he passed by, and I at once apologized to him. We were both very  71       , the stranger and I. Then we went       72  our way after saying good-bye.
But at home a  73  story is told. Later that day, when I  74  supper in the kitchen, my daughter suddenly stood behind me very       75    . When I turned back, I  76  knocked her down. “Don’t be in my   37    !” I shouted angrily. She walked away with her little heart       78  . On the kitchen floor later, I found some flowers by the door.
That night, while I lay  79  in bed, a voice in my deep heart said, “While  80  with a stranger, you are so polite, but with the children you love, you are so easily  81  . Why are there some flowers by the door? Those are the flowers she brought for you. She       82  them herself, pink, yellow and your favorite blue. She stood quietly in order to give you a  83   , and you never saw the       84   in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt very  85  and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪下) by her   86  , “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “Yes, because I knew you’d like them, especially the  87  .” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I 88  have shouted at you that way.”
She said, “Oh, Mom, that’s okay. I love you 89  .” I hugged her and said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers.”
Through this   90  , I realize what FAMILY means:
71. A. rude                   B. polite                       C. educated                   D. happy
72. A. in                       B. to                                   C. on                           D. for
73. A. different             B. funny                       C. moving                    D. terrible
74. A. had                    B. ate                           C. prepared                   D. took
75. A. quickly               B. quietly                            C. noisily                            D. seriously
76. A. nearly                 B. hardly                      C. already                     D. even
77. A. kitchen               B. room                       C. place                        D. way
78. A. beaten                B. missing                    C. broken                            D. hit
79. A. alive                   B. asleep                      C. awake                      D. afraid
80. A. talking                B. dealing                     C. working                   D. meeting
81. A. worried                     B. nervous                    C. excited                     D. disappointed
82. A. grew                  B. picked                      C. bought                            D. planted
83. A. gift                    B. flower                      C. kiss                          D. surprise
84. A. expression           B. tears                        C. happiness                 D. joy
85. A. small                  B. proud                       C. weak                        D. hurt
86. A. table                   B. desk                         C. bed                          D. knees
87. A. pink                   B. blue                         C. yellow                            D. green
88. A. couldn’t                     B. mustn’t                    C. shouldn’t                  D. needn’t
89. A. however             B. truly                        C. though                            D. anyway
90. A. accident                     B. experience                C. question                   D. problem


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省保定市第二中学2010届高三考前强化训练试题集(二)(英语) 题型:完型填空

     When I was 6 years old, my parents got me a used __21____ for Christmas.
A year or so later, I badly wanted a Sting-Ray, a tricked-out bike that was __22__in the 1960s. So my father took my old bike, slapped a new coat of paint on it, and _23____ it with a banana seat, monkey handlebars and a sissy bar(保护杠). ___24___didn't matter to me that some friends had new Sting-Rays straight from the Schwinn factory. Or even that my dad put the sissy bar on backward, _25____ exposed me to some teasing(嘲笑) before we _26____ it. I loved that bike.
  So it was for my __27___. We weren't poor. But we always had modest Christmases. And I _28____ to do the same when I got married 27 years ago.
  My wife, Clarissa, had different _29____. She, too, had some __30___Christmases growing up. She vividly remembers when she was 14 or 15 years old and her father lost his __31__in the construction industry. She overheard her __32___ talking about how _33___ they were.
  So when her parents asked her what she wanted that year, she said, 'Nothing.' When her mother insisted she had to get ___34__, Clarissa asked for socks. 'I felt very good about myself afterward,' she recalls.
  But as her family's finances _35_____, Christmas went back to being a __36__ bigger production. By the time I arrived on the scene, the __37__ family -- more than 20 people -- would gather at her grandmother's house in Mexicali, Mexico, on Christmas Eve. Around 10 p.m., Santa (my future brother-in-law in a costume) showed up with an enormous bag of _38____ and stepped into a roomful of children crying with __39____
  'It was all about the children,' says Clarissa, who thought the experience was _40___ .And she has spent hundreds of dollars on presents every year to duplicate(重温 )it.
21.A.car             B.bike          C.book           D.coat
22.A.popular        B.common       C.ordinary        D.regular
23.A.add         B.equipped      C.placed         D.supplied
24.A.That           B.This          C.It           D.What
25.A.so            B.thus          C.Which         D.it
26.A.bought         B.placed         C.fixed          D.changed
27.A.childhood      B.life           C.children        D.youth
28.A.imagined      B.expected       C.suggested      D.supposed
29.A.ideas          B.life           C.childhood      D.Christmas
30.A.unforgettable   B.modest         C.happy         D.wonderful
31.A.life          B.job            C.interest        D.present
32.A.friends        B.mother        C.father         D.parents
33.A.broke         B.rich           C.wealthy        D.well-off
34.A.nothing        B.something     C.everything       D.anything
35.A.improved     B.caught         C.reduced       D.decreased
36.A.very          B.more          C.less           D.much
37.A.all         B.big            C.small         D.entire
38.A.bikes         B.food          C.presents        D.books
39.A.surprise       B.joy           C.fear           D.satisfaction
40.A.wasteful       B.valueless      C.priceless    D.useful


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省青岛二中2010届高三下学期考前预测试卷(英语) 题型:完型填空

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor(继任者)to take over the business. ___36__ choosing one of his children,he decided to do something different,He ___37____ all the young executives(主管)In hs company together, and said,"l will give each one of you a(n)____38____  today.l want you to plant the seed,water it, and ___39___ here one year form today with what you have grown from the seed,l will then ___40____ your plants,and the one I choose will be the next CEO."
Jim was ___41___ that day and he also received a seed.He went home ___42___,and got a pot,some soil and planted the seed.Everday,he watered it and __43___ to see if it had grown,___44__ nothing ever grew.
Time flew,and it was time to __45__ their plants to the boss.When Jim arrived,he was
___46__ the variety of plant gsrown by the other executives.They were all__47__ in all shapes and sizes.
When the old CEO arrived,he __48__ the room and greeted his young execytuves.
"___49__ ! What great plants,trees,and flowers you have grown."All of a sudden, the CEO___50__ Jim at the back of the room With his___51___ pot.He asked him what had happened to his seed一Jim told him his ____52____.
The CEO looked at Jim,and then ____53___to the young executives,"Now we have the nestChlef Executlve Office—his name is Jim!"
Nobody Could ___54___ it,including Jim himself.Then the CEO said,"One year ago the seeds I gave everyone were all boiled seeds; it was not ___55___for them to grow.Remember everyone,if you plant honesty,you will reap(收获)trust."
36. A.Because of                 B.In additlon to     C.Apart from          D.Instead of
37. A.took                B.called         C.left                  D.kept
38. A.Order              B.plant          C.seed                D.appointment
39. A.come back           B.get off         C.forget about       D.walk around
40. A.colect               B.buy                 C.sell                 D.judge
41. A.absent               B.late           C.there                D.out
41. A.excitedly            B.nervously      C.carefully          D.angrily
43. A.declared             B.remained      C.watched              D.intended
44. A.so                 B.since          C.but                 D.if
45. A.dig out             B.pack up        C.meet with            D.bring back
46. A.disappointed at        B.amazed at     C.satisfied with             D.cautious about
47. A.green               B.beautiful      C.depressing            D.dying
48. A.scanned             B.found                C.searched             D.inspected
49. A.Your               B.His           C.Her                D.My
50. A.told                B.spotted       C.praised               D.blamed
51. A.empty              B.broken        C.big                 D.expensive
52. A.secret                B.story          C.cause               D.doubt
53.A.explained               B.suggested           C.announced          D.introduced
54.A.hear                   B.know           C.realize                  D.believe
55.A.necessary               B.important     C.possible            D.practical

