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Yuan Long ping is ______ university professor.He likes playing _____ violin.

A.a; the B.an; /

C.a ; a D.an; a



试题分析:考查冠词。句意为:袁隆平是一个大学教授,他喜欢拉小提琴。play the violin固定用法,故选A项。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北八校高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

1. ___________________ her daughter from the smog, Chai Jing shuts her daughter at home. (protect)


2.Basic goods, as well as up to RMB¥90,352,800, __________________ to the Red Cross Society by March 3rd, 2015, in Zhongshan City, where the charity campaign was launched. (donate)


3.You ___________________ the flowers; the weather forecast says it’s going to rain in the following three days. (water)


4.Anyone ___________________ a cellphone in their pocket in the classroom during the examination will be declared cheating. (carry)


5.J. K. Rowling has written a lot of novels, some of them ___________________ several foreign languages. (translate)

J. K. 罗琳写了很多小说,其中一些被翻译成多国语言。

6.Since the new cellphone app of NPC and CPPCC was developed, the delegates have received ___________________ advice as they did last year. (twice)


7.If people ___________________environmental protection while developing economy in the past few decades, China might have a better ecological environment now. (pay)


8.After the air crash, many journalists rushed to the airport to inquire ___________________. (come)


9.Not until Mr. Green was diagnosed with cancer ___________________ how precious health was. (realize)


10.The issue of fair and equal education has aroused widespread concern, __________________ for more students from less-developed areas to be enrolled in universities. (make)



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川德阳市高一下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

In most Chinese tea villages, March is the time of year in 1. locals start to pick and process tea. The usually quiet villages suddenly become busy centers of activity, as people take out special tools and prepare 2. tea processing. In some villages, local residents hold traditional ceremonies, 3. (thank) heaven for its blessing. The price of tea 4. (pick) in March is extremely high because 5. is fresh, tender and contains multiple trace elements.

China 6. (be) famous for tea production since ancient times. Of the goods transported and traded along 7. Old Silk Road linking China to the Middle East and Europe, the importance of tea was matched only by silk. China produces Oolong, black, green, white, yellow 8. dark (aka post-fermented) tea. The Oolong, green and black 9. (vary)are most notable for their high quality.

Most of China's tea villages are found in remote mountainous areas in the country's south and southwest, 10. the beautiful scenery is often hidden under clouds.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第三中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is _____ that the Chinese ping-pong team will win the prize.

A.sure B.necessary

C.regular D.Certain


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第三中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A new stadium ______here.They plan to finish it next year.

A.will be built B.is built

C.has been built D.is being built


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第三中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Do you have ________ Smith here? I’d like to have ________word with him.

A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.a; a


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁朝阳三校协作体高二下第一次阶段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess(公主)in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once on stage, every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator’s(解说者的)part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping(突然出现) through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I am going to dig up all these weeds,” she said. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful-even dandelions!”

My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” She asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is true of people, too,” she added.

When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.

“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.

Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed(野草).

1.he girl did not play the role of the princess mainly because .

A. she felt nervous on the stage

B. she lost her interest in that role

C. she preferred the role of the narrator

D. she had difficulty memorizing her words

2.Why did the mother suggest a walk in the garden?

A. To remove the dandelions.

B. To enjoy the garden scene.

C. To have a talk with her daughter.

D. To help her daughter recite the words.

3.. What is the main idea of the story?

A. Everybody can find his or her own way to success.

B. Everybody has his or her own value in the world.

C. Everybody should learn to play different roles.

D. Everybody has some unforgettable memory.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年吉林松原市高二下月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

你堂兄建华在国外学习, 你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业, 不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。请根据下列提示回信:


2.你的理由是:1)学有所用, 就业容易;2)照顾父母。


2.行文应连贯, 内容应完整;


Dear Jianhua,

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

Best wishes


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上模块学习终结检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— How about putting some pictures into the report?

— ______ A picture is worth a thousand words.

A. I dont think so. B. Why not?

C. Thank you. D. No matter.

