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One day,a man in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in
his hanD. he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complaining(抱怨)
about his bad fortune and kept 36 why those who had so much money were never 37 
and were always desiring more.
"As far as I'm concerneD. if I had only enough to 38 and to wear, I would not want anything more.”
Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the 39 ,saw the beggar and said to him, "Hi, I have wished to 40 you for a long time. Now, open your 41 and I will pour my gold into it. But I will do that only on this 42 :All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the  43 shall become dust. Do you unde stand?""I see.”said the beggar."Then you should 44 !It's obvious that your wallet is a(n) 45 one,so don't to it too heavily,”said the Goddess Fortune.
The excited beggar could hardly  46  to have gold He quickly opened his wallet, anc
 47 of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.
"Is that enough? Isn't it cracking?" asked Fortune.
"Never 48 .It's still strong enough now.,’answered the beggar.
The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggar's hands began to  49 . "A if only the golden stream would 50 forever! Just a little more,”said the beggar,“ 51 just a handful or two.”
"There! It's full. The wallet will  52 .”warned the Goddess, but the beggar reque teD.“It will 53 a little more, just a little more.”
One more piece was added and the wallet split. The 54 fell upon the ground and came dust, The greedy beggar had nowto 55 but his broken bag.

A.showing B.explaining C.proving D.wondering
A.relaxed B.satisfied C.worried D.depressed
A.learn B.watch C.eat D.play
A.street B.bridge C.yard D.forest
A.praise B.forgive C.help D.comfort
A.coat B.pocket C.box D.wallet
A.occasion B.suggestion C.situation D.condition
A.hand B.feet C.ground D.corner
A.look out B.look after C.look up D.look down
A.large B.empty C.worn D.full
A.stand B.wait C.breathe D.think
A.stream B.piece C.pair D.variety
A.disturb B.request C.fear D.insist
A.spread B.close C.loose D.shake
A.pour B.end C.dry D.melt
A.take B.add C.lend D.send
A.flow B.burst C.disappear D.change
A.attract B.permit C.include D.hold
A.present B.food C.treasure D.metal
A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something


【小题1】D考查动词辨析。A. showing展示,B. explaining解释,C. proving证明,D. wondering怀疑,根据第一段最后一句,为什么那些人如此有钱却从不满足,还想得到更多。可知乞丐对此百思不得其解,“keep wondering”(一直想知道)符合句意。
【小题2】B考查形容词辨析。A. relaxed  B. satisfied  C worried  D. depressed还想得到的更多,所以不满足,“Never satisfy”(从不满足)符合句意。
【小题5】C考查动词辨析。根据下文,打开你的钱包,我要给你一些金子,可知财富女神在帮助乞丐。所以选help意为:“帮助”。praise“表扬”,forgive“原谅”, comfort“安慰”,均不符合情景。
【小题6】D考查名词辨析。A. coat外套,B. pocket 口袋,C. box盒子,D. wallet钱包,根据第三段中“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold”(所有进入你钱包的都是纯金)可知乞丐打开的是一个钱包,所以选 wallet,“钱包”。
【小题7】D考查名词辨析。A. occasion场合,B. suggestion建议,‘C situation情形,D. condition条件,只有在这种条件下,我才会去做。“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the 8 shall become dust”代指上文提到的这种条件。condition“条件、状况”符合句意。
【小题8】C考查名词辨析。A. hand手,B. feet脚,C ground地面,D. corner角落,语境为:每一枚金币掉到地上都会变成尘土,ground(地面)符合情景。
【小题9】C考查动词短语辨析。根据下文财富女神告诫乞丐不要装的太重,提醒乞丐注意、当心。所以选look out。look after照顾,look up仰视、向上看,look down俯视。
【小题10】C考查形容词辨析。A. large大的,B. empty空的,C worn用旧的,D. full满的,结合上题,财富女神提醒乞丐当心,下文又提醒乞丐“so don’t load it too heavily,”最后一段中告诉我们,钱包坏了,由此可以看出,这是一个旧钱包,所以选worn,意思是:“用旧的”。
【小题11】B考查动词辨析,A. stand 站,忍受,B. wait等待,C. breathe呼吸,D. think思考, could hardly wait to do意为:“迫不及待的干某事”。句意:激动的乞丐早已迫不及待的想拿到金子。
【小题12】A.考查名词。A. stream小溪,B. piece片,C pair对,D variety种类,根据倒数第三段中提到“golden stream”可知答案。
【小题13】C考查动词辨析。A. disturb打扰,B. request要求,C fear害怕,D. insist坚持,通过乞丐告诉财富女神钱包现在还很结实,可知不要为钱包担心。Never fear“不要害怕”。
【小题14】D 考查动词。句意为:钱包装了如此多的金币,乞丐的手开始发抖。shake(发抖)符合情景。spread“伸展”,close“关闭”,loose“放松”,均不符合情景。
【小题15】A考查动词。A. pour流出,B. end结束,C. dry变干,D. melt融化,乞丐希望金子源源不断的流出,四个选项中只有pour(流出)能形象的描绘出乞丐的贪婪。
【小题16】B考查动词辨析。对应前文的“Just a little more,”可知,这里表达的意思是:贪婪的乞丐想再往钱包中多装一两把金子。add(添加)符合句意。take拿、携带”,lend“借出” ,send“送给”,均不符合情景。最后一段的第一句话也有原词复现: One more piece was added and the wallet split。
【小题17】B考查动词辨析。A. flow流动,B. burst 突然爆发,破裂,C disappear消失,D. change改变,钱包已经装满了,而且是一个旧钱包,继续装可能会裂开。所以选burst“破裂”。最后一句话中的“split”为同义词复现。
【小题18】D考查动词辨析。A. attract吸引,B. permit允许,C include包括,D. hold持有,保存,贪婪的乞丐认为钱包还能多装一点。hold“保存”符合语境。
【小题19】C考查名词辨析。treasure(财宝)这里代指金币。钱包破裂后金币自然会掉到地上。present“礼物”, food“食物”,metal“金属”,均不符合句意。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Standing on the top of a church tower not far from our home in Rome, Father said to me, "Look down, Elsa." I gathered all my         and looked down. I saw the crisscross(十字形)of twisting, turning streets         to the square in the centre of the village.
“See, my dear,” Father said gently. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get where you want to go by one road, try      ."
Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the       lunches that were served at school. But she       because she could not believe the lunches were so bad.
When I turned to Father for help, he would not      . Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a(n)      .
At school the next day, I secretly       my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I       the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked      . She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered(喷溅), "The cook must have gone mad!" Quickly I told her what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would       the matter of lunches at school the next day!
In the years that followed I often remembered the      Father taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in life — to be a fashion designer. And on the way to my first small success I found the road      .
I was busy getting ready to         my winter fashions. Then just 13 days before the presentation the sewing girls were called out on strike. I felt so depressed that I was         that we would have to cancel the presentation         show the clothes unfinished. Then it dawned on me. Why not show the clothes unfinished?
We worked hurriedly and the showing took place as       . Some coats had no sleeves; others had only one. Many of our clothes were only         made of heavy cotton cloth. But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material. In this way we were able to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished. It was our        showing that caught the attention of the public, and         for the clothes poured in.
Father’s wise words had guided me once again. There is more than one way to the square always.

A.eachB.anotherC.noneD.the other
A.drank B.spatC.pouredD.flowed
A.get throughB.take upC.look intoD.make up
A.occupied B.smoothedC.blockedD.widened
A.apart fromB.or elseC.rather thanD.or rather
A.meaningfulB.commonC.ordinary D.unusual


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Most adults want to return to their childhood, because they believe how happy it is to be a child. But they forget that times have changed a great deal, and they never honestly change places with a child. Think of the years at _   __ ;the year spent living in   _fear of examinations and school reports. Every movement you made was _   _  by some adults. Think of the    _ _ when you had to go to bed early, you had to eat _     things that were supposed to be good for you. Remember how “gentle”   _ was given to you with words like “If you don’t do what, I say, I will…”.I’m sure you will _  _ forget!
_  __ , these are only part of children’s trouble. No matter how kind and loving parents may be, children often    _  from some terrible and illogical fears since they can’t understand the world around them. They often have such   _  __ in the dark or in the dream. _   __ can share their fears with other adults while children have to face their fears _   __ .
But the most _   __ part of childhood is the period when you begin to go out of it, the period when you go into _   _ _ .Teenagers start to be _   __ their parents and this causes them great unhappiness. There is a complete _   _  of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents pay much attention to their appearance and the _   _ _ they make on others. They feel shy, awkward and clumsy(笨拙的). _   _ _ are strong but hearts are easily broken. Teenagers __ moments of great happiness or black despair, _   _ _ through this period, adults seem to be more unkind than ever.

A.home B.school C.table D.hand 
A.content B.forgetful C.absurd D.constant 
A.observed B.disturbed C.stopped D.appreciated 
A.pleasure B.goods C.time D.fun 
A.delicious B.nutritious C.tasty D.hateful 
A.pressure B.care C.issue D.exploration 
A.ever B.never C.still D.somewhat 
A.Thus B.As a result C.Even so D.Above all 
A.suffer B.free C.die D.differ 
A.views B.fears C.regrets D.spirits 
A.Children B.Experts C.Adults D.Teenagers 
A.regularly B.alone  C.doubtfully D.comfortably 
A.painful B.reliable C.inspiring D.imaginary 
A.adulthood B.adolescence C.youth D.period 
A.in B.through C.for D.against 
A.need B.short C.lack D.abundance 
A.expression B.explanation C.possession D.impression 
A.Bones B.Feelings C.Wills D.Ideas 
A.ensure B.indicate C.experience D.comfort 
A.and B.but C.even D.instead 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

During the last fifteen years of my mother's life she suffered with Alzheimer's disease (老年性痴呆). Until then she had been a bright, ____ woman deeply interested and involved in the world around her. I would go home to visit her in Virginia and she would look at me in a(an) ____ way and ask, "Who are you?" I would answer, "I'm your son." "Where do you live?" She would ask. "In California," I would tell her. "Isn't that interesting," she would say, "I have a son in California."
She seemed ____ forgetful and confused at the beginning of the disease, ____ later on she would go ___ periods of intense anxiety. She would pace through the house she had lived in most of her life ____ uneasily that she wanted to go home. Or she would leave home and wander away if she were ____ for a short time.   
Hoping to please her and put her mind ____ I would take her for a drive, visiting sites where she had lived as a ____. In the yard of the hillside house in Shipman I sat in the car and admired the view of the old oaks and long green lawn. I ____ my mother there was a little girl playing with the pet lamb she had been so fond of. I looked to her for some ____. She shook her head and said, "I want to go home."
Over the years I have decided that what my mother was calling home was not a ____, but a time. I suspect it was a time when she was much ____, when her children were still underfoot, when her husband was still vigorous and attentive.
Watching my mother's suffering set me wondering ____ I would have in mind if someday I couldn't find ____ and wanted to go there. In this family we tend to be long-lived and we grow fuzzy (糊涂的) minded as the years go by. At eighty I have already noticed some ____ symptoms. My doctor says the forgetfulness is only ____ and that it comes with age. Still the fear of Alzheimer's is haunting there. Someday ____ and when I become even more ____ minded than I am now, unable to drive and unable to tell you where "home" is, my dear son, I expect I will ask you to take me home, I know you will do your best to find the place I need to be. I leave these notes for your ____.

A.accessible B.cheerful C.hopeful D.considerate
A.excited B.doubtful C.puzzled D.amazed
A.greatly B.hardly C.totally D.simply
A.but B.so C.and D.though
A.with B.through C.by D.over
A.declaring B.suggesting C.crying D.commenting
A.unsettled B.unattended C.unconcerned D.uninspired
A.in place B.under control C.in order D.at ease
A.lady B.student C.child D.mother
A.told B.pictured C.stated D.encouraged
A.response B.smile C.reasons D.answers
A.name B.dream C.symbol D.place
A.prettier B.younger C.happier D.healthier
A.that B.where C.which D.when
A.memory B.passion C.home D.way
A.deadly B.alarming C.interesting D.allergic
A.natural B.special C.rare D.unique
A.if B.what C.until D.whether
A.mechanical B.cloudy C.clear D.stubborn
A.appreciation B.satisfaction C.guidance D.convenience


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

In a world where comparisons happen non-stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be   36  with who you are. There’s always someone who’s a bit   37 . The only solution is to reach   38  and measure against what Warren Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more   39  measure for comparison than who your were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your   40 .
Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others. Either you see yourself as better than someone and you get   41 , or you see someone else as better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for   42 . It is a fool’s game. Not one of us is exactly   43 . The only direct and honest comparison is   44  yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.
My opinion is that you are only   45  to compare yourself to someone else if their life  46  is the same as your own. Good luck finding that   47 . And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how dedicated you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or look a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if there’s not, you can   48  someone is coming up fast   49  you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best   50 .
Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to   51  you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who   52  if the guy next to you did 15? It doesn’t make a bit of   53 . You are a more   54  person today than you were yesterday. Your own   55  is all you need.

A.patient B.strict C.content D.concerned
A.stronger B.better C.lazier D.wiser
A.inside B.out C.for D.up
A.accurate B.useful C.careful D.powerful
A.end B.best C.convenience D.side
A.satisfied B.busy C.inspired D.lazy
A.nothing B.fun C.sure D.success
A.equal B.unique C.alike D.common
A.within B.by C.for D.of
A.instructed B.allowed C.directed D.suggested
A.situation B.position C.occasion D.accommodation
A.game B.match C.friend D.enemy
A.conclude B.bet C.announce D.declare
A.before B.beside C.below D.behind
A.assistant B.competitor C.coach D.teacher
A.contribute B.expose C.push D.devote
A.cares B.says C.wonders D.asks
A.effort B.sense C.difference D.change
A.successful B.happy C.lucky D.fit
A.benefit B.progress C.habit D.result


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Standing in the driveway, I watched my grown children drive off into the distance. I looked down the road until I could no longer see their 36 _____ .
“They live too far away from me,” I said to myself. “When did they 37 _____ and become parents of small children? 38 _____ that be me?”
I slipped back inside the house and just walked through the rooms for no reason 39  _____.1 was just missing them already and looking for 40 _____ of their having been here. There were pillows on the floor and a few stuffed (填充)animals 41 _____ around where the children had been playing.
I walked into the 42 _____ and there on the back of the sink was a bottle brush that had been left behind. “Ah,even Tessa left something behind,” I 43  _____ Well, I suppose she had help 44 _____ she was just four months old.
As I walked around the house, I picked up a few more 45 _____ on the floor — Tegan’S tooth, a pie pan, and the inside of a turkey fryer.
ttHmmm, things left behind ...’’I thought to myself. It seems there is one thing left behind on every 46 _____ . Memories are always left behind, I reasoned, and what a(n) 47 _____ thing good memories are to us. I thought how each item left behind 48 _____ me of the person it belonged to and the story 49 _____ it.
Memories happen even if we aren’t 50 _____ of it. The stressful and difficult moments often become memories that we 51 _____ later with laughter and joy. The memories of past hurts, bitterness, and anger, 52 . should be left behind 53  _____These are the things that we should never 54 _____ until the next time they come, mail back, or bring with us to 55_____next visit.
As Elizabeth Stone said, “To have a child is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

A.smiles B.vehicles C.pains D.bicycles
A.drop out B.break away C.set off D.grow up
A.Wouldn’t B.Shouldn’t C.Can’t D.Needn’t
A.in particular B.with anger C.with joy D.in return
A.signals B.atmosphere C.signs D.information
A.lying B.jumping C.moving D.looking
A.house B.distance C.kitchen D.driveway
A.announced B.explained C.complained D.replied
A.when B.unless C.until D.since
A.toys B.items C.memories D.treasures
A.table B.course C.occasion D.comer
A.funny B.private C.ordinary D.precious
A.reminded B.informed C.warned D.convinced
A.promoting B.surrounding C.acknowledging D.exposing
A.proud B.ashamed C.aware D.afraid
A.attach importance to B.throw doubt on C.look forward to D.look back upon
A.besides B.therefore C.otherwise D.though
A.partly B.sometimes C.forever D.unwillingly
A.present B.keep C.overlook D.experience
A.our B.their C.its D.your


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

As a young girl growing up in rural Alabama, I never understood why my mom spent so much time baking. And she always made my brother and me   36  her. A whole day every other week was devoted to making bread. It always made our small arms tired.
Despite our best efforts, the flour dust always went everywhere. I   37  to be outside with my playmates, and never   38  my mom’s desire for quality family time with her children, at least when it came to spending it in the   39 . Years have gone by, and I have become a mother myself. I prefer to leave most of the cooking to my husband and he loves it. He’s quite   40  at doing it, too.
On one occasion my husband was   41  dinner, and I was at the kitchen table going through the day’s mail when our little son, Cody, asked if he could help   42 . My husband said yes, and I sat there amused, watching them.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Helping dad cook.” he replied with a big   43  on his face. I thought back to those   44  when my mom asked me to help her bake bread, and I was   45 , but obeyed. Per­haps she was trying to create something more than just fresh bread­—maybe a few lasting   46 .
As I watched Cody do it with all his attention, I realized that he had   47  a lasting moment for me, a moment filled with a deep sense of family. I wanted to hold the moment and make it longer, and appreciate the memories my mom had given me years ago in her kitchen.

A.playB.work C.cookD.make
A.get uptear B.surpriseC.smileD.mark
A.dreams B.timeC.mysteriesD.accidents
A.excitedB.regretful C.confidentD.unwilling
A.memoriesB.choicesC.opportunities D.goals


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Fill Her Tank First
The summer of 1975 I’d just graduated from college in Southern California and received a 1968 Ford Capri for a graduation present. I had my first job, in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, __36__ myself a very independent grown-up, I left my uncle’s place in South Laguna after a visit, without __37__ to him that I had less than an __38__ of a tank of gas and no cash to buy __39__ on the way to L.A. I pulled onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched the needle __40__ as I headed north. When I started running on fumes, I pulled into a __41__. There was no self-service __42__; there were no credit cards, no ATMs.
I begged the guy at the station. I __43__ write him a check for gas, I said, or I could sleep in my car and try to __44__ to a town with a bank the next morning. As he was informing me that I could sleep in my car but he’d have me __45__, a station wagon __46__ to the next pump. The driver--- a thin, plain, middle-aged guy---overheard the tail end of my __47__ request. As the attendant went to serve him, he nodded at me. “__48__ her tank first,” he said.
“Really?” I said. Hope __49__. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. But please. I just need two dollars’ __50__. I just need to go home.”
“Fill it,” he __51__ to the attendant. Then to me, “You will do the same one day, for someone else.”
I keep looking for that unlucky young person, __52__ to save her night on the road. Meanwhile, in case she never __53__ up, I try for other acts of random kindness. That __54__ driver is always at the pump a few feet away, __55__ the attendant to fill mine first.

A.thinking B.hoping C.knowing D.showing
A.confirming B.convincing C.admitting D.concerning
A.eighty B.eight C.eighth D.eighths
A.another B.more C.much D.some
A.drop B.increase C.reduce D.decrease
A.train station B.bus station C.railway station D.gas station
A.at one time B.at a time C.at times D.at that time
A.could B.might C.should D.must
A.scramble B.drive C.climb D.walk
A.ordered B.helped C.warned D.arrested
A.went up B.drove up C.pulled up D.drew into
A.tried B.succeeded C.reasoned D.failed
A.Fill B.Filled C.Filling D.To fill
A.increased B.raised C.accumulated D.fired
A.value B.worthy C.worth D.money
A.pardoned B.repeated C.said D.spoke
A.ensuring B.supposing C.hoping D.considering
A.shows B.goes C.grows D.comes
A.easy-going B.polite C.powerful D.quiet
A.introducing B.instructing C.interesting D.interacting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

To advertise effectively today, you must abandon the old-school idea of “reaching the masses”. All advertising is local and personal. The key to effective advertising today is to focus on the     45  .
Some are the     46   ways every advertiser could work out. You can print a specific offer of your goods or service on door-hangers and place them on doorknobs in your area. Door-hangers on doorknobs will produce results in direct     47   about the strength of your offer. If you need to reach the drivers, flyer (宣传单) under windshield (挡风玻璃) wipers may have better effect than door-hangers. Imagine, how     48   if you hire someone to be a walking ad or launch a T-shirt advertising,     49  , you can print your products on T-shirts of your     50  . In the early 1970s “Hamp Baker says Drive with Care” was spray-painted on cars, which was a public service ad. Ever since, spray-painted sign has become more and more    51  .
More grand ways are as follows: virtual showroom. Build a website to    52   a virtual showroom. Use it when people call to ask    53   about your company, your products or your services. Also you can even use an old slide projector to put on a nighttime show. They’re    54   effective, and in the long run, cheap. Nothing is quite as powerful as a public    55   that seizes the public’s attention. You can invite a band to give a performance.    56  , you can hire famous models to show it vividly.
Nothing screams “expert” quite as loudly as a book written about a subject. You simply can’t    57   the power of your name on the cover of a book. You might only sell a few copies online, but the copies you give away in your town will make you a fortune. You won’t make money on the book. You’ll make it because of the book.
Of course, word-of-mouth is the best way to promote your    58  . Friends and past customers recommend your products to their family, friends and colleagues. Word-of-mouth works because the    59    is based on previous positive experiences.

A.person B.product C.individual D.style
A.special B.common C.amusing D.normal
A.description B.decision C.discussion D.permission
A.surprising B.funny C.impressive D.amazing
A.that is B.at the same time C.as a result D.on occasion
A.customers B.employers C.consumers D.employees
A.expensive B.usual C.popular D.meaningless
A.refer to B.serve as C.stand for D.use as
A.location B.business-hours C.salary D.details
A.unbelievably B.consequently C.accidentally D.occasionally
A.speech B.sport C.debate D.performance
A.For example B.Moreover C.However D.To be exact
A.create B.guess C.imagine D.think
A.production B.reflection C.consciousness D.business
A.information B.relationship C.pronunciation D.achievement

