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The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.We can chose between staying at home and take a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden(拓宽)you view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost many,yet we can still learn a lot.












1how→what 考查连接词。特殊疑问词+to do”在本句中作为短语talk about的宾语,其中what还要作为动词do的逻辑宾语。句意:同学们和我在谈论暑假期间做什么。

2chose→choose 考查句中结构。情态动词后面跟动词原形,故把chose改为choose

3take→taking 考查并列结构。本句中动名词短语staying at hometaking a trip构成并列关系,都作为介词between的宾语。

4but→and 考查连词。句意:如果我们待在家里,很舒服也没有必要花钱。上下文之间是并列关系,而不是转折关系,所以使用and连接上下文。

5about后加the 考查定冠词。在英语中定冠词the通常表示特指,本句中the修饰world表示特指这个世界。

6your→our 考查代词。应该使用our与本句的主语we保持一致。句意:如果我们出国旅游,我们可以拓宽视野并学到书本上学不到的知识。

7knowledges→knowledge knowledge为不可数名词,故把knowledges改为knowledge

8】删除cancan→should 考查虚拟语气。suggest表建议的时候,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。

9thought→think 考查时态。因为全文以一般现在时为主,故用think

10many→much 考查代词。本句中代词much代替不可数名词much money作为动词cost的宾语,而many通常代替可数名词复数形式。




1)Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语

eg:We suggest him the plan (Χ)We suggest the plan to him(√)

2suggest+doing sth

eg He suggested going out for a walk.

注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:

He suggested to go out for a walk.(Χ)

4suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略

eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.

="He" suggested you go there tomorrow.

注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构.

5it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth

eg:It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once.


The suggestion is that +主语+should +do sth

eg:His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately.

2.suggest 表示暗示或表明之意,注意此时做主语时后面的表语从句用陈述语气

eg:Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










参考词汇:折纸fold paper 注意:词数100左右。










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Our mission is to give a world-class education to everyone, everywhere, regardless of gender, income or social status.

EdX offers MOOCS from the world’s best universities, online courses from MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, UT and many other universities. Topics include biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, electronics, engineering, food and nutrition, history, and more. EdX is a non-profit online website created by founding partners of Harvard and MIT.

Today, edX.org provides hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe with access to free education. We offer amazing quality classes by the best professors from the best schools. We enable our members to find out a new passion that will transform their lives and their communities.

Around the world from coast to coast, in over 192 countries, people are making the decision to take one or several of our courses. As we continue to grow our operations, we are looking for talented, passionate people with great ideas to join the edX team. We aim to create an environment that is supportive, diverse, and as fun as our brand. If you’re hardworking, dedicated and ready to contribute to an unparalleled (无比的,空前的) member experience for our community, we really want you to apply.

As part of the edX team, you’ll receive:

Competitive compensation

Generous benefits package

Free lunch every day

A great workplace where everyone cares and wants to change the world (no, were not kidding).

While we appreciate every applicant’s interest, only those under consideration will be contacted. We regret that phone calls will not be accepted. We promise that every applicant will be treated fairly.

All positions are located in our Cambridge offices.

【1】What does edX mainly do?

A. Studying people’s learning habits.

B. Discovering people’s new passion.

C. Providing free courses.

D. Researching the trend of education.

2】According to the text, edX ________.

A. aims to change the world

B. tries to build more schools

C. has schools in nearly 200 countries

D. teaches people how to choose their courses

3】Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Only males will be admitted.

B. The edX team members must pay for all their three meals a day.

C. You can call to ask about details about the application.

D. EdX doesn’t aim to make money.

4】What’s the aim of the text?

A. To give an introduction to edX.

B. To encourage people to join edX.

C. To predict the future of education.

D. To advise us to choose quality education.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1That’s changed since________________.(自从我来这里)

2I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven______________(为了好好看) at the moon by myself.

3This was the first time in a year and a half that ______________(我看见)the night face to face.

4______________ the 16th century ( 16 世纪末),about 5 to 7 million people spoke English.

5Because of that, English_______________(开始被说)in many other countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Our neighbour’s son was getting married at an out-of-town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a store, and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little tight, but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and that would be all right for me.

June 29 came and, of course, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had gained two. But I thought a nice new girdle (紧身衣)would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we stopped once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a size large party girdle. The clerk found the box with the describe girdle marked “LG", and asked if I would like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I needn’t try it on.”

The next morning was rather hot, one of those thirty-four-degree days, I suppose, so I waited to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I popped open the box only to find a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn't fit right without a girdle, a fight broke out in the hotel room between me and the girdle. Have you ever tried to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag? That’s it. Finally my husband, laughing like crazy, got hold of each side and shook me down into it. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn't go very well with my red face, and was ready to go.

Finally we got to the church. I heard one of the people say that they were having a High Mass., turned to my husband and asked, “What is a High Mass?*' he shrugged his shoulders .

Unfortunately, I learned that this particular mass would last one hour, twenty-two minutes and eight and one half seconds—the priest (神甫)was going to bless everything except my girdle.

1Why didn't the writer buy a loose dress?

A. Because she was too thin.

B. Because it was too hot then.

C. Because she thought she could become a little thin within a month.

D. Because a tight one was a little cheaper.

2What does the writer want to express by saying “Have you ever tried to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag”?

A. How difficult it was to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag

B. The difficulty I had in patting on the tight dress.

C. How foolish I was to put on such tight dress.

D. How foolish I was to put so many potatoes in such a bag.

3Which word can be best described the author?

A. optimistic (乐观的) B. beautiful

C. ugly D. careless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As jewelry designers,my sister Jodie and I are always traveling for work.We need to go to a lot of shows,so we can’t pack lightly and usually bring about four suitcases filled with our work.

Most of our stuff is made from heavy materials and metals.So part of the routine for us when we fly is getting stopped by security.Our jewelry sets off the alarms,and we’ve become accustomed to arriving early to go through private screenings.Most of the time,it’s not troublesome.

However,on our recent trip to a Paris trade show,we were stopped at security and asked to empty our bags. One of the agents walked over to another agent and they started whispering to each other.Both gentlemen came back,and one of them then told us that it seemed that we were carrying a very dangerous object.

My sister and I just said,“Huh?”Of course,we were a little concerned,thinking that maybe someone put something dangerous in one of our bags when we weren’t looking.

One of the agents then started to unpack our bags.I kept asking what he was 1ooking for and then the object in question finally appeared.It was our Cosima necklace.It's a piece of jewelry,with large,metal triangular spikes.

My sister and I 1ooked at each other and breathed a huge sigh of relief.We started laughing and explained to the two male agents that it was just a necklace from our collection.not a weapon of mass destruction.They thought we were lying,and one agent kept repeating that he believed it was a weapon.

I tried to explain that we were jewelry designers going to a trade show,and this was simply a piece from our collection.But the agents didn’t buy it.Then a few women guards came over to assist.One of the women guards was holding an earring up to her ear and another was trying on a ring.Apparently,they liked our stuff.

It was only at this point that the male guards gave up.And I think they also got tired of listening to a bunch of women talk about jewelry.They let us through.

We took the names of the women agents and sent them a piece of jewelry when we got back to say thanks.

【1】The writer and her sister were stopped by the agents because ________.

A.their suitcases were too heavy

B.the agents wanted to play a joke on them

C.they were suspected to carry dangerous objects

D.the agents wanted to admire the jewelry inside the suitcases

【2】The underlined word“buy”in Paragraph 7 probably means ________.

A.doubtB.believeC.purchase D.understand

【3】The writer sent the women agents a piece of jewelry in order to ________.

A.persuade them to buy her jewelry later

B.get help from them next time

C.show them her talent in designing jewelry

D.show them her gratitude for their assistance

【4】According to this passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Someone put something dangerous in one of the writer’s bags.

B.The male agents didn’t believe the writer at first.

C.The female agents liked the jewelry.

D.The writer is always travelling on business.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In my opinion, all Mr. Li good to his students in his class at present. He is very strict with them in their studies.

A. does does does B. does does do

C. does do did D. did do does


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Our factory has introduced advanced technology early this year, and thus we can produce ________ last year.

A. twice as more bicycles as B. more bicycles than twice

C. more than twice bicycles as D. more than twice as many bicycles as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Do your family often take a trip? For most families, a trip in a car to an unfamiliar (不熟悉的) area often goes with the question about which way 1 (take). This is not the case, however, in the Williams family. They never get 2 (lose) when five-year-old Daniel is with them. That’s because Daniel has the unbelievable 3 (able) to tell them the best way to get from one place to another anywhere in England and what’s more, he doesn’t need a map-he can do it 4 thinking.

Daniel 5 (be) interested in place names since he first learned to talk. When he was about three, he started asking his parents questions about how the roads they drove along joined up, and 6 soon became obvious that he had a super memory for maps. He had no difficulty 7 (remember) the roads he saw from the car window.

Now, after school, Daniel’s 8 (favor) game is drawing maps of the road systems in the places he hasn’t visited. His parents have no idea where his particular talent comes from 9 no one else in the family has it. Although he has other 10 (hobby) Daniel’s greatest goal in life is to become a mapmaker.

