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【题目】If you make a list of the world's top ten most challenging jobs, chances are that being a teacher will not make the cut. But think about the discouraging task millions of educators face each day as they try to shape a group of often bad-tempered, wild kids into intelligent, well-rounder individuals. That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that there is no promotion or bonus awaiting them even if they are wildly successful!

What if there all-important individuals that we often take for granted (想当然) disappear from our lives? That was what Project Ed and Participant Media's Teach campaign asked filmmakers of all ages to imagine in their recently-held competition. Entitled "A World Without Teachers", its purpose was to inspire more young people to become teachers. However, the 62 amazing video submissions also serve as a reminder of how horrible things would be if we didn't have these selfless individuals guiding us through life. What was interesting is that even the youngest participants did not appear to be happy at the idea of not having anybody telling them what to do.

High-school student Savannah Wakefield reflected if art as we know it today would have been different without teachers. Would Monet have discovered his talent for impressionism? Los Angeles-based Miles Horst, who won the 1000 USD prize for the best adult submission imagines a world where teachers are replaced by a “brain box” in his fun lively entry.

Youth category winner Marina Barham's video represents a fact we all know but often forget. Teachers don't just teach, they inspire something that no electronic device, no matter how smart, can do! So the next time you think your teacher is being "mean" for trying to channel you in the right direction, imagine a life without him/her. We have a feeling it will not appear as rosy!

1What is the passage mainly about?

A. The significance cf teachers.

B. The campaign to promote teachers' status.

C. A survey of people's views about teachers.

D. A competition to win the prize for the best teacher.

2From the passage we can learn that_____.

A. teaching naughty kids is a very discouraging task

B. being a teacher is one of the most challenging jobs in the world

C. a successful teacher has the greatest chance to be promoted

D. teachers have little influence on kids' individual development

3What is the purpose of the project “A World Without Teachers”?

A. To attract kids to submit more videos of their teachers.

B. To encourage more people to go into teaching career.

C. To expect teachers to devote themselves to their jobs.

D. To remind students to appreciate teachers' hard work.

4What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 suggest?

A. Teaching is quite different from other jobs.

B. The future of teachers' work appears inspiring.

C. A world without teachers will be unimaginable.

D. Many people attach more importance to teaching.







1主旨大意题。文章分别以Project Ed and Participant Media's Teach campaign,Savannah Wakefield,Monet,Miles Horst等为例,证明了世界上不能没有老师。故该文中心在于强调教师的重要性。故A选项正确。

2细节理解题。由第一段中的But think about the discouraging task millions of educators face …That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that …可知,当老师是最难的工作B选项正确。

3细节理解题。由第二段中的its purpose was to inspire more young people to become teachers可知该项目的目的是鼓舞更多的年轻人做老师。故B选项正确。

4句意理解题。由最后一段中的Teachers don't just teach,they inspire something that no electronic device,no matter how smart,can do!So the next time you think your teacher is being "mean" for trying to channel you in the right direction,imagine a life without him/her可知老师们不仅仅是教学,他们还可以激发学生,而这种激励是任何电子设备都无法做到的。所以当下一次你认为你的老师非常苛刻你可以想象一下如果没有老师会怎样。由此可知,作者认为,这个世界上是不能没有老师的。即:没有老师的世界是无法想象的。故C选项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Li Ming,

I'm glad to hear from you.___________________________________________________________________








Hoping my advice is helpful for you and may you enjoy your new school life.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Do you have such kind of experience?In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too long.And if he senses that he1(stare) at,he may feel uncomfortable.

The same happens in daily life.If you are looked at for more than necessary,you will look at yourself up and down,to see2anything is wrong with you.If nothing goes wrong,you will feel uncomfortable.Eyes do speak,right?

3(look) too long at someone may seem to be rude.But things are different when4comes to a stare at the opposite sex.If a man5(glance) at a woman for more than 10 seconds,that means he wishes to make her know he is admiring her.Normally,the speaker in conversation will look at the listener at times to make sure that the listener does pay attention to6the former is saying.A poor liar usually makes himself7(expose) by looking too long at the victim,since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest8(communicate). Actually,continuous eye contact exists in lovers only,who will enjoy looking at each other gently for a long time to show love that words cannot convey.

9(evident),eye contact should be done according to the specific situation and the relationship10the two people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Tips for waiting in line

We’ve all been there when lining up at the supermarket checkout counter, the lines next to us always seem to be moving faster than the one we are standing in. 【1】 . It has also offered tips on picking the fastest line.


A cart (购物车) full of items doesn’t tell the whole story. Every person requires a fixed amount of time to say hello, pay, say goodbye and clear out of the lane. And that amount of time is an average of 41 seconds per person. 3 . This means if there are five people ahead of you, each with 10 items in their carts, the waiting time will be 355 seconds. But if there is only one person ahead of you, with 50 items in the cart, the waiting time is 191 seconds. You do the math.

● Study the customers

How many people are ahead of you is one thing, and who they are is another. 4 The items in their carts are also important. For example, four bottles of the same milk will definitely go faster than four completely different items.

● Go left

According to a research, around 90 percent of people are right-handed. 5 . So heading to the opposite direction left will give you a better chance of finding a faster line.

A. Choose a “snaky line”

B. Pick someone with a full cart

C. It means a majority of people tend to naturally go to the right

D. The person at the head of the line goes to the next available counter

E. On the other hand, the time that each item takes to be rung up is only three seconds

F. For example, if they are old people, they tend to move slower and delay the checkout process

G. Now The New York Times gives you some deep understanding into the math and psychology of queuing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to prepare for exam?

Here are some tips you can read with your child.

The first step in preparation for examination is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject.The plan should include how many chapters to revise and how many worksheets to work on.1 Parents who do not know the examination time schedule can search ‘exam timetable’ to see the official examination schedule.2

The second thing is to decide on the place to study.Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria.3 So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results.

4 For lessons,pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively.For exercise,work on the simple ones in the textbook.For theory,pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts.

At last,study smart.Focus on chapters that are the core of the subject or difficult chapters.5

A.Next the most effective way to revise is to use an active approach.

B.Making good preparations counts.

C.Mind map can help you a lot in your revision work.

D.Your child has to be self-disciplined to follow the plan.

E.It is not necessary to simply read from first to last page.

F.The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination.

G.Both are alright as long as your child is comfortable with it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








I’m Wang Hong, a international student of Beijing University. I have something to talk with you. During last year’s winter holiday, I go shopping with my classmates. While we were walking on the street, we saw several beggar standing on the road and asking for money. Many of them were disabling, which made me feel very much sad. Among them were old people, young people and even children. I noticed some passers-by ignore them instead of given them money. When I wanted to help them, my classmates stopped us. They told me whether these beggars were not worth showing mercy to because most them cheated people. Should I helped them?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 字数100词左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文更连贯。

3. 开头和结尾已给出。(不计入总词数)

Dear Lucy,

We hear that youll return to the United Kingdom on a holiday soon. All the class will miss you very much during your absence!_________________________________










Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】During the Tang Dynasty(618—907),there was a minister named Li Linfu.He was very good at flattering people,so his official position was raised higher and higher and he 1 (eventual) became the prime minister.2.,Li was a violent and cruel man.When he talked with people he always wore a sweet smile,but he 3. (make) up evil ideas in his mind.

One day,Li learned that 4. beautiful woman was put in prison.He sent for a prison officer and ordered him to set the woman free.The man followed the order and Li took the woman home.

Later,someone reported the case to the emperor.The prison officer was very afraid because he 5.(know) he had committed a crime by 6. (set) the criminal free.He went to Li for help,but Li ignored him and asked the man not to disturb him any more.The man was so disappointed that he hanged 7. (he).

Hearing the tragic suicide of the prison officer,another officer wanted to reveal the 8. (true) to the emperor.Li,however,knew of this plan and began to make false accusations against the officer.The foolish emperor believed Li’s words and exiled(流放) the officer 9. a distant land.

The idiom “hide a dagger in a smile” is used 10. (describe) a person with a murderous intention behind his/her smile.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For every cup of coffee you made, about two spoons of grounds end up in the waste. That doesnt seem like a lot, but just think about the millions of coffees consumed around the world every single day, and youll see the problem. Sure, some of those coffee grounds are recycled as fertilizer to enrich the soil or beauty products like face masks, but most will be buried into the ground. It was while considering this issue that German product designer Julian Lechner came up with a new way of recycling coffee grounds turning them into tableware.

We were always drinking coffee at university,” Lechner remembers. “And that’s how I started to wonder. What happens to all that coffee? It was all just getting thrown away.” He began consulting with his professors about ways of using coffee grounds to create a solid material.

We tried combining with a lot of different things,” Lechner said, “We even tried sugar. That was close, but basically it was a candy cup. It just kept melting after being used three times.” The whole point was to make it last long, so Lechner and his partners went back to the institute to continue their research. Finally, after many failed experiments, they came up with a mix of coffee grounds and a biopolymer(生物高聚物) that seemed to behave the way Lechner had expected it.

The moment of knowing the cup would actually stand was super-exciting,” he recalls. “It was wonderful to drink that first coffee out of the cup. It proved to be totally worth the wait.” And his creation has proven commercially successful, which is just the icing on the cake. The coffee cups are now present in ten shops across Europe, and the company can hardly keep up with demand, regularly selling out of its stock online.

Lechner will soon launch a larger line of coffee grounds cups and also work on a travel mug. But those are just short-term plans, as Lechner hopes to one day use recycled coffee grounds to create all sort of useful stuff—like sheets and furniture in cafés and restaurants.

【1】What do people do with coffee grounds before Lechner?

A. Make products beautiful.

B. Improve the soil.

C. Produce drinking cups.

D. Create solid materials.

【2】What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A. Candy cups can last longer than coffee cups.

B. Coffee grounds are rich in biopolymer.

C. Biopolymer can get coffee cups used repeatedly.

D. Lechner invented coffee cups alone.

【3】What does the underlined phrase refer to in Paragraph 4?

A. Profits from coffee cup business.

B. Creation of coffee cups.

C. Decreasing demands for coffee grounds.

D. Consumption of delicious iced coffee.

【4】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A new way of recycling coffee cups.

B. Commercial success from consuming coffee.

C. Recycling coffee grounds into stuff like coffee cups.

D. Different product designers of recycling coffee grounds.

