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Being polluted, the water is not fit_______.

[  ]

A.to drink
B.to be drunk
C.for drink

Be fit to drink常见搭配用法。


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省黄冈市黄州区一中高三下学期第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

Britain’s parents have admitted school is harder today than it was when they were kids.A poll(民意测验)of 1,500 parents shows that those with children who have recently sat(参加)A-level or GCSE exams believe today’s exams are harder than the ones they sat at school.One in four thought A-levels were getting harder-compared to just twelve percent who thought they were easier.The figures for GCSEs were more evenly split with 26 percent thinking they were harder and 21 percent believing they were easier.This is the first survey(调查)of the opinion of parents whose youngsters have just sat exams.They told pollsters they believed the higher pass rates in examinations today were due to the youngsters concerned working harder."But another reason given was that they believed today’s youngsters felt there was little chance of success in life without qualification(资格).Parents are seeing standards rise and their children working harder and being smarter than their generation." says Dr Christina Townsend,president of the Ed excel exam board,which commissioned(委托) the survey.The poll,carried out by Opinion Research Business for the exam board,also showed parents supported government plans to allow students to see their marked papers after they had completed their exams.The move(行动)is designed to help them decide whether they should doubt their standard.
59. What do you know about Britain’s school education from the text?
A. Students are burdened with too much homework after school.
B. Students are tired of learning at school.
C. Most students can’t pass the A-level or GCSE exams.
D. Exams are more difficult today and pupils are working harder.
60. The writer’s purpose in writing this text is ____.
A. to show the result of a poll of 1,5000 parents
B. to tell parents that their youngsters are working hard
C. to prove that youngsters are smarter than their parents
D. to request that exams be easier
61. We can infer from the text that ____.
A. the government will take steps to lower the standards of exams.
B. Students were once not allowed to see their marked papers.
C. Parents didn’t work hard when they were at school
D. More parents think A-levels are getting harder and GCSEs are getting easier


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省中山一中高一上学期第一次段考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

  Fifteen people were killed and 38 others injured in a road accident early Wednesday morning in Ens hi, Central China’s Hu bei Province.
The bus, travelling from Wanzhou in Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality to  Shen zhen in South China’s Guangdong Province, had 53 passengers on board,three more than permitted.
At around 1 am on Wednesday, the bus increased speed gradually on a curve(弯路)and plunged(往前冲) more than 30 metres into a valley below. Thirteen people, including one of the two drivers, died at once. Two others died on the way to hospital.
Although the cause of the accident is still unclear, the local police said the driver paid no attention to the official warning signs on the expressway(高速公路).
It hit a section which had been closed as a result of snow.
Because of the cold weather and icy roads,the expressway had been closed by police since Tuesday morning. But the bus drivers took the dangerous route, paying no attention to the warnings.
The rescue team, which included more than 30 medical workers and 120 local villagers,joined together and rushed to the scene at the news of the accident. By 5 am, all of the injured had been sent to three local hospitals for emergency treatment. A hospital source said most of the patients were in a stable(稳定的)condition but a few were still in danger.
According to a 2009 national public opinion poll, traffic accidents ranked as people’s third biggest security(安全) concern.
【小题1】 When the accident took place,____.

A.the bus was on the way to Shenzhen
B.most of the passengers were sound asleep
C.all the passengers were given immediate rescue
D.it was snowing hard
【小题2】 The expressway was closed to ____.
A.protect the passengers from being frozen
B.make the police have a good rest
C.stop cars traveling around
D.avoid(避免) the happening of traffic accidents
【小题3】 What the local villagers did showed that they were ____.
A.curious(好奇的)B.warm hearted C.frightenedD.simple minded


科目:高中英语 来源:2011黑龙江哈九中高三第三次模拟英语试题 题型:阅读理解

In Daniel Gilbert's 2006 book "Stumbling(跌撞) on Happiness," the Harvard professor of psychology looks at several studies and concludes that marital(婚姻的) satisfaction decreases after the birth of the first child and increases only when the last child has left home. He also declares that parents are happier grocery shopping and even sleeping than spending time with their kids.

The most recent comprehensive study on the emotional state of those with kids shows us that the term "bundle of joy" may not be the most accurate way to describe our kids. "Parents experience lower levels of emotional well-being, less frequent positive emotions and more frequent negative emotions than their childless peers," says Florida State University's Robin Simon, a sociology professor.

Simon received plenty of hate mail in response to her research,which isn't surprising. Her findings shake the very foundation of what we've been raised to believe is true. In a recent NEWSWEEK Poll, 50 percent of Americans said that adding new children to the family tends to increase happiness levels. But which parent is willing to admit that the greatest gift life has to offer has in fact made his or her life less enjoyable?

Is it possible that American parents have always been this disillusioned(有幻觉的)? In pre-industrial America, parents certainly loved their children, but their kids also served a purpose—to work the farm, contribute to the household. Today, we have kids more for emotional reasons, but an increasingly complicated work and social environment has made finding satisfaction far more difficult. Raising children has not only become more complicated, it has become more expensive as well. The National Marriage Project's 2006 report says that parents have significantly lower marital satisfaction than nonparents because they experienced more single and child-free years than previous generations.

As for those of us with kids, all the news isn't bad. Parents still report feeling a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives than those who've never had kids. And there are other rewarding aspects of parenting that are impossible to quantify.


 What’s the main idea of the book Stumbling on Happiness?

A. Parents are happier shopping than looking after their children.

B. Once they have children, the couples can never be as happy as before.

C. Compared with their childless peers, parents are leading a sad life.

D. The adding of children at home brings down marital satisfaction.


. What can we infer from Para.3?

A. The Newsweek Poll shows that people think Prof. Simon’s finding is right.

B. Many people can’t accept the fact that they are not happy with their children.

C. It isn’t surprising that Professor Simon’s controversial research made her famous.

D. Simon’s findings are based on the belief passed down from generation to generation.


 What can we learn about American’s families in the past?

A. People had very good parents-children relationship in the family.

 B. Having children could be partly out of some practical purposes.

C. Parents loved their children but they still asked them to work a lot.

D. Children had to work very hard to make their parents love them.


 What’s the author’s opinion about having children?

A. The author doesn’t think having children is a good thing to the family.

B. The author feels children make the life of a family happy.

C. The author thinks parenting can still be rewarding in a certain way.

D. The author believes that parents sacrifice a lot for having children.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省高三上学期第一次诊断性测试英语卷 题型:其他题


[1] When it comes to protecting the privacy of their children,US parents give social networks a failing grade.

[2] Three out of four parents believe social networks are not doing a good job of protecting kids’online privacy. The survey was conducted for Common Sense Media,a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping families surf the world of media and technology. 92 percent of parents said they are concerned that children share too much information online,and 85 percent said they are more concerned about online privacy than they were five years ago.

[3] The poll found a great deal of concern about geo-location services which pinpoint someone’s whereabouts.91 percent of parents said search engines and social networking sites should not be able to share the physical location of children with other companies until parents give authorization.

[4] The results present a clear divide between the industry’s view of privacy and the opinion of parents and kids. Common Sense Media chief executive and founder James Steyer said:“American families are deeply worried about how their personal information is being used by technology and online companies. However, the companies appear to be keeping their heads deep in the sand.

[5] Technology companies need to step up but parents,children,schools and government also need to do more,he said.“Parents and kids have to educate themselves about             ,”he said.“Schools should teach all students and their parents about privacy protection. And finally, policymakers have to update privacy policies for the 21st century.”

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

The survey shows that common people and the industry have different opinions about privacy.



3.Please translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


4.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words to make the sentence complete.(with in 10 words)


5.Please give the readers at least three tips on protecting their privacy on line.(within 30 words)






科目:高中英语 来源:2012届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语题 题型:其他题






People unhappy with the rich: Poll

There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll.

The poll by the China Youth Daily in collaboration(与…合作) with Sina.com has highlighted the apparent discontent (不满)over the country's widening income gap.

Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant"(奢侈的), "greedy" and "corrupt".

About 57 percent of those polled said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy".

Ironically, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially responsible".

Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".

Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the poor but were reluctant to take action and actually do something for them.

The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor".

A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China's Gini coefficient - an indicator of the wealth divide - rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004.

An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

The country's income disparity(悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January said.


People unhappy with the rich



The poll by China Daily

1. Nearly 8,000 people filled in __1.__ on the ___2.___last week.

2. There is an __3.__ dissatisfaction tendency toward rich people.

3. Ironically, in __4._ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should take “__5._ responsibility”.

4. ___6.__ ,Mao Yushi, said he was “speaking for the rich and working for the poor.”


A report ___7.__ by the Asian Development Bank

1. The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now on more than 40 percent of all _8.__ assets, while the poorest 10 percent ___9._ for less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

2. The country’s income disparity is close to that of Latin America, according to the report which came out in ___10._.



