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The "cello chair"

I have always loved the rich sound of the cello(大提琴). 1, as a young journalist in New York in the late 1970s, I never imagined that I could play one

One day, I2(mistake) knocked on the wrong door in an office building. An elderly man opened the door, and behind him were a dark cello and a3(wood) chair with the design of a lyre (里拉琴) on it.

For a moment, I forgot4I was looking for. I asked, "Do you play the cello?"

“Yes," he said. "Do you want to become one of my students?"

“Yes," I responded, almost 5thinking.

When I had my first lesson a few days later, I told the teacher, Heinrich Joachim, that I6(answer) yes on impulse(冲动)."I'm not sure whether I can be a musician, "I said. Mr. J assured me that with practice and 7 (devote) to the instrument, I could become8. I told him that I'd once had a beautiful voice, but finally I lost it. "The cello," Mr. J promised, "will give you back your voice." I bought a cello and began to go for weekly lessons. "Don't just listen to the sound. Feel it!" said Mr. J I made steady progress. I studied with him for seven years, until I got 9(marry).

Mr. J died in 2002. Soon afterwards, I received a special10from his son, Andrew - Mr. J's “cello chair".







6had answered






本文是记叙文,叙述了作者是一名纽约的年轻记者时,因为敲错门结果结识了自己的老师Heinrich Joachim,在老师帮助下作者学习拉大提琴,后来老师去世后,把自己的大提琴椅作为一份礼物的送给了作者。


2考查副词。句意: 有一天,我在办公楼里敲错了门。所给的词mistake名词,错误;动词,弄错。这里不能用动词,因为空格后用的是动词形式。空格后是动词,所以应该用副词修饰动词,是故填mistakenly

3考查形容词。句意: 一位老人打开门,身后是一把黑色的大提琴和一把木椅,上面有一把里拉琴的图案。空格后是名词,这里用形容词修饰名词,表明是木制的椅子。故填wooden


5考查介词。句意:是的,我几乎不假思索地回答。空格后是动名词的形式,所以用介词。根据上文For a moment, I forgot___4___I was looking for.可知,作者看到大提琴的时候,就忘了在找什么,所以当对方问,你想拉大提琴吗?你想成为我的学生们吗?所以作者就不假思索地回答了。without没有。故填without

6考查过去完成时。句意: 几天后,当我上第一节课时,我告诉老师Heinrich Joachim我是一时冲动答应了。这里told发生在过去,答应老师做他的学生发生在told之前,也就是说发生在过去的过去。所以应该用过去完成时。故填had answered

7考查名词。句意: Heinrich Joachim 向我保证,通过练习和对乐器的热爱,我可以成为一名音乐家。and连接的单词前后是并列关系,and前是名词,所以空格处也用名词,devote是动词,其名词是devotion,故填devotion

8考查代词。句意: Heinrich Joachim 向我保证,通过练习和对乐器的热爱,我可以成为一名音乐家。根据上文I'm not sure whether I can be a musician可知,空格处代替前文的出现的名词a musician,故填one

9考查固定搭配。句意: 我和他一起学习了七年,直到我结婚。短语get married结婚,强调的是动作。故填married

10考查名词。句意: Joachim先生于2002年去世。不久之后,我收到了他儿子安德鲁送给我的一份特别的礼物先生的大提琴椅。空前是冠词+形容词,所以空格处必须用名词的单数形式,根据Mr. J's “cello chair".可知,这是老师送给的礼物。故填gift


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 From quiet paths by a stream in a forest to busy roads running through a city,people have created various forms of routes in different places.These routes have enabled people to move, transport things,and send information from one place to another quickly and safely.1

Early routes were often formed naturally on land.They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.Once the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times,people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.2As a result,life became much easier,communities grew,economies developed,and cultures spread.

People have established routes on water,too.Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.For example,in the old,Japanese city of Edo,water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products,seafood,and wood. 3They were important for the movement of ships,particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.Using these sea routes,people could go to places they had not been able to reach before.

People have gone on to open routes in the sky as well.Since the invention of the airplane,they have made it possible to travel long distances easily.Finally,people became able to travel safely and comfortably high in the sky,and going vast distances only took a small amount of time.

4By using this worldwide route,people can easily get information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication.

As long as there have been people,there have been routes to connect them.5

A.People could travel great distances.

B.People have also opened routes across the sea.

C.Today,we have a new type of route,the Internet.

D.Therefore,towns,cities,and entire countries improved them.

E.Some unknown routes will surely take us further in the future.

F.They have been important in our daily lives throughout history.

G.They can immediately send messages to large numbers of people all at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How can you pay in the TWU Cafeteria?

A.By signing your name.

B.By using your mobile phone.

C.By using your ID cards.

2Where can you cook?

A.In the Globe.B.In the TWU Cafeteria.C.In the Douglas Hall.

3What do we know about the Wellness Center?

A.It is open on workdays.

B.It offers service free of charge.

C.It only gives advice on mental health.

4When can the students take the TWU Express?

A.At 7 a.m. on Sundays.B.At noon on Thursdays.C.At 2 p.m. on Saturdays.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Sir,

Thank you for invite me to the summer English course in your school.As for your choice between the two courses, I prefer the fourweek course because of this will allow me more time to do some traveling but make a few new friends.Of all the subject I’m learning at school, I like English best.I had been learning English for eleven years but my spoken English remains poorly.So I really hope to take this chance improve it.If possible, I’d like to stay with a family for a couple of days in order that I can know some customs in England, that I’m particularly interested in.I believe I will have wonderful time this summer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In elementary school, George wasn’t 1 (exact) popular, but he always had a couple of really good friends. In middle school, he was really good at science and math. 2 most kids were going to 3movies on weekends, George preferred to design his own special projects. He dreamed of owning his own technology company someday. When George got to high school, some of the other students made fun of him for being into books and computers. This made George very upset, but he tried not to let anything keep his dream from 4 (achieve). George got excellent grades and was admitted 5 both Harvard and Yale, but he decided to go to Stanford 6 there were many opportunities for people 7 wanted to work in Silicon Valley. This was the first time George 8 (feel) accepted by the people around him. He took many computer classes, and kept designing his own projects on weekends. During the summer months, he would take extra classes, and he ended up 9 (graduate) a year early. He took a job 10 a computer programmer at Apple. After five more years there, George left to start his own company, finally realizing his childhood dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly ______ with ice. This is one of the driest and ______ places in the world. But people from all over the world come to ______ there.Near the South Pole, three thousand people live together in a place ______ AmundsenScott Station.

The Station ______ libraries, cinemas, shops, sports rooms, canteens and laboratories. There is electricity, and they have telephone — the system ______ they use to have a conversation with someone in ______ place.And they have ______ — electronic machines that store information and use programs to help them find, organize, or change the information.

But the people here ______ travel by car, or train or bus, because there aren’t any roads or railways near the Station.They ______ by ship, helicopter, plane, or snow tractor, or ______ dogs.

There aren’t ______ trees or flowers there, but there are hundreds of different birds and other ______.

Most of the people here are ______.They study plant and animal life and how ice ______.The ice can ______ us about changes in climate. Ray Kingman is an expert at AmundsenScott Station, telling us ______ the phone, “This is my second year here. It’s a very interesting and beautiful place, but life is very ______ in winter. In summer we can go ______ in hot pools of water. We welcome newcomers here for further ______ of the continent!”

1A. filled B. full C. discovered D. covered

2A. warm B. coldest C. cool D. hottest

3A. travel B. settle C. work D. live

4A. called B. builds C. known D. lived

5A. exists B. built C. has D. lies

6A. where B. that C. who D. how

7A. other B. another C. the another D. the other

8A. printers B. icons C. mice D. computers

9A. don’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

10A. go B. walk C. travel D. run

11A. with B. instead of C. on D. in front of

12A. some B. any C. many D. much

13A. plants B. life C. animals D. things

14A. teachers B. scientists C. doctors D. workers

15A. flows B. melts C. freezes D. moves

16A. show B. tell C. suggest D. say

17A. in B. with C. by D. on

18A. pleasant B. easy C. hard D. comfortable

19A. boating B. swimming C. fishing D. washing

20A. study B. life C. visit D. climate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 At 18, you say goodbye to your childhood and become an adult. You are legally allowed to do a lot of things from voting to driving a car. 1

On March 10, California lawmakers voted to change the legal age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21. It meant that the US state in which the most people live was about to become the second after Hawaii to ban teenagers from smoking. 2 Up to now, over 100 cities in the US, including New York and San Francisco, have passed similar laws of their own.

“We can save billions of dollars in direct health care costs and, most importantly, save lives,” senator Ed Hernandez, who wrote the bill, told the Associated Press.

3 Last year the Institute of Medicine(IOM) in the US predicted that if the legal age were raised to 21, by the time today’s teenagers became adults, the smoking rate would be cut by 12 percent. 4For example, Vending machines (自动售货机) would go away and less than 10 percent of stores would sell cigarettes illegally to teenagers.

5 An article in USA Today pointed out that taking in nicotine(尼古丁) during your teenage years is likely to badly affect brain function and development. Teenagers get addicted to smoking more easily than adults because the parts of the brain that control most decision making and self-control are still developing. As for the health effects, the risks of smoking-related illness rise with the number of years a person smokes.

A. There is evidence that supports Hernandez's words.

B. There are many reasons to cut youth smoking further.

C. The law will take effect 90 days after the governor signs it.

D. Meanwhile, other ways of getting cigarettes would disappear.

E. Some people argue that 18-year-olds are mostly able to make adult decisions.

F. Many countries in the world, including China, have set the legal smoking at 18.

G. But in some parts of the US, there’s still one thing an 18-year-old can’t do—smoke.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The criminal _______ murdering the judge, unfortunately, an unexpected accident made him lose his consciousness.

A.might have admittedB.could have admitted

C.should have admittedD.must have admitted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mother’s Day is a time of memory and celebration for Mom. The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations date back to ancient Greece in honour of Rhea, the Mother of Gods. During the 1600s, England celebrated a day called “mothering Sunday”. Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent(四旬斋),“mothering Sunday” honoured the mothers England.

During the time many of the England’s poor worked as servants for the wealthy.AS most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday, the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along.

As Christianity(基督教) spread throughout Europe, the celebration changed to honour the “Mother Church”---the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. Over time the church festival combined with mothering Sunday celebration. People began honouring their mothers as well as the church.

In the United States Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day devoted to peace. Then in 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign(运动) to establish a national Mother’s Day. Ms Jarvis persuaded her mother’s church in Grafton, Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death, the 2nd day Sunday of May. By the next year Mother’s Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Ms Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessmen, and politicians demanding to establish a national Mother’s Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement that Mother’s Day was a national holiday and it was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday of May.

1What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?

A. To raise questions. B. To introduce the topic.

C. To interest readers. D. To solve problems.

2The earliest Mother’s Day was celebrated to___________.

A. mark the birth of Greece B. prepare for the autumn harvest

C. honour the Mother of Gods D. honour the mothers of England

3The fourth and fifth paragraphs mainly talk about___________.

A. the feast of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

B. the origin of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

C. the development of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

D. the celebration of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

4The passage is intended to______________.

A. give readers some information B. persuade readers

C. report a story D. amuse readers

