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 History is full of cases_______dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery.

A.why            B.where                C.when          D.which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The most important thing about cotton in history is _____ part that it played in ____ Industrial Revolution.

   A./; /             B.the; /       C.the; the     D.a; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Archery(射箭) may be the oldest sport in the world. There are prehistoric drawings which show that bows and arrows were used 20 000 years ago. In early times, animals were always hunted and killed with bows and arrows. Good archers were very important when country fought against country. One of the most famous legends(传奇,传奇故事) in ?European? history is the story of Wilhelm Tell. He was a Swiss who refused to work for an Austrian, and was ordered to shoot an apple from the head of his son. He hit the apple, and then shot the Austrian. Switzerland has been free since then, so the story goes.

Archers shoot at targets at 30, 50, 70 or 90 meters' distance from them. The targets are round,80 centimeters across, and have 5 circles painted round the centre. Bows are made of steel, wood and strong plastic, and arrows of wood. The sport is enjoyed in the open air in summer and in a building in winter. Archery is good for the chest, the arms and the back. Men and women can shoot together since being strong is not so important. Women usually use lighter bows. People who can't walk or who have been ill can also enjoy it. For Zen Buddhists(佛教徒) archery is not only a sport but also something deeper. It helps the individual to understand himself and the meaning of life.

Good archers, were needed by countries in order to_______.?

A. make bows and arrows     B. hunt animals?

C. do drawings      D. kill enemies?

The legend says Switzerland has been free since Wilhelm Tell_______.?

A. killed an Austrian     B. invented a story?

C. started working for an Austrian       D. shot an apple at his child?

“Target” in Paragraph 2 most nearly means_______.

A. an image of a person?

B. something to be aimed at in shooting-practice?

C. an animal which is painted 5 circles?

D. a dead animal used for shooting-practice??


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When a Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recovered from the port of Stockholm, historians and scientists were overjoyed with the chance to examine the remains of the past. The ship construction showed how ships were built and operated during the seventeenth century. In this way, artifacts, objects made by human beings, provided a picture of daily life almost 400 years ago.

Underwater archaeology the study of ships, aircraft and human settlements that have sunk under large bodies of water―is really a product of the last 50 years. The rapid growth of this new area of study has occurred because of the invention of better diving equipment. Besides the Swedish ship wreck(残骸), underwater archacologists have made more exciting discoveries such as the 5,000-year-old boats in the Mediterranean Sea.

Underwater archacology can provide facts about the past. In ancient ports all over the world are ships sunken in the past 6,000 years. There are also sunken settlements in seas and lakes telling of people’s way of life and their systems of trade in ancient times. Underwater archacologists want to study these objects to add to the world’s knowledge of history , but they have to fight two enemies. One enemy is treasure hunters who dive for ancient artifacts  that they can sell to collectors. Once sold, these objects are lost to experts. The second enemy is dredging machines (挖掘机)often used to repair ports. These machines destroy, wrecks and artifacts or bury them deeper under sand and mud. By teaching the public about the importance of underwater “museums” of the past, archaeologists are hoping to get support for laws to protect underwater treasures.

63.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?

      A.To provide background information of the topic.

       B.To attract readers’ attention to the topic.

       C.To use an example to support the topic.

       D.To offer basic knowledge of the topic.

64.The aim of underwater archacology is to                 .

       A.exploit water bodies

       B.search for underwater life

       C.study underwater artifacts

       D.examine underwater environment


65.Underwater archaeologists are worried because             .

       A.sea hunters have better diving equipment

       B.their knowledge of world history is limited

       C.dredging machines cause damage to the ports

       D.sold artifacts can hardly be regained for research

66.What is the main purpose of the passage?

       A.to introduce a young branch of learning.

       B.To discuss the scientists ’ problems.

       C.To explain people’s way of life in the past.

       D.To describe the sunken ships.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our 1._____we can see what has not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to 2._____a new place or country, we 3._____what it will be like. We predict( 预料) the 4._____ people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things 5._____. Things are often very different from the way we 6._____them to be. One of the 7._____ dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been 8._____ to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had 9._____and analysed(分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there 10._____ to be no way of 11._____ out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he 12._____ up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 13._____. The hypnotist(催眠者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 14._____: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 15._____. You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your 16._____ will get heavier. Soon you’ll be asleep. You will hear my voice and 17._____ my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are 18._____ asleep, and when you wake up you will 19._____ nothing. You will forget everything. Now I am going to 20._____ slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five.



B. senses       

C. minds         

D. sights


B. seeking       

C. reaching      

D. discovering


B. know         

C. feel          

D. guess


B. habit          

C. style          

D. way


B. simply        

C. correctly      

D. neatly


B. wished        

C. left        

D. expected


B. dull           

C. famous     

D. silly


B. trying         

C. thinking     

D. hoping


B. learned        

C. discussed      

D. researched


B. ought         

C. seemed       

D. had

11.A. making     

B. finding        

C. turning        

D. letting


B. sat           

C. woke          

D. got


B. lesson        

C. research       

D. exercise


B. loudly         

C. slowly        

D. firmly


B. something      

C. nothing       

D. anything


B. feet            

C. head         

D. body


B. repeat         

C. take          

D. understand


B. extremely      

C. actually       

D. almost


B. remember       

C. hear         

D. receive


B. say           

C. add         

D. Speak


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川棠湖中学外语实验学校高二上期10月检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Have you ever wondered why there are so many skin colors in the world? Do you know why people living in particular areas usually have a certain color? Biology and history are the two reasons for this.

Skin contains something called melanin, which determines a person’s skin color. The more melanin a person has, the darker his or her skin will be. The amount of and the production of melanin are controlled by genetics, but can be affected by other things, such as sunlight. If a person lives in a place with less sunlight, a person’s body will produce less melanin, making the skin lighter.

Skin color is also affected by another source ---- vitamin D. humans all need vitamin D to build bones. People can get it by eating foods such as fish and milk, or from sunlight, so sunlight absorbed by melanin cannot be used for vitamin D production. Therefore, a dark—skinned person will produce less vitamin D than a light—skinned person when they received the same amount of sunlight.

The connection between vitamin D production and skin color is clear when we look at evolution. The earliest humans lived in Africa, their dark skin produced less vitamin D because of their dark skin. As a result, their skin made less melanin, so they could get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D. their skin gradually got lighter and they lost hair. Now, people living in areas with strong sunlight like Africa, have darker skin, while people living in other areas have lighter skin. The exception to this is the Inuit, who live in a place with little sunlight, but have dark skin because they eat a lot of fish and have enough vitamin D.

Evolution has given us a rainbow of skin colors. Humans have always had melanin to determine our skin color. What has changed through history is the environment where we have lived. This has in turn changed our melanin production, and eventually, skin color.

Brief __71__

People living in a particular __72__ usually have the same skin color and there are

many different skin colors in the world.

Reason for skin  color

The reasons for different skin colors mainly__73__ in biology and history.

Biology reasons

  The amount of melanin, by which a person’s skin color is__74__ , varies from people to people. The more melanin a person has, the __75__ his or her skin will be.

Vitamin D is another source__76__ skin color. Vitamin D is necessary for humans to

build bones. Sunlight contributes to vitamin D in the skin.



The earliest people in Africa had dark skin with hair covering it because the sunlight is very strong.

When they moved to places where they could not get enough sunlight to__77__

vitamin D, their skin color became lighter.

Generally speaking, people in areas with strong sunlight, have darker skin __78__ people in other areas have lighter skin.


Melanin__80__an important role in our skin color. With our living environment changing, melanin production is changed, which leads to the changes in our skin color.


