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15.official(  )

分析 official/??f??l/n.公务员,行政官员; adj.正式的,官方的

解答 答案:D
A.concert/?k?ns?t/与C.coast/k?ust/划线部分字母c的发音相同,均为/k/;   B.century/?sent?uri/划线部分字母c的发音/s/;   D.ocean/??u??n/与题干official/??f??l/划线部分字母c的发音相同,均为/?/;故选D

点评 本题考查了字母c在单词中的发音.做本题时,首先应掌握每一个单词的正确发音,其中包括重音以及字母或字母组合的发音;其次,应掌握字母c在单词中的发音规则,例如:在 e,i,y前读作/s/:city decide bicycle concert rice; 在ia,ie,io 前 读作/?/:social especial ancient  在a,o,u,l 前以及音节的末尾读作/k/:cave color class cause capital cast 等


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.---I don't know why Denise started crying when I mentioned the wedding.
---It ______ what you said about her brother.Or,perhaps she is just nervous.(  )
A.should have beenB.couldn't have been
C.could have beenD.must have been


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Mrs Bennet,Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen described Mrs Bennet as"a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper(脾气)":she topped your list of the least favorite female family heads.With her single-minded devotion to marrying off her daughters,she is one of literature's parents involving themselves in their sons'or daughters'private lives.And at least she pays attention to her daughters.Whatever one might lay at her daughters'door,she defends them.
Helen Graham,The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The second and final novel by Anne Bront was so shocking that after Anne's death,her sister Charlotte prevented its re-publication.Published for the first time in 1848,it told the story of a woman who escapes her alcoholic husband to protect her young son.In fleeing her husband,Helen was not just challenging social structures,she was breaking the law:at the time,a married woman had no independent legal existence,and by taking her child with her she was likely to be punished for kidnapping(诱拐).Helen's actions didn't just establish her as a good mother; they helped to cause a movement.
Marilla Cuthbert,Anne of Green Gables
The adoptive mother of orphan Anne makes herself known as a softy through the course of the 1908novel:so much so that Margaret Attwood has claimed that Marilla is the true central character:"Her growing love for Anne,and her growing ability to express that love-not Anne's duckling-to-swan act-is the real magic transformation.Anne is the catalyst(催化剂) who allows the strict Marilla to finally express her long-buried softer human emotions."
Mrs Waterbury,The Railway Children
The Railway Children's female family head is"a very real mother,strong but also easily hurt."Presenting an idealized(理想化) vision of childhood,yet the novel contains a tension between appearance and reality-which some have said reflects its author E Nesbit's personal life.Her husband had an ongoing affair with her best friend,who bore him two children that Nesbit raised as her own.Jenny Agutter has said:"Nesbit's life was always unstable.What saved her was her belief that things would work out in the end …Against the background of her own tense and complex family life,she wrote stories about families that were joined perfectly together."

65.The passage mainly discussesB in literature.
C.emotional life                           
D.parent-child communication
66.Which of the following is TRUE about the four characters in the novels mentioned in the passage?A
A.Mrs Bennet is a most controlling person.
B.Helen Graham is a person to give up easily.
C.Marilla Cuthbert is hard to get along with.
D.Mrs Waterbury is poor at holding together a family
67.According to the writers mentioned in the passage,we can infer thatC.
A.Jane Austen was good at writing detective stories
B.Anne Bront wrote three novels altogether all her life
C.E Nesbit was looking forward to having one harmonious family
D.Margaret Attwood was very popular with readers of the early 20th century
68.Which of the following can we recommend if anyone wants to read a novel about the sweetest expression of family love.C
A.Pride and Prejudice.
B.The Railway Children.
C.Anne of Green Gables.
D.The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Below are some choices to getting around London by public transportation
The London Underground,commonly referred to as the‘Tube',is the oldest and most extensive underground system in the world and pervades(遍及)both the life and layout of London.Twelve underground lines,each with a different name and colour,are supplemented by the privately operated Docklands Light Railway (tel:(020)7363 9700)connecting the City of London and the Docklands.The entire network is divided into six concentric zones,which determine the price of tickets.In the city centre (zone one) a single ticket costs£1.50,otherwise single fares are£0.90 (one zone) up to£2.20 (four zones).Carnets of ten zone-one tickets cost£11.Tickets must be passed through the barrier ticket gates in order for the passenger to enter and leave the system (and avoid a£10 penalty(损失)fare).The London Underground runs 05:30-24:30 but should be avoided (where possible) during rush hour-08:00-09:30 and 17:00-18:30 Monday to Friday.
Double-decker buses
London's famous red‘Routemaster'double-decker buses are slowly being replaced by more modern single and double deckers.There are now only two fare zones.Any journey that includes the city centre zone is£1 and any journey outside this zone is 70p.Tickets are bought from the driver or bus conductor upon boarding and there is a£5 fine for travelling without a valid ticket.Carnets of six tickets (for any zone) can be purchased for£3.90.
There are a number of services operating on the Thames.Commuter ferries between the Savoy Pier (Embankment) and Greenland Pier (Greenwich) are run by Collins River Enterprises (tel:(020)7977 6892; website:www.thamescat.com ).Fares cost between£1.50 and£2.70 for a single and£2.50 and£4.70 return.Riverside Launches (tel:020 7352 5888)operate a commuter service between Chelsea/Cadogan and Embankment for£4 (single) or£8 (return).These commuter services operate between Monday and Friday 06:35-19:44.
Once in London,there are a number of passes available,including the One-day Travelcard for£4 (used after 09:30 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday) and the£6 Weekend Travelcard,which is used on Saturday and Sunday (or public holidays).Weekly,monthly and annual passes must be accompanied by a photocard.Tickets can be purchased at the station-carnets and some passes can be bought at participating newsagents and supermarkets
46.How much money will 8 tourists pay at least if they want to travel by tube in the downtown?B
A.£12,B.£11         C.£32          D.£36.8                        
47.Where can a tourist buy a ticket if he wants to get to the zone one by double-decker bus?C
A in newsagents                        B in supermarkets             
C on the double-decker buses           D in the office of Collins River Enterprises      
48.If you want to take ferries from Chelsea to Greenland Pier and then return to Embankment,how much will you pay for the tickets at most?D
A.£7          B.£9.4            C.£6.5          D.£8.7                        
49.It can be learned from the passage thatD.
A.All London underground lines belong to the state.
B.Double-decker buses are becoming more and more popular
C.people can take ferries everyday in London.
D.tourists have to use Weekly,monthly and annual passes together with photocar.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.____is more important for a student,in my point of view,is to be creative rather than hard-working.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.When Helen began looking for a job after college,she found that she couldn't get ____without work experience.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.We had better not bother our professor these days,for he is awfully busy preparing a report _____ at an international conference next month.(  )
A.being deliveredB.to be deliveredC.to deliverD.delivered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Her ______ to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise,because she was just a fresh clerk in the company,working here only for one month.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (﹨)划掉.

Last summer my cousin came from the countryside and stay with my family for his holidays.At first I felt happy,but late what I was used to were always becoming uncomfortable.Gone were the days when I was only child in my family.I had to share everything without him.When my parents got something nice,they always asked for my cousin if he needed it.What disappointed I felt!Although quarreled with me sometimes,he still helped me with my lessons,and told jokes to make me happy.In fact,we are good friend now.I've already become one of the top students in my class and I've learned to share with her help.

