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   To make the earth the better place to live,we must do how we can to protect our environment. In my opinions,we' d better not buy bottles or boxes can only be used once. We should turn on lights when we are not using them. When we go shopping,we ought to take a cloth bag rather than to use plastic bags. Measures should be taking to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers,or lakes. I s?ong believe that though everyone does that,our world will become more and more beautiful. We only have one planet and we must act now to save them from further pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。

    Joanne Kathleen (J.K.) Rowling was bom in England on 31st July,1965. She wrote her first book,Rabbit、21 she was six years old. At school she liked English and other languages,and she chose 22(study) French in university. She graduated 23 university and worked as a secretary and a teacher.

    At the age of 26 J;K. Rowling went to Portugal and became 24 English teacher. She wanted to be a writer and wrote some stones about a boy 25 (call) Harry Potter. She got married and had a baby daughter. 26soon after,she divorced(离婚) and went to Scotland.

    There she lived in a small apartment with her daughter. She taught French in a school,but she 27 (real) wanted to make the Harry Potter stories,into a book. This was a very difficult time in her life because they had no money. It was in a café 28 she wrote the first Horry Potter book.

    In June 1997 the first Harry Potter book became famous and J.K. Rowling's life 29 (change) . Soon there were more Harry Potter books,and films too. Children loved her books and J.K. became a highly 30 (success) writer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                                         D  ★★★★☆

  Located in the heart of Switzerland,Mount Pilatus offers exciting adventures.

Balancing acts ?n the rope park 

  Young and young-at-heart adventurers will find just the challenge they are looking for in the park. The rope park has over ten courses with increasing degrees of difficulty. The Pilatus rope park is now also open during the winter — six of the courses can be climbed all year round.

  The focus is always on having fun overcoming the (障碍物) in the wood — no need for any special skills or knowledge.

Way up high on Monkey Trees 

  The Monkey Tree offered by the Pilatus rope park is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. Climb straight up the trunk and test your skill on the five Monkey Trees.

  Although the easiest climb is for children aged eight or over, ,the most difficult one is a serious challenge even for seasoned climbers. The finish calls for an extra challenge: Let yourself fall from a height of 14 metres and be lowered gently to the ground by the safety equipment.

Ride on the summer toboggan (长雪橇道)

  The summer toboggan is Switzerland's longest Numerous sharp turns along the 1,350m channel promise speeds and fun from May to the end of October. You are spared the long walk up the mountain after the high-speed ride: Let the lift pull you back up to the start while you sit comfortably on the toboggan. From there you can start another exciting downhill ride.

Special events for groups

  Bring along your employees,colleagues or friends to experience great adventure outside normal opening hours. The Pilatus Fun & Action Team would be pleased to arrange special events for your group.

13. To climb the courses in the rope park,

   A. you can't  go there in winter

   B. you needn't have special skills

    C. you must be young and courageous   

    D. you should be experienced in climbing

14. According to the text,the Monkey Trees are

   A. 14 metres tall

   B. easy to climb down 

    C. unique to Switzerland

   D. at various difficulty levels

15. If you want to experience the ride on the toboggan,you should .

   A. attend the training courses.

    B. use some safety equipment 

    C. be more than eight years old   

    D. visit between May and October 

16. The underlined part ^are spared^ in the text can best be replaced by .

   A. can challenge   B. can avoid

    C. deserve        D. expect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Why do we love junk food

   A lot of money,strategy and effort goes into 1L (design) junk food. The goal is 22 (make) it cheap,convenient and to keep you wanting more,though it has little or no 23 (nutrition) value.

  Our brains require a lot of energy to fimction well,  24 we love high-energy food. Junk food is usually high in things like salt,sugar and fat  25 excite pleasure centers in our brains,encouraging US to keep e?ting    Beyond the high calorie content,junk food 26 (make) have ? million 27 (trick) to make it hard for people to refuse their products. For example,they make the food have a melt-in-the-mouth quality to make US think the calories have 28 (magical) floated away. They also improve flavor. 29 (征服) our brains and we end up wanting more.

   Eating junk food is linked 30 things like obesity,heart disease and even cancer. Though we know it is not good for US,junk food can be really hard to resist


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When I was a child,everyone I knew celebrated festivals in the same way: in the family home with all kinds of sweets and delicious vegetables made according to recipes guarded by a grandmother.Days,often weeks,were spent in cutting,chopping,boiling,frying and storing them to be shared with every neighbor and relative within reach.

   My childhood was spent in Nainital,then a small,sleepy town high up in the Himalayan foothills and we lived actually on top of a hill. So I wonder,who makes those sweets and vegetables now?

   I now package these memories as popular bedtime stories to tell my wide-eyed grandchildren. And they are bestsellers: I just finish one,and then they beg another. Since my grandchildren live abroad,additional information has to be provided to serve as cultural footnotes.

   As I recycle my memories,I realize that what has also disappeared with the day-long kitchen work is the special flavor (XP?) of slow-cooked food. In the early 1960s,our food was often cooked overnight to be ready for the morning meal. This was also the secret of the melt-in-the-mouth Awadhi dum-pukht food cooked overnight.

   If you tiy overnight cooking in a modem kitchen,thea/arw (火警的警铃) will frighten your neighbors out of their beds at night. I tried making pamí/?íiy (印度煎饼) for my granddaughter in a Los Angeles kitchen at night. Just as she was waiting for her next one,the fire alarm sounded so hard.

   Somehow,our warmest memories are always those that are related to food. I have never forgotten the taste of my grandmother's wonderful dal(木豆) . Even today,when I am unable to sleep at night,I think of the taste of that delicious dal.

1. In the author* s hometown,sharing food .

   A. was very rare

   B. was a waste of time 

    C. was a festival custom   

    D. was ? children's game

2. The author's grandchildren think her childhood stories are.

   A. boring        B. interesting

    C. frightening   D. acceptable

3. The food in the author's childhood had a special flavor partly because

   A. it used special vegetables

   B. it was made in the kitchen 

    C. it was guarded by her mother   

    D. it was cooked for a long time

4. What happened while the author was making parathas for her granddaughter?

   A. Her kitchen caught fire.

   B. She troubled her neighbors,

    C. Her neighbors offered to help.

   D. Her granddaughter set off the alarm.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    You may have heard the story about the world's most dedicated(专心致志的) fisherman. He 2l more fish than his companion all morning long. They used the same 22 and fished together in the same river. But he had almost caught his limit of fish 23 his friend hadn't caught even one. ^

   “What's yoilr 24 ?” asked the friend. “I haven’t even gotten ? bite!” The 25 fisherman replied, “That's (投入) ”.

    Do you know there are at least three types of 26 ? First,there are those who fish only for 27 . They usually “catch and 28 ”, quickly throwing their catch back into the water. Then there are those who fish because they like the 29 of fish. They only keep those fish they will someday eat. 30,there are those who fish in order to survive. If they don't succeed in catching fish,they skip a 31 . It is this group of people who are most likely to 32 .

    Whether we fish or eat fish,the 33 is the same. We are most likely to succeed if we 34 it with dedication,especially if the task before US is 35 or there seems little chance of success. Whether we want to 36 a new business or go back to school,we must decide if our task is 37 enough to commit to it. We should 38 bear in mind that our own determination to succeed is more important than any other things. For often,we will succeed only after we have firmly determined to 39. something.

   Please 40,when we are fully committed,the impossible can happen.

21. A. caught          B. discovered

   C. ate            D. drew

22. A. house              B. manner

   C. language            D. equipment

23. A. since             B. because

   C. while            D. until

24. A. number             B. secret

   C. job               D. goal

25. A. brave   B. shy    C. successful   D. honest

26. A. fishermen          B. friends

   C. workers           D. students

27. A. food         B. money

   C. art         D. sport

28. A. sell   B. raise     C. release    D. kill 

29. A. growth        B. behavior

   C. color        D. taste

30. A. Fortunately       B. Obviously

   C. Finally         D. Similarly

31. A. meal   B. beat    C. business   D. part

32. A. escape         B. succeed

    C. die          D. regret

33. A. exercise        B. lesson

   C. form          D. result

34. A. complete        B. watch

    C. keep          D. describe

35. A. interesting       B. difficult

   C. useless         D. new

36. A. build        B. imagine

  C. give up        D. set aside

37. A. strange        B. challenging

   C. amusing        D. important

38. A. never        B. sometimes

    C. always       D. still

39. A. find   B. carry   C. admit   D. do

40. A. promise      B. remember

   C. study       D. explain


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 一I'm afraid I won’t pass the exam.

—Come on,Bill. You should believe in. That’s the secret of success.

   A. myself   B. ourselves

   C. yourself   D. yourselves    (2015江苏连云港)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hey,Bill. (1)

B: My back hurts.

A: (2)

B: No,I didn’ t.


B: I practiced riding my bike.


B: About two hours.

A: I see. You just strained your muscles (拉伤肌肉) .

B: Really? (5)

A: Lie down and relax for two hours,and you !

will feel better.

B: OK. Thanks.

   A. Did you move anything heavy yesterday? I

   B. What should I do?

   C. Well,what did you do yesterday?

   D. What’s the matter?

   E. That sounds great.

   F. How can I help you?

   G. How long did you do that? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. Put that knife down — youk might someone with it.

   A. hurt   B. press    C. catch   D. cover

