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3. —  (要紧吗) if I can't finish the job on time?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   Fast food,a typical product,is seeing a decline. In the 1970s and 1980s,fast food sales reached their peak. Then,in 1991,because of the 1.(decline) economy,the 2. (grow) of fast food sales began to slow down. There sprang up a number of 3. (compete) at that time.And in the 1990s,a lot of 4. (America) , including children,were willing to spend more on other activities. For example,in 1997,5.

(可以带回家的) food sold by 6. (超级市场) made up 21 percent of the total,while that supplied by fast food restaurants was 48 percent. But,one year 7. (late) , the latter's share was 41 percent. This trend has continued into the 21st century,as a lot of people hold the 8.(believe) that America is today the fattest country,and fast food is one of the main reasons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A few days before his eighth birthday,in February 1817,Abraham Lincoln shot a wild turkey. He hoped the kill would impress his father. Instead,the sight of the dead bird left the future president traumatized. Lincoln later wrote that he never again pulled a trigger (扳机) on any other animal.

   On the frontier,animals were seen as sources of labor,food,or amusement. It was a time when ripping (撕) the heads off live geese was entertainment like late-night TV. But Lincoln wasn’t shy about sticking up for animals. As a youngster,he saved a turtle when some boys tried to pour hot coals on the animal's back; he also warned his friends that “an ant's life -was to it as sweet as ours to us." The role animals played in Lincoln's life has been largely overlooked. But it's not an unimportant part of his life. As biographer Michael Burlingame writes, “Lincoln's anger at the mistreatment of animals foreshadowed his anger at the cruelties of slavery."

   Lincoln,s White House was full of cats,rabbits,goats,and horses. And once,he noticed three kittens on the floor of a telegrapher's tent, “moving about pitifUlly." Hearing that the kittens’ mother had died,Lincoln ordered an officer to see that the cats were cared for. Before leaving,he returned to play with them — three times.

   But there was one animal he adored above all. Around 1855,Lincoln adopted a lost yellow dog he named Fido (from fidelis,Latin for faithfur') , Fido lived up to his name,accompanying Lincoln everywhere. But after the election of 1860,Lincoln feared the trip to Washington would be too stressful,and left the dog behind with friends. He even left behind Fido's favorite horsehair sofa to keep him comfortable.

   When the president died,Fido returned his love,standing guard as thousands of mourners filed through Lincoln's home to pay their respects.

1. What does the underlined word “traumatized” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Excited and proud.

   B. Shocked and upset.

   C. Brave and confident.

   D. Sad and discouraged.

2. On the frontier,people amused themselves .

   A. by killing animals   B. by saving animals

   C. by training animals   D. by keeping animals

3. According to Michael Burlingame,the way Lincoln treated animals had something to do with.

   A. his family background

   B. his academic experience

   C. his interests and hobbies

   D. his political performance

4. What can we infer about Lincoln from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. He enjoyed playing games.

   B. He was interested in animal stories.

   C. He felt great sympathy for the weak.

   D. He dreamed of becoming an animal doctor.

5. Which word can best describe Fido?

   A. Wild. B. Brave.

   C. Strong. D. Devoted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                       How to get a friend back 

   If a good friend is keeping their distance and you want to reach out to them,the best approach is openness,honesty,and a willingness to acknowledge your friend's feelings. 1 Here are some specific steps to get a friend back.


   There is most likely a specific reason for the rift (裂缝) in your friendship. Consider the situation as objectively as you can. Even if you feel wronged by your friend,consider the possibility that somewhere along the line you have also hurt them in ways that you weren't aware of.

   Beware of assumptions.

   If there seems to be no clear reason for your friend's distance,don't jump to conclusions. It may have nothing to do with you. 3 

   Think about what you want to say in advance.

   If you feel you need to apologize,be specific about what you’ re apologizing for. 4 For example,if you’ve been ignoring your friend because you’ re spending all your time with a new friend,it isn't appropriate to apologize for spending time with this other person. Instead,talk about how you're sorry you haven’t been making time for your friend.

   Call your friend or ask to meet.

   5 Body language can communicate a lot more than just your voices and may help avoid misunderstandings. If you ask to meet,try to avoid unclear phrases like, “We need to talk." These can put your friend on the defensive. Instead’ try a more emotionally rooted approach like, “I miss you,” or “I was just hoping we could spend a little time together."

   A. Reflect on what happened.

   B. Talk about things that you’d like to change.

   C. It's probably best to talk in person if you can.

   D. Your friend might have something troubling them.

   E. Make sure it's sincere: what are you really sorry about?

   F. Both of you might need time to process what the other has said.

   G. Take your time,be thoughtful,and hopefully you can repair the damage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery (彩票) .We dream about 1. we would do with the money,but we 2. (rare) stop to think about how the money would change us.

   For most of us,our way of life is closely linked 3. our economic circumstances. The different parts of our lives fit together like a jigsaw(拼图)-work,home,friends,hobbies,and sports make 4. our world. A sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw. For example,most people like the idea of not 5. (have) to work,but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning. It seems great 6. (move) to a bigger house in a(n) 7. (wealth) area,but if you do that,you leave old friends behind.

   Usually,winners 8. (advise) not to publicize their addresses and phone numbers,but begging letters still arrive. 9. they are not careful,most of their money will be spent on the 10. (protect) of their homes and swimming pools and their mental health!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. He is one of those people who (work,works) too hard.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 1 was afraid she might already have seen the film,but she didn't.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 1 hate (that,it) when people in the street ask me for money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. —Who is making so much noise? ’

(There are,It is) a couple who are quarrelling.

