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【题目】 Soon, students will be receiving their latest report cards, even though many already know their grades. Thousands of schools nationwide have adopted what’s called “open grade books’’, online portals that allow both parents and kids to get up-to-the-minute progress reports.

Recently, I’ve noticed this whole system stresses out my 11-year-old daughter, Audrey. “It seems that if my grades do decrease, I’m worried on what my parents are going to say,’’ Audrey said. Hearing her say this breaks my heart. I wonder: Do other parents and kids feel this way? I put a call out to my network and found Carrie Du Bois.

“I thought it was a mistake,’’ says Du Bois.

About three years ago, Du Bois called the leader of the Sequoia Union High School District in San Mateo County to find out why she was receiving a daily email of her son’s grades. The leader told her the portal was working as it should.

Du Bois called every mental health professional she knew and they all told her the same thing: The supply of constant data on academic progress can overemphasize the importance of grades. Her district has since changed systems and no longer sends out daily grade updates. However, hundreds of other schools in the Bay Area still do.

A spokeswoman for the Santa Clara Unified School District said the feedback they’ve received from parents is overwhelmingly positive. Other parents have also told me the portals give them insights into their kids’ lives and open up conversations beyond “how was your day.”

Most of the portals offer parents the option of turning off daily notifications. Mental health care professionals advise that a healthier and more accurate measure of progress is checking grades once a week or even once a month. It’s what I have decided to do.

1What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Education System Has Gone Wrong

B.Parents Are Worrying about Their Kids

C.A Good Way to Motivate the Kids to Work Hard

D.Open Grade Books Are Stressing Kids Out

2What do we know about the “open grade books”?

A.They allow parents to get their kids’ daily grades reports.

B.Neither parents nor kids like them because they create anxiety.

C.Most kids make progress in school due to them.

D.All parents have to receive daily grade updates online.

3Why does Du Bois’ district no longer use the system of sending out daily grades?

A.Because Du Bois doesn’t like it.

B.Because of Du Bois’ effort against it.

C.Because Du Bois knew many mental health care professionals.

D.Because the supply of constant data on academic progress hurt kids.

4What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Most parents will turn off daily notifications.

B.No parents agree with the mental health care professionals.

C.The author will pay less attention to Audrey’s daily grades.

D.The author doesn’t care about her daughter’s accomplishments.







本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。越来越多的学校采用open grade books系统,这一系统可以让孩子和父母随时在线了解孩子的成绩。作者发现这种做法会给孩子带来巨大压力,基于自己的感受作者质疑这种做法的合理性。

1】主旨大意题。本文作者发现open grade books系统虽然让孩子和父母随时在线了解孩子的成绩,但是会给孩子带来巨大压力,基于自己的感受作者质疑这种做法的合理性。因此选项D. Open Grade Books Are Stressing Kids Out(开放成绩报告给孩子带来巨大压力)适合。故选D

2】细节理解题。根据第一段Thousands of schools nationwide have adopted what’s called “open grade books’’, online portals that allow both parents and kids to get up-to-the-minute progress reports.以及第四段to find out why she was receiving a daily email of her son’s grades.一句可知 “open grade books’’可以让孩子和父母每天收到孩子的成绩报告,因此A项正确,此处由Thousands of schools nationwide无法推断出所有的父母每天都能收到孩子的成绩报告,因此D选项错误A spokeswoman for the Santa Clara Unified School District said the feedback they’ve received from parents is overwhelmingly positive.可知Santa Clara Unified School District从父母那里收到的回应大部分是积极的,因此B选项错误;C选项未在文中涉及。故选A

3】推理判断题。根据第五段Du Bois called every mental health professional she knew and they all told her the same thing: The supply of constant data on academic progress can overemphasize the importance of grades.可知Du Bois咨询了每一个她认识的精神健康专家,他们都告诉她一件事:不断提供学业进展的数据会过度强调成绩的重要性。由此判断出正是由于Du Bois的努力Du Bois所在的学区取消向父母和孩子发送每日成绩报告,故选B

4】推理判断题。根据本段Mental health care professionals advise that a healthier and more accurate measure of progress is checking grades once a week or even once a month.提到精神健康专家建议对成绩更健康更准确的衡量是每周甚至是每月检查成绩一次,再结合It’s what I have decided to do.可判断出作者不会再像以前那样每天都关注孩子的成绩报告。故选C

推断判断题就是推断隐含意义,根据文章的某个句子、段落或全文所提供的事实进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到、没有明说或者可能发生的事实。推理判断题的题干特点:推断隐含意义的题干中常含infer(推断),suggest(暗示),imply(暗示),indicate(暗示),conclude(推断,得出结论)等词语。常见的题干形式如下:Wecanknowfromthepassagethat...Wecaninferfromthefirst/lastpassagethat...Thepassage/authorimplies/suggeststhat...Itcanbeconcludedfromthepassagethat...Theunderlinedsentenceindicatesthat...等等,它的主要解题方法就是找到推理的依据,然后理解相关信息点的字面意义,最后结合语境和常识,在字面意义的基础上进行符合逻辑的推断,从而得到作者的言外之意。如第4小题,根据本段Mental health care professionals advise that a healthier and more accurate measure of progress is checking grades once a week or even once a month.提到精神健康专家建议对成绩更健康更准确的衡量是每周甚至是每月检查成绩一次,再结合It’s what I have decided to do.可知作者不会再像以前那样每天都关注孩子的成绩报告。故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person who bought the house or moved is the one who throws the party. The party is a chance for friends and family to congratulate the person on the new home. 1 And it is good time to fill the new space with love and hopeful presents.

2 Some people register a list of things they want or need for their new home at a local stores. Some common things people will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and things like curtains. Even if there isn’t a registry, a good housewarming gift is something to decorate the new house with, like a piece of art or a plant.

3 This is often appreciated since at a housewarming there isn’t a lot of food served. There are usually no planned activities like games at a housewarming party. The host or hostess of the party will, however, probably give all the guests a tour of their new home. Sometimes, because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves into their new home, people may be asked to help unpack boxes. 4

Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift. 5 Now most homes have central heating and don’t use fires to keep warm.

A.This isn’t usual though.

B.It is traditional to bring a gift to a housewarming party.

C.You can also bring food or drinks to share with the other guests.

D.If you’re lucky enough to receive gifts, keep them in a safe place.

E.It also gives people a chance to see what the new home looks like.

F.The best housewarming parties encourage old friends to get together.

G.This was so that the person could keep their home warm for the winter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I peered over my grandma’s shoulder as she sewed pieces of cloth together. The two pieces became one faster than I’d imagined. The colors, however, looked ugly when put together and none of the patterns matched. All the patches (补丁) on this blanket seemed to disagree.

“Grandma that’s the ugliest quilt (棉被) I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, sweetie, it’s warm and beautiful,” said Grandma, pointing to a pile of crazy patterned shirts and suits. “I can take these old clothes that Grandpa and I will never wear again and turn them into something useful and good. It’s not the quilts appearance but the love that sews it together that makes it beautiful. This quilt will keep you warm on a cold night like tonight. And I know that for a fact.” Grandma put her hand on my shoulder, “Not everyone is as lucky as we are. Here, put on your coat. We’ll get a second opinion about how ugly my quilts are.”

Grandma folded a finished quilt and tucked it into a shopping bag. Afterwards, we got in the car and drove downtown. The white snow turned grayer as we got to the city. Eventually, Grandma pulled up at a dark alley (胡同) and we got out of the car. The terrible smell of rotting garbage made me feel sick and pinch my nose shut. Grandma took my hand and led me to the street lamp. I could see the snow shimmering (发出微光) in the light.

Grandma paused. “There’s usually somebody down this alley. It’s quiet and out of the wind--a good place to stay on cold nights. A nice warm quilt might make it even better.”

The dark engulfed (吞没) Grandma and I as we stepped deep into the alley. The pavement was cracked and missing in spots. Chicken bones and stained boxes littered their way. And Grandma’s shoes made a loud sound with each step. Feeling frightened, I squeezed Grandma’s hand. Grandma squeezed my hand back. “Its OK.” she smiled.

“Who’s there?” shouted a voice out of the darkness.

Paragraph 1:

“I have a nice warm quilt, if you want it,” said Grandma.


Paragraph 2:

Back home, I found a worn-out quilt by accident in a cupboard.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why did Fagin come to the speaker?

A.To rent her house.B.To buy her house.C.To decorate her house.

2Why was the speaker hesitant about Fagin’s offer?

A.She disliked him.

B.The money was not much.

C.They’d damage some of her belongings.

3How long did it take to prepare the house for he film

A.Four days.B.A month.C.Two months.

4What did the speaker do when the crew left?

A.She watched a film.B.She visited her relatives.C.She repainted the living room.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge is one of the most challenging constructions of its kind as well as the world’s 1long) sea-crossing bridge. Its life span 2(set) at 120 years. It3 (reported) can stand magnitude-8 earthquake, scale-16 typhoon as well as the collision with 4300,000-ton ship. The bridge is the national key project featured with strategic significance, large involvement, highly difficult level of construction, long construction time, high 5 (require) on technical design and environmental protection, many participant parties, complex management and coordination. Due to the long distances6the cities, the project is actually a series of bridges and tunnels,7(connect) by artificial islands. British newspaper “The Guardian” named the mega-structure one of 8 (it) “seven wonders of the modern world.”

It will be the first new land transport link between the east and west coasts of the Pearl River. The bridge will benefit the economic development of the whole of the Delta and create a regional transport network,9(improve) upon 10is considered to be a weak land transport network currently in place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A decade ago, colored lights danced around the living room on New Year’s Eve and happy music was played. Upstairs, the children were asleep. But I wasn’t feeling happy. In mid-December, my husband and I had been informed that he had cancer and that he was going to die. He had less than a year left, the doctors said.

In the years since that painful season, I have come to look back upon New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve brings a halt to the endless commitments that fill our daily lives and a chance to reflect. New Year’s Eve is full of possibility and anticipation. What will be the surprising experiences and delightful successes in the coming year? But also, what disappointments are waiting for us in the next twelve months?

In many ways, New Year’s Eve and the days that surround it are a line between past and future. That line is made up of a series of moments of transition (过渡) that take us out of the old and into the new. Transition can be challenging for many of us. It’s about letting go of the familiar and diving headlong (迅猛地) into the unfamiliar.

Just as, back then, I had to face letting go of the life I had led with my beloved husband and stepping into a new world as a widowed mom, I find that each year I have to step out of the version of me that suited the year that is ending and ease into the version of me who will rise to the goals I am holding for myself for the year ahead.

Last year at this time, I sat in a chair in southern France and drank in the stillness (沉静) and beauty of the countryside around me. The three children I had brought into this world talked and laughed around the table beside me as we enjoyed a lunch of bread and cheese.

I was filled with a sense of joy and I had a glowing (热情洋溢的) heart that was full of hope. It was another ending and another beginning. May we all transition into the best of what lies ahead. May we all find happiness in this holiday season.

1What causes author’s unhappiness on New Year’s Eve a decade ago?

A.The pressure she faced in her work.

B.The health problem her husband faced.

C.The information received from her family.

D.The relationship between her and her husband.

2What does the underlined word “halt” most probably mean?





3What’s the author’s attitude towards the thing people should do at New Year?

A.Set challenging goals for the next year.

B.Break with daily routines and form a new habit.

C.Spend more time with family members.

D.Think about the past and get ready for the future.

4What’s the main purpose of writing the passage?

A.To memorialize her husband.

B.To show how she got through a hard time.

C.To share her view of New Year’s Eve.

D.To remind us that uncertainty is part of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many mental health professionals viewed the pursuit of happiness as a foolish mistake until quite recently. Most of them used to concentrate their energy and attention on individuals suffering from diseases like depression and anxiety, or on relieving despair rather than promoting well-being. But that’s all beginning to change. Supporters of “positive psychology” think that happiness is a goal that people can—and should—work toward. They believe that it’s not only possible but crucially important. Health means not just the absence of disease but a positive sense of involvement and engagement in life. Unless you know how to enjoy life, your life is not really happy. This doesn’t mean that finding happiness is easy—a variety of obstacles stands in the way. The first, perhaps the biggest, is genetics.

Happiness, it seems, is decided—at least in part—by personality features that are largely passed on from their parents. In a study published in 2018, researchers at the University of Edinburgh examined personality and happiness data on more than 900 pairs of twins. They found a close genetic relationship between happiness and positive personalities such as openness and agreeableness. Identical twins (同卵双胞胎) were more likely to share these positive features than non-identical twins; they were also more likely to report similar levels of well-being.

Major life events as well as social and economic factors can also stand in the way of happiness. More often than not, however, people get in their own way by looking for happiness in all the wrong places. They aren’t particularly good at recognizing what will bring them lasting joy: Although money tops many people’s wish lists, study after study has found that once basic needs are met, additional wealth doesn’t add much to people’s sense of well-being and contentment.

Experts in the field of positive psychology still believe it’s possible for people to push their happiness upward—not just temporarily but over the long term.

1What’s the shift in mental health study?

A.Health means the absence of disease.

B.Emphasis is placed on the pursuit of happiness.

C.Well-being is found to be something one was born with.

D.More attention is paid to anxiety and depression.

2Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Different obstacles are in the way of finding happiness.

B.Happiness is largely dictated by one’s personality.

C.Identical twins are more likely to be on the same level of well-being than non-identical twins.

D.Wealth always plays an important role in people’s sense of happiness and contentment.

3The obstacles standing in the way of happiness include all of the following elements EXCEPT .

A.emotive factorsB.genetics

C.social factorsD.economic factors

4According to the experts of positive psychology, what’s the essential point of the pursuit of happiness?

A.Material prosperity.B.Freedom.

C.Long-term efforts.D.The avoidance of stress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I was born as poor boy and grew up in the street without the care, guidance and supervision of your beloved parents. I have been experienced a hard life, being almost naked(赤裸的) with an empty stomach and exist without secure shelter and proper education. Now, as a young man with some sadly experiences of early life, I have a dream. I want to become a great man who have power and authority, like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill or so on. Yes, I dream to be like these great man. I want to change and developed my beloved country, when people in need can live a happy and peaceful life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





That was seven years ago that I began to learn English, so English has been my friend for a long time. Initially, I learnt English with the intention of being admitted to key university. But now I was eager to learn about the world better and spread Chinese culture through English because of it is the most wide spoken language in the world. I used to thinking English was difficult because I couldn’t remember the English words. Unfortunately, I found a way out. By reading English novels, I have made great progresses ever since. As the old saying go, learning is the lifelong journey. There is no doubt whether I will continue to learn English after graduation.

