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The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If it didn’t exist, we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife was a beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtazl Mahan: its shortened form Taj Mahan, means “pride of the palace”. In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so brokenhearted that he thought of giving up his throne. He decided out of his love for his wife, to build her the most beautiful tomb that had ever been seen.

He summoned the best artists and architects from India, Turkey, Persia and Arabia and finally, the design was complete. It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahan, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

The building itself stands on a marble platform 29 meters square and 6-7 meters high. Towers rise from each of the four corners. The Taj itself soars another 61 meters into the air. It is an eight-sided building made of white marble.

The emperor planned to build an identical tomb of black marble for himself on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge. However his son put him into a prison in the palace before he could finish, and for the rest of his life, he could only gaze across river at the tomb of his beloved wife.

1.The whole passage tells us about ______.

A. a beautiful fairy tale

B. the story of the Taj Mahal

C. white and black marble tombs made for two emperors

D. the love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Taj Mahal?

A. It was completed quickly owing to the efforts of the best artists and workers.

B. A lot of people took part in the building work

C. It is a magnificent building.

D. It is a tomb for the emperor’s beloved wife.

3.The emperor’s own tomb was designed to be ____________.

A. meters high

B. eight-sided

C. black-coloured

D. white-colored

4.The emperor _____________.

A. died soon after Taj Mahan died

B. was killed by his son

C. was beloved by his people

D. died after 1648







试题分析: 文章从一个感人的爱情故事引出的泰姬陵的建造,包括建筑设计结构情况,建筑耗时多久等方面

1.B主旨题:虽然文中第一句话“The Taj Mahal is a love story”是讲爱情故事, 但是后三段都在讲泰姬陵的建造,是围绕泰姬陵来说的而非爱情故事,故选B。

2.A细节题:从第二段中“It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahal, ...”可知建泰姬陵花了很长时间,A项错误,B项正确。从“...one of the most beautiful buildings in the world”可知,C项正确;由“...to build her the most beautiful tomb that had never been seen”可知,D项正确,所以答案为A。

3.C细节题:由最后一段“The emperor planned to build an identical tomb of black marble for himself on the other side ...”可知,黑色的坟墓是君主自己的,故选C。

4.D推断题。由第一段“In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died ...”和“It took 18 years ...to build the Taj Mahal”可推测,君主是1648年以后死的,选D



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The expression “Go for it!” is a way of encouraging someone to try something. “Go for it!” means you should not worry about failure or be too careful. You should take a chance, be brave, and act firmly.

“Go for it!” gets name from football. Not football as it is played in most countries such as England, Egypt or Japan, but the kind of football played in the United States and Canada.

One of the most exciting times in football comes when a team has failed, after three attempts, to move the ball forward ten yards. The team must make a critical decision.

The conservative (保守) choice is to kick the ball and accept temporary defeat in order to gain a good position for your team the next time it gets the ball. The more exciting choice, however, is to try a fourth and final time to gain the remaining yards needed.

People present are certain to shout their advice. Some will shout: “Kick the ball!” But others will encourage the team to take a chance. “Go for it!” they will scream.

In the nineteen eighties, people began using this expression in many kinds of situations to encourage someone to act bravely.

There is no guarantee (保证) that the action you “go for it” will succeed. But that is the chance you take when you decide to go for it. You put your fears behind. You choose courage over safety. You hold your breath and go for it.

1.The expression “Go for it!” comes from .

A. English football B. Egyptian football

C. Japanese football D. American football

2.According to the passage, when we decide to go for it, we only consider .

A. safety B. action C. result D. situation

3.In which of the following situations should we use the expression nowadays?

A. We decide to avoid trouble or danger for the future.

B. We try to improve our English for better education.

C. We need to make a quick decision at the last moment.

D. We have to make a choice between success and failure.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古高一下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


There are all sorts of good sensible reasons to avoid getting angry. Not only does it make us feel bad, it also makes us do stupid things without noticing the risks and it can be self-destructive ( 毁坏性的). ___1.____ But like all emotions, anger has its purposes, which can be used for good effects.

Anger is a motivating force.

In fact anger itself is a kind of positive energy and a powerful motivating force. ___2. When we see something as beneficial, we want it more when we are angry. So, when used right, constructive anger can make us feel strong and powerful and help push us on to get what we want.


It may sound like a strange thing to say, but angry people have something in common with happy people. That's because both tend to expect favorable results. By comparison those experiencing more fear are more pessimistic (悲观的) about the future and expect further terrors.

Anger can benefit relationships.

Society tells us anger is dangerous and we should hide it .The problem is that when we hide our anger, our partner doesn't know he's done something wrong. And so he keeps doing it. 4. The expression of anger, if reasonable and aimed at finding a solution, can actually benefit and strengthen relationships.

Anger provides self-understanding.

Anger can also provide understanding into ourselves, if we allow it. Getting angry leads to a positive outcome. Anger help discover our own faults. If we can notice when we get angry and why, then we can learn what to do to improve our lives. ____5.

A. And that doesn't do our relationship any good.

B. Anger can turn us on and thus push on towards our goals in the face of problems and barriers.

C. Anger reduces violence.

D. Angry people are more optimistic.

E. Most of us treat our anger as though it's unreasonable, unshowable and unmentionable.

F. That's because it's a very strong social signal that a situation needs to be solved.

G. Anger can encourage self-change.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江安达高级中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

When I was a boy I was always amazed by what a heavy sleeper my Grandma was. I knew this mainly because her_ _was right next to the one my brother and I__ __.When I would wake up in the morning I would hear her steady snoring(打呼噜)echoing through the__ __walls.She rarely ever got up during the _ _and when she took a short sleep in her chair the television and record player never_ __her up.

It seemed a strange__ __then that during the middle of one night she would__ __awake the moment that old wiring in her room caught fire.Her_ __awoke my brother who then rushed through the house waking up the rest of the family.The __ __was made of old, _ __timbers(木材)and the fire raced through it in a __ __of minutes.Smoke filled every room.None of us could see anything.We were all filled with__ __and confusion(迷惑).Still,_ _ _my Grandma waking up at just that moment we all __ __it out safely.My Mom even found our small dog and picked him up just_ __we ran out the front door.

Without the coincidence of my Grandma waking up at just the__ _second that fire would have__ _us our lives as well as our home.Without it my brother would never have become a teacher and I would never have_ _ a word. Without it my brothers and I would never have raised seven__ __children. Without it all the love,learning, and__ __my family has shared with others would have been lost.

1.A. chair B.washroom C. table D. bedroom

2.A. shared B.stayed C.occupied D. spared

3.A. high B.low C.thin D.thick

4.A. meeting B.day C.period D.night

5.A. woke B.took C.picked D.broke

6.A. consequence B.coincidence C.incident D.accident

7.A. fully B.quickly C.suddenly D.naturally

8.A. sleep B.screams C.steps D.noise

9.A. bed B.wall C.roof D.house

10.A. dry B.light C.heavy D.dirty

11.A. moment B.matter C.flash D.glance

12.A. regret B.puzzle C.fear D.wonder

13.A. in place of B.as for C.in case of D.thanks to

14.A. made B.moved C.found D.fought

15.A. until B.before C.as D.since

16.A. correct B.right C.exact D.instant

17.A. cost B.lost C.killed D.destroyed

18.A. collected B.spoken C.written D.kept

19.A. wonderful B.silly C.healthy D.clever

20.A. chances B.adventure C.experience D.joy



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江哈尔滨第三十二中学高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I hardly remember my grandmother. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs. I was only four when she passes away. She is just a distant memory for me now.

I remember my grandfather very much. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful. In a fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me. However, he was the gentlest man I have never known.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江双鸭山一中高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.The campaigns result effectively in a c____________(民用的,国内的)war.

2.Scientists are working hard to find out a______________(可替代的)energies.

3.Shopping windows d______________(展示)the latest fashions are very attractive.

4.Language is a major means of c______________(交流), which we know.

5.A______________(农业)plays a very important part in the world.

6.Jill was sitting on the floor s______________(围绕)by boxes.

7.The s____________(结构)of the brain is very complex.

8.E______________(最后), he was tired of doing that sort of things.

9.Few people have e____________(探索)the area from St. Louis to the Pacific.

10.I didn’t realize putting on a play i____________(包括)so much work.

11.The soldier e____________(逃脱)from the enemy’s prison on a snowy night.

12.N______________(自然地), you’ll want to discuss the matter with your parents.

13.When we got to the hotel, it was still under c____________(建造).

14.He was d____________(诊断)with cancer so he was filled with despair.

15.There are no simple s____________(解决办法)to the problem of overpopulation.

16.This festival is t______________(传统地)held in May.

17.The car should be returned to its o____________(最初的)owner.

18.Women are f______________(禁止)form going out without a veil in Arabian world.

19.What he said just now was r____________(荒谬的). None of us believed it.

20.She swam well despite all her d______________(伤残).

21.The sick person r____________(反应)badly to this medicine and died at last.

22.She may be angry if you don’t reply to her i______________(邀请).

23.A large q____________(数量)of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.

24.There are plans to widen the n____________(最狭窄的)sections of the road.

25.The room was not big enough to a______________(容纳)all the people present at the meeting.

26.Doctors are not very o____________(乐观的)about the result of the surgery.

27.Spain is still our most popular holiday d____________(目的地).

28.The protests became more violent and many landowners were p____________(惊慌)into leaving the country.

29.The public should be e______________(教育)in how to use energy more effectively.

30.When I was a little boy, I’d like to stare at the r____________(遥远的)stars at night.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江双鸭山一中高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户)where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7 —that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

It’s a club with impressive features for teenagers:

●No account keeping fees!

You’re no millionaire so we don’t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no accounts keeping or transaction fees!

●Excellent interest rates!

You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits(储蓄)without taking them out in a month.


Teenagers are busy —we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet. You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!

●Mega magazine included

Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.

The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (so we can organize that cool key-card) but it is easy. We can’t wait to hear from you. It’s the best way to choose to be a winner!

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?

A. Special gifts are ready for parents. B. Services are convenient for its members.

C. The bank opens only on work days. D. Fees are necessary for the account keeping.

2.The Winners Club provides magazines which ______.

A. encourage spending

B. are free to all teenagers

C. help to make more of your money

D. are full of adventure stories

3.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To set up a club

B. To introduce a new banking service

C. To organize key-cards

D. To provided part-time jobs



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第二单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A.It might sound strange

B.As it might sound strange

C.As strange it might sound

D.Strange as it might sound



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修二第一单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

On no account________do anything that benefits ourselves but harms the interests of the state.

A.we should B.should we C.we are to D.are to we


