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 High school seems bigger. There are 1        kids and it's a totally new en?vironment. It could be a 2     time for new students,3        ,in fact,it isn't really that bad.

  The first day of course is always terrifying,but,then again,the first day of middle school was probably the 4    . Of course you might get lost during the first few days 5        your classes,but after a while what seems like a large school really isn't.

  One thing that's really cool about high school is that there are so many more classes that you can 6     . For example,if you like 7        ,there are many art classes. At the same time,there are 8        classes? which you can't take in middle school 9        photography and psychology (心理学) .There are many new things in high school that make it much more 10     . In high school,you're able to join more clubs,play more sports* and take part in more 11        ,and at the same time make new friends with kids with the same 12        as you. Also,these activities can give you a 13     to learn some?thing that you might not have had the opportunity to learn in 14     . High school is different 15        everyone,but there's one thing that's 16      . You're going to have just as much fun here as you 17        before. But hav?ing fun isn't enough,though!You're 18        so you have to be more responsible. Everything changes when you get 19        ,but the changes aren't that bad. You 20        worry too much about growing up.

1. A. less   B. few   C. more   D. many

2. A. terrible   B. popular   C. good   D. worried

3. A. but   B. and   C. while   D. or

4. A. different   B. same   C. rich   D. difficult

5. A. attending to   B. looking for  

  C. finding out   D. knowing of

6. A. take   B. join   C. give   D. learn

7. A. dancing   B. sports   C. art   D. singing

8. A. other   B. another   C. others   D. the other

9. A. without   B. like   C. except   D. as

10. A. fun   B. boring   C. busy   D. tiring

11. A. activities   B. classes   C. lectures   D. groups

12. A. customs   B. classes   C. ages   D. interests

13. A. chance   B. time   C. place   D. space

14. A. your home   B. middle school  

   C. society   D. primary school

15. A. in   B. from   C. on   D. for

16. A. sure   B. certain   C. doubtful   D. believable

17. A. did   B. created   C. remembered   D. made

18. A. taking classes   B. growing up

   C. joining activities   D. making friends

19. A. older   B. cleverer   C. taller   D. wiser

20. A. can't   B. mustn't   C. shouldn't   D. won't

1. C髙中学校看起来更大,所以会有"更多的"学生。

2. A对于新生而言,这可能会是一段"糟糕的"日子。

3. A   "但是".事实上,情况没有那么糟。

4. B第一天上课或许会让人感到害怕,但是,初中生活的第一天可能也是"一样的"状况。

5. B根据上文的get lost (迷路) 可知,此处应为"寻找",故选B项。

6. A此处为固定搭配take classes,意为"上课"。

7. C

8. A这里指还有"其他的"课程是初屮的学校里没有开设的。

9. B这里是列举课程,like此处作介词,意为"像,如同"。

10. A在高中有很多的新鲜事物,这让高中生活更加充满"乐趣"。

11. A这里指在高中你可以参加更'多的俱乐部和体育运动,以及更多的"活动"。

12. D同时还可以与那些与你有着共同"兴趣"的新同学交BR hi-

13. A而且,这些活动能给你一个"机会"去学习。此处与本句后面的opportunity相照应。

14. B学习那些在"初中"没机会学到的东西。由上文高中学校和初中学校的对比可以推知答案。

15. D高中对于每个人来说是不一样的。此处用介词for。

16. B但是有一件事情是"肯定的"。

17. A此处用did代指had fun,意指在高中学校里你将获得与以前一样多的乐趣。

18. B从初中升人高中,当然是在成长,所以要更加有责任心。

19. A当你长大的时候一切都会改变。get older表示"长大"。

20. C上文说这些变化都没有那么糟糕,所以"不应该"担心太多。 

题目来源:2015年全品作业本高中英语必修1外研版 > Module 1 My first Day at Senior High


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. We're really looking forward to     (see) you again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. ―You     (play) the piano so well. 

―Thanks. I learned it when I was young.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. ―Do you like the material?

  ―Yes,it     (feel) very soft.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. We have three foreign teachers,    are from America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 学校是原来学校的两倍大;

2. 每个教室都配有电脑和白板 (whiteboard) ;

3. 老师都很热情,同学们也都很友好;

4. 英语课上老师让我们用英语做自我介绍,还介绍了学习方法;

5. 对高中生活充满了信心。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. ―Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.

―Sorry. With so much work        ( fill) my mind? I almost break down.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear editor,

  There are two special teachers who teach at Richardson Elementary School in North Delta. They are Madam Romans and Madam Tayob. These two teachers have gone above and beyond their teaching duties. They need to be praised.

My daughter was lucky enough to have been taught by these wonderful teachers for Grades 6 and 7.Their class was different from any other class. The teachers and children had such a special bond (关系) with one another.

  On the last day of Grade 7 in 2007,I heard the song Time of Your Life by Green Day playing on the school speakers as I walked down the hallways to pick up my daughter. As I entered the classroom,all that I remember seeing was a classroom of children and two teachers crying. In fact,they were crying and hugging. It brought tears to my eyes. It was their last day together as most of the children were moving to different schools for high school. My daughter still tells me it was one of the saddest days of her life.

  I Now,five years later,all of those students have graduated. This year is that Grade-7 class' graduating year!Knowing this,these two special teachers invited this class to meet them for dinner the other day at Earls.

  I always hear about special athletes or businesses that give back to the community. These are two great teachers who care so much. They've taken time out of their busy schedules to organize a dinner for a group of students whom they taught.

These kids will never forget how special these two teachers are,and how much they care,and I think the community shouldn't,either.

Sincerely,Lynda Mulder

1. Lynda Mulder writes this letter to the editor most probably to      .

   A. look for two special teachers

   B. introduce two special teachers

   C. explain why one school is great

   D. prove that she cares about teachers

2. The writer thinks the two teachers' class was different because      .

   A. the teachers taught the students in a very lively way

   B. the students had a very strange relationship with each other

   C. the teachers taught the same class for both Grades 6 and 7

   D. the teachers and students had a special bond with each other

3. Why were the teachers and students crying that day?

   A. Because they felt sad about leaving each other.

   B. Because one of the two teachers had become ill.

   C. Because something terrible had happened to a student.

   D. Because the students were afraid of going to high school.

4. What do we know about the students in that Grade-7 class?

   A. They have a busy schedule every day.

   B. They have graduated from high school.

   C. They often have dinner together at Earls.

   D. They want to give back to the community.

5. What does the writer think of the teachers' organizing a dinner for the students?

   A. She thinks it's useless.

   B. She thinks it's strange.

   C. She thinks it's harmful.

   D. She thinks highly of it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. There will be an      (有组织的) trip to the seaside this weekend and many of us have decided to join in it.

