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          D ★★★☆☆

    Humans have been building walls for thousands of years. Over 2,000 years ago the Roman Emperor Hadrian visited the areas of England that he ruled. He wanted to protect England from being attacked by Scotland. So he decided to build a wall. The finished wall crossed the island from the Irish Sea to the North Sea. Today,people can visit some remains of the wall.

    In the past,governments often solved conflicts (冲突) by talking. But,when governments couldn’t make peace,they might build a wall instead. This is the case with a group of walls in Northern Ireland. For over 30 years there was a conflict between different political groups. It was not a religious conflict,but the people who are fighting with each other mainly belonged to two different Christian groups: Catholic and Protestant. 

    The war ended in 1998 but there are 99 peace lines in Belfast now. Some people still believe the walls are necessary for preventing violence. But most want them gone. In May 2013,Leaders of Northern Ireland and the UK agreed to remove all Peace Walls;by 2023.

    Walls often exist at country borders,aimed to keep out people from another country,such as the :border between Mexico and the US. Thousands of Mexicans try to cross the border illegally every year which is dangerous. Security forces guard the border;with guns. The border is in a desert area. So even if a person gets across the wall,he may die of hunger or thirst.

    In the 1980s the Czech Republic was part of Czechoslovakia. John Lennon became a symbol of peace in Czechoslovakia. John Lennon was a member of the popular music group The Beatles. He was murdered on December 8 ,1980. After his death someone painted his image on a wall in the city. The Lennon Wall is a symbol of peace and love.

13. The Roman Emperor Hadrian expected the wall could.

   A. serve to protect England

   B. keep Scotland under his control

    C. reduce the violent winds from the North Sea   

    D. offer people a platform t? enjoy the Irish Sea 

14. The group of walls in Northern Ireland .

   A. led to political conflicts

   B. were the result of religious conflicts 

    C. were built to prevent violence

   D. have been pulled down due to people’s requirements 

15. What is special about the wall between Mexico and the US?

   A. It is of great height.

   B. It can prot?ct desert plants.

    C. Its desert conditions reduce illegal border crossings.

   D. There are no armed guards to protect it.

16. What can be inferred about the Lennon Wall?

   A. It tells people Lennon is a national hero.

   B. It is there to remember Lennon's gift for music,

   C. It praises what Lennon did for his music band.

   D. It expresses people's wish for peace and love.

13. A 14.C 15.C 16.D


13. A. 细节理解题。由第一段中的He wanted to protect England from being attacked by Scotland. So he decided to build a wall 可知,罗 马国王Hadrian想通过筑墙来保护其属国英格 兰免受苏格兰的侵略。

14.C. 细节理解题。由第二段中的But,when governments couldn't make peace,they might build a wall instead. This is the case with a group of walls in Northern Ireland 可知,北爱尔兰境内很多墙是用来阻止不同的政治组织间 的暴力冲突的。

15.C. 推理判断题。由第四段中的The border is in a desert area. So even if a person gets across the wall,he may die of hunger or thirst 可知,墨 西哥和美国之间的边界修i在荒凉的沙漠,非 法入境的人可能会因口渴和饥饿死去,这也是 这条国境线的特别之处。

16.D. 推理判断题。由最后一段可知,John Lennon是和平的象征,因此Lennon Wall表达了人们对和平与爱的渴望。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第31期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Three weeks ago I bought the electronic dictionary at a shop. But I hadn't used it for several day before I found it didn't work. So I went to the shop,but only to be told that the problem could not be solved unless it was sent back the factory where it was made. Then I did as I was told with any delay. Unfortunately,the factory promised to repair the dictionary and sent it back in a week. Two weeks has past,but I haven't yet received one. I have no idea why things are like this. I'm looking forward to receive my dictionary as soon as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      Greed-the cause of a miserable life

    Once there were two neighbors,and one was poor while the other was rich. The rich farmer had many farms and servants. But he was not happy as he always wanted to have more wealth. The poor farmer worked hard all day on his farm and only got enough crops to support his family. However,at the end of the day he came home,played with his children,and shared his happiness with his family.

    The rich farmer was curious about his neighbor's happy life and asked his housekeeper what his secret was. The housekeeper told him, “It is his (满足) with whatever comes out of his hard work that gives rise to his pleasant and peaceful life." The rich farmer could not believe it. The housekeeper said he would do an experiment to prove it.

    The next day the housekeeper buried one gold coin on the farm of the poor farmer. When the poor farmer dug up the coin,he took it away and kept it in a secret place in his house. The housekeeper did the same thing on the second day. Again it was a surprise for the poor farmer. He also kept it. This continued for 99 days until the poor farmer found 99 gold coins.

    Afterward the farmer went mad looking for a 100th gold coin. But he didn't know that the housekeeper had stopped burying gold coins. He kept on digging all over his farm and totally ignored the farming by which he usually supported his family. He kept on counting the 99 gold coins all day and became very miserable about not getting the 100th. And he often got angry with his children and abused his wife.

    When the rich farmer saw what had happened,he realized how greed made people's life miserable. If we are content with what we have,we can lead a peaceful life.

1. adj. very unhappy (in Paragraph 4)

2. n. a strong wish to have more money,things,or power than you need .(in the last paragraph)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。

    Joanne Kathleen (J.K.) Rowling was bom in England on 31st July,1965. She wrote her first book,Rabbit、21 she was six years old. At school she liked English and other languages,and she chose 22(study) French in university. She graduated 23 university and worked as a secretary and a teacher.

    At the age of 26 J;K. Rowling went to Portugal and became 24 English teacher. She wanted to be a writer and wrote some stones about a boy 25 (call) Harry Potter. She got married and had a baby daughter. 26soon after,she divorced(离婚) and went to Scotland.

    There she lived in a small apartment with her daughter. She taught French in a school,but she 27 (real) wanted to make the Harry Potter stories,into a book. This was a very difficult time in her life because they had no money. It was in a café 28 she wrote the first Horry Potter book.

    In June 1997 the first Harry Potter book became famous and J.K. Rowling's life 29 (change) . Soon there were more Harry Potter books,and films too. Children loved her books and J.K. became a highly 30 (success) writer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                 C ★★★★★

    Over the past decade,there have been many scientific studies on the digital (数字的) activity of people,such as making mobile calls,texting,e-mailing,and posting on social media. Nearly all human behavior leaves a digital footprint. Therefore,scientists can use such digital activity as a way to track human activity. For example,they can study differences between cultures in sleep patterns,work schedules,and spare time activities.

    Researchers from Finland and Denmark use a completely new approach to study digital rhythms (规律) .Previous studies focused on general patterns across large numbers of people. However,this time researchers focus. on pronounced,long-term differences in rhythm between inid?viduals. They show that people tend to have their personal rhythm of digital activity. It is stable like a personal signature 。(签名)

    “Each individual follows their own daily rhythm ,” says Talayeh,who led the research. “In almost every case,the patterns differ strongly from the average behavior,for example by increased calling frequency during mornings,mid-days,or evenings ,” says Talayeh. What drives these individual differences is not yet clear. Geographical and cultural differences clearly play a role. “There could also be an effect of (生理学) .We see this research as the first step to understand how activity patterns are related to other people's characteristics,such as personality and mobility behavior,” say Talayeh.

    This finding could also have medical use. Digital rhythms could be monitored for patients with mental health problems. Sudden changes in patients’digital rhythms could be a sign that treatment may be necessary. “Combining this research with Big Data may also bring new ways of research in sleep studies ,” concludes Talayeh.

9. What do scientists use the digital activity of people to do?

   A. To make their research easier.

   B. To know about people's behavior.

   C. To aid the development of social media.

   D. To reduce people's dependence on mobile phones.

10. Which of the following can best describe digital rhythms?

   A. Natural but casual.

   B. Personal and fixed.

   C. Different but unclear.

   D. Changeable and mysterious.

11. According to Talayeh,digital rhythms .

   A. have nothing to do with personality

   B. have a great effect on everyday habits 

   C. may have something to do with culture   

    D. can help ?ie development of physiology 

12. What is the use of digital rhythms in the medical field?

   A. They can help avoid patients’ sleep problems.

   B. They will change the ways doctors do their work,

   C. They could free people of mental problems.

   D. They may tell whether a patient is well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

             D ★★★☆☆

    Kit-ken Lim,a student from Taiwan,China,is studying in Chicago. The following excerpts (摘录) are taken from her diary during her first three months in the United States.

August 31 

    People often refer to Taipei as “The Sleepless City^, but I didn't understand why until I got to . Chicago. I was shopping wkh another student this evening when suddenly the store owners along the street started pulling down their gates and locking their doors,even though it was still light out. This is something I’ve never seen in Taiwan,where the busiest streets “stay awake” all night. You can go out to restaurants,stores,and movies even long after midnight. 

September 5 

    After the first week of class,I’ve found some differences between Chinese students and American students. Whenever a teacher asks a question,my classmates give their answers almost immediately. And some of them interrupt the teacher. In Taipei,we’ re usually quiet in class so the teacher can finish on time. We tend to ask the teacher questions afterward. I don’t know whether it's acceptable here for students to ask teachers questions after class. October 6

    I met a really interesting local girl in my neighborhood café. I was writing a letter to my mother,and she asked me what language I was writing in. We ended up talking for about an hour!People in Chicago seem very comfortable with each other. It seems quite natural for two people to just start talking in a café. This is something that doesn’t happen in Taipei. At home,I would never just start chatting with a stranger. I like that because it's easy to meet new people here.

13. What happened when the author was shopping in Chicago?

   A. She got lost in the city.

   B. A store owner drove her out. 

    C. She met an old classmate.

    D. Stores in the street started to close.

14. By saying “the busiest streets‘stay awake’ all nigh”,the author means .

   A. there is usually much traffic on the streets

   B. shops in the streets have long business hours

    C. it is always light out in the streets in the evening   

    D. people living near the streets don’t sleep until midnight 

15. According to the text,students in Chicago .

   A. are active in class

   B. behave badly in class

    C. like walking around in class   

    D. ask teachers questions after class

16. From Lim’s diary on October 6 ,we know that.

   A. the girl in the café was annoying

   B. the author often writes to her mother

    C. it's easier to run a café in Taipei than in Chicago. 

    D. people in Chicago seem more outgoing than those in Taipei 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

       C  ★★★★☆

    For adults,memories tend to lose with time. But there are conditions under which the opposite is true for small children.

    While playing a video game that asked them to remember relations between objects,4-and 5-year-olds who replayed the game after two days scored more than 20 percent higher than kids who replayed it later the same day. “An idea is that kids can be smarter than we thought they could be,” said Kevin Darby,co-author of the study. “They just need more time."  

    The findings give ?s. a window into understanding memory. First,we showed that if children are given pieces of similar information in a close "we 5/7训(时间跨度) ,there is almost a complete loss of memory. Second,we showed that introducing delays prevents that loss. It seems surprising that children can almost completely forget what they have just learned,and that their memories can actually improve with time.

    We know from previous research that kids struggle to form difficult connections in the moment,so we thought that with some time off and periods of sleep they might be able to do better. And it turned out that when they had time to remember the information,they did better.

    Researcher Slo?tsky said that the study does not in any way suggest that kids can absorb (吸收)adult-sized quantities of information if only they are given time to sleep on it. Rather,it means that they can remember kid-sized quantities of information in given time,even if they seem forgetful in the moment. “We’ve shown that it's possible for children's memories to improve with time,but it's not like we’ ve discovered a method for super-charging how much they can remember,” he said.

9. What can we learn from Kevin Darby’s words?

   A. Children are good at learning things.

   B. Children can remember better than thought.  

    C. Children are better at remembering than adults.

   D. Children can learn better through computer games.

10. The third paragraph is mainly about.

   A. the meaning of the study

   B. the problems with the study 

    C. the background of the study   

    D. the process of the study

11. The purpose of what Sloutsky said is .

   A. to provide an example for the study

   B. to stress the importance of the study 

    C. to avoid misunderstanding the study

   D. to remind people to put the study into practice

12. What might be the best title for the text?

   A. The power of memory

   B. The best way to learn 

    C. Delayed remembering   

    D. Free kids from pressure 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

               Angle of perception 


    Once,a professor put a chair at a certain distance on the stage,and then started his lecture. Pointing to the middle row audience,those who were sitting exactly in front of the chair,he asked, “How many legs does the chair have? Please tell me exactly what you observe,not assuming that the chair has four legs."

    The first person from the middle row replied, “Two”,because ihe other two legs were hidden behind the front legs. The professor then asked the same question to the viewers on the left. The answer came “Three”. Here,one back leg was hidden behind one of its front legs. So,only three could be seen. The same question was repeated to those on the right and the extreme comers of the audience. The answers he received were uThree^ and aF〇?ur,? respectively (分别地) . 

    The professor then said, “Look!All of you know that the chair has four legs,but when I asked you to answer me exactly what you observed from your angle (角度) ,your answers were different. But do you think it is possible? Do you think that the same chair has two,three or four legs? Obviously the answer is “no”. We assumed it as the different numbers* according to our perception,the angle. from which we view. So what I mean is that our perception is not always correct or true. The same thing happens to everybody when he / she judges others from his / her view point. Kindly,think about this when you are judging others." Sometimes,things are misunderstood because of our angle of percep-tion.

Find the words in the text that fit the following descriptions.

1. V. to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it (in Paragraph 1)

2. n. an idea,a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand sth (in Paragraph 3)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    You may have heard the story about the world's most dedicated(专心致志的) fisherman. He 2l more fish than his companion all morning long. They used the same 22 and fished together in the same river. But he had almost caught his limit of fish 23 his friend hadn't caught even one. ^

   “What's yoilr 24 ?” asked the friend. “I haven’t even gotten ? bite!” The 25 fisherman replied, “That's (投入) ”.

    Do you know there are at least three types of 26 ? First,there are those who fish only for 27 . They usually “catch and 28 ”, quickly throwing their catch back into the water. Then there are those who fish because they like the 29 of fish. They only keep those fish they will someday eat. 30,there are those who fish in order to survive. If they don't succeed in catching fish,they skip a 31 . It is this group of people who are most likely to 32 .

    Whether we fish or eat fish,the 33 is the same. We are most likely to succeed if we 34 it with dedication,especially if the task before US is 35 or there seems little chance of success. Whether we want to 36 a new business or go back to school,we must decide if our task is 37 enough to commit to it. We should 38 bear in mind that our own determination to succeed is more important than any other things. For often,we will succeed only after we have firmly determined to 39. something.

   Please 40,when we are fully committed,the impossible can happen.

21. A. caught          B. discovered

   C. ate            D. drew

22. A. house              B. manner

   C. language            D. equipment

23. A. since             B. because

   C. while            D. until

24. A. number             B. secret

   C. job               D. goal

25. A. brave   B. shy    C. successful   D. honest

26. A. fishermen          B. friends

   C. workers           D. students

27. A. food         B. money

   C. art         D. sport

28. A. sell   B. raise     C. release    D. kill 

29. A. growth        B. behavior

   C. color        D. taste

30. A. Fortunately       B. Obviously

   C. Finally         D. Similarly

31. A. meal   B. beat    C. business   D. part

32. A. escape         B. succeed

    C. die          D. regret

33. A. exercise        B. lesson

   C. form          D. result

34. A. complete        B. watch

    C. keep          D. describe

35. A. interesting       B. difficult

   C. useless         D. new

36. A. build        B. imagine

  C. give up        D. set aside

37. A. strange        B. challenging

   C. amusing        D. important

38. A. never        B. sometimes

    C. always       D. still

39. A. find   B. carry   C. admit   D. do

40. A. promise      B. remember

   C. study       D. explain

