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Be polite to _________ disabled and give them encouragement to live as rich and full ________ life as you do.

   A. a ; the          B. the ; a          C. a ; /            D. / ; the 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

——How do you think I should receive the reporter?

    ——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.

A、How  B、What C、Whatever D、However


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

29. —How do you think I should receive the reporter?

   —______ you feel about him, try to be polite.

A.How                         B. What                C. Whatever                 D. However


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广西大学附属中学高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Among the many differences between Western and Chinese cultures, table manners are one of the most noticeable(显著的) differences. Westerners often make mistakes at the table in China or in a Chinese home. In order not to have an embarrassing(尴尬的) experience, here are some things to consider next time you are eating with some Chinese.
Keep in mind that food is shared. It is one of the biggest differences between Chinese and Western eating habits. In China a few dishes are placed in the center of a table and shared by all. Also, you should offer thanks when a Chinese host takes food from one of the dishes on the table and places it on your plate. Refusing it would not be polite even if you are full.
Respect the chopsticks. The chopsticks are the single most important tool at a Chinese table. Use the chopsticks to grab food and never skewer (叉) it. Also make sure to place your chopsticks over your bowl or plate. Don’t lay them on the table or even worse, stick them into the rice bowl.
Use communal(共用的)chopsticks. To take food from the center of the table you should use the communal chopsticks or spoons that are placed there for that purpose. If there are no communal tools, use the other ends of your chopsticks to take food, remembering not to use the other end to put food into your mouth.
Respect the elders. Table manners in China place extra respect on elders. At the table, pass food to your elders before taking it for yourself. If someone makes a toast, make sure that when you clink glasses with someone older than you, the rim of your glass is lower than the rim of the elder person.
【小题1】How can you use your chopsticks according to the passage?

A.Use them to grab your own food.
B.Put them on the table.
C.Use them to skewer the food.
D.Stick them into the rice bowl.
【小题2】According to the passage, the following are wrong EXCEPT that ________.
A.you don’t have to accept the food a Chinese host places on your plate
B.a skewer is also a commonly used tool at a Chinese table
C.one can offer his own chopsticks for communal use when there aren’t any
D.when clinking glasses, the rim of the younger person should be lower than that of the older person
【小题3】What is the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To let the world get a full understanding of China.
B.To introduce table manners among different cultures.
C.To introduce Chinese table manners to Westerners.
D.To introduce how Chinese table manners came into being.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年度江苏省四星级高中高一下期末考试英语卷 题型:填空题

Manners in every country are different.  What is polite in China may not be polite in the United States. These basic rules will help you enjoy Western food with your American friends.
Always put the napkin (餐巾 ) on your lap first. Before you leave the table, fold your napkin and put it beside your plate.
Wait until everyone has been served to begin eating. Everyone begins to eat at the same time. The host or hostess may invite you to start eating before everyone is served. Some foods may be cold if you wait until everyone is served. If invited to begin before others are served, wait until three or four people have been served before starting to eat,
When eating something in a bowl, do not leave the spoon in the bowl.  Put it on the plate under the bowl. Do not slurp (出声地喝) the soup. Do not overfill the spoon. Do not pick the bowl up to hold it closer to your mouth. When you have finished your meal, place your knife and fork side by side on the plate. This signals that you have finished eating.
Sit up straight at the table. Bring the food up to your mouth. Do not bend down to your plate.
Cut large pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Eat the pieces one at a time.
When eating noodles, wind (缠) the noodles up on your fork. You may use your spoon to help wind the noodles around your fork. The noodles on your fork should be eaten in one bite(一口).  It is very impolite to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your plate.
Do not lean on your arm while eating. You may rest your hand on the edge of the table.
Some of the rules mentioned here may be somewhat relaxed in informal settings.
The best way to learn good manners is to watch others. Observe the way your American friends eat. In this way, you won’t make mistakes when you are unsure of what to do.

American table 【小题1】 __________
There are many 【小题2】 ________ between American table manners and China’s.
【小题3】___________ about American table manners
● Always put the napkin on your lap, and put the folded napkin beside the plate before【小题4】________the table.
● Eat together. If someone invites you to begin before others are served, you should still【小题5】_______until three or four people have been served before you start to eat.
● Put the spoon on the plate under the bowl 【小题6】_______ of leaving the spoon in the bowl.
● When you have finished your meal,  place your knife and fork side by side on the plate, which【小题7】________that you have finished eating,
● Sit up straight at the table. Never【小题8】_______your body down to your plate when you eat.
● It is【小题9】________ to eat half your noodles with the other half fallingback on your plate.
● Do not lean on your arm while eating.
The best way to learn table manners
Observe how your American friends behave when they eat.  In this way,  you won’t make mistakes when you are not 【小题10】 _______ of what to do.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It is commonly believed among many Chinese that Westerners who take “Yes’,and “No” by their facial expressions are more straightforward than Chinese. Normally Westerners don * t have to adopt Chinese ways like sweeping the floor or constantly checking the clock to indicate to a guest that it’ s time to leave. They don’ t have to hesitate in saying “No” when they are not able to, or don’ t want to, offer help to a friend in need. There is no embarrassment attached to this behavior. But it is too simple to conclude that Westerners are more direct speakers than the Chinese.

There are many occasions when the way Westerners express themselves makes Chinese look more straightforward and honest. When I was a fresh international student,the director of our program once asked students in an e-mail what we thought about a young professor. I simply said ’ “She seems to know a lot but doesn* t know how to teach. ” And the director replied with “Thank you for being honest. ”

Only years later when I better understood the new culture,I realized why I had gone too far. If that question were asked now,the reply would have three paragraphs devoted to the qualities of the professor before the last line came out — ” There are some gaps in her teaching method. ” Still tough, but at least it wouldn't be considered rude.

Indeed, the reserved social norms and the deeply - rooted “face issue" make honest speaking risky in China ; Americans have their own ways of being polite. This results partly from political correctness. It also results from several generations of people who have been told they have done well even when they have failed. It may not be unfair to suggest that many Americans are oversensitive and obsessed with a perfect self image.

So,the next time you hear about indirect Chinese,it would be worth challenging the source and pointing out that the cultural comparisons are much more complex. But maybe you should do it in a roundabout way,to be polite.

1.The passage mainly aims to    •

A.  tell us something about culture distinctions

B.  remind us of the conflicts between cultures

C.  ask us to take positive attitudes to Chinese cultures

D.  keep us informed of the various communications

2.According to the passage, the young professor lacked  .

A.  confidence in her job

B.  teaching experience

C.  interaction with her students

m D. responsibility for her students

3.  The underlined words “obsessed with" (para.4) probably means   .

A. satisfied with   B. proud of C. addicted to  D. stuck in

4.  It can be inferred from the passage that    .

A.  the writer has a good knowledge of American culture

B.  Americans are much more straightforward than Chinese

C.  the new professor was very angry with the writer' s comments

D.  different culture backgrounds make cultures comparison complicated


