精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. A cultural relic is something _________(留存很长的).
2. You can buy whatever you want with the ________(剩下的)money.
3. Put the chain back ________(它该在的地方).
4. The beautiful necklace is ________(妈妈给我的礼物).
5. Although it feels as hard as stone,it easily melts ________(遇热时).
6. She took ________(点燃的蜡烛) into the dark room and immediately the room ________(亮起来了).
7. He says he can do it,but I am rather ________ (怀疑的) about it.
8. ________(考虑到) his age,he did very well in the exam.
9. At last,their theory ________(证明是正确的).
10. She pretended ________(别人已告知此事).
1. that has survived for a long time  2. remaining  3. where it belongs  4. a gift my  mother gave me
5. when heated  6. the lighted candle; lit up  7. doubtful  8.Considering  9. proved (to be) right
10. to have been told about it

科目:高中英语 来源:山东省潍坊市重点中学2011年新高二暑假作业(二)英语试题 题型:022


have a gift for…






科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. She suggested several ways to ________(使伤心的女孩高兴).
2. ________(由于种种原因), this kind of animal died out.
3. The driver ________(收了我5元的出租车钱).
4. Several boys of the group ________(被起诉) fighting in the street.
5. I think ________(讲座的门票) too expensive for a common student.
6. Your silence is ________(承认) of your guilt.
7. He ________(获利) of 5,000 dollars on the deal.
8. I think many local people will ________(从中受益) the development of the area.
9. The police will look into the case ________(涉及几个孩子的).
10. The equipment is still at the ________(实验) stage.
11. ________(科学技术的发展) has made it possbile to perform the operation.
12. You are ________(自愿的) to attend the party.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.  This is a ________(口头协议).  
2.  He can't put up with ________(老板对他的虐待).  
3.  No one ________(满足于) what he has.
4.  It will ________(吓你一跳) to hear what I paid for this ring.
5.  He fell in the water, ________(逗得孩子们乐不可支).  
6.  He is ________(不是个成功的艺术家), but a success as an art teacher.
7.  I was late, but ________(幸运地) the meeting hadn't started.
8.  He can't speak ________(满满一嘴食物).  
9.  He looked ________(直接地) at me.
10.  He ________(挑选了一条领带) to wear with his suit.
11.  The president decided ________(停止对这些国家的外援).  
12.  The children ________(正在彼此低声耳语) in the corner.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1. Her cheerful spirits ________(感染了) the whole class.
2. As a young boy he showed great interest in ________(科学) and did many ________(科学的)
experiments in his spare time,which would make him a great ________(科学家) in time.
3. After a long discussion,they ________(得出结论) that the man was lying.
4. Today I have some important things ________(处理).
5. The baby was left ________(毫无遮蔽的) to the wind and rain.
6. We are ready to ________(承担责任) for what happened.
7. The teacher ________(宣布) that we would have a few days off and there would be ________(通知) for the exact time.
8. I ________(接到指令) to wait here until the lecturer arrives.
9. Does smoking ________(对……起作用;贡献) lung cancer?
10. Our idea to set up a music club in the neighbourhood meet many ________(拒绝).

