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5. 上周我很幸运地有机会见到这位举世闻名的科学家。

Last week I was lucky enough         to meet the world-famous scientist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



     “One thing I enjoy about my job is that I can i work on something that is actually active,” says Game McGimsey,an American volcanologist ( 火山学家) .Part of his job includes keeping an eye ; on Alaska's many active volcanoes and giving  people a heads-up when a volcano might erupt(喷发) . 

     Like most jobs in the sciences,volcanology 1requires a lot of education. McGimsey received an undergraduate degree in geology at the University of North Carolina,then landed an zw 纪(实习 期) with a geologist at the (美国地质勘探 局) whose area of expertise was volcanoes. After earning a graduate degree at the University of Colorado,McGimsey accepted a job with the USGS and has been with the Alaska Volcano Observatory for 25 years. 

       Volcanoes can influence the world in ways we might not think about. For example,on Dec. 15,1989,a 747 jetliner (a large airplane) flew through a thick ash (灰) cloud、produced by Mount Redoubt,an Alaskan volcano that hadn,t erupted in 25 years. The ash caused all four   engines to die,and the plane5 s electronics went dead.a  The plane was within several thousand feet of flying into the mountains below when the pilots gpt 教 couple of the engines restarted and landed safely in Anchorage,” McGimsey says. It cost nearly $80 million to repair the damage to the plane.

       Such situations show just how dangerous volcanoes can be. However,volcanologists know the risks and are prepared to protect themselves.

    “There is certainly a higher danger level in volcanology than some other jobs”’ McGimsey admits. aWe understand how serious the danger is,and we don't like taking unnecessary chances. We avoid getting too close to an erupting volcano,because it's not worth injury or death simply to get a rock or photograph."

32. Before working for the USGS,McGimsey

   A. had been a pilot for 25 years

   B. knewnothing about the organization

   C. had taught at the University of North Carolina

   D. had studied at the University of Colorado

33. On Dec. 15,1989,a 747 jetliner

   A. had all its engines restarted

   B. flew into a volcano in Europe

   C. survived an air accident luckily

   D. disappeared in a huge ash cloud

34. What McGimsey says in the last paragraplv

shows his .

   A. pride           B. carefulness

   C. loneliness          D. doubt

35. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Game McGimsey: a man of his word

   B. Game McGimsey: a volcano watcher

   C. The eruption of Mount Redoubt

   D. Lost land of the volcano


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear young musicians, 

     Thank you for agreeing to take part in our Music Day. The whole idea of the day is for music students around the area to meet other players and receive expert(专家般的) teaching from our guests,six professional players!In the evening,you will perform the pieces you have worked on during the day at a concert which your friends and family can attend (参加)

      After you have registered(注册) at thf reception,go to the main hall. First,there will be a short performance by our professional musicians who are joining us for the day. After this you will go into your classes to practice on your own instruments for the evening concert. There will also be a chance to experiment with a different institiment from the one you normally play,and see if you enjoy playing something more unusual — we have several instruments to choose from!

      The first part of the day will finish at 5 pm,when parents can collect students. For those remaining in the hall until the evening concert at 7 pm,there will be DVDs for you to watch,although you should also bring something to do while you are waiting. A change ot clothes is required for the evening — black trousers or a skirt and white top — so unless you are going home at 5 pm,you will need to have this with you at the start of the day.

   If for whatever reason you cannot attend the evening concert,you must tell us as soon as possible,as we need to know numbers in order to prepare the stage. We look forward to seeing you at the Young People's Music Day.

33. What can students do on Music Day?

   A. They can have dinner with experts.

    B. They can receive professional advice.

   C. They can play with professional players.

   D. They can meet world-famous musicians.

34. To attend the concert,students must .

   A. arrive at 5:00 in the afternoon

   B. take one of their family members

   C. play five pieces of music each

   D. wear black trousers or a skirt and white top

35. What is the purpose of this text?

   A. To introduce Music Day.

    B.to invite students to a concert.

   C. To put up a notice about Music Day.

   D. To encourage students to love music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Imagine being at a movie theater. You are watching a movie you* ve been waiting months to see. All of a sudden,a man's cell phone rings. Not only does the man answer it,he keeps talking on the phone for a long time. Situations like this lead many people to support cell blocking vlocking equipment(屏蔽设备) .While this is quite understandable,it's much fairer and safer to ailow people to use their cell phones in movie theaters.

    Using cell phones in movie theaters is a matter of culture. If you look around a theater,most people there are not using phones and are enjoying the film they paid to see. The few bad apples are those that are rude in almost all situations. The ones that shout at waiters and cut in line. Putting in the blocking equipment would punish everyone,not just the impolite,but the well-mannered people as well.

     Many theaters already have punishments in place for people who use their cell phones in a troublesome way while in movies. At theaters I have been to,they periodically have workers come in and see if there are rude phone users. If they notice anyone breaking theater rules,they have the power to remove people from the area. That's enough to prevent most movie goers from using cell phones in an unacceptable way.

     Another argument against putting in cell phone blocking equipment is emergency situations. There are times when people might be getting a message that requires them to leave the theater. Some of these might be car accidents,births,deaths,or someone getting locked out etc. All of these are situations that would just require someone to immediately leave the theater.

     Putting in cell phone blocking equipment would be unfair to those who know how to use their phones politely. The answer to this problem is to make sure rules are followed,not to prevent everyone in the theater from using their cell phones.

6. The man mentioned in Paragraph 1 can be

described as.

   A. patient   B. impolite

   C. friendly   D. strict

7. According to the text,the bad-mannered phone

users .

  A. are rude not just in movie theaters

   B. show no interest in the movies at all

   C. welcome the blocking equipment

   D. are much worse than a few bad apples

8. In the author,s opinion,the theater rules .

   A. are already out of date

   B. are proving to be unacceptable

   C. can keep the theater in order

   D. seldom work for most people

9. What is the author,s attitude to cell phone blocking equipment in movie theaters?

   A. He pays little attention to it.

   B. He feels doubtful about it.

   C. He is uncertain of it.

   D. He is against it.

10. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Smith: Could you help' me make a plane reservation Laura: I 'd be pleased 61.

(help) you. Where do you plan on going? Mr. Smithi We are going to HawaⅡ. This is the first time that I 62

(travel) abroa with my family.

Laura: Great!My friend told me that her trip to Hawaii was 63 . (impress) and that Hawaii is 64. (real) abeautiful place.

Mr. Smith: Yes. The thought 65.I can get together with my family in such a beautiful place is exciting.

Laura: You have a choice of 66. (leave) from Los Angeles or Burbank Airport. Which would you prefer?

Mr. Smith: I live closer 67.Los Angeles Airport,so that would be the best choice.Laura: Does 68. matter to you if you leave in the morning or afternoon?

Mr. Smith: I can leave at either time.

Laura: Fine. When you return,would you prefer morning or afternoon?Smith r I can only take a flight 69.   leaves in the afternoon. 

Laura: OK,I have booked you on your flight. Here 70. (be) your tickets. Have a great trip


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. As we all know,fresh air is f to good



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. As we all know,the moon is a s of the earth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. It's possible . he hasn’ t received the letter. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. They entered the  (港口) with flags flying.

