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28. The Norman invasion of England had great influences ______ the English language.

  A. to     B. of       C. on      D. For


科目:高中英语 来源:东北三省四市2010届高三第二次联合考试 题型:阅读理解

13th CLIC/LISO annual conference set for California
13th annual CLIC/LISO Conference
May  l7 to 19, 2007
Santa Barbra, California,US
Conference on Language,Interaction (相互作用) and Culture
*The Australia Research Council (ARC);
*Language,Interaction and Social Organization (LISO) group;
*The Center for language,Interaction and Culture (CLIC).
Keynote and featured speakers
*Barbara Fox,professor of 1inguistics (语言学),University of Colorado,Boulder,US;
*Celia Kitzinger, professor of sociology,University of York,UK:
*Norma Mendoza-Denton,professor of anthropology (人类学),University of Arizona,US;
*Jason Raley,assistant professor of education,University of California,Santa Barbara, US
Topic areas
*Anthropological linguistics;
*Conversation analysis;
*Discourse analysis
Language and culture researchers from institutions across US,Australia and many other countries.
Background information
The Language,Interaction. and Social Organization (LISO) group is composed of professors and researchers in the areas of linguistics,sociology,and education,etc.The Center for Language,Interaction,and Culture (CLIC) is made up of experts from anthropology,applied linguistics,education,psychology,and sociology. Their common purpose is to promote cross-disciplinary discussion of issues regarding language as a complex resource for thinking and acting in the world.
The Australian Research Council  (ARC) plays a key role in the Australian government’s investment in the future prosperity and well-being of the Australian community.
For further information,please visit http://www.hcsnet.edu.au/.
60.Who are likely to attend the conference?
A.Language researchers                       B.Language learners
C.Business men                                      D.Social volunteers
61.What topic will not probably be discussed in the conference?
A.Pragmatics study                             B.Discourse analysis
C.Economic development                       D.Language and culture
62.It is inferred from the passage that______.
A.1anguage is so difficult that learners should study sociology first
B.LISO aims to promote the prosperity and well-being of the world
C.the conference will be held in California of Australia
D.language has a close connection with sociology


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省、澧县一中2010届高三下学期第三次联考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

NEW YORK(Reuters)----The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.

Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a runway(T形台)show at New York Fashion Week, some designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding the reach of their brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.

Designer Norma Kamali and Polo Ralph Lauren Corp both have applications for Apple Inc’s iPhone that allows shoppers to buy clothes from their phone.

“This is the technology that’s changing our lives,” said Kamali, who displayed her spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines (专卖品) for eBay Inc and Walmart.com at the Apple store in Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood.

Kamali’s iPhone application has a “Try Before You Buy” option, which allows clothes to be sent overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home before deciding to buy.

Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam’s show carried a laptop computer adorned(装饰) with a Tam design.

Mazdack Rassi, co-founder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, and was considering projecting shows on the side of a building so people at nearby park could watch.

With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people than just the editors and media who attend.

Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to explore new ideas and processes.

But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons----the new school for design, said even though technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work. “Absolutely, there’ll be people out there that have successful businesses that don’t know the first thing about draping(剪裁) and construction, just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works,” Collins said. “But they’re the exception, not the rule.”

56. According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to____________.

A. share their collections with other designers

B. display their work at a lower cost

C. receive information about the popular fashion trend

D. inform the editors and media of their collections

57. Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?

A. She’s aware of the importance of the Internet.

B. She’s against buying clothes online.

C. She thinks New York Fashion Week will attract fewer and fewer people.

D. She’s considering holding a show on the side of a building.

58. We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. it’s difficult to become a well-known designer

B. it’s dangerous to do online shopping

C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows

D. designers are finding various ways to make their shows known to the public

59. According to the last paragraph, we know that Collins ____________.

A. is a successful businessman

B. does not agree that technology is helpful in designing works

C. pays more attention to people’s natural gift and hard work

D. does not understand the fashion of actual design work

60. The purpose of the writing is to ____________.

A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week

B. stress the role of technology in fashion

C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week

D. advertise New York Fashion Week



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题





When Percy Spencer invented the microwave, it changed the world greatly. People would no longer have to wait endless hours while cooking their food in an old-fashioned oven. Instead, using the microwave has allowed them to cook food in just seconds.

According to the medical website mercola.com, just about “ninety percent of Americans have microwaves in their homes”. However, is this convenient invention as perfect as it seems?

There are many reports of microwaves changing the original qualities of the food, which can cause cancer as well as changes in the body.

“Electro-magnetic (电磁的) radiation harms food, and changes substances cooked in it to dangerous products,” Dr. Lita Lee – chemist, nutritionist, author and lecturer – wrote in her book, Health Effects of Microwave Radiation – Microwave Ovens (1991).

However, the microwave is not only for food; microwaves are used in medicine as well. For example, it warms heating pads and used to warm blood used in transfusions (输血).

Norma Levitt, a hip surgery patient in an Oklahoma hospital (1991), died after blood being heated for her transfusion was altered in the microwave. A lawsuit followed and because of this incident, blood is no longer heated in the microwave.

Regardless of what has happened, big companies still claim that microwaves are great machines that have caused trouble to “few people” and have had “few consequences”. However, people should decide if saving a few minutes is more important than preventing cancerous cells from entering the body.

Dr. Jonathan Wright, Medical Director of Tahoma Clinic in Renton, Washington, considers the microwave unhealthy and recommends some alternatives.

“Try eating a lot of your food, like vegetables, uncooked. Ideally, at least one-third of the food in your diet should be uncooked, since this is the form that will give you the maximum amount of nutrients. If you do want to cook some food or heat up leftovers, use your stove (火炉),” he said.

These alternative cooking styles may take a little time from your day, but can help you lead a healthier and more stable lifestyle. These methods will allow you to get the most nutrients from your food, as well.

Health is not valued till sickness comes. In today’s fast-paced modern world, we should have more consideration towards peoples’ health.


Microwave: not necessarily safe

Brief (71)________

(72)________ of the microwave: Percy Spencer

Advantage of the microwave: saving (73)________

Percentage of Americans having microwaves: about 90%

Disadvantages of

the microwave

Fact: Electro-magnetic radiation is (74)_______ to food and can change substances to dangerous products.

Result: The microwave can (75)_______ the qualities of food, which may cause cancer.

Fact: The blood was (76)_______ in the microwave before being transfused.

Results: A blood transfusion caused the (77)_______ of a patient. A lawsuit was brought and the microwave has never been (78)________ in medicine ever since.

Dr. Wright’s opinion

To avoid harm from the microwave, people should eat more food without being (79)_______ and use stoves instead of the microwave if necessary.

Author’s attitude

We should (80)_______ more about health than convenience.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年吉林一中高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Many people will remember the flight of the space shuttle (航天飞机)Challenger , in June, 1993.The achievement of Sally Ride, America’s first woman astronaut to fly into space, made this flight especially memorable.Students from two high schools in Camden, New Jersey, however, are likely to remember Norma rather than Sally whenever they think about the flight.

Norma didn’t travel alone.She brought about 100 companions along with her.Norma was an ant, a queen ant who, with her subjects, made up the first ant colony (群体) to travel into space.The ants were part of a science experiment designed by the students to test the effects of weightlessness on insects.

The equipment designed by the students for their colony functioned perfectly throughout the long space trip.The young scientists and their teachers were very sad to find that their insect astronauts had all died at some point before the container was returned to the school and opened.The problem did not occur in space, but on the ground after Challenger had landed.The container remained in the desert for nearly a week before the ant colony was removed.The hot, dry desert air dried out the colony’s container and the ants died from lack of moisture (水分).

The project was termed a success because it did provide useful information.Students will continue their efforts to find out exactly what went wrong.They will try to prevent the same difficulties from recurring (再发生) on future missions .They don’t want to be discouraged either by the death of the ants or by the $10,000 shuttle fare they will have to pay to send the next colony of ants into space.

1.The story is mainly about       .

A.Sally Ride’s first ride

B.space equipment for insects

C.a space experiment with ants

D.going to school in New Jersey

2.The project wasn’t a failure because       .

A.some important things were learned

B.dead ants are better

C.everything went as expected

D.students wrote about it

3.The ants died because       .

A.weightlessness harmed them

B.space caused too much pain

C.no one fed them in space

D.they dried out in the desert

4.On the next space trip , ants       .

A.will be sent without people

B.should not be left in the desert too long

C.will have to pay double fare

D.will escape the trip completely



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高三上学期模拟考试(一) 题型:阅读理解



  Many people will remember the flight of the space shuttle(航天飞机)challenger,in June,1983. The achievement of Sally Ride,America’s first woman astronaut to fly into space,made this flight especially memorable. Students from two Camden, New Jersey, high schools, however, are probably to remember Norma rather than Sally whenever they think about the flight.

  Norma didn’t travel alone. She brought about 100 companions along with her. Norma was an ant,a queen ant who,with her subject,made up the first ant colony(群体)to travel into space. The ants were part of a science experiment designed by students to test the effects of weightlessness on insects.

  The equipment designed by the students for their colony functioned perfectly throughout the long space trip. The young scientists and their teachers were very sad to find that their insect astronauts had all died at some point before the container was returned to the school and opened. The problem didn’t occur in space,but on the ground after challenger had landed. The container remained in the desert for nearly a week before the ant colony was moved. The hot,dry desert air dried out the colony’s container and the ants died from lack of moisture(水分).

  The project was termed success because it did provide useful information. Students will continue their efforts to pinpoint(精确找到)what went wrong. They will try to prevent the same difficulties from reoccurring on future missions. They don’t want to be discouraged either by the demise of the ants or by the $ 10,000 shuttle fare they will have to pay to send the next colony of ants into space.

51.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Sally Ride,America’s first woman astronaut.

B.How to keep ants alive in space.

C.How to make equipment for insects in space.

D.An experiment with ants in space.

52.According to the passage, we know that the underlined word“demise”is another word for“_____”.

A.death               B.colony

C.insect              D.moisture

53.We don’t think the project was a failure. This is because_____.

A.everything went as smoothly as expected

B.the students had pinpointed exactly the reason

C.something important had been learned

D.the students had succeeded in the experiment

54.We can conclude that ants _____ on the next space trip.

A.will have to be kept alive in a container full of water

B.will have to be sent into space with the first woman astronaut

C.should be put into a container where there is enough food

D.should be put into a container which is not too dry


