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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Li Ming and Wang Ying are two students of Senior Two. They all work hard but they have different learning method. Li Ming often sleeps in class instead of listen to the teacher. As a result, he miss lots of points that the teacher makes and it usually takes him much time to finish his homework. But he has to stay up late and doesnt get enough sleep. However, Wang Ying has quite the different way of learning. She listens attentive and tries to catch everything that the teacher said in class. Because this, she spends less time doing her homework, which makes it is possible for her to go to bed early.














【1】allboth 考查代词。All用于三者及其以上,both用于两者之间,这里指的是两个人,所以需把all改为both。

【2】methodmethods 考查名词复数。由different可知,这里method需用复数形式。

【3】listenlistening 考查动名词。Instead of doing sth而不是做某事,所以这里需用动名词

【4】missmisses 考查动词的第三人称单数。He主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,所以需将miss改为misses。

【5】ButSo 考查连词。上文说他要花费很多时间做作业,所以他要熬夜,这里是因果关系,故将but改为so。

【6】different前的thea 考查冠词。a different way表示一种不同的方式,这里是泛指,所以需用冠词a。

【7】attentiveattentively 考查副词。这里需用副词修饰动词listen。

【8】saidsays 考查时态。由前面的listens可知,这里需用一般现在时,所以需将said改为says。

【9】Because后加of 考查介词短语。because后接句子,because of后接名词代词动名词,所以在because后需加of。

【10】is去掉 考查it。这里是make +宾语+宾补,it作形式宾语,is多余,故去掉。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There are a lot of famous women of 【1】 (achieve) in the world. They all do 2 (good) in their work, such as Lin Qiaozhi, Jane Goodall and Song Qingling. There is no doubt that they are real heroines and worth 3 (praise). But in my opinion, all healthy humans have the ability to do that. It just depends on 4 you have the determination to do it and whether the situation is in your favor. But never before have I 5 (admire) a person so much as Helen Keller, who I just read about. She was a(n) 6 (luck) girl who could neither hear 7 see. I just cant imagine how she could be so successful. 8 I really dont believe is that a deaf-blind lady could become a world-famous writer. She must have met great difficulties and she must have made great efforts! If I were 9 (she), I wouldnt have the courage to live on. It is 【10 her courage, imagination and intelligence that I was struck.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


最近,某中学英语报向学生征文,主题为New Look of My Hometown。请你根据以下内容提示,用英语为该报写一篇短文,介绍家乡的情况并发表自己的看法。











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


It is important to introduce yourself in a creative, memorable way to distinguish yourself from the crowd. 【1】 . Since being witty(言辞诙谐的) doesnt always come easily, try one of these creative introductions and separate yourself from the rest.

Write your first or last name on a piece of paper. 2 . So if your name is Tom, you might say you are tireless, optimistic and mild.

3 . Then say that you will do so in the words of yourbest and worst critic your mother. By breaking the ice in this way, you can go on in either a humorous or serious fashion.

Introduce yourself silently, by drawing a picture of yourself on a large sheet of paper. 4 . In fact, in some situations, it may be better if you dont. Put a title at the top of your drawing, if you like, such as Hello! This is me.

Turn the traditional introduction upside down by describing yourself in exactly opposite terms of who you are. Have fun with thisback door approach, and keep people guessing just how much you are exaggerating(夸张). 5 . Dont bother calling me tomorrow, because I will be hiding in a closet. Send text messages to my girlfriend while I drink a Bud Light on the job.

A. This introduction requires you to be gifted in art.

B. Freely admit that you dont like talking about yourself.

C. It doesnt matter whether you have artistic abilities or not.

D. For example: I am probaby the laziest person you will ever meet.

E. Use each letter as the first letter in an adjective that describes you.

F. Bring in the surprise factor sometimes known as the shock factor.

G. After all, anybody can stand up and announce their name, business title and job responsibilities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



写作要点: 1.雾霾带来的危害;





Recently our city, Xi’an, is often blanketed in heavy smog, which has brought much inconvenience to our transportation and ….








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The cold and icy land that is the Eskimo's home is a dangerous one. The Eskimo once believed that to be safe from danger he had to obey taboos(禁忌). Taboos were rules that told him what he must do and must not do.

The Eskimo had taboos connected with almost everything he did. He had to keep them in mind at all times. He believed that to break one would bring disaster. For the Eskimo, it was taboo to store reindeer(驯鹿) and seal (海豹) meat together. He could not even eat them on the same day. He believed the Goddess Sedna had separated the land animals from the sea animals. He thought bringing them together would cause the hunting to be bad.

There were other taboos concerning animals. When a dead seal was brought into the house, the women had to stop working. They had to give its spirit a drink of water. If they did not, the spirit would be angered. It would keep other animals from being caught.

When the Eskimo broken a taboo, he believed a black cloud formed around his head. He had to tell the others in the village what he had done. He thought that if he did not tell his neighbors, they would catch the black cloud. Then the whole village would have bad luck.

1This passage mainly tells us about ________.

A. the way the Eskimos treated their neighbours

B. the things that the Eskimos could and could not do

C. how the Eskimos store their seal meat

D. how the Eskimos got along with others

2Why did the Eskimos separate reindeer and seal meat?

A. They went bad easily if they were kept together.

B. They thought keeping them together caused bad hunting.

C. The Eskimos did not like to eat reindeer or seal meat.

D. They did not have big enough rooms to store them.

3From the third paragraph we can see that ________.

A. the spirit of the dead seal enjoyed drinking water

B. the spirit of the dead seal would be angry if he was not given water

C. the seal was dead, but its spirit was still alive

D. the Eskimos believed that animals had spirits

4Which of the following is true?

A. There are many black clouds where the Eskimos live.

B. The Eskimos like land animals better than sea animals.

C. Taboos are of great importance to some people.

D. The Eskimo taboos are about everything on earth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 词语运用













When your dream is to become a footballer, nothing should get in your way—even if you are disabled.

Gabriel Muniz, an 11-year-old Brazilian kid, was born without 【1】 . Although his family thought he would have trouble 2 a normal life, he started walking before he was one year old. His mother would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, 3 he never fell. He took a while to make the jump from walking to playing football. In fact, there' s nothing he loves more than playing football. In his school, Gabriel not only does 4 than other players in his school team but also is the captain of his gym team.

He knows that his disability means he will never be able to play for a 5 football team. So Gabriel is hoping that football 6 a Paralympics (残奥会) event one day. He proved to everyone there he could go neck and neck with any other boy 7 . Watching him play is unbelievable. In the past few years he 8 a number of football skills. He does everything he can to copy Messi who he admires most. Luckily, he 9 to go to Spain to meet his idol Messi and showed his talent in the Barcelona Football Club last year.

Besides his talent, several achievements of 【10 were also surprising. His coach said he is proving that the disability only lies inside our heads and he is challenging the social rules.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




Last week I paid a visit to my former neighbor, Mr. Smith. He and I are used to live next to each other. About half a year ago, an order came which the old building, along with many other similar ones, were going to be pulled down to make room for the main street. So they had to move apart. Mr. Smith now lived in the suburb near a beautiful park. His apartment is much big than before. The only problem is that it takes quit a long time get to the downtown. Therefore, Mr. Smith doesn’t seem to worry about a long distance. A new subway line will be built in a few year and he is sure that life will be better in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When you travel in other countries, you'll have to get yourself well prepared to ensure your safety and handle emergencies.

Before you leave, you'd better:

1. Take out medical insurance policy and learn what the plan covers and whether departure or return to the hometown is covered. Figure out payment choices, such as whether you have to speak directly with the insurance company, before or after treatment, whether you have to pay first and get compensation later.

2. Keep up to date on all required vaccinations (接种疫苗) .

3. Learn about the city or area where you are going to travel. Know how to say street names and landmarks in the local language. Figure out unique climate issues such as altitude, seasonal changes, potentially risky animals and insects.

4. Visit some local hospitals and write down addresses in the local language along with emergency entrance locations; do the same for dental/pediatric (小儿科的) services. Get first aid equipment with necessary medications. Take enough prescribed medication from the home country.

5. Carry a card or note written in both English and the local language listing your emergency contact numbers, name, basic medical information such as blood type and allergies (过敏) .

6. Ensure a reliable means of communication is available and carry an extra phone battery and a charger. Ensure that housemaids, drivers, office assistants, those who work or travel know how to call for medical assistance since they may be the only ones available in an emergency.

7. Make sure to bring all documents and visas along with you. Plan your journey carefully and carry copies of documents (ID, insurance policy records, medical records) and keep in a place where someone else could access them in an emergency.

【1】 In case you come across an emergency, you should _________.

A. carry a card or note which is written in the local language only

B. make sure your means of communication is available and reliable

C. buy enough prescribed medication from the foreign country

D. buy a guide book which includes basic emergency instructions

【2】According to the passage, the following are true EXCEPT that ________.

A. you should try to make a good study of medical insurance policy

B. you'd make sure someone will be able to help you in emergencies

C. you'd hide your copies of documents for safety in a place that no one can find

D. you should try to get familiar with the city or area that you will visit

【3】 The best title for the text is _________.

A. How to Prepare for a Safe Travel

B. Emergency Help at Home and Abroad

C. How to Know the Place You Will Visit

D. Keep Yourself Healthy When Traveling

