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15.(A)Go America offers students exciting summer jobs in the world's most exciting continent.Work anywhere in the USA----the choice of location is yours!Experience the wide open spaces"out west'',the bright lights of the city or beach life on east resorts(胜地).
Then take time out and travel.
For more information contact:
Go America!
Lindon SE6 WH9
(B) Hi,Great news that you're thinking of coming over this summer.Orlando is a fantastic place to live in.The weather is wonderful,the beaches are great,and people are really friendly.It's only been four months since we arrived,but we've made lots of new friends.I already feel at home and Jane does so.
I'm not sure exactly how you can get a permit,but I do know that there are organizations,like Go America,which help foreign students find summer work.There are restaurants,so I'm sure you'd have no trouble getting food.Anyway,let us know what you decide.
Lots of love
第一节:根据短文内容,判断以下句子的( T )误( F ).
51 Go America helps foreign students find summer jobs.
52.Go America is located in the USA.
53.Sally is satisfied with the place where she stays.
54.Jane feels at home in Orlando.
55.Sally gives advice on how to get a work permit.

分析 (A)主要介绍了 Go America(帮外国学生找到暑期工作的机构)的职能及通讯地址;在(B)中作者Sally主要通过自己在Orlando的亲身感受向读者进一步介绍了Orlando以及 Go America.

解答 答案:
51.T   细节理解题     根据本文最后一段中的"but I do know that…,like Go America,which help foreign students find summer work."可知,Go America是一个帮助外国学生找到暑期工作的机构,故题干"Go America 帮外国学生找到暑期工作"的说法是正确的,故答案为T.
52.F   细节理解题      根据(A)中的"For more information contact:Go America!Lindon SE6 WH9"可知,Go America的地址是Lindon(美国的林登),SE6 WH9是邮政编码;所以题干"Go America位于美国"的说法不够准确;故答案为F.
53.T    细节理解题      根据(B)第一段中的"It's only been four months since we arrived,but we've made lots of new friends.I already feel at home and Jane does so."提到Sally仅在Orlando待了四个月就已经结交了许多新朋友,并感觉像是在自己的家里一样,可知题干"Sally对她待的地方很满意"的说法是正确的,故答案为T.
54.T   细节理解题      根据(B)第一段中的"I already feel at home and Jane does so."可知,Jane与Sally一样都觉得在Orlando就像是在自己的家里;故题干"Jane感觉在Orlando就像是在自己的家里"的说法是正确的;故答案为T.
55.F   细节推理题     根据本文最后一段中的"I'm not sure exactly how you can get a permit,but I do know that there are organizations,like Go America"可知,Sally并不知道怎样才能获得工作许可,但是她的确知道像Go America那些为外国学生介绍工作的机构,故题干"Sally就如何获得工作许可提出了建议."的说法是不正确的;故答案为F.

点评 做阅读判断题时,首先需要在通篇理解大意的基础上找到与题干相关的线索;其次应由表及里的准确把握字里行间的意思,所有判断的依据都应基于原文,切勿凭自己的常识进行主观臆断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Cleveland has won the distinction of being the worst city in the United States,according to a new survey.The city has high unemployment,terrible weather,heavy taxes,and ordinary sports teams,all of which have pushed it to the No.1 position in the Forbes.com list.
"Cleveland was the only city that fell in the bottom half of rankings in all nine categories.And it has been entitled with a less than endearing nickname:the Mistake by the lake,"Forbes said on its website,
The economic downturn hit cities across the United States last year particularly in the mid-west section of the country.Crime and unemployment secured the No.2 spot for Stockton,which held the top position in last year's ranking.Memphis got third place thanks to its violent crime rate and the number of officials who are guilty,while the poor auto industry drove the Michigan cities of Detroit and Flint into the top five.
"A lot of the cities that showed up on our list are going through hard times fight now,dealing with high unemployment,with declining producing bases.Many have experienced strong movement out of the city over the last 20 and 30 years."
Despite (尽管) its fine weather,Miami scored in the bottom 10 percent in commuting (上下班往返) time,and violent crime which sent it into sixth place.
"One of the biggest surprises is Miami.The good weather and no state income taxes blur some of the severe problems that Miami has related to crime as well as long commutes,"Badenhausen added.
Florida was followed in the poor ranking by St Louis,Buffalo,Canton,Ohio and Chicago,which has the country's highest sales tax at 10.25 percent.New York,the nation's biggest city,is rich in culture but its lengthy commuting time and high income taxes pushed it into 16th place.
68.From the text we can learn thatD.
A.Cleveland has been entitled a lovely nickname
B.the economic downturn hit cities in the mid-east section
C.Miami scored in the bottom 10 percent in all nine categories
D.commuting time in New York is too long
69.What information can be inferred according to the text?A
A.The number of officials who are guilty is large in Memphis.
B.Stockton got second place in last year's ranking.
C.High income taxes made New York get 16th place.
D.Ohio has the country's highest sales tax.
70.The word"blur"underlined in the last paragraph but one probably meansB
A.make it possible   B.make it unclear  C.make if obvious  D.make it important
71.Which of the following is the correct ranking order?D
D.Stockton,Detroit,Miami,Florida,St Louis.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

6.目前,许多人认为上大学是通向美好未来的唯一出路.请以College and Success in Life 为题用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法.
College and Success in Life
Nowadays,a lot of people believe going to college is the only way to a brighter future.             .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Li Hua has just come back from the US and intends to give some of his relatives mentioned in 61-65 some DVDs as gifts.He brings back six DVDs(A-F).After the description of each person,decide which DVD is the most suitable one for the people.There is one extra DVD,which you do not need to use.
A61.Li Hua's Grandfather is a fan of Jules Verne,the father of modern science fiction.He dreamed to be a hero and save people in trouble when he was young.Although he is old now,he will not miss a good science fiction movie.
B62.Li Hua's mother works in a primary school as an English teacher.She thought English learning should be interesting,and she often puts on some English movies in class,so students can not only learn the language but history and culture.Of course the language in the movie will not be difficult and it will be better if there is a beautiful English song in it.
D63.Li Hua's father is a history professor in a college.He is especially interested in the history of some foreign countries such as Egypt,Germany and the UK.Now he is preparing a lecture about the history of the UK and needs some materials.
E64.Li Hua's elder sister loves reading love stories ever since she was a middle school student.Now,she has just fallen in love with a good guy.They both love seeing good films,and now,of course,a film about love is their favorite.
C65.Li Hua's elder brother is a history lover under his father's influence.He was fond of movies about wars in history.He has seen many movies about people struggling in Japanese or Nazis'prisons,and he would like to see something different.
A.The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
       A hunter,a scientist,a vampire,an invisible man,an immortal,a spy,a beast…When a masked madman known as"The Fantom(幽灵)"tries to control the world,great adventurer Allan Quatermain sets up a team of superheroes,the likes of which mankind has never seen.Now,despite fighting their own personal demons and each other,they must join forces to save the world.
B.The Prince of Egypt
This cartoon movie attracted audiences the world over with its fantastic artistry,timeless story and powerful music.This masterpiece became one of the top animated films of all time.The extraordinary tale of two brothers---one born of royal blood,one an orphan with a secret past---is brought to life as never before,with unforgettable characters voiced by many stars.One of the two brothers becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth,the other the chosen leader of his people.What they do will forever change their lives---and the world.
C.As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me
       Based on the true story of Josef Martin Bauer's best-selling novel,this powerful movie tells us the unbelievable journey of German soldier Clemens Forell in his dramatic escape from a Siberian(西伯利亚的) labor camp after World War II.Through the bitter cold of winter,deserted landscapes,and life-threatening adventures,Forell who was determined to return to his family makes his way,step by step,day by day,towards Persia and freedom.14,000 and 3 endless years of uncertainty later,he is finally about to reach his destination.
       This Academy Award winning film,directed by Mel Gibson,tells the story of the great thirteenth century Scottish hero William Wallace,known to his countrymen as Braveheart.Gibson stars as Wallace,who leads the Scots to fight against the cruel English king Edward I after he suffers a personal tragedy at the hands of English soldiers.Willing to fight to the death for Scotland's freedom,Wallace and his companions,whose faith in freedom is stronger than any English army,fight bravely with their enemy.
E.The wedding Planner
       Mary Fiore is the wedding planner.She's ambitious,hard-working,extremely organized,and she knows exactly what to do and say to make any wedding a fantastic event.But when Mary falls in love with a handsome doctor,her life is turned upside down---he's the groom in the biggest wedding of her career!Will she help him marry his rich girlfriend,or will Mary finally get to be the bride herself?As this sweet romantic comedy proves,when it comes to love,you can never plan what's going to happen.
F.Agent Cody
       Frankie Muniz and Hilary Duff star in this"clever and lively action-adventure"(Los Angeles Times) about a junior CIA agent on a mission to save the world,stop the bad guys and win the girl's heart…Catching your eye with cool tools,exciting special effects and the wonderful skateboard chase,Agent Cody Banks delivers great fun for the entire family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee High School graduates:Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitable difficulties with determination and courage.
The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her own time in college focusing on academic achievements.While her success in college and law school led to a high-profile(备受瞩目) job,she said,she ended up leaving to focus on public service.
"My message to all of you today is this:Do not waste a minute living someone else's dream,"she said."It takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy…and you won't find what you love simply by checking boxes or padding your GPA(成绩)."
She said the school reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago."My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,"she said."I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievement.A place where academic success wouldn't make me a target of teasing or bullying,but instead would be a badge of honour."But Mrs.Obama said pitifully that not all students have the same opportunities."Unfortunately,schools like this don't exist for every kid,"she said."You are lucky."
The first lady told graduates that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers,and that how they respond to any difficulties will define them."That's when you find out what you're really made of in those hard times,"she said."But you only do that if you're willing to put yourself a position where you might fall."
Overcoming difficulties has been the hallmark(特征) of many great people,she said."There's this guy Barack Obama…he lost his first race for Congress,and now he gets to call himself my husband."The first lady joked:"I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures."
66.Michelle went to Tennessee High School toD.
A.visit her old school                       B.help the votes for Obama
C.welcome new students                   D.give some advice for the graduates
67.By talking about her academic achievements,Michelle wanted toC.
A.show off her great success in college     
B.be the example for the students
C.warn that it's not enough to study well      
D.encourage the students to focus on study
68.According to Michelle's description,Tennessee High School is likely toD.
A.tease or bully students                   
B.receive black children only
C.promise students with GPA             
D.honour students with academic success
69.How could you find out what you really love according to Michelle?A
A.Put yourself in a difficult position and meet the challenge.
B.Try your best to be successful in academic performances.
C.Try everything you are interested in and make comparison.
D.Choose a target and insist on it regardless of failures.
70.Michelle mentioned Obama as an example ofB.
A.winning the vote                      
B.overcoming difficulties
C.being a top students                  
D.doing public service.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.He hurried to the station onlyto find(find )that the train had left.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.The disaster is so serious that the people in that area really have a lot of difficultygoing  (go) onwith their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.The winner was awardeda gold medal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Could youholdthe dooropen for me,please?

