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One Saturday afternoon, my daughter Alice asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain,    36   you can just wait until we make a quick    37   at the grocery store(杂货店). I have something    38   to show you. ”
At the grocery store, we    39   some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Alice, “It’s time to    40   your question.” I put one apple of each    41   on the table. Then I looked at Alice, who had a    42   look on her face.
“People are like apples. They come in all    43  colors, shapes and sizes. On the    44  , some of the apples may not    45   look as the others. ” As I was talking, Alice was    46   each one carefully.
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,    47   them back on the table, but    48   a different place.
“Okay, Alice, tell me which is which.”
She said, “I    49   tell. They all look the same now. ” “Take a bite of    50  . See if that helps you    51   which one is which. ”
She took    52  , and then a huge smile came across her face. “People are    53   like apples! They are all different, but once you    54   the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”
She totally    55   it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

A.each oneB.each otherC.the otherD.one another
A.big bitesB.deep breathsC.a firm holdD.close look
A.put awayB.get downC.hand outD.take off


【小题1】D 连词辨析。如果你能等一会,我们在杂货店停一下,我会给你看一些有趣的事情。上下文表示条件关系。
【小题2】A 名词辨析。A停顿B开始C转身D逗留;本句是指我们在杂货店前停一下,买点东西。
【小题3】D 形容词辨析。我要去在杂货店停一下,我会给你看一些有趣的事情。
【小题4】A 动词辨析。根据下文可知我购买了一些苹果,我用苹果来告诉孩子人与人之间的肤色问题。
【小题5】C 上下文串联。根据文章第一段可知女儿提出了一个问题,我用一种方法来回答女儿的这个问题。
【小题6】B 名词辨析。A大小B种类C形状D班级;我我每一种苹果都拿出一个放在桌子上。
【小题7】D 形容词辨析。A担心的B满意的C自豪的D好奇的;女儿对于我做的事情很不了解,很好奇。
【小题8】C 形容词辨析。A普通的B正常的C不同的D有规律的;人们和苹果一样,都有不同的颜色。
【小题9】A 上下文串联。本句是在从外表来看,这些苹果和其他的苹果也许有很大的差异。
【小题10】B 副词辨析。A仍然B甚至C仅仅D曾经;从外表上看有些苹果甚至看起来和其他的不一样。
【小题11】A 动词辨析。A检查B衡量C画D收拾;当我们在谈话的时候,女儿在仔细地检查每一个苹果。
【小题12】B 动词辨析。A保持B放C推D给;我拿起一个苹果削了皮,然后再放回在桌子上,但是在不同的地方。
【小题13】D 介词辨析。在某个地方使用介词in。
【小题14】B 情态动词辨析。本句是指女儿告诉我她无法辨认出具体的哪一个苹果,故使用can’t不能够。
【小题15】A 上下文串联。我让女儿每个苹果咬一口,去辨认具体的苹果。
【小题16】C 动词辨析。A承认B考虑C决定D认为;我让女儿每个苹果咬一口,来决定具体的苹果的身份和颜色。
【小题17】A 上下文串联。根据50空前的Take a bite。可知女儿咬了苹果。
【小题18】A 副词辨析。A仅仅,就B总是C只不过D很少;本句表示强调,人就像苹果一样。
【小题19】D 定语辨析。A收拾整理B下降C分发D脱掉;人和苹果一样,但是当人们脱掉外衣的时候,内在的都是一样的,没有任何区别,这和肤色是没有关系的。
【小题20】C 固定搭配。Get it理解,明白了。指我的女儿明白了我要想他传达的思想。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When Tom finished his studies at the university (大学), he began to look around for a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had worked for the government for thirty years, and he advised Tom to try to get a job of the same kind, so he went for an exam one day. He was successful, and his first job was in a large government office in London.

   When Tom had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening. He was pleased that his nephew (侄子) had got a job working for the government, and he asked him a lot of questions about it.

   One of the questions he asked was, “How many people work in your department (部门), Tom?”

   The young man thought for a few moments and then answered, “About half of them, Uncle Jim.”

When he graduated (毕业) from university, Tom was not ________.

     A. interested in getting any information from the government          

       B. looking for a good-paying job with excellent hours

       C. good at making decisions            

       D. very good at science

What did Tom think of his uncle’s advice?

     A. He did not like it.                                 B. He thought it was good

     C. He refused to take it.                            D. He was unable to follow it.

The uncle wanted to find out ________.

     A. what his nephew was doing

     B. how his nephew was getting on with his job

     C. whether his nephew could understand him or not    

       D. what his nephew had expected

In fact Tom’s answer means that __________.

    A. the people working in the government office were in many groups and they worked in turn

     B. most of the government workers were not working hard

     C. only half of the government workers went to work on time

     D. the government office had more people than needed


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年云南昆明官渡第二中学高二上第二次阶段性检测英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

One Saturday afternoon, a six-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods __36__ she realized that she was lost.
Sitting on a rock and __37__ what to do, she began crying. After a while. she__38__ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. __39__ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and __40__ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the __41__. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a __42__.
The girl’s parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy __43__ that his mistress was in danger. He jumped __44__ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldn’t find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a __45__ scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He __46__ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking __47__ into the air, the dog __48__ through the woods until he found the __49__ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his __50__ , he saw his mistress’ blue shirt in the distance. He __51__ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was __52__.When she opened her eyes and   53   her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you   54  me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of    55   . That night Laddy had a hero’s supper: a huge meal of steak

A.sinceB. whileC.before D.as
A.preferredB. expected C.failedD.decided
A.hopelesslyB.carelessly C.cautiouslyD.unwillingly
【小题6】A. trees                        B. woods                 C grasses.                  D. bushes
A.familiar B.strangeC.terribleD.pleasant
A.calmlyB.merrilyC.gently D.loudly
A.awake B.asleep C.abandoned D.available
A.sawB.spotted C.observedD.watched


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年山西省临汾一中高二上学期学段考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

We were on our way home from Houston one Saturday morning. We decided to stop at a local gas station to get coffee and something to snack on since it was a good hour and a half before we got home.
When we were done, we got back into our car and before I started it, we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building. He was a homeless man with worn clothes and it looked like he had gone in and gotten himself some coffee or something warm to drink since it was cold this time of the year. He must have not had enough money to get something to eat.
Then a dog walked up to the front of the building. I could tell she was a “she”, because you could tell that she had baby dogs. She was terribly in need of something to eat and I felt so bad for her. I knew if she didn’t eat soon, she and her baby dogs would not make it.
I and my wife sat there and looked at her. We noticed that people walked by and didn’t even pet her, like most people do when they walk by an animal in front of a store. We still did not do anything. But the homeless man, who I thought did not buy himself anything to eat, went back into the store. And what he did brought tears to me and my wife. He had gone into the store and with what money he may have had, bought a can of dog food and fed that dog.
This story plays a great part in our lives. You see, that was Mother’s Day weekend. And a lot of people forget that some animals are parents too.
It took a homeless man, to show me what I should have done. He make me a better man that day.
【小题1】 The homeless man only had something to drink because _______.

A.he didn’t have enough money for foodB.he was thirsty only
C.the store only provided drinksD.he felt cold that day
【小题2】 Seeing what the poor man did for the dog, the author and his wife ________.
A.were puzzledB.were greatly moved
C.regretted they hadn’t done anything D.were indifferent
【小题3】 If the homeless man hadn’t given the dog food to eat, she and her babies would ________.
A.not surviveB.have to attack people
C.not have to dieD.lose their homes
【小题4】Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?
A.A kind Homeless ManB.A Lucky Mother Dog
C.Mother Day’s WeekendD.Animals Are Parents Too


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省高三第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院)turned me into an old man.

I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.

After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.

I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings,pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.

How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes,all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head,face and hands so I could look at them up close.

When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement(水泥)step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out.It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin.Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.

I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back.But it would not stay on him.

1.The author set the living butterfly free because_______.

A.he liked it very much

B.he had sympathy for the beautiful butterfly

C.he couldn’t bear a butterfly dying in his favorite bushes

D.its wing broke off

2.According to the passage,the author’s life in the orphanage was_____.

A.dull and full of strict rules

B.simple and easy

C.happy and full of hope

D.hard and busy

3.What is the author’s attitude towards the house parent’s pinning some butterflies on the cardboard?





4.We know from the passage that_________.

A. the author lived alone in the dormitory

B. there were one hundred butterflies living in the bushes

C the cardboard paper was left on the step so as to be watched

D. the author failed to stick the worn wing onto the butterfly with his spit

5.Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A.I found beauty meant nothing special to me.

B.The house parent helped the children handle the quilt.

C.The house parent chased the butterfly in order to show it to the children.

D.I thought it cruel to catch the butterfly.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年山西省高二上学期学段考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

We were on our way home from Houston one Saturday morning. We decided to stop at a local gas station to get coffee and something to snack on since it was a good hour and a half before we got home.

When we were done, we got back into our car and before I started it, we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building. He was a homeless man with worn clothes and it looked like he had gone in and gotten himself some coffee or something warm to drink since it was cold this time of the year. He must have not had enough money to get something to eat.

Then a dog walked up to the front of the building. I could tell she was a “she”, because you could tell that she had baby dogs. She was terribly in need of something to eat and I felt so bad for her. I knew if she didn’t eat soon, she and her baby dogs would not make it.

I and my wife sat there and looked at her. We noticed that people walked by and didn’t even pet her, like most people do when they walk by an animal in front of a store. We still did not do anything. But the homeless man, who I thought did not buy himself anything to eat, went back into the store. And what he did brought tears to me and my wife. He had gone into the store and with what money he may have had, bought a can of dog food and fed that dog.

This story plays a great part in our lives. You see, that was Mother’s Day weekend. And a lot of people forget that some animals are parents too.

It took a homeless man, to show me what I should have done. He make me a better man that day.

1. The homeless man only had something to drink because _______.

A. he didn’t have enough money for food                 B. he was thirsty only

C. the store only provided drinks                                 D. he felt cold that day

2. Seeing what the poor man did for the dog, the author and his wife ________.

A. were puzzled                                                             B. were greatly moved

C. regretted they hadn’t done anything                            D. were indifferent

3. If the homeless man hadn’t given the dog food to eat, she and her babies would ________.

A. not survive                                                                 B. have to attack people

C. not have to die                                                          D. lose their homes

4.Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. A kind Homeless Man                                             B. A Lucky Mother Dog

C. Mother Day’s Weekend                                          D. Animals Are Parents Too


