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11.Lumberjack Art
When people think of an artist,they probably do not imagine a lumberjack(伐木工人)cutting down trees with a chainsaw.Yet many lumberjacks consider themselves to be artists. Instead of.patiently working on a large block of hard rock,however,lumberjack artists use chainsaws to carve their,masterpieces from wood.
Wooden,sculptures (雕塑) created with chainsaws are perfect examples of folk art. Everyday tools are used to create art that focuses on subjects found in nature,such as bears or other forest animals.Not all lumberjacks are artists,but some chainsaw artists have been lumberjacks.
A lumberjack,who is also an artist might cut down a tree during a workday.If the stump,the bottom of the tree,is a good size,the artist might be motivated to sculpt the stump into the shape of a forest animal.The chainsaw artist might also carve other large blocks of wood.Sometimes a homeowner might cut down a tree in the yard and then hire a chainsaw artist to create an outdoor sculpture from the stump.So,this art owes its origins to everyday tasks and nature.
The origins of chainsaw art may be humble (不起眼的),but the practice has expanded well beyond turning a stump into a sculpture.In some ways chainsaw artists are like traditional woodcarvers.One artist said that using chainsaws was simply more practical.This person began his work as a traditional woodcarver-that is,he used hand tools to.carve the wood into the shapes he wanted.To save time,he began using a chainsaw to remove some parts of the wooden block.This artist realized that the chainsaw not only cut down large pieces of wood quickly,but also produced a distinctive and beautiful pattern on-the:wood.These patterns would not be seen in other pieces of art.Eventually,the artist began using the chainsaw for nearly all of his carvings.
However unusual it may seem,chainsaw art is here to stay.The final test of success for any type of art is the enthusiasm and acceptance of the public.The conclusion is; people love watching chainsaw artists work,and people love the sculptures they create.
60.What do we know about chainsaw artists?C
A.They are originally traditional lumberjacks.
B.They create masterpieces in woods and forests.
C.They introduce a new concept of artists to people.
D.They produce their sculptures while cutting down trees.
61.Chainsaw artA
A.is a kind of folk art                     B.is hard to be spread
C.focuses on modern themes               D.needs time to be mastered
62.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 4?D
A.The origins of the lumberjack art.
B.The experiences of a chainsaw artist.
C.The procedure for creating a chainsaw sculpture.
D.The application of chainsaw in the lumberjack art.

分析 本文讲述伐木工人用锯雕刻美好的木雕,并告诉我们锯在木雕这种艺术中的作用.

解答 CAD
60     C  细节理解题   A不对,根据文章中第二段Not all lumberjacks are artists,but some chainsaw artists have been lumberjacks.可知一些艺术家原来是伐木工人,不是所有的都是.B中in woods and forests不对,有些艺术品在家里做的.D不对,不是砍树的时候做的.通过文章第一段第一句可知本文介绍了一种大家不熟悉的艺术家.故选C.
61    A  细节理解题   根据第二段第一句Wooden,sculptures (雕塑) created with chainsaws are perfect examples of folk art.可知它属于民间艺术形式.故选A.
62    D   概括大意题  通过一些关键词语语句One artist said that using chainsaws was simply more practical.To save time,he began using a chainsaw….Eventually,the artist began using the chainsaw…可知讲的是据在这种艺术中的应用.故选D.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The data shows that thru is a gender imbalance of twenty ion more men than women under thirty in China.You would think that so many suitably bachelors out there that any  young Chinese woman could have her pick. But the fact is that there arc many"Shinny"in China. Media reports say thru may be as many as 500,000"Shinny"in the capital.
The term Shinny",directly translated as‘‘1eftover women",refers to peculated women in their late twenties who are still single. Quite simply,"no"means women and"sheen"means left over but,depending on how you look at it,sheen"can also man successful.Some believe that the phrase was invented as a play on words to mean that"shinny"is actually a positive way to portray being a single,successful woman.
"Shinny"are pioneers in modern day China. They are able to enjoy their success in big cities with very little restriction. They are aware of the pressure society puts on them to get married but they are all highly educated and financially independent therefore there is not an immediate need to find a husband to support them.
Chinese people often think males should be higher in a relationship in every sense,including height,age,education and salary. This leads to a phenomenon in which A-grade men marry B-grade women,B-grade mice marry Grade women ankle C-grade man marry D-grade women.Only A-grade women and D-grade men can't find partners.Apparently,if you are an"A-grade"woman,finding a husbandly better than you (a must in Chinese culture apparently) is hard to do.
These women are leftover"because they are"too successful"and therefore have high standards when it comes to picking their lifelong partners. They arc free and able to live independently,which was not so possible for previous generations.Right now it seems family guilt is the only real factor contributing to decreasing China's"Shinny"population,as daughters give in t.o the demands of their families. As China rapidly modernizes,the term"Shinny"may even develop into a wholly positive label.

26.The umlerlinccl part in Paragraph I implies that Chinese young womenC
A. will be picked up by single young men
B. will become"Shinny"in large numbers
C. have a wide range of'choices For husbands
D. prefer to stay in the capital of the country
27. Which of the following about 1ettover women"is TRUE?B
A. They are educated in the capital.
B. They are almost thirty years old.
C. They prefer to be single women.
D. They are successful in business.
28.One reason for"Shinny"not being in a hurry to have a husband is that theyD
A. are pincers in modern society
B. have no restriction in life
C. bear no pressure from society
D. don't need to depend on others
29.Why should Chinese husbands be higher in different senses than their wives'C
A. Because they can't fad wives of higher grades.
B. Because they have different education backgrounds.
C. Because Chinese culture requires them to do so.
D. Because men won't mar}'successful women.
30. What conclusion can we make about"Shinny"in the future'?A
A. They may become positive images.
B. They may become more successful.
C. They will have higher standards for partners.
D. They will ignore the demands of their Israelis.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.In India,most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows.While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital(婚姻的)status,the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion.The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects,and"bindi"is the one that is most commonly known.Traditionally,the dot carries no gender restriction:Men as well as women wear it.However,the tradition of men wearing it has faded in recent times,so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one.
The position of the bindi is standard:center of the forehead,close to the eyebrows.It represents a third,or inner eye.Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes:The two outer ones are used for seeing the outside world,and the third one is there to focus inward toward God.As such,the dot means piety(虔诚)and serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believer's thoughts.
Red is the traditional color of the dot.It is said that in ancient times a man would place a drop of blood between his wife's eyes to seal their marriage.According to Hindu beliefs,the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple.Today,people go with different colors depending upon their preferences.Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes.Decorative of sticker bindis come in all sizes,colors and variations,and can be worn by young and old,married and unmarried people alike.Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom.
28.Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead?C
A.To stress their family background
B.To indicate their social rank.
C.To show their religious belief
D.To display their financial status.
29.What is the function of the third eye in Hindu tradition?D
A.To help the other eyes see better.
B.To look to the distance.
C.To see the outside world.
D.To pay respect to God.
30.Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi?B
A.The word"bindi"means"red"in some Hindi dialects.
B.Red was believed to be a lucky color for husband and wife.
C.The red dot represented the blood of God.
D.Red stood for a wife's love for her husband.
31.Which of the following statements is true about bindis today?A
A.Bindis are now used to make people look better.
B.Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now.
C.Most Indian women do not wear bindis anymore.
D.More men than women wear bindis in India.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Do you know that the first documented use of OMG (oh my god) was in 1917,or that LOL was once a common term meaning little old ladies in 1960?That's what the world learned when OMG,LOL and FYI (for your information) were added to the Oxford English Dictionary last week.This dictionary is considered by many people to be the reference book that defines the English language.
    Words added to the Oxford English Dictionary are truly considered new members of the language.People invent new words all the time,but only a few become popular enough to get defined in dictionaries.
Typed online or in text messages,LOL,OMG and FYI are initialisms(首字母缩略词),which can be said aloud letter by letter.Faster to type than the full phrases,initialisms like these have been used online since the 1990s.But these three online terms are now spoken outside the Internet too,making them different from other online lingo (行话).Dictionary editors thought that the words were used so commonly that they had to be defined this year.
    Another important addition to the dictionary this year was,as in"I   NY".This
is the first graphic (图形的) symbol ever defined in the Oxford English Dictionary.The editors added   as a verb under the definition of"heart",meaning"to love".
Some slang words-informal language used more commonly in speech than in writing-were also added,like wassup,a shortened way to say"What's up?"Even the words that have been in use for many years,like biker and happy camper,were finally added to the dictionary.
The Oxford English Dictionary now defines more than 600,000 words.That adds up to more than 21,730 pages!Guinness World Records calls it the longest dictionary in the world.The Oxford English Dictionary is known for recording words of all kinds-popular,outdated,and even foreign words used by English speakers throughout the language's long history.
68.The passage is mainly about the fact thatA
A.expressions like LOL and FYI have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary
B.many English words change their meanings with the time passing by
C.the English language is becoming more and more difficult to learn
D.the Oxford English Dictionary breaks Guinness World Records   
69.What cannot be used to prove that the Oxford English Dictionary has been updated?D
A.Some online terms are added to it.
B.Graphic symbol is first introduced into it.
C.Some slang words are collected in it.
D.Some outdated words are left out by it.
70.Before any new word is added to the update of the Oxford English Dictionary,itC
A.must be spread widely on the Internet
B.must be used commonly by the editors
C.must be used widely in either spoken or written language
D.must be shortened with large letters
71.It can be inferred that the Oxford English DictionaryB
A.includes all words from all languages
B.gets one of the Guinness World Records
C.changes some words'meanings at times
D.is the most respected dictionary in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.Once upon a time,there was a seed and because he was (36)A  a tiny seed,nobody paid any attention to him.So,(37)D  kind of inferior (自卑的),the seed gave no importance to his (38)C.
(39)B,the wind blew him up and threw him on an open field (40)A  the hot sun.He wanted to know why.But without any (41)B,he was provided with (42)C  besides sunlight,sometimes light and sometimes water.
Time flew and years later he saw a traveler (43)A  by his side."Thank God for this.I (44)D  need a rest,the seed heard the traveler (45)B,
(46)C  are you talking about?"the seed asked.He thought the man was laughing at him.(47)B,he had seen many people taking a rest by his side but no one ever (48)Ato him like that."Who is this?"the man was (49)D
--(50)C  A seed."
"A seed?"the man (51)Dthe big tree."Are you(52)C  me?You're a big tree!"
A moment later the seed,now a great tree,thought and (53)B  for the first time in his life."Oh!That means I'm not a small seed any longer!I won't (54)A  unnoticed but was born to help (55)D people.Wow!Now that's a life worth a thousand gems!"

39.A.HoweverB.Then one dayC.ThusD.Unexpectedly
50.A.Can't you see?B.Why ask?C.It's meD.Don't you know?
51.A.replied toB.turned toC.asked forD.stared at


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The problems facing us today are different from _____ that we faced last year.(  )
A.theseB.thatC.the onesD.ones


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Mike,have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy?
-Yes,of course,but I haven't decided whether to buy _____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.One day while shopping in a small town in southern California,it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk.He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase.I bought nothing,and marched angrily out of the store.
On the outside was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties.His expressive brown eyes met and held mine,and in the next instant a beautiful,bright smile covered his face.I gave in immediately.The power of that broad smile dissolved all bitterness within me,and I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding.
"Beautiful day,isn't it?"I remarked,passing.Then I turned back."I really owe you a debt of thanks,"I said softly.
His smile deepened,but he made no attempt to answer.A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby.The woman stepped forward and volunteered,"Sir,but he doesn't speak English.Do you want me to tell him something?"In that moment I felt transformed.The young man's smile had made a big person of me.My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stand ten feet tall.
"Yes,"my reply was enthusiastic and sincere,"tell him I said,‘Thank you!'"
"Thank you?"The woman seemed slightly puzzled.
I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave."Just tell him that,"I insisted."He'll understand.I am sure!"
Oh,what a smile can do!Although I have never seen that young man again,I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.From that day on,I became smile-conscious,and I practice the art diligently anywhere and everywhere,with everybody.
56.Why did the author leave the store angrily?B
A.He couldn't buy what he wanted.       
B.The clerk treated him unkindly.
C.The clerk didn't speak English.         
D.The store's goods were too dear.
57.By saying"I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding"(in Para.2),the author meansA.
A.he smiled back at the young man      B.he did not want to smile
C.he would thank the young man         D.he was still in a bad mood
58.The author asked the woman to say"Thank you!"to the young man because the young manC.
A.had helped the author before         B.taught the author how to smile
C.taught the author a valuable lesson  D.was a kind employee of the store
59.In the passage,the author seems to suggest that we shouldD.
A.be generous to strangers             B.practice smiling every day
C.help people in trouble               D.smile at other people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When I walk through the streets,I pass strange rooms where people are doing strange things.Some are biking madly.Others are holding metal bars to keep them from dropping down.Still others are jumping around while someone is shouting at them.It looks like something out of Dante's Inferno (但丁《神曲》中的《地狱篇》).But what is the most amazing is that people pay for these sufferings!
The strange rooms are gyms.It is reported that some 41 million Americans are gym members.12% of the memberships are born in January,as they are determined to knock off the holiday fat.Maybe it is good to exercise in the gym.However,should they know they can keep in good shape,spending little money,would they still agree with its necessity?
At the age of 23,I joined a gym.I lifted weights twice a week in Muscle's Gym.I paid as little as 200 per year.You can't find such gyms in every city any more.Too often,the gym is fancy (花哨的) with lots of equipment.If you ask how much it costs to join it,the person at the front desk often won't tell you straight.Instead,he'll let you meet with a fitness consultant (健身顾问),who will provide you with a great number of reasons and suggestions,such as losing weight and getting healthier,just in order to put pressure on you to spend much money joining the gym and becoming a member there.
Working out with the help of equipment at home has problems,too.In the early 2000s,I bought a spinning bike (动感单车) at a cost of 700 for home use.I tried a few times only to find that it brought me a neck problem.
Now I'm back to my old way.I do Yoga (瑜伽) every morning and evening.Total cost:$60 for an exercise mat (垫子).I'm enjoying fitness.
61.The strange rooms are places where peopleD.
A.do strange things                        
B.suffer from great pains
C.play Dante's Inferno                    
D.take physical exercise
62.In the author's opinion,joining a gym nowadays isC.
A.exciting            B.inexpensive           C.unnecessary      D.helpful
63.The author wrote something about Muscle's Gym toD.
A.tell us he was fat when he was young        
B.suggest a new way of losing weight
C.provide us with an example of gyms          
D.compare it with the gyms of today
64.The author will possibly agree thatC.
A.working out in gyms will bring a lot of sufferings
B.to be a fitness consultant can bring in a lot of money
C.taking up Yoga at home is a good way to keep healthy
D.you should buy good equipment if you exercise at home
65.From the text we can infer thatA.
A.many Americans put on weight after Christmas and New Year's Day
B.the author and his family had spent a lot of money exercising in gyms
C.12% of the American people are members of gyms
D.spinning bikes are good equipment for exercise.

