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68. Six months after the accident,he still has (difficult) walking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    When Mike Scott,a singer,read the page about himself on Wikipedia.com,he found several facts were wrong. So he started correcting (改正) them online. (61) He couldn’t believe his eyes.He wrote about it in his blog(博客) .A few minutes later,he got a message from a stranger. The person explained that he liked Mike Scott and his songs very much. (62)

    Today,anyone can write a blog or an article online. Wikipedia is also a popular way to do studies. (63) In recent years,many people found that there was something wrong with their online information. Terry Millstone,a reporter,said, “Wikipedia seems like a great id?a,but in fact it's a dangerous website." (64) Pete Morley,another reporter,said, “People (批判) Wikipedia because they’ re afraid of it."

    So,how do we know what to believe?(65) But with the rise of the Internet,that trust is at greater risk than ever.


   A. But not everyone agrees witjb this idea.

   B. When he finished,he looked back and found the information at the top of the page was changing back again.

   C. But is it a good pl?ce to get information?

   D. Words usually have a strong (影响) on people and we are more likely to trust printed words.

   E. They said they always found information on it.

   F. He looked at the page every day and if any facts were changed,he changed them back at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 41. Lisa does well in cooking. She offered dinner for us tonight.

   A. making   B. to make

C. make   D. to making


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


“I had a wonderful weekend. I went to my best friend Helen’s birthday party. She had a party at home. All her friends and families went,and they gave her many gifts like cards,dresses,books,CDs,and toys. I bought a book for her. She wore a white dress and looked really beautiful. Her parents served a wonderful dinner. We played some interesting games after dinner. I was really happy. And I liked her parents very much.”


“I had a terrible weekend. My brothers and I went to a rack(摇滚乐) concert. It took 叫 three hours to drive there. I didn't like the music at all because it was too noisy. And after the concert,our car broke down!I called my parents,and they came and got us. We finally got home at 10:00 this morning. I was so tired.”


“I had an interesting weekend. I went camping for the first time. My parents took me there. We left at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and arrived at the campsite (野营地) at 9:30 a.m. First we put up the tent. Then we built a fire,cooked dinner and told stories. We got up early on Sunday and went fishing. I caught a fish!I liked camping very much,and I learned a lot from it.”



() 1. What did Kelly buy for her friend?

   A. A card. B. A dress,

    C. A book. D. A  CD.

() 2. How did Robert go to the rock concert?

   A. By car. B. By train,

    C. By bus. D. By bike.

() 3. Erin went camping with her 。 

   A. friends   B. parents

    C. brothers   D. classmates

() 4. How long did it take Erin to go to the campsite?

   A. One hour and a half.

   B. Two hours.

    C. Two and a half hours.

   D. Three hours.

() 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?

   A. Erin went fishing for the first time.

   B. Both Kelly and Erin had a great weekend,

   C. Kelly didn’t like playing games with her friends.

   D. Robert asked the police for help when he was in trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 31. Cindy,it’s not your job the room.

Let Kate do it by herself.

   A. to clean   B. clean

C. to break   D. break 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Fiona Walker is a naturalist(博物学家) .She works in a nature program called Nature Web. We spoke with her about Nature Web and her work as a naturalist.

(Q=Question; A=Answer)

Q: What is Nature Web?

A: Nature Web is an after-school program of the McFarlane Nature Center. It is to help students learn about the plant and animal life around them.

Q: How can kids join Nature Web?

A: We have Nature Web groups at 12 primary schools.

At those schools,any fourth or fifth grade student can join it.

Q: What will the kids do after they join Nature Web?

A: Each Nature Web group meets once a month with two naturalists from the center and then goes outdoors(户外) to identify(识别) animals and plants together.

Q: Do you think the program is successful?

A: Of course. One of my favorites is Biodiversity Day. We want our students to find out how many different kinds of living things make their home in one small area. One Saturday,we asked them each to spend two hours studying nature in their own neighborhoods. One girl found 53 species!

Q: Why did you decide to become a naturalist?

A: Im crazy about everything I see and hear in nature. Really,anyone can be a naturalist if he loves nature,I’m just lucky to have a job that lets me do what I love.


() 51. Which of the following is TR?E about Nature Web?

   A. Only fifth graders can join it.

   B. It is an after-school program.

   C. It has 12 groups all together.

   D. It is to help students do their homework.

() 52. How often does each Nature Web group go outdoors?

   A. Once a week. B. Twice a week,

   C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.

() 53. What does the underlined word “species” mean in Chinese?

   A. 图标   B. 特征   C.景观   D. 物种

() 54. What does Fiona think of her job?

   A. Difficult. B.Tiring,

   C. Wonderful. D. Common.

() 55. What is the talk mainly about?

   A. A nature center.

   B. A nature program,

   C. A naturalist’s hobby.

   D. A naturalist's everyday work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

73. They plan to go bike riding this Sunday.


 they plan this Sunday?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 23. Mary has enough money to pay for the bag.

   A. her   B. herself C. hers   D. she


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Let's go out while the sun is (shine) .

