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In a poor country, a much larger _______ ________ _________ _________ (人中比率)is homeless.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

A) advantage
1. Her teaching experience gives her an ____ when working with children.
2. Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious ____ nowadays.
B) graduate
3. After ____ from Yale University, he went to work in a famous company in the city.
4. It is not so easy for college ____ to find a good job as it used to.
5. After ____ she worked as a research chemist in a local chemistry lab.
C) organize
6. This is an ____ set up in the 1970's to improve women's position in the workplace.
7. Up to now we still have no idea who is ____ the conference.
8. Everybody agreed that it was a well ____ activity.
D) determine
9. Baxter is ____ that this year things will be different.
10. It was with courage and ____ that they defeated all the difficulties.
11. From the ____ look on her face, we know she will never change her mind.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

A) active
1. In her later years, she continued to be _____ in politics.
2. Guests can enjoy plenty of _____, like swimming, surfing, and horse-riding.
B) self
3. You must learn to share and not be so _____.
4. Few people in this world, when it comes to it, are really _____.
C) devote
5. After she graduated she continued to _____ herself to research.
6. As the youngest son, he was extremely _____ to his mother.
7. Everybody present was deeply moved by her _____ to work.
D) willing
8. They are very _____ to give her the chance she needs.
9. She would _____ give up her spare time to help you with your math.
10. Where there is a _____, there is a way.
E) educate
11. The people who work here are well _____ and open-minded.
12. She was the first in her family to enjoy a university _____.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

A. actual
1. Do you have any ____ experience of working as a nurse?
2. So far we have sent emails to each other but we have not ____ met.
B. rich
3. In learning English, you should learn as many words as possible to ____ your vocabulary.
4. Crops grow well on ____ farmland.
C. large
5. I will send the photos back to the lab to be ____.
D. spell
6. — Give me the ____ of "girl". — It is ____ g-i-r-l.
E. request
7. The head teacher has already refused his ____ to go home on weekend.
8. It is ____ that all the work be finished by tomorrow at the latest.
F. express
9. Nowadays all parents in China ____ special concern about their children's progress at school.
10. Hearing my words, he had a puzzled ___ on his face.
G. east
11. It is clear that the ____ part of the city suffered more from the storm.
12. There is a beautiful park near the ____ of the railway station.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省同步题 题型:翻译题


1. A number of new machines were installed in the factory, thus ____________________in production.
2. Who do you think ____________________my homework? (hand)
3. The living room of this house is ____________________ of the bedroom, which suits the family pretty well. (length)
 4. Victor apologized for his ____________________ inform me of the change in the plan beforehand.
5. It is generally believed that the more fertile a piece of field is, ____________________ grain it produces. (output)
6. How often I have regretted ____________________! (advice)
7. ____________________, they set out to break the record for crossChannel swimming. (equip)
8. ____________________ I am of opera, I'd rather not sit through the Ring of the Nibelungs cycle this weekend. (though)
 9. People were perhaps more honest a long time ago when life was very different from ____________________. (be)
10. ____________________is to carry out all we have planned during the last month. (thing)

