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【题目】Recycling is very important and necessary in today’s world. The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things, and when people have many material possessions, they are bound to throw some of them away. ___【1】___

Recycling is a way for us to keep the world clean as items are broken down and used again, preventing the littering of the environment. Instead of throwing all your garbage into the dustbin, you should separate paper, metal, glass, and plastic into different containers. ___【2】_ They can be turned into valuable compost, which is the perfect plant food and soil disease fighter.

___【3】___ You can see if an item has been made from recycled materials by its label. If it’s been recycled, it will say so. Also instead of always buying new clothes, you can arrange to have a clothing exchange with your friends. You bring clothes you don’t want and pick items you want from what other people have brought. Not only does this save the environment, but it also saves your money. ___【4】___ This saying can be applied to all sorts of things: books, CDs, furniture, etc. Also try shopping at second-hand stores, because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose.

Many countries have made it easy for people to recycle, as alongside the normal garbage trucks, special garbage trucks come and pick up recyclables. However, in some countries the responsibility is left up to the ordinary people to recycle. ___【5】__ Recycling represents just one way in which we can help the environment. But it is an effective one and one that we can actively influence.

A. Fallen leaves can also be recycled.

B. Having too many things causes a lot of garbage.

C. You should try to buy products that have been recycled.

D. Products made with recycled materials are as good as new products.

E. This creates a lot of garbage which in turn destroys the environment.

F. Remember, what is one person’s unwanted object can be someone else’s treasure!

G. Therefore, it needs attention in society so we can continue to make our environment livable.









【1】E 根据上句when people have many material possessions, they are bound to throw some of them away.当人们有很多东西时,他们一定会扔掉一些。可知这会产生垃圾,毁掉环境。故选E。

【2】A 根据上句:你应该把纸、金属、玻璃和塑料分别放在不同的容器里。再根据空格下句:他们能变成有价值的肥料。AFallen leaves can also be recycled.落叶也能再利用。符合语境,故选A。

【3】C 根据下句:通过标签你可以看到一个东西是否是由回收的材料制成。上句的意思是:你应该尽量去买被再利用的产品。故选C。

【4】F 根据上句:你带来你不想要的衣服,从别人不想要的衣服里挑选几件你想要的,这不仅拯救了环境,也节约了你的钱。此空的意思是:一个人不想要的东西可能是另一个人的宝贝。故选F。

【5】G 根据上句:然而,在一些国家,回收的责任留给了普通老百姓。再根据空格下句:再利用代表着只是一种保护环境的方法。此处的意思是:它需要社会的关注,这样我们能继续使我们的环境适合居住。故选G。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】-Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?


A. Sorry,he is busy at the moment.

B. Why did’t you call earlier?

C. Certainly,may I know your name?

D. Sorry,he doesn’t want to see you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Here are some top tips for world travelers.

Travel light.1 It’s no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city.Don’t take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electrical equipment.

2 Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt.There may be thieves about.It’s a good idea to make a photocopy(复印件)of your passport and travel documents.

Transport sense.Don’t let go of your bags on the train.3 There are always thieves on public transport.If you want to sleep,tie your bag to your arm.When you take a taxi,it’s a good idea to ask for the driver’s permit.Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.

Keep clean.It’s a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it!Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant(除臭剂).4

5 You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals.Even if you find their habits and behaviour a bit strange,you shouldn’t show your feelings.Remember,you’re their guest.

A.Be polite.

B.Keep your documents safe.

C.You should carry a spare bag.

D.You don’t want to smell bad!

E.Keep them with you at all times.

F.Make sure your bag isn’t too heavy.

G.It’s a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The giant panda loves bamboo. An adult panda requires 12.5 kilograms of bamboo, which it 1(hungry) pulls out with its powerful paws, to satisfy its daily needs. Wild pandas live only in the high bamboo forests of Central China. These mountain forests are cool and wet--just as pandas like it. In the summer, they may climb as high as 4000 meters to help themselves to bamboo 2(grow) at higher altitudes. Frequently, pandas 3(see) eating in a relaxed sitting position, with their back legs stretched out before them. 4 they may appear inactive, they are in fact skilled tree-climbers and efficient swimmers.

Giant pandas are unsociable. They have a highly developed sense of smell that males use 5(avoid) each other and to find females for mating in the spring. After a five-month pregnancy, a female gives birth 6 a cub. The blind baby pandas weigh only 142 grams and cannot crawl(爬行) 7 they reach three months of age.8 are born white, and develop their much loved coloring later.

There are only about 1000 giant pandas left in 9 wild, with perhaps another 100 in zoos. Because they are so rare, much of 10 we know about pandas comes from studying these zoo animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I wish I ________ them about the project. Now it’s been canceled and they’re all disappointed.

A. hadn’t toldB. didn’t tell

C. wouldn’t tellD. wasn’t telling


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is not a diet. It is a simple way to lose weight. You do not have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits thin people have. Keep them, and you’ll become thin.


When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands with legs straight out, lean forward until you feel sore in your back. It will use up 10 calories.


Order a clear soup, and have it before the main food. In this way, you will feel fuller and you’ll eat less when the main food comes.


Apples are full of fiber and water, so your stomach will want less. Studies show that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day may lose weight.


Every time you use the cell phone, stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more a day than thin people. This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn up 50 or more calories.

Use these skills, and you will have a big weight loss.

A. How to lose weight

B. Eat an apple or more a day

C. Talk it up

D. Start with soup


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


请你以“Negative Effects of Computer”为题写一篇英语短文。注意:①词数100左右,②文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称。











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



年龄: 18






Dear Sir,

I'm Li Hua ,


Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 词数100左右;


Dear Paul,









Li Hua

