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We all ______ to going back to the school campus, where we can ______ with each other.


The Chinese people ______ great importance ______ festivals, which ______ us ______ our ancestors and customs.


The singer ______ ______ we have great interest ______ ______ forming his own band.

4 1949 年起,政府就已经非常重视儿童的健康和保健。

Since 1949, great attention ______ ______ the health and care of children by the government.


The missing boy ______ ______ an hour later. ______ ______ his mother held him in her arms tightly.


1look forward have fun

2attach to remind of

3in whom dreams of

4has been paid to

5turned/showed up In relief


1考查固定短语。根据中英文提示可知,本句考查固定短语,look forward to doing sth.“期盼做某事”,have fun“玩得开心”,由can判断为一般现在时,故填(1). look forward (2). have fun

2考查固定短语。根据中英文提示可知,本句考查固定短语,attach…to…“重视”,remind sb of sth.“使某人想起某事”,结合语境判断为一般现在时,故填(1). attach (2). to (3). remind (4). of

3考查定语从句和短语。根据中英文提示,可知第一空考查定语从句,先行词singer在从句中充当短语be interested in“对……感兴趣”的宾语,将介词in前置时,关系代词只能用whom;第二空考查固定短语dream of doing sth.“梦想做某事”,由have判断为一般现在时,故填(1). in (2). whom (3). dreams (4). of

4考查时态和短语。根据中英文提示可知,第一空考查固定短语pay attention to“重视”的被动语态,由since 1949判断为现在完成时,故用现在完成时的被动语态,主语attention不可数,故填: (1). has been (2). paid to

5考查固定短语。根据中英文提示可知,本句考查固定短语,show/turn up“出现”,in relief“如释重负地”,由下文的held判断为一般过去时,故填(1). turned/showed (2). up (3). In (4). relief


现在完成时指过去的动作对现在造成的影响,或动作从过去持续到现在,其结构是have/has done,常见的时间标志词有:since, for, so far, already, yet, in/ during/ over the past/last + 段时间, up to/till now等。例如:

It has been six years since I last saw you.我已经6年没有见到你了。

In the past decades great changes have taken place in china.在过去的几十年里,中国已经发生了巨大的变化。

By the end of this week, I have finished most of the work.知道这周末,我已经完成了大部分的工作。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why does the man mention “a dried plant”?

A. To show the hot weather.

B. To make his talk understood.

C. To show his feelings to old men.

2What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. See a doctor. B. Buy some beer. C. Have much liquid.

3What will the man do soon after the conversation?

A. Go to the hospital.

B. Share beer at the woman’s home.

C. Go home and enjoy beer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Two thirds of cancers are unavoidable even if you live a healthy life, a study has shown.

Scientists in the US found cancers are caused by random mistakes in the genetic code that occur when cells divide. The findings challenge the widespread view that cancer mutations are generally inherited or caused by environmental factors.

Lead scientist Dr. Cristian Tomasetti, from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in the US, said, “It is well-known that we must avoid environmental factors such as smoking to decrease our risk of getting cancer. But it is not as well-known that each time a normal cell divides and copies its DNA to produce two new cells, it makes various mistakes.”

The research, published in the journal Science, indicates that almost two-thirds of cancer-causing mutations are due to DNA copying errors. Overall, 66% of cancer mutations resulted from copying errors, 29% from lifestyle or environmental factors, and just 5% from inherited faulty genes. The discovery helps explains why cancer often strikes people who follow all the rules of healthy living and have no family history of the disease. Cancers caused by copying errors could occur no matter how perfect the environment is.

Professor Mel Greaves, director of the Centre for Evolution and Cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said, “Even if, as this study suggests, most individual cancer mutations are due to random chance, the researchers admit that the cancers they cause may still be preventable.”

“We have good evidence to show that cancer is caused by a complex mix of environmental exposures, inherited risk, and random chance. And while the genes we inherit from our parents are unchanged and many chance events are unavoidable, fortunately for us, exposures are major contributors to our risk of cancer and offer a route to risk reduction or prevention.”

1What mainly causes cancers in the original belief?

A. Cancers are caused by random mistakes in the genetic code.

B. Cancers are usually caused by inheritance or environmental factors.

C. Cancers are usually caused by poisonous food.

D. It is undiscovered how cancers occur.

2Which of the following is consistent with the passage?

A. Most people know that when a normal cell divides, it makes many errors.

B. As long as the environment is beneficial, people needn’t be concerned about cancers.

C. People with a healthy lifestyle won’t get cancers.

D. DNA copying errors are chiefly to blame for cancer mutations.

3From Greaves’s words, which of the following is acceptable?

A. The cancers caused by copying errors may be avoidable.

B. We need change the genes that we inherit form our parents.

C. Cancers are caused by some single factor.

D. We have to accept the fact that cancers will be incurable.

4Which section may the text belong to in a newspaper?

A. Environment. B. Humanities. C. Discovery D. Technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Cloning is a way of 1(make) an exact copy of another animal and plant.2 has two major uses. One is 3 gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants. The 4 is that it is valuable for research on new species and for medical research on animals. 5, the process of cloning is difficult to undertake.

Many attempts to clone mammals failed. The first successful clone, Dolly the sheep, made the whole 6(science) world follow its process, though it had 7 problems than the normal sheep. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance 8(raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact 9 the media and public imagination. Different people have different opinions of it. However, scientists still wonder whether cloning will help 10 harm us and where it is leading us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:















科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 意义;

2. 现状;

3. 建议

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 文章标题已拟好,不计入总次数。

3. 参考词汇:垃圾分类 garbage classification

On Garbage Classification



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Many people living in cities see riding a bicycle as good exercise. But, a recent medical 1 research warned that cyclists should think twice before cycling in the streets it actually does more harm than good 2 their bodies.

Is cycling in cities really bad for your health? Probably yes. The main danger comes from the air around you. Breathing 3 in air pollution from taxis and buses can damage blood vessels(血管).Scientists say the damage could outweigh the health benefits of cycling.

David Newby, a British 4 researcher at Edinburgh University broke the news. In his tests, 15 healthy men cycled 5 on exercise bikes in a room with levels of air pollution similar to those found 6 on a crowded city street. After an hour of cycling, the scientists found their blood vessels became less flexible and produced less of a protein(蛋白质)7 the heart needs. The damage leads to the early stages of heart disease. What's worse, the faster a cyclist pedals (蹬车),8 more air they breathe in. So those who believe 9 they are improving their fitness the most are storing up the biggest trouble for themselves 10.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】By no means ________ when we try to create a global brand.

A.the cultural factor is to neglect

B.is the cultural factor to neglect

C.the cultural factor is to be neglected

D.is the cultural factor to be neglected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The summer I turned 16, my father gave me a car, which permitted Hannah and me to drive around Tucson whenever we wanted to.

Hannah was my best friend. “Hannah’s amazing," my mother always said. And sure enough, that summer she signed with a modeling agency. She was already doing runway work.

One day, Hannah and I went to the movies. On the way home, we stopped at the McDonald's drive-through, putting the fries on the seat between us to share. "Let’s ride around a while," I said. It was a clear night, moonlight shone over the desert. Taking a turn too fast, I hit a patch of dirt and fishtailed.

French fries on the floor. An impossible amount of blood on Hannah’s face. They took us in separate ambulances. In the ER, my parents spoke quietly: Best plastic surgeon in the city. End of her modeling career.

We'd been wearing lap belts, but the car didn’t have shoulder harnesses. I’d cracked my cheekbone; Hannah's forehead had split wide open. What would I say to her?

When her mother, Sharon, came into my hospital room, I started to cry, bracing myself for her anger. She sat beside me and took my hand. “I almost ended my best friend when I was your age,” she said, “I totaled her car and mine.”

“I'm so sorry,”I said.

“You’re both alive,”she said, “The rest is window dressing.” I started to protest, and Sharon stopped me. “I forgive you. Hannah will too.”

Sharon’s forgiveness allowed Hannah and me to stay friends throughout life. I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I want to resent someone for a perceived wrong. And whenever I see Hannah, the scars are a symbol of grace for me.

1What caused the car accident?

A.Poor visibility.B.Driving too fast.C.Hitting a patch of dirt.D.Not staying focused.

2Which word can best describe Hannah’s mother?


3What result did the accident cause to Hannah and the author?

A.It worsened their friendship.B.It made both of the two disabled.

C.It changed Hannah's working career.D.It ruined the author’s confidence in driving.

4Which is the best title for the text?

A.Lucky SurvivalB.Lifelong Friendship

C.My Best Friend HannahD.Learning to Forgive

