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They ______________ (装饰)the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.



科目:高中英语 来源:八大名校高考全真模拟试题 题型:050


  When the wind blows, many things move. Things and people are moved whichever. way the wind blows. They may go over water, on the water, over land, or on land. History is filled with stories of people who used wind and air for fun and travel. One story that goes back about 3 000 years tells of two Greek men who escaped from prison by using wings made of feathers and wax(蜡) The story says the wax wings melted when one man flew too near the sun. His feathers fell off and he crashed into the sea. If those Greeks had used hang-glider or self-soaring wings for their prison escape, there wouldn't have been any wax for the sun to melt. Of course no one believes they got near the sun anyway.

  For self-soaring or hang-gliding there should be wind, and plenty of it. A wind of 20 miles per hour or more is good for flying. Before flying, a rider sets up his hang-glider at the top of a hill. The hang-glider must be unfolded and set up facing into the wind. If the front or point isn't facing the wind, the hang-glider may go flying without the rider.

  Hang-gliders are made of tightly woven cloth, lightweight metal rods(杆), and strong wires. The cloth is so tightly woven that it's almost airtight. The rods and wires should be made of very strong material. If something should break during a flight-well remember the Greeks.

  People have always wanted to fly, and people have always wanted to add beauty to their lives. Beauty can come from colors, shapes, and forms. Self-soaring people add beauty to their hang-gliders with colors and decorations(装饰). Quite often a person may have a hang-glider specially made by a professional hang-glider builder. The hang-glider builder can let the buyer pick the cloth for color and decoration. But when it comes to the shape, the professional builder doesn't let the buyer have much to say. A hang-glider has to be built to fly. That's why the shape is important. People who build their own hang-gliders can decorate them any way they like, but if the shape isn't right, they wouldn't do much flying.

  After being strapped(绑扎) in, a hang-glider is ready to go. The flight starts with a downhill run into the wind. The wind catches the hang-glider and gives the rider the lift needed to fly. For the first part of the ride, the rider tries for speed and altitude(高度). Without these, a flight may be over before it even starts. As soon as the hang-glider gains speed and altitude, a flier can start to control the direction of flight. For a right turn, the rider leans to the right and moves the steering bar(操纵杆) to the left. This tips the hang-glider to the right and it makes a turn. For a left turn, the rider leans left.

1.Who decides on the shape of a hang-glider?

[  ]

A.The buyer.

B.The hang-glider builder.

C.The government

D.The rider.

2.The fact that history is filled with stories of how people used air for travel shows that people ________.

[  ]

A.have never wanted to fly until the 20th century

B.have never even thought about flying until recently

C.have always been interested in flying

D.thought flying was only a funny story

3.When the hang-glider begins traveling high enough and fast enough, the hang-glider flier should ________.

[  ]

A.end the flight right away

B.pay more attention to the shape of the hang-glider than the color and decoration

C.fly higher not to fall into the sea

D.control the direction of the flight

4.The underlined word “self-soaring” in the second paragraph means ________.

[  ]

A.a way of flying without power

B.something out of the ordinary

C.moving the bar

D.running downhill into the wind


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


 Mr Iban's class went on a special trip to the National Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. There they saw a famous painting by a Spanish artist named PicassoThe painting shows a circus (马戏) family in France and is called Family of Saltimbanques Saltimbanques is a French word meaning performers

 In the painting, a grandfather, a father and three children are standing outdoors on a bare (光秃的), brown hill   The mother, wearing a straw hat with flowers, is seated alone in one corner, looking sadly off into space   The tallest boy is wearing circus costumes (戏装) in soft tones (色调) of blue and red   The father and grandfather are dressed like clowns (小丑)   The grandfather wears a red, pointed fool's cap and has a white ruffle (装饰摺边) around his neckBut there are no happy clown faces in sight, and everyone in the family looks very serious

 Why aren't the performers smiling the way clowns are supposed to? Justin asked

 Does anyone have any ideas about that? Mr Iban said

 Lonie waved his hand   Maybe the circus family is sad because they don't have an audience (观众) to show off for any more

 Or they might feel bad because people didn't clap (鼓掌) when their act was over, Tom said

 I have an idea, Cassie said, pointing to the grandfather   See that bundle (包袱) on his back? I guess the clown family has to move on to the next town, and they're sorry to go

 Perhaps Picasso didn't ask them to have a special expression while he was painting them, Mr Iban suggested

 I think, said Jane, they just wanted to be themselves without any pretended smiles

 Yes, that must be it, Justin agreedThey just need to relax after all that clowning around

(1) The person in the painting who is farthest from the others is ______

[  ]

Athe girl

Bthe mother

Cthe father

Dthe grandfather

(2) Which of these was NOT one of the student's ideas?   

[  ]

AThe family must move on

BThe family needs to relax

CThe family has no place to live

DThe family misses having an audience

(3) From what the passage tells, the teacher's opinion was that Picasso probably wanted the family ______.   

[  ]

Alooking happy

Blooking natural

Cpositioned outdoors

Dperforming circus acts

(4) Which of these most probably would have happened if Mr Iban had immediately answered Justin's question?   

[  ]

AThe students would have learned more about the artist' life

BJustin would have asked the other students the same questions

CJustin would not have had an opinion about the picture

DThe students would not have thought as much about the picture

(5) Which of these would be the best title for the passage?   

[  ]

AClowning Around with Art

BViewing a Famous Painting

CFamous Family-Portrait Painting

DFamily Performing at the Circus


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届甘肃省高二第一次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains, But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against the rain, Its first use was as a shade against the sun!

Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times . Probably the first to use it were the Chinese in the 11th century B C.

We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office.

In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in commonly used in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.

During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella practically disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it was considered as a symbol of power. By 1680, the umbrella appeared in France and later in England.

By the eighteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe.

Umbrellas have hot changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women’s umbrellas began to be made , in a whole variety of colors.

1.According to this passage, the umbrella was probably first invented in ancient_______.

      A.China          B.Egypt   C.Greece       D.Rome

2.Which of the following statements is not true about the umbrella?

   A.No one exactly knows who the inventor of the umbrella was

   B.The umbrella was first invented to be used as protection against the sun.

   C.The umbrella changed much in style in the eighteenth century

   D.In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.

 3.A strange feature of the umbrella’s use is that it was used as__________.

   A.protection against rain          B.a shade against the sun  

   C.a symbol of honor and power      D.women’s decoration (装饰)

4.In Europe, the umbrella was first used against the rain_______________.

   A.during the Middle Ages   B.by the 18th   C.in Rome    D.in Greece

5.This passage talks mainly about_______________.

A.when and how the umbrella was invented

B.why the umbrella was so popular in Europe

C.the development of the umbrella    

D.The history and use of the umbrella



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was a cold night in December. Two beggars were sitting on a busy street corner in the downtown section of the city. The cold wind made them huddle (挤) together for heat and comfort. They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by, some ignoring them on purpose and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their existence. Every so often, a kind-hearted woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the hats which lay in front of them on the icy sidewalk. Some people, feeling particularly generous, would even pull out a bill or two from their wallets and drop them into the beggars’ hats and then continued their walking.

Today was not a bad day for begging. The men were able to collect enough for a good meal at the coffee shop down the street and a few candles to light up their shelter in the alley (胡同) behind the train station. As the crowd began to die down, they started to pack up their bundles and head for their evening shelter.

Just as they were getting ready to leave the street corner, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a wealthy man — they could tell that from the finely tailored business suit he was wearing and the gold watch chain adorned (装饰) his left pocket.

The first beggar looked at the second and whispered with excitement, “He’s coming our way!

The two tried not to look directly at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn’t help staring at him as he reached into his pocket and took something out.

“Thunk” was the only sound they heard as what looked like a piece of hard candy, wrapped carefully in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man turned and continued on his way, not making a backward glance.

“How insulting!” said the first beggar, as soon as the rich man was out of sight. “He could have easily left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he played a joke on us with a piece of rock candy.”

He looked at the wrapped offering with disgust. “Who does he think we are — children? There’s no way we can even eat this — we have no teeth.”

The beggar picked up the object with the very tips of his fingers and threw it into the gutter (排水沟). He watched as it floated a few yards in the stream of muddy water and disappeared into the gutter at the end of the street. Then, he gathered up his things and walked away.

The second beggar looked down at the morsel in his hat, then at his departing friend. His first thought was to toss the donation in the trash can under the street light. But his second thought made him change his mind.

“I haven’t had anything like this for ages,” he thought. “I can’t chew it, but I can suck on it for a while, and the sweet juice will stay in my mouth for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet!”

He opened the paper eagerly, then paused as his hands touched the inside. “Maybe I should save it for another time,” he thought. “It won’t spoil, and I could eat it later when I’m really hungry.”

The beggar paused for a moment, then he said aloud, “He wanted me to have it anyway. I might as well enjoy it now.”

With that, he unfolded the paper, but to his surprise, there was no hard rock candy inside. Instead, into his fingers fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.

55. The first paragraph serves as a(n) ______.

A. explanation     B. introduction   C. background    D. comment

56. The two beggars started to leave the street corner when ____.

A. darkness fell          B. few people passed by

C. they felt too cold        D. the wind began to blow hard.

57. The two beggars thought the man was rich from _____.

A. his appearance        B. his way of walking

C. the jewellery he wore      D. the shiny shoes

58. What did the first beggar think of the rich man?

A. He looked down upon the poor.  B. He was very kind and warm-hearted

C. He treated them as children D. He was too mean.

59. The underlined words “the morsel in his hat” probably refer to ______.

A. the donation from the rich man

B. the coins the second beggar collected

C. the rock candy the rich man gave the second beggar

D. the food the second beggar left over

60. What can we learn from the story?

A. Every dog has its day.

B. Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

C. He who laughs last laughs best.

D. He that can have patience can have what he will.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

51. The judge cares only about whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which is called _____________. ( 证据 )

52. There was no  ________( 怀疑 ) that the house was destroyed by the flood at that

53.They________( 装饰 )  the place with some inspiring pictures.

54. Natural selection hits on a good________( 设计 )

55. You can’t  _____ ( 竞争 )with others in the job market if you don’t have a special skill.

56. So you would study an _________( 画家 ) and then paint a small series?

57. She feels a strong sense of _________( 责任 ) towards her employees.

58. The __________(有魔力的) tools are popular with young children.

59.the olive wreath has been _________( 取代 ) by medals .

60.He___________( 自愿 )his service as a driver after the earthquake.

