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   In middle school,I began volunteering. We’d assist teachers at daycares with poor kids or go shopping for 41 citizens. I loved how it felt to help those in need and see them 42 .

   So as my bar mitzvah(犹太男孩的成人仪式) approached,I wanted to celebrate my “coming of age” by 43 in an even bigger way. But how was I going to do that?

   I come from a middle:class family,44 I knew that I couldn't just make a large donation. I had to be 45 . And in sixth grade,it 46 me. I thought: There must be other people like me. What if we all collaborated (合作 )?

   I decided to ask people to donate $2 each to a worthwhile 47 . To encourage people to 48 ,I decided to record my own song and give the MP3 as a donation 49 . The song is called “Fight for a Cause”.

   I also had to figure out which charity the donations would 50 . I decided to let the donors 51 for their favorite.

   I 52 a Greek physicist named Archimedes,who once said, “Give me a lever(杠杆) 53 enough and a place to stand,and I can move the Earth." So I named my organization the Archimedes Alliance. Pretty 54,right?

   Finally,in the summer before eighth grade,my bar mitzvah arrived. I gave a speech,and lots of people donated on the spot. I felt so 55 and excited.

   Then I sent an e-mail to everyone I knew and who my parents knew,letting them know how to donate. I have to admit,I was seriously 56 . Few people donated and even fewer passed along my 57 . I realized: This is going to be way 58 than I thought. But I was 59 . So I kept sending e-mails and talking about my project to 60 the message.

   The Archimedes Alliance eventually raised $40,101.60,which we donated to the charity that got the most votes.

41. A. lazy   B. senior   C. great   D. smart

42. A. smile   B. work   C. help   D. cry

43. A. giving up   B. giving in   C. giving out   D. giving back

44. A. but   B. unless   C. so   D. until

45. A. creative   B. brave   C. generous   D. greedy

46. A. hurt   B. hit   C. kicked   D. knocked

47. A. person   B. hospital   C. charity   D. school

48. A. buy   B. make   C. choose   D. donate

49. A. result   B. fact   C. example   D. gift

50. A. protect   B. disturb   C. benefit   D. challenge

51. A. vote   B. fight   C. care   D. cheer

52. A. remembered   B. changed   C. thanked   D. recognized

53. A. cheap   B. heavy   C. long   D. soft

54. A. honest   B. terrible   C. wrong   D. awesome

55. A. tired   B. proud   C. bored   D. curious

56. A. pleasant   B. guilty   C. confident   D. disappointed

57. A. postcard   B. story   C. song   D. message

58. A. bigger   B. better   C. harder   D. further

59. A. determined   B. kind   C. careful   D. worried

60. A. write   B. spread   C. read   D. use

41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. B 56. D 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. B



41. B.由下文的 help those in need可推 断,此处是指“年长的(senior) ”人。

42. A.作者当志愿者帮助有需要的人, 喜欢看到他们“微笑(smile ) ”。

43. D.作者以前当志愿者回馈社会;在 成人仪式即将来临时,他想以更大的 “回馈(giving back) ”作为纪念。

44. C.“我来自中产阶级家庭”和“我知 道我不可能捐=大笔钱”之间是因果 关系,故选so。

45. A.作者想更大程度地回馈社会,但 是他的家庭经济情况不允许他捐一 大笔钱,所以他必须有点“创意 (creative) '

46. B.作者上六年级的时候突然想到一 个解决办法。hit被……想起。

47. C.由最后一段中的which we donated to the charity 可知。

48. D.由上文的 ask people to donate $2 each可知。

49. D.作者决定亲自录一首歌作为给 捐赠者的“礼物(gift) ”。

50. C.作者得想出捐款将使哪个慈善机构受益。benefit使 受益。

51. A.由文章.末的 we donated to the charity that got the most votes 可知, 受益的慈善机构由捐赠者投票决定。

52. A.作者“想起了(remembered) ”希 腊物理学家阿基米德。

53. C.这是阿基米德关于杠杆原理的名 言。一个人要撬动地球,杠杆必须足 够“长(long) ”。

54. D.作者认为他给自己成立的组织 起的名字很“棒(awesome) ”。

55. B.在作者的成人仪式上,很多人响 应他的号召当场捐款,这使作者感到 非常“自豪(proud) ”和激动。

56. D.由下文的 Few people donated and even fewer passed along …可推 断,作者发邮件之后人们的反应让他 感到很“失望(disappointed ) ”。

57. D.作者发邮件之后,很少有人传递 他关于捐款的“信息(message ) ”。

58. C.由上文的 Few people donated and even fewer passed along …可推 断,作者意识到募集资金比自己原来 想的“难很多(harder) ”。way在句中 相当于very。

59. A.由下.文的 So I kept sending e-mails and talking about …可推断, 尽管遇到挫折,但是作者很“坚定 (determined) ”。

60. B.作者坚持“传播(spread) ”捐款的 信息。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第46期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery (彩票) .We dream about 1. we would do with the money,but we 2. (rare) stop to think about how the money would change us.

   For most of us,our way of life is closely linked 3. our economic circumstances. The different parts of our lives fit together like a jigsaw(拼图)-work,home,friends,hobbies,and sports make 4. our world. A sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw. For example,most people like the idea of not 5. (have) to work,but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning. It seems great 6. (move) to a bigger house in a(n) 7. (wealth) area,but if you do that,you leave old friends behind.

   Usually,winners 8. (advise) not to publicize their addresses and phone numbers,but begging letters still arrive. 9. they are not careful,most of their money will be spent on the 10. (protect) of their homes and swimming pools and their mental health!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   注意:1. 词数100左右;

       2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

       3. 开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数。

Dear David,

   In your email you ask me what my favourite course is.                                                                                                                                                     

   Actually,I’m really looking forward to the next class!


                                                        Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A little boy was saddened because one of his classmates told him his parents said there wasn’t a Santa Claus. 41,his grandma told him there was a Santa Claus. In fact,she said she was on Santas team,and she invited her 42 to join that same team.

   Grandma gave the little boy $10 and took him to a 43 downtown. She let the little boy go all by himself with just one 44 : he must use the $10 to buy something for someone else,someone 45 something.

   For such a little guy that's a 46 order,but he took the job quite 47 . After all,Grandma said if he succeeded in this 48 he,too,could be on Santa's team.

   As he wandered around the store,fingering the 49 in his hand,he finally 50 Bobby Decker. Bobby is a boy in his class who never plays outside 51 he just doesn’ t  have a good coat to keep him 52 in the winter winds.

   So the little boy shopped around the store and found a 53 to fit Bobby. He 54 it and Grandma drove him to Bobby Deckers house. They walked 55 in front of the house,as Grandma said Santa 56 insists on secrecy. Then they put the coat outside the door and left.

   On the way home,the little boy was very happy because Bobby was 57 to laugh and play with the other kids. He was warm that 58 . And the little boy learned that Grandma was 59 all along. There most certainly was a Santa!Never had anything made^him feel so good,and so 60,as being on Santas team.

41. A. Therefore   B. However   C. Instead   D. Besides

42. A. classmates   B. parents   C. friend   D. grandson

43. A. school   B. charity   C. store   D. playground

44. A. reason   B. instruction   C. concern   D. invitation

45. A. in need of   B. in charge of   C. in face of   D. in favor of

46. A. tall   B. logical   C. specific   D. direct

47. A. easily   B. slowly   C. seriously   D. anxiously

48. A. exercise   B. duty    C. business   D. task

49. A. gloves   B. cloth   C. gifts   D. money

50. A. dreamed of   B. thought of   C. talked about   D. heard about

51. A. and   B. or   C. because   D. while

52. A. warm   B. glad   C. calm   D. strong

53. A. hat   B. coat   C. bag   D. key

54. A. designed   B. made   C. bought   D. repaired

55. A. quickly   B. excitedly   C. tiredly   D. quietly

56. A. never   B. always   C. sometimes   D. seldom

57. A. willing   B. surprised   C. able   D. relieved

58. A. winter   B. autumn   C. summer   D. spring

59. A. kind   B. right   C. clever   D. patient

60. A. relaxed   B. brave   C. comfortable   D. proud


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I asked my mom why I was so short when I was 7 years old,she explained that I have a medical condition called dwarfism(侏儒症) .

   At first,I was very sad. I wanted to be tall,mainly because of the way people reacted to me. Kids would say mean stuff,like's weird how you' re so short.w In elementary school,whenever classmates would bully(欺侮) me,I'd run away and cry.

   Life outside school can also be tough. At the local amusement park,I' m not tall enough to go on all the rides,so sometimes I have to sit on the sidelines while my friends have fun.

   I'm now in the seventh grade,and I'm four feet two inches tall. And you know what? It doesn't matter!My height no longer bothers me like it did when I was little. I met a girl at school named Nevaeh,who is my best friend,and she has helped me realize that it's not what's on the outside that matters — it's what's on the inside.

   Nevaeh doesn't even mention my height when we hang out. In fact,if people tease us about being short (she's only six inches taller than I am) ,we’ 11 make jokes,like, “We’ re not short. We’ re fim-sized!” I refuse to let unkind people get me down. I'd rather turn something cruel into something funny,laugh it off,and move on..

   One of my favorite things to do is prove people wrong. Take basketball,for example. Since it's a sport associated with tall people,I was determined to play. And for almost two full seasons,I didn't make a single basket!But then,during a game last year,I stole the ball from a girl. I got to take two free throws. It was amazing. Everyone cheered. The experience made me realize that if I can score baskets,I can do anything.

   I'm not going to let my height get in the way of achieving my dreams.

21. In elementary school,the author .

   A. had many friends

   B. enjoyed herself at school

   C. was hurt by her classmates

   D. had a great time in the local park

22. Thanks to llevaeh,the author leams .

   A. how to make friends

   B. to perform better at school

   C. the importance of friendship

   D. not to care much about her appearance

23. How do the author and Nevaeh react to unpleasant words now?

   A. In a funny way. B. In a pitiful way.

   C. In an angry way. D. In a violent way.

24. Through playing basketball,the author has become .

   A. more tolerant   B. much smarter

   C. much healthier   D. more confident


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In a new study from the University of Iowa,

! researchers found that pigeoiis can categorize and name both nattffal and human-made objects — and not just a few objects. These birds categorized 128 photographs into 16 categories,and they did so simultaneously(同时地) .

   Ed Wasserman,UI professor of psychology and I corresponding author of the study,says the finding I suggests a similarity between how pigeons learn :words and the way children do. “Our pigeons were trained on all 16 categories simultaneously,a much closer analog(类似物) of how children leam words I and categories,” Wasserman says of the study,published online in the journal Cognition.

   For researchers like Wasserman,who has been;studying animal intelligence for decades,this latest!experiment is further proof that animals — whether primates(灵长目动物) ,birds,or dogs — are smarter than once assumed and have more to teach scientists.

   “As our methods have improved,so too have!our understanding and appreciation of animal :intelligence ,” Wasserman says. “Differences between :humans and animals must indeed exist: many are already known. But,they may be outnumbered by ;similarities. Our research on categorization in pigeons;suggests that those similarities may even extend to i how children learn words."

   This time,researchers used a computerized version of the “name game” in which three pigeons were shown 128 black-and-white photos of objects from 16 basic categories. They then had to peck (啄) on one of two different symbols: the correct one for that photo and an incorrect one that was randomly chosen from one of the remaining 15 categories. The pigeons succeeded in learning the task.

   Pigeons have long been known to be smarter than average birds. Among their many talents,pigeons have a “homing instinct(本能) ” that helps them find their way home from hundreds of miles away. They have better eyesight than humans and have been trained to spot orange life jackets of people lost at sea.

   Wasserman acknowledges the recent pigeon study is not a direct analog of word learning in children and more work needs to be done. However,the model used in the study could lead to a better understanding of the associative principles involved in children's word learning. “That's the similarity that we are pursuing,but a single project — however creative it may be — will not be enough to answer such a big question ,” Wasserman says.

6. What does the new study indicate?

   A. Aniinals are strange to scientists.

   B. Animals are smarter than humans.

   C. Animals are cleverer than we once thought.

   D. Animals are less similar to humans than expected.

7. What can be concluded from the experiment?

   A. Pigeons are good learners.

   B. It is a complicated process to learn.

   C. Humans do better in solving problems.

   D. Pigeons learn differently from children.

8. What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?

   A. How pigeons travel.

   B. Why pigeons are smart.

   C. Pigeons’ good eyesight.

   D. Pigeons’ special ability.

9. What does the underlined part “a big question”(in the last paragraph) refer to?

   A. How children learn words.

   B. How animals get motivated to learn.

   C. When children show eagerness to learn to speak.

   D. If pigeohs and children leam words in a similar way.

10. The text is most likely to be taken out of a .

   A. science report   B. personal diary

   C. zoo guidebook   D. fashion magazine


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   At the moment,I'm working in London.It's my first experience of 61. (live) in the capital city of the UK.

   I take the tube to work; the London Underground is a great transport network and trains on the underground can get across London much 62. (quick) than buses. However,in the morning it's often very 63. (crowd) on the tube and there 64. (be) delays now and then. At £4 for a single ticket,the tube can be quite expensive. 65. (lucky) , if you have an Oyster card you pay almost half the priee!

   As a capital city,London has loads of great 66. (attract) . Some of them require an entrance fee,but lots of them don t. The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a well-known event,67. takes place daily at 11:30 am between April and July. You can watch it 68. free,but you need to get there early if you want 69. good view!Most museums in London are free for everyone to enjoy,but donations are welcome. Last week,I 70. (visit) the British Museum. I particularly liked the room filled with old watches and clocks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Life skills,unfortunately,is an abstract and broad term for the abilities one would need for full participation in everyday life. So recently,I did a casual survey among my friends. I asked how they would determine whether an individual has,say,good social skills.

   One said the language of such individuals would be grammatically correct and they would express their ideas clearly. Another said good eye contact was important. Yet another added to the list the ability to get along with people,not to take things personally and the ability to help others.

   If most adults have difficulty defining the positive behaviours that are necessary to life skills,how do we know if students have acquired them the way I can describe on a report card?

   Marlaine Paulsen Cover,founder of Parenting 2.0,has done just that.

   Cover created a communication tool called the Life Skills Report Card (LSRC) . Similar in format to academic report cards,the LSRC divides life skills into five primary categories: personal care,organisation,respect for self and others,communication,and social. Sub-categories on the LSRC include: sleep,exercise,spirit'safety,time utilization,finances,ownership in problems and conflicts,altruism (无私) , and environmental consciousness.

   She found that societies around the globe routinely supported children's active learning for music,sports,and academics. When it came to life skills,however,the popular perspective (观念) was simply “children learn what they live”.

   “Yet when children are poor in certain life skills,society is quick to pass a whole person judgment,” Cover says.

   Life skills are necessary,because — to quote Scottish poet and novelist Robert Louis Stevenson — uto be what we are,and to become what we are capable of becoming,that is the only end of life”.

32. Why does the author raise the questions in Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To present different ideas.

   B. To expect reasonable answers.

   C. To express his disappointment.

   D. To introduce points for discussion.

33. How did the author feel about the result of the survey?

   A. It was practical. B. It was worrying.

   C. It was convincing. D. It was predictable.

34. What do we know about Cover's LSRC?

   A. It has been widely used at schools.

   B. It strongly emphasizes personal care.

   C. It aims to change people's ideas about life skills.

   D. It has something in common with academic report cards.

35. Cover''s words show that people tend to.

   A. ignore the importance of life skills

   B. encourage children's active learning

   C. compare academic skills with life skills

   D. look down upon children with poor life skills


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


某英文网站开辟了一个专栏讨论如何应对信息爆炸(information explosion) 。请你为该专栏写一 篇英语短文,表达你的观点和建议。内容包括:

1. 信息爆炸的现状;

2. 如何应对。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

