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On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner. They settled in at a comfortable East Slide cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table.

Hey, arent you from Mississippi? the elegant, white-haired writer remembered being asked by the stranger. Im from Mississippi too.

Without a second thought, the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.

They began telling me all the news of Mississippi, Welty said. I didnt know what my New York friends were thinking.

Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine. By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside. Weltys new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab. Heading back downtown toward her hotel, her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi state reunion(团聚).

My friends said: Now we believe your stories,’" Welty added. And I said: Now you know. These are the people that make me write them.’"

Sitting on a sofa in her room, Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, looked pleased with this explanation.

I dont make them up, she said of the characters in her fiction these last 50 or so years. I dont have to.

Beauticians, bartenders, piano players and people with purple hats, Weltys people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends, from walks through the streets of her native Jackson, Miss., from conversations overheard on a bus. It annoys Welty that, at 78, her left ear has now given out. Sometimes, sitting on a bus or a train, she hears only a fragment(片段) of a particularly interesting story.

【1】What happened when Welty was with her friends at the cafe?

A. Two strangers joined her.

B. Her childhood friends came in.

C. A heavy rain ruined the dinner.

D. Some people held a party there.

【2】The underlined word them in Paragraph 6 refers to Weltys _______.

A. readers B. parties C. friends D. stories

【3】What can we learn about the characters in Weltys fiction?

A. They live in big cities. B. They are mostly women.

C. They come from real life. D. They are pleasure seekers.






小题1细节理解题。根据第一段"another customer was approaching their table"和第三段"the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair"可知先后有两个陌生人一位女士及其同伴加入了Welty的聚会故选A

小题2猜测词义题。线的them指代前面提到的人或物根据"Now we believe your stories"可知,them指代的是Welty写的小说里面的故事听了Welty和两个陌生人的有关密西西比的谈话之后,Welty的朋友相信了Welty小说里的故事都是来源于生活故选D

小题3推理判断题。根据"I don’t make them up""Welty’s people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends, from walks through the streets of her native Jackson, Miss., from conversations overheard on a bus."可知,Welty小说里的人物并不是虚构的他们都来源于现实生活故选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Mid-IB at a glance
The summer vacation is the time to strengthen your learning and prepare for the year ahead. In July and August Oxford Study Courses will once again hold its Mid-IB Summer School for students half way through their IB Diploma(国际预科证书).
We'll be back giving another generation of IB students a unique opportunity to sample a way of life enjoyed by students at famous universities.
Students who have completed the first year of their IB Diploma can join us and we can help them prepare for their important second year.
Students can choose how many subjects they study. Each subject is studied for one week. You can attend up to 5 weeks.
The Mid-IB Summer School is held at Cambridge University in the UK (between June 20th and August 1 st) and at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)in Boston, USA (between July 6th and July 25th).
Student comments
◆ “The classes have shown me new approaches to learning. I have also learned how to approach exam questions and now feel confident in doing so.”
◆ “It was cool creating tight and close relationships with other students from around the world, realizing we all had a connection to each other.”
◆ “I really enjoyed the level of independence, although I felt like people were watching out for us. I also felt like an Oxford student!”
◆ “I have enjoyed the learning style and the course work has been extremely beneficial academically.”
Enjoy the summer
Our Summer School gives you an action-packed social scene with visits to the fun places in the area, organized sports and social events, and advice on how to enjoy your free time in these amazing cities with your new friends. Welcome to contact us at ose@ose-ib.com or on +44(0)1865 521802!
(1)The Mid-IB Summer School is intended for the students who ________.
A.have finished their first year of college
B.have completed the first year of their IB Diploma
C.don't know how to spend their summer vacation
D.intend to apply for Oxford University
(2)What can be inferred from the text?
A.Students will visit many fun places around the world.
B.Only students from England and America have access to the school.
C.A student can at most choose 5 subjects.
D.Students can obtain their IB Diploma when they finish their studies.
(3)Which of the following about the Mid-IB Summer School is true?
A.It is held in three universities.
B.It provides only academic courses.
C.It begins in July.
D.Students attending will study for 5 weeks.
(4)The text is most probably a(n)_________.
A.news story
C.travel guide


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness with me. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our studies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say: "Let’s start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we, too, were changed into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend. He was in despair (失望) and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friends. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in a funny way, in the other’s dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think: "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist (心理学家), who will only fill up the healing (愈合的) silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

【1】In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to __________.

A. become serious about her study B. go to her friend’s house regularly

C. learn from her classmates at school D. share poems and stories with her friend

2In Paragraph 2, "We gave London to each other" probably means __________.

A. our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us

B. we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London

C. our unpleasant feelings about London disappeared

D. we parted with each other in London

3According to Paragraph 3, the author and her friend __________.

A. call each other regularly B. have similar personalities

C. enjoy writing to each other D. dream of meeting each other

4In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to __________.

A. ask for professional help B. be left alone

C. stay with her best friend D. break the silence


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Hi, Sharon,
This is Li Xia. I'm writing to tell you that I am willing to do how I can to help you learn Mandarin (普通话). I win the first prize in a nationwide Chinese Speech Contest last term. However, you can depend on it that I will be up to this job.
Besides, it is necessary for you to practice it as much as possibly. Here are two tips for you. Firstly, you, d better to buy or download some listening materials. Secondly, we can make friends with classmates from China and frequent communication is of great important. Though having learned English for many years, I have difficulty in American cultures. I would appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to understand them better. I expect there to being a chance to learn from you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our life.As a Chinese proverb go, “Health is blessing”.Should we be always ill in bed, how can we enjoy life?
To keep healthy, we must develop a healthy way of life.First of all, we should keep on doing sports on a regularly basis, because it can strengthen both our body and mind, refresh ourselves and making us work more efficiently.Secondly, we must keep balanced diet to provide our body with various nutrition we need, but we should refuse junk food.Remember, it is through the mouth where diseases enter into our body.Thirdly, a good sleep is also vital to our health.Stay up too late at night often results in poor health.As middle school students, we need better sleep to do better in our lessons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries. In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men. One reason for this is biological.
One important biological factor(因素) that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility(生育能力). These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the blood flow. In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.
They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections. This means that women generally get sick less often and less seriously than men. The common cold is a good example: women, on average, get fewer colds than men.
Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging, but they believe they do. Some think that a woman's body cells have a tendency(倾向) to age more slowly than a man's. Others think that a man' s body cells have a tendency to age more quickly.
A. However, women, on average, live longer.
B. The biological factor plays an important part.
C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
F. Therefore, women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control various body functions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetable.
The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa, maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.
(1)This passage is about .
D.ways of life
(2)Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked?
A.People in China
B.People in Japan
C.People in Africa
D.People in Britain
(3)The most important food for African people is .
(4)Which of the following countries is called " a western country"?
A.One of the countries in Africa
(5)People eat "take-away" food .
A.at home
B.on their way to school
C.in their offices
D.A, B and C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】While I was in Ojai this past weekend, I came across a man 1 (sit) at a bench by himself. I smiled and said hello to him. As I passed, he yelled to me 2 (come) back. The man said that I was the only one of the 3 (passer-by) who had treated him in such a kind way. He said he was a reverend (牧市) and asked 4 I was from; I said England. At that point, most people would say something like, near London. 5, his response was Birmingham. As 6 matter of fact, Birmingham is the largest city near my rural hometown. We carried on a 7 (friend) conversation and in the conversation, I 8 (inform) that he needed some money to go back home. Not knowing how much money I had, I told him I’d give him whatever was in my purse. He said he prayed that I’d have $47. Then I opened the wallet in my purse and counted out the money. That was 9 (exact) $47. I offered the man all of my money. I felt really good for giving help to someone, 10 was in trouble.

Today I share this story with you, because I want to spread as much kindness in the world as I can.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful,there's a natural impulse to catch and own it—which means, in this day and age,that we can't help reaching for our phones to take a picture when seeing beautiful things.

Though this would seem to be a wonderful solution,there are two big problems about taking pictures.Firstly, we're likely to be so busy taking the pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest inspire us to take a photograph in the first place.And secondly,because we feel the pictures are safely stored in our phones,we never get around to look at them.

These problems would seem to be very much of today,a consequence of the tiny phones in our pockets.But they were noticed right at the beginning of the history of photography,when the average camera was the size of a grandfather clock.The first person who noticed them was the English art critic,John Ruskin.He was a travelling lover who realized that most tourists failed to notice or remember the beautiful things they saw.

He argued that humans have a born tendency(倾向)to respond to beauty and desire to keep it,but that there are bad expressions of this desire.At worst,we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs.But,in Ruskin's eyes, there's one thing we should do and that is attempting to draw the interesting things we see,and it doesn't matter whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.

Before the invention of photography,people used to draw far more than they do today.It was an active necessity. But in the mid-19th century,photography killed drawing.It became something only "artists" would ever do,so Ruskin spent four years on a campaign to get people drawing again.

So if drawing had value even when it was practiced by people with no talent,it was for Ruskin because drawing can teach us to notice properly rather than watch absent-mindedly(心不在焉地).When describing what lies before our eyes with our own hands,we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts.

1What does the underlined word "impulse" mean?

A. Interest. B. Urge.

C. Habit. D. Reaction.

2What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. An effective solution to storing something nice.

B. Reasons for taking pictures in the first place.

C. Problems related with taking photos.

D. Methods of storing pictures in phones.

3It can be inferred that John Ruskin______.

A. lived at the origin of photography

B. lived at the origin of drawing

C. studied the history of photography

D. was an English literature critic

4How did John Ruskin advise us to remember our travel?

A. By taking photographs.

B. By buying meaningful souvenirs.

C. By writing some travel notes.

D. By trying drawing what we see.

