精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
8.In recent years many flowers shops have been appeared in our small town.It is common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering,visiting a sick friend,or attend a wedding.I still remember clear one day last year when Tom,disabled student,presented some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude to her.He owes his entire life to his mother's kind and care.With her he would not have had the confidence or the courage to fight her disability.As a result of the great effort what he had made,he was finally admitted to a key university.

分析 作者在文中讲述了近几年送花已经成为一种流行的趋势.作者曾记得一位残疾学生在花店买了些花送给妈妈表示对妈妈的衷心谢意.这位残疾学生就是在妈妈的鼓励下取得自信和战胜病魔的勇气,最后考入大学.

解答 In recent years many flowersshops have been appeared in our small town.It is common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering,visiting a sick friend,or attend a wedding.I still remember clear one day last year when Tom,∧disabled student,presented some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude to her.He owes his entire life to his mother's kind and care.With her he would not have had the confidence or the courage to fight her disability.As a result of the great effort what he had made,he was finally admitted to a key university.
1.flowers改为 flower; 考查名词作定语,名词作定语时要用单数形式. 
3.visiting改为visit;考查并列成分,句子里的buy,visit 和 attend 是并列结构,形式保持一致,所以 visiting改为visit. 
5.disabled student前面加a;考查冠词,student是可数名词,前面加不定冠词a泛指"一个".
8.With改为Without;考查句意;分析句意应为"没有她,她就没有雨残疾做斗争的信息",故此处应该用否定形式 Without.   
9.her改为his;考查物主代词,这里应该指前面提到的  disabled student's,故用his.
10.what改为that或去掉what;考查定语从句,he had made是一个定语从句,修饰前面的the great effort,所以用关系代词that,或去掉what.

点评 快速阅读短文了解基本大意,运用语言基础知识从词类变化,句型结构,句群关系,固定搭配等方面对短文进行分析判断,找出错误加以修改.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Last summer holiday,I went to a summer camp,there I had some friends already.I did many interested things with these friends,having funs.One day,I saw a boy,one I had previous known from one of my basketball teams.Stood by himself,he said,"I'm all alone."I happened to be a few feet from him and heard what he had said,but I went up to him and tapped him on shoulder."We are not alone; I'm your friend,"I said.Unfortunately,the boy didn't recognize me at first.It took him a while to figure out of that I was his teammate.Since then,though,we had hung out and become good friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Indian's snake charmers are to be retrained as wildlife teachers under a plan to prevent their unique skills and knowledge from being lost.The charmers,who make snakes dance to the sound of flutes (笛子),used to be a traditional feature of Indian life,performing in towns and villages,until they were banned in 1972to control the trade in snake skins.
The government is now considering a plan to train the saperas,as they are known,to visit schools and zoos to tell children about forests and wildlife.There is also a proposal to set up a"dial a snake charmer"service to help householders to deal with unwelcome intruders.
"For generations they have been a feature of Indian life but now they can't earn a living for fear of arrest,"said Behar Dutt,a conservationist behind the plans,"if a policeman doesn't catch them,animal rights activists report them."
Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban,despite the threat of up to three years in jail.But their trademark cloth-covered baskets,hung from a bamboo pole carried across their shoulders,make them an easy target for police.
The fate of Shisha Nath,56,from Badarpur,a village just outside of Delhi,is typical of practitioners (从业者) of the dying art."I used to earn enough to support my family and send my children to school,"he said."Now it's hard to earn even£1a day.My children want to be snake charmers.It's our identity.We love the work.But it's become impossible."
Next month Dutt's project to train 30snake charmers will begin at a snake park in Pune,western India,where experts will enrich their home-grown skills with some formal knowledge.
More than the law,though,it is the dishonest attitude of their fellow countrymen that angers many snake charmers.
"We're disturbed all the time but when people want a snake removed from the house,they rush to us,"said Prakash Nath,who was ordered recently to the home of Sonia Gandhi,the Congress party leader.

66.Snake charmers will be retrained as wildlife teachers mainly becauseD.
A.schools need large numbers of such teachers
B.most of them cannot support their families
C.their performances on the street are banned
D.the government plans to save the dying art
67.The purpose of the proposed"dial a snake charmer"telephone service isD.
A.to give performance of snake dancing
B.to teach householders how to catch and kill snakes
C.to offer cleaning service to wealthy householders
D.to help remove unwanted snakes from the houses
68.The word"clandestinely"in paragraph 4can be best replaced by the word"A".
A.secretly   B.publicly   C.subconsciously   D.diligently
69.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?B
A.Snake charmers can easily be recognized by the police on the street.
B.Children of snake charmers would not like to continue their fathers'job.
C.Snake charmers are quite angry with the attitude of their fellow countrymen.
D.The animal rights activists take a negative attitude towards snake charmers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.[1]In America,when the eighth graders leave the middle school,they are often worried about moving to the high schoo1.It is a hard time for them,but it can be an exciting one as well.To make it easier,students need to get familiar with their school.
[2]Even though they've done this already in the middle schoo1,it's still important to find where their classrooms are.Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year.And most schools also have a freshman speech for parents and students before the first year begins.Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the schoo1.This can help students and parents to find different places of the schoo1.
[3]One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to _______________or play a sport.Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports.Fall activities begin in August before the first day of schoo1.If you are not interested in sports,there are clubs for any interest,such as drama,dance,chess,photography,community service,etc.These clubs allow students from different grades.By joining an activity,students can find new friendships,not to mention improving their chances in future college applications.The school office will have a 1ist of activities offered at the schoo1 and information on how to join them.
[4]What's more,to have a great start to a high school year,students can write down some of their worries and ask for help from teachers and school workers.

66.What does the word"it"in the first paragraph refer to?(no more than 5words)moving to the high school.
67.Why do many schools take students to visit their new high school?(no more than 10words)To make the students get familiar with their school..
68.Fill in the blank in paragraph 3with proper words.(no more than 3words)join a club.
69.What can the students benefit from joining an activity?(no more than 10words)
①make new friends②improve their chances in future college applications.
70.What is the purpose of this passage?(no more than 12words)To give advice to new high school students..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The Hunan Satellite TV(HNTV) show"Where are we going,Dad?"is a big hit.Many famous stars brought their children to a strange village alone,and they had to spend 72 hours with their children there.The program fully showed us a modern version of the"how to be a good father".As the young parents today are too busy to take care of their children,this new form of"Lost on the way"played by nanny Daddy and cute kids triggered(触发)a lot of people's emotional resonance(共鸣).Both the kids and their parents will find that their hearts are being drawn closer.But this kind of feeling has just proved that there is a big spiritual barrier between the modern parents and children.
The TV shows like"Children are hard to support!","Where are we going,Dad?","hot mom"and"cute kids"are becoming more and more popular.All of these show the new parents'confusion in children's education and the appeal for the balance between career and family.
In real life,on the one hand the young parents feel helpless because they are too busy to accompany their children under the pressures of work and life; on the other hand they continue to do so.The data collected by HNTV shows that nearly two-thirds of their audience are female,among whom 36% are aged from 25 to 34.We can imagine such a scene that one evening a young mother is watching the show with her young children,while her husband is still at work or trapped in socializing,or maybe is just playing computer games in the bedroom.The story of a child without the company of father is still going on.In fact,it is sometimes the same to mothers.In a modern family,it is often the old who take the responsibility of raising a child.The participation of mother in the children's education is also very low.
It is just this kind of confusion where the parents have gone in the modern family education,and where the parents will guide their children to go that"Where are we going,Dad?"shows us.If a child wants to grow up healthily and safely into a modern citizen with independent personality and free spirit,it is very important for him or her to follow the parents who serve as their first teacher.Maybe this is the real reason why such kind of TV programs could get hot.The truth is that children will go where their parents go; and society will go where the children go.
32.In raising a child in modern society,parents shouldC.
A.play computer games with their children
B.keep their children at home to avoid socializing
C.balance well between family and career
D.break down the barrier between children and teachers
33.Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?A
A.Parents shouldn't entirely leave the education of children to the old.
B.36% of the audience of the program are female aged from 25-34.
C.The program shows us the confusion where the parents and children will go to play.
D.In a modern family it is often mothers who are responsible for raising a child.
34.Which one is the best title of the passage?A
A.Confusion Behind"Where are we going,dad?"
B.Modern Education is Important
C.Nanny Daddy and Cute Kids
D.New problems in Modern Children's Education
35.What attitude towards modern family education does the author express in the second paragraph?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.A decades-old tradition,illustrated in a modem children's book,links the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.
The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see.He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.
The little girl had just turned five.Stand up,little one,"he asked the girl softly."I did this for your mother,your uncles,your
old brother,and now you!"
Then,he handed the book to her."Taste f"
She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.
"What  is  the  taste?"the  grandpa  asked.
The little girl answered,"Sweet!"
Then all.the family said in a single voice,"Yes,and so is knowledge,but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey,you have to go after it through the pages of a book!"The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers.Soon she was going to learn to read.
This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children's book entitled Thank You,Mr.Falker.
In this book,Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read,inspired by the honey on the book.It wasn't until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the written world.
The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books.And with the printed words that are active with.meaning,the child bees acquainted(熟悉的) with a common past which he or she renews,to a greater or lesser degree,in every reading.Much as the author of the book Thank You,Mr.Falker puts it,"Almost as if it were magic,or as if light poured into her brain,the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never had before-And she understood the whole thing---Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf,the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago.She spooned  honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness---Then she held the book,honey and all,close to her chest.She could feel tears roll down her cheeks,but they weren't tears of sadness-she way happy,so very happy."

28.The girl who tasted the honey on the book wasC.
A.nearly six years old                     B.less than five years old
C.a little more than five years old        D.more than six years old
29.It can be inferred from this passage thatD.
A.the girl's mother and uncles were good scholars
B.Mr.Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children.
C.the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into an artist
D.the honey-on-book tradition has been practiced for many generations
30.The book entitled Thank You,Mr.Falker is aboutC.
A.the early life of Mr.Falker
B.the magic power of oral words on children
C.Polacco's early experience with reading
D.how the honey on the book makes children feel happy
31.The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came fromA.
A.the ability to read books               B.the honey she tasted
C.the book her grandpa had shown her      D.the collective memory that accepted her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.My oldest child,Emma,just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of college.These days,friends and family have begun flooding me with one question:What is she going to do after graduation?
The job market is,after all,awfully tough.Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank published a study showing that"recent graduates are increasingly working in low-paid jobs or working part-time."The bright spot,according to the study,is for students who majored(主修) in STEM-science,technology,engineering and mathematics-areas in which recent graduates"have tended to do relatively well".
But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college.She's an American Studies major with a focus on the politics and culture of food.For quite a while,I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that I'm not the least bit worried she will find a good job.Yet the more I've thought about it,the more I've decided to be honest."I'm not sure what Emma is going to do,"I now say."But she's gotten a great education and has really found her interest.-and I know those things will serve her well over the course of her life."
Nowadays,more and more universities and colleges are being measured by the salaries of their recent graduates.In this climate,encouraging your kid to study the humanities,seems,at best,unwise or,at worst,unconcerned with earning a living.But a college is not a vocational(职业) school.And promoting STEM subjects should not be society's only answer to helping the next generation grow in a competitive world.
From the beginning,we never urged Emma to pick a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money,as more and more families are doing.To Emma,what really matters will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time:Emma's contribution to the world and how happy she is in it.
25.The author's friends and familyC.
A.are worried about Emma's safety
B.have been worrying about the flood
C.are concerned about Emma's future  
D.are worried about the job market
26.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?C
A.The number of the graduates is increasing.
B.STEM graduates can be better employees.
C.STEM graduates are in relatively greater demand.
D.More and more graduates like to do a part-time job.
27.Why did Emma choose a major in the humanities?A
A.Because she is interested in it.
B.Because her mother told her to.
C.Because it is increasingly popular.
D.Because she wants further education.
28.According to the author,what matters most in choosing a major is thatD.
A.it should be among the STEM
B.it should be fashionable and interesting
C.it should allow a good job and a high salary
D.it should bring achievements and happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Waiting for the airplane,I was happy to get a seat by myself.Just then,an air hostess approached me and asked,"Would you mind (26)B your seat?A couple would like to sit together."The only (27)C seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带),a black-and-blue face,and a sad expression."(28)B am I going to sit there,"I thought immediately.But a soft voice spoke,"She needs help."Finally,I (29)A to move to that seat.
The girl was named Kathy.She got(30)D in a car accident and was now on her way for (31)A.
When the snack(快餐) and juice arrived,it did not take me long to (32)C that Kathy would not be able to (33)B herself.I considered (34)A to feed her but hesitated,as it seemed too (35)A to offer such a service to a (36)D.But then I realized that Kathy's need was more (37)C than my discomfort.I offered to help her eat,and (38)B she was uncomfortable to accept,she (39)Das I expected.We became closer and closer in a short period of time.By the end of the five-hour trip,my heart had (40)A,and my(41)C was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.
I was very glad I had reached (42)Dmy comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her.Love (43)D flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us (44)A.When we are ready to serve another(45)B,we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

28.A.No problemB.No wayC.No wonderD.No doubt


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The young boy saw me,or rather,he saw the car and quickly ran up to me,eager to sell his bunches of bananas and bags of peanuts.Though he appeared to be about twelve,he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life."Bananas 300naira.Peanuts 200naira."He said in a low voice.I bargained him down to 200total for the fruit and nuts.When he agreed,I handed him a 500naira bill.He didn't have change,so I told him not to worry.He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
When,two weeks later,I saw the boy again,I was more aware of my position in a society where it's not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun.My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.I pulled over and rolled down my window.He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready.I waved them away."What's up?"I asked him."I …I don't have money to buy books for school."I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500naira bills."Will this help?"I asked.He looked around nervously before taking the money.One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000naira or less each year."Thank you,sir,"he said."Thank you very much!"
When driving home,I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks.What if he's a swindler?And then I wondered why I did it.Did I do it to make myself feel better?Was I using him?Later,I realized that I didn't know his name or the least bit about him,nor did I think to ask.
Over the next six months,I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria.Sometime after I returned,I went out for a drive.When I was about to pull over,the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smile ready on his face.
"Oh,gosh!Long time."
"Are you in school now?"I asked.He nodded."That's good,"I said.A silence fell as we looked at each other,and then I realized what he wanted."Here,"I held out a 500naira bill."Take this."He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt."What's wrong?"I asked."It's a gift."He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back.His face shone with sweat.He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said,"I've been waiting to give these to you."

66.It can be inferred from the first paragraph thatB.
A.the boy was greedy          
B.the boy had suffered a lot
C.the boy was in bad need of money     
D.the boy was good at bargaining
67.The second time the author met the boy,the boyA.
A.told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts
B.wanted to express his thanks
C.asked him for money for his schoolbooks
D.tried to take advantage of him
68.The author gave his money to the boy becauseB.
A.he wanted to make himself feel better
B.he had learnt to help others since childhood
C.he held a higher position in the society
D.his parents asked him to do so
69.What does the underlined word"swindler"mean?D.
A.troublemaker      B.beggar       
C.thief             D.cheat
70.Which of the following best describes the boy?C.
A.Brave and polite.                    B.Kind and smart.
C.Honest and thankful.                 D.Shy and nervous.

