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  Ordinary people cannot vote which nations should have a seat on the United Nations' Security Council, but they have shown their feelings.

  By Tuesday afternoon, over 11.5 million people in and outside China had signed an online petition saying Japan should not succeed in its bid for an everlasting seat on the Security Council.

  The loud call is due to the historical facts in World War Ⅱ.Some Japanese politicians said their country is ready to play a more active role in global affairs, and their country's contribution can no longer be limited to financial aspects.

  The document by 11.5 million people tells Japan that money alone cannot buy their hearts.

  A new history textbook that a right-wing Japanese organization has submitted for official agreement goes so far as to paint Japan as a “victim” in World War Ⅱ.Its authors even say that China started all the wars between the two countries.

  Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi turned down an invitation to a grand party in Moscow on May 9 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of War World Ⅱ.Koizumi's absence will do nothing but encourage more probes(追究)into his country's historical baggage.

  Japanese politicians continue to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.Wartime leader and war criminal Hideki Xojo, as well as five other hanged war criminals, are buried at the shrine.They talk about peace during the visits and ask their Asian neighbors to understand Japanese culture, which requires them to visit Shinto shrines to mark seasonal celebrations.But they don't see the pains that the Japanese invasion brought on other Asian countries.How can a nation sleep with such a history on its conscience? The amount of money Japan gives the United Nations does not necessarily give the country the role in internation alaffairs.Neither will an everlasting seat on the Security Council free Japan from its historical baggage.

1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “petition”.

2.What is the purpose of the 11.5 million people who signed the online petition?(回答词数不超过8个)

3.What is the attitude of Japan's Asian neighbors towards its financial help to the United Nations?(回答词数不超过8个)



  2.They didn't want Japan to win its bid.

  3.It won't free Japan from its historical baggage./It won't equal a role in international affairs.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市一中2009届高三第五次月考英语试题 题型:051


  Researchers in the United States have discovered that the combination of daily exercise and a cup of coffee may help prevent skin cancer.

  The scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey say a low to moderate intake of caffeine combined with exercise can be good for health and prevent damage caused by the Sun's ultraviolet rays(紫外线).

  They have arrived at this conclusion after conducting a study on mice and suggest that a duo of caffeine and exercise appears to collude to kill off precancerous cells whose DNA has been damaged by radiation from the sun's UVB-rays.

  Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers and is becoming more prevalent across the world;each year in the US, there are 1000, 000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer and 2000 deaths;in Britain, there are more than 65, 000 new cases of skin cancer.These cases are nearly curable if caught early enough.

  For the study the researchers used groups of hairless mice, whose skin is as a result far more vulnerable(易受攻击的)to the sun.

  One group were given caffeine to drink, equal two cups of coffee for humans, another group exercised on running wheel, while a third group both drank caffeine and ran;a fourth group, which served as a comparison, neither ran nor drank caffeine.

  All of the mice were then exposed to lamps producing UVB radiation that damaged the DNA in their skin cells.

  They were then examined for evidence of programmed cell death, also known as apoptolic(细胞凋亡), the process by which cells with badly damaged DNA destroy themselves as a natural defence against illness and infection.

  The team of researchers found that compared with the UVB-exposed control group, the caffeine drinkers showed an increase of about 95 per cent in UVB-induced(诱发的)apoptosis, the exercisers showed a 120 per cent increase, while the mice that were both drinking and exercising showed a nearly 400 per cent increase.

  One of the study's authors Dr.Allan Conney says if apoptosis takes place in a sun-damaged cell, its progress toward cancer will be aborted(夭折).

  The team say drugs which induce apoptosis are currently being researched as a method of preventing different types of cancer, but the combination of caffeine and exercise appears to have a similar protective effect.

1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word“duo”.

2.Why didn't a group of mice exercise or drink caffeine?(回答词数不超过9个)

3.What is the purpose of writing the article?(回答词数不超过10个)


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省台州市书生中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题


A.Be in a Good Mood
B.Don’t Try to Multitask
C.Don’t Break the Signal
D.Stay Focused on the Road
E. Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition
F. Drinking and Driving Has Fatal Consequences
Traffic Safety Tips
If you are among those who think that traffic safety tips are something that need to be given to children and not adults, you are so very young. Being an adult, it is our responsibility to set a good example for others. Remember when you are driving a car with your teenaged son or daughter sitting next to you, he or she is watching you and observing how you drive. So make sure that you follow all the necessary traffic rules to set a good example. Some of the effective traffic safety tips are mentioned below.
Put Your Seat Belt On
The first thing that you are supposed to do, and make sure that others in the car also do, is to put your seat belt on. In case there is a child in the car between the age of 4 and 8, a booster seat(儿童座椅)should be used as safety belts are not meant for small children and cannot protect them in case of accidents. Kids under the age of 12 should never sit on the front seat.
Do you drive, listen to music, eat your sandwich and speak on the phone all at the same time? If you do this, you are not displaying your super powers but allowing multiple things to distract you. Once you are driving, be it alone or with your friends and family, you are responsible for everyone
present in the car. So stop doing other things and focus on driving safe.
Teenagers and young adults especially, don’t realize the risks they are putting themselves into. Alcohol influences your mood and mind and may not give you the judgment and control that you need to have when driving safe. Even smoking should be avoided and drugs should not be consumed if you are planning to drive.
Driving under pressure with your mind occupied with issues at work or at home would easily allow you to distract your mind off the road leading to an accident. So make sure that you don’t let the things outside your car affect you when you are in the car. Sleep properly and stay relaxed before hitting the road.
Your emotions or impatience may make you break the signal at times. Or break the speed limit because you are getting late. Don’t do that! The consequences for that may actually be enough to separate you from your driver’s license on a permanent basis. Make sure you obey the traffic rules and guidelines and do all to be a responsible citizen.
5. _________________
Last but not the least, keep your car in good condition. Make sure you are giving your car for servicing and maintenance on time. Make sure you always check your vehicle tires before hitting the road and don’t run out of gas!
So these were some of the main traffic safety tips that should be followed by one and all in order to stay safe and be an example for others. Remember, rules and regulations are made for your own benefit and safety. So make sure that you obey them. Take care and have a safe ride.
1、          2、           3、         4、          5、        


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省台州市高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


A.Be in a Good Mood

B.Don’t Try to Multitask

C.Don’t Break the Signal

D.Stay Focused on the Road

E. Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition

F. Drinking and Driving Has Fatal Consequences

Traffic Safety Tips

If you are among those who think that traffic safety tips are something that need to be given to children and not adults, you are so very young. Being an adult, it is our responsibility to set a good example for others. Remember when you are driving a car with your teenaged son or daughter sitting next to you, he or she is watching you and observing how you drive. So make sure that you follow all the necessary traffic rules to set a good example. Some of the effective traffic safety tips are mentioned below.

Put Your Seat Belt On

The first thing that you are supposed to do, and make sure that others in the car also do, is to put your seat belt on. In case there is a child in the car between the age of 4 and 8, a booster seat(儿童座椅)should be used as safety belts are not meant for small children and cannot protect them in case of accidents. Kids under the age of 12 should never sit on the front seat.


Do you drive, listen to music, eat your sandwich and speak on the phone all at the same time? If you do this, you are not displaying your super powers but allowing multiple things to distract you. Once you are driving, be it alone or with your friends and family, you are responsible for everyone

present in the car. So stop doing other things and focus on driving safe.


Teenagers and young adults especially, don’t realize the risks they are putting themselves into. Alcohol influences your mood and mind and may not give you the judgment and control that you need to have when driving safe. Even smoking should be avoided and drugs should not be consumed if you are planning to drive.


Driving under pressure with your mind occupied with issues at work or at home would easily allow you to distract your mind off the road leading to an accident. So make sure that you don’t let the things outside your car affect you when you are in the car. Sleep properly and stay relaxed before hitting the road.


Your emotions or impatience may make you break the signal at times. Or break the speed limit because you are getting late. Don’t do that! The consequences for that may actually be enough to separate you from your driver’s license on a permanent basis. Make sure you obey the traffic rules and guidelines and do all to be a responsible citizen.

5. _________________

Last but not the least, keep your car in good condition. Make sure you are giving your car for servicing and maintenance on time. Make sure you always check your vehicle tires before hitting the road and don’t run out of gas!

So these were some of the main traffic safety tips that should be followed by one and all in order to stay safe and be an example for others. Remember, rules and regulations are made for your own benefit and safety. So make sure that you obey them. Take care and have a safe ride.

1、          2、           3、         4、          5、        



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:写作题

● 促使多朗读、多对话
● 提高英语水平
● 认识到口语与阅读、写
● 关注口语教学
● 提高自身口语水平
● 提高课堂趣味性
● 有助国际交流

1. 阐述考查英语口语对各方面的积极影响;
2. 呼吁各界重视英语口语教学。
     Ladies and gentlemen, in summary, our team has argued that the testing of spoken English
is both necessary and beneficial.

